Samyutta Nikaya
The Grouped Discourses

The Samyutta Nikaya, the third division of the Sutta Pitaka , contains 2,889 suttas grouped into five sections (vaggas). Each vagga is further divided into samyuttas, each of which in turn contains a group of suttas on related topics. The samyuttas are named according to the topics of the suttas they contain. For example, the Kosala Samyutta (in the Sagatha Vagga) contains suttas concerning King Pasenadi of Kosala; the Vedana Samyutta (in the Salayatana Vagga) contains suttas concerning feeling (vedana); and so on.

An excellent modern print translation of the complete Samyutta Nikaya is Bhikkhu Bodhi's The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya (Boston: Wisdom Publications , 2000; originally published in two volumes, but now available in a single volume). A fine anthology of selected suttas is Handful of Leaves (Vol. 2), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (distributed by the Metta Forest Monastery ).

The suttas are numbered here by samyutta (chapter) and sutta, with the suttas numbered sequentially from the start of each samyutta, using as a guide the Rhys Davis & Woodward PTS English translations of the Samyutta Nikaya (The Book of the Kindred Sayings) . The braces {} that follow each sutta and samyutta title contain the corresponding volume and starting page number, first in the PTS romanized Pali edition of the Samyutta Nikaya, then in Bhikkhu Bodhi's Connected Discourses of the Buddha ("CDB"). The translator appears in the square brackets [].

See also this handy table for converting between traditional (DPR, CSCD) and modern (ATI, CDB) samyutta numbering systems .

Sagatha Vagga — The Section of Verses

1 . Devata-samyutta — Devas

2 . Devaputta-samyutta — Sons of the Devas

3 . Kosala-samyutta — King Pasenadi of Kosala

4 . Mara-samyutta — Mara

Stories of Mara's attempts to outwit the Buddha.

5 . Bhikkhuni-samyutta — Nuns

Stories of Mara's attempts to lure the nuns away from their meditation spots in the forest by asking them provocative questions. Without exception, these wise women conquer Mara decisively.

6 . Brahma-samyutta — Brahma deities

7 . Brahmana-samyutta — Brahmans

8 . Vangisa-samyutta — Ven. Vangisa

9 . Vana-samyutta — The forest

10 . Yakkha-samyutta — Yakkha demons

11 . Sakka-samyutta — Sakka (the Deva king)

Nidana Vagga — The Section on Causation

12 . Nidana-samyutta — Paticcasamuppada (dependent co-arising)

13 . Abhisamaya-samyutta — Realization

14 . Dhatu-samyutta — Elements

15 . Anamatagga-samyutta — The unimaginable beginnings of samsara

16 . Kassapa-samyutta — Ven. Maha Kassapa

17 . Labhasakkara-samyutta — Gains and tribute

18 . Rahula-samyutta — Ven. Rahula

19 . Lakkhana-samyutta — Ven. Lakkhana

20 . Opamma-samyutta — Comparisons

21 . Bhikkhu-samyutta — Monks

Khandha Vagga — The Section on the Aggregates

22 . Khandha-samyutta — The clinging-aggregates

23 . Radha-samyutta — Ven. Radha

24 . Ditthi-samyutta — Views

25 . Okkanta-samyutta — Entering

In this samyutta the Buddha explains the kinds of conviction and understanding that are required for the attainment of stream-entry. These short suttas share an identical structure, with each one focusing on a different aspect of experience (including the six senses, the six elements (dhatu) , and the five aggregates). See also the Study Guides on stream-entry .

26 . Uppada-samyutta — Arising

27 . Kilesa-samyutta — Defilements

  • SN 27.1-10: Upakkilesa Samyutta — Defilements { S iii 232 ; CDB i 1012} [ Thanissaro ].
    These ten suttas explain why it is worth abandoning desire that is associated with: (1) the six sense bases; (2) their objects; (3) consciousness; (4) contact; (5) feeling; (6) perception; (7) intentions; (8) craving; (9) the six elements (earth, liquid, fire, wind, space, and consciousness); and (10) the five aggregates.

28 . Sariputta-samyutta — Ven. Sariputta

29 . Naga-samyutta Nagas

30 . Supanna-samyutta Garudas

31 . Gandhabbakaya-samyutta — Gandhabba devas

32 . Valahaka-samyutta — Rain-cloud devas

33 . Vacchagotta-samyutta — Ven. Vacchagotta

34 . Jhana-samyutta — Concentration

Salayatana Vagga — The Section on the Six Sense Bases

35 . Salayatana-samyutta — The six senses

36 . Vedana-samyutta — Feeling

37 . Matugama-samyutta — Destinies of women

38 . Jambhukhadaka-samyutta — Jambhukhadaka the wanderer

39 . Samandaka-samyutta — Samandaka the wanderer

40 . Moggallana-samyutta — Ven. Moggallana

41 . Citta-samyutta — Citta the householder

42 . Gamani-samyutta — Village headmen

43 . Asankhata-samyutta — The unfashioned (Nibbana)

44 . Avyakata-samyutta — Undeclared

See Thanissaro Bhikkhu's Introduction to this samyutta .

Maha Vagga — The Great Section

45 . Magga-samyutta — The Noble Eightfold Path

46 . Bojjhanga-samyutta — The Seven Factors for Awakening

[See " The Seven Factors for Awakening " in The Wings to Awakening.]

47 . Satipatthana-samyutta — The Four Frames of Reference (Foundations of Mindfulness)

[See " The Four Frames of Reference " in The Wings to Awakening.]

48 . Indriya -samyutta — The Five Mental Faculties

[See " The Five Faculties " in The Wings to Awakening .]

49 . Sammappadhana-samyutta — The Four Right Exertions

[See " The Four Right Exertions " in The Wings to Awakening.]

50 . Bala-samyutta — The Five Strengths

[See " The Five Strengths " in The Wings to Awakening.]

51 . Iddhipada-samyutta — The Four Bases of Power

[See " The Four Bases of Power " in The Wings to Awakening.]

52 . Anuruddha-samyutta — Ven. Anuruddha

53 . Jhana-samyutta — Jhana (mental absorption)

54 . Anapana-samyutta — Mindfulness of breathing

55 . Sotapatti-samyutta — Stream-entry

56 . Sacca-samyutta — The Four Noble Truths