full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Oskar Eustis: Why theater is essential to democracy

Unscramble the Blue Letters

you get a miracle like "Hamilton," Lin-Manuel's enradorxitary retelling of the foundational sroty of this country through the eyes of the only foniudng fetahr who was a bastard immigrant orphan from the West iidens. And what Lin was doing is exactly what Shakespeare was doing. He was taking the voice of the people, the lauangge of the people, elevating it into verse, and by doing so, ennobling the language and ennobling the people who spoke the language. And by casting that show entirely with a cast of black and brown people, what Lin was saying to us, he was reviving in us our greatest atapnisrios for the United States, our better angels of America, our sense of what this country could be, the inclusion that was at the heart of the American Dream. And it unleashed a wave of patriotism in me and in our audience, the appetite for which is pniovrg to be insatiable.

Open Cloze

you get a miracle like "Hamilton," Lin-Manuel's _____________ retelling of the foundational _____ of this country through the eyes of the only ________ ______ who was a bastard immigrant orphan from the West ______. And what Lin was doing is exactly what Shakespeare was doing. He was taking the voice of the people, the ________ of the people, elevating it into verse, and by doing so, ennobling the language and ennobling the people who spoke the language. And by casting that show entirely with a cast of black and brown people, what Lin was saying to us, he was reviving in us our greatest ___________ for the United States, our better angels of America, our sense of what this country could be, the inclusion that was at the heart of the American Dream. And it unleashed a wave of patriotism in me and in our audience, the appetite for which is _______ to be insatiable.


  1. language
  2. proving
  3. story
  4. founding
  5. father
  6. extraordinary
  7. aspirations
  8. indies

Original Text

you get a miracle like "Hamilton," Lin-Manuel's extraordinary retelling of the foundational story of this country through the eyes of the only Founding Father who was a bastard immigrant orphan from the West Indies. And what Lin was doing is exactly what Shakespeare was doing. He was taking the voice of the people, the language of the people, elevating it into verse, and by doing so, ennobling the language and ennobling the people who spoke the language. And by casting that show entirely with a cast of black and brown people, what Lin was saying to us, he was reviving in us our greatest aspirations for the United States, our better angels of America, our sense of what this country could be, the inclusion that was at the heart of the American Dream. And it unleashed a wave of patriotism in me and in our audience, the appetite for which is proving to be insatiable.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
art form 3
united states 2
free shakespeare 2
public theater 2
york times 2

Important Words

  1. america
  2. american
  3. angels
  4. appetite
  5. aspirations
  6. audience
  7. bastard
  8. black
  9. brown
  10. cast
  11. casting
  12. country
  13. dream
  14. elevating
  15. ennobling
  16. extraordinary
  17. eyes
  18. father
  19. foundational
  20. founding
  21. greatest
  22. heart
  23. immigrant
  24. inclusion
  25. indies
  26. insatiable
  27. language
  28. lin
  29. miracle
  30. orphan
  31. patriotism
  32. people
  33. proving
  34. retelling
  35. reviving
  36. sense
  37. shakespeare
  38. show
  39. spoke
  40. states
  41. story
  42. united
  43. unleashed
  44. verse
  45. voice
  46. wave
  47. west