full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Barry Schuler: Genomics 101

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In fact -- I'm sorry to inform you -- that inside of your digestive tract is about 10 pounds of microbes which you're circulating through your body quite a bit. Our ocean's teaming with microbes; in fact, when Craig Venter went and sequenced the microbes in the ocean, in the first three months tepirld the known species on the pnaelt by discovering all-new microbes in the first 20 feet of water. We now usndtnared that those microbes have more icpmat on our cmtilae and regulating CO2 and oxygen than plants do, which we always thought oxygenate the atmosphere.

Open Cloze

In fact -- I'm sorry to inform you -- that inside of your digestive tract is about 10 pounds of microbes which you're circulating through your body quite a bit. Our ocean's teaming with microbes; in fact, when Craig Venter went and sequenced the microbes in the ocean, in the first three months _______ the known species on the ______ by discovering all-new microbes in the first 20 feet of water. We now __________ that those microbes have more ______ on our _______ and regulating CO2 and oxygen than plants do, which we always thought oxygenate the atmosphere.


  1. tripled
  2. understand
  3. climate
  4. impact
  5. planet

Original Text

In fact -- I'm sorry to inform you -- that inside of your digestive tract is about 10 pounds of microbes which you're circulating through your body quite a bit. Our ocean's teaming with microbes; in fact, when Craig Venter went and sequenced the microbes in the ocean, in the first three months tripled the known species on the planet by discovering all-new microbes in the first 20 feet of water. We now understand that those microbes have more impact on our climate and regulating CO2 and oxygen than plants do, which we always thought oxygenate the atmosphere.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
base pairs 3
carbon dioxide 3
synthetic genome 3
pinot noir 3
sequenced pinot 2
craig venter 2
genetically modified 2
stay healthy 2

Important Words

  1. atmosphere
  2. bit
  3. body
  4. circulating
  5. climate
  6. craig
  7. digestive
  8. discovering
  9. fact
  10. feet
  11. impact
  12. inform
  13. microbes
  14. months
  15. ocean
  16. oxygen
  17. oxygenate
  18. planet
  19. plants
  20. pounds
  21. regulating
  22. sequenced
  23. species
  24. teaming
  25. thought
  26. tract
  27. tripled
  28. understand
  29. venter
  30. water