full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jeff Hawkins: How brain science will change computing

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Literally, it's about the size of a table nkapin and doesn't fit, so it's wrinkly. Now, look at how I've drawn this. The old brain is still there. You still have that alligator brain. You do. It's your emotional brain. It's all those gut reactions you have. On top of it, we have this memory system called the neocortex. And the memory system is sitting over the sensory part of the bairn. So as the sensory input comes in and feeds from the old brain, it also goes up into the neocortex. And the neotrceox is just memorizing. It's sintitg there saying, I'm going to mezromie all the things going on: where I've been, people I've seen, things I've heard, and so on. And in the futrue, when it sees something similar to that again, in a similar environment, or the exact same environment, it'll start playing it back: "Oh, I've been here before," and when you were here before, this happened next. It allows you to predict the future. It literally feeds back the signals into your brain; they'll let you see what's going to heppan next, will let you hear the word "sentence" before I said it. And it's this feeding back into the old brain that will allow you to make more intelligent dciesnios.

Open Cloze

Literally, it's about the size of a table ______ and doesn't fit, so it's wrinkly. Now, look at how I've drawn this. The old brain is still there. You still have that alligator brain. You do. It's your emotional brain. It's all those gut reactions you have. On top of it, we have this memory system called the neocortex. And the memory system is sitting over the sensory part of the _____. So as the sensory input comes in and feeds from the old brain, it also goes up into the neocortex. And the _________ is just memorizing. It's _______ there saying, I'm going to ________ all the things going on: where I've been, people I've seen, things I've heard, and so on. And in the ______, when it sees something similar to that again, in a similar environment, or the exact same environment, it'll start playing it back: "Oh, I've been here before," and when you were here before, this happened next. It allows you to predict the future. It literally feeds back the signals into your brain; they'll let you see what's going to ______ next, will let you hear the word "sentence" before I said it. And it's this feeding back into the old brain that will allow you to make more intelligent _________.


  1. memorize
  2. napkin
  3. brain
  4. sitting
  5. future
  6. decisions
  7. neocortex
  8. happen

Original Text

Literally, it's about the size of a table napkin and doesn't fit, so it's wrinkly. Now, look at how I've drawn this. The old brain is still there. You still have that alligator brain. You do. It's your emotional brain. It's all those gut reactions you have. On top of it, we have this memory system called the neocortex. And the memory system is sitting over the sensory part of the brain. So as the sensory input comes in and feeds from the old brain, it also goes up into the neocortex. And the neocortex is just memorizing. It's sitting there saying, I'm going to memorize all the things going on: where I've been, people I've seen, things I've heard, and so on. And in the future, when it sees something similar to that again, in a similar environment, or the exact same environment, it'll start playing it back: "Oh, I've been here before," and when you were here before, this happened next. It allows you to predict the future. It literally feeds back the signals into your brain; they'll let you see what's going to happen next, will let you hear the word "sentence" before I said it. And it's this feeding back into the old brain that will allow you to make more intelligent decisions.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good brain 4
build intelligent 3
normal science 3
brain theory 3
study brains 2
redwood neuroscience 2
neuroscience institute 2
computer industry 2
intelligent machines 2
study theory 2
understand brains 2
good theory 2
strongly held 2
brain science 2
thousand miles 2
common ancestor 2
real intelligence 2
making predictions 2
complex behavior 2
memory system 2
computer memory 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
redwood neuroscience institute 2
build intelligent machines 2
good brain theory 2

Important Words

  1. alligator
  2. brain
  3. called
  4. decisions
  5. drawn
  6. emotional
  7. environment
  8. exact
  9. feeding
  10. feeds
  11. fit
  12. future
  13. gut
  14. happen
  15. happened
  16. hear
  17. heard
  18. input
  19. intelligent
  20. literally
  21. memorize
  22. memorizing
  23. memory
  24. napkin
  25. neocortex
  26. part
  27. people
  28. playing
  29. predict
  30. reactions
  31. sees
  32. sensory
  33. signals
  34. similar
  35. sitting
  36. size
  37. start
  38. system
  39. table
  40. top
  41. word
  42. wrinkly