full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andres Lozano: Parkinson's, depression and the switch that might turn them off

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So here he is. This boy is nine yaers old, pcertfely normal until the age six, and then he started twisting his body, first the right foot, then the left foot, then the right arm, then the left arm, then the trunk, and then by the time he areirvd, within the course of one or two years of the disease onset, he could no longer walk, he could no longer stand. He was crippled, and indeed the natural progression as this gets worse is for them to become progressively twisted, progressively deliabsd, and many of these children do not survive. So he is one of five kids. The only way he could get around was crawling on his belly like this. He did not respond to any dugrs. We did not know what to do with this boy. We did not know what operation to do, where to go in the brain, but on the bisas of our results in Parkinson's disease, we reasoned, why don't we try to suppress the same area in the biran that we suppressed in Parkinson's desasie, and let's see what happens? So here he was. We operated on him hoping that he would get better. We did not know. So here he is now, back in Israel where he lives, three months after the procedure, and here he is.

Open Cloze

So here he is. This boy is nine _____ old, _________ normal until the age six, and then he started twisting his body, first the right foot, then the left foot, then the right arm, then the left arm, then the trunk, and then by the time he _______, within the course of one or two years of the disease onset, he could no longer walk, he could no longer stand. He was crippled, and indeed the natural progression as this gets worse is for them to become progressively twisted, progressively ________, and many of these children do not survive. So he is one of five kids. The only way he could get around was crawling on his belly like this. He did not respond to any _____. We did not know what to do with this boy. We did not know what operation to do, where to go in the brain, but on the _____ of our results in Parkinson's disease, we reasoned, why don't we try to suppress the same area in the _____ that we suppressed in Parkinson's _______, and let's see what happens? So here he was. We operated on him hoping that he would get better. We did not know. So here he is now, back in Israel where he lives, three months after the procedure, and here he is.


  1. perfectly
  2. arrived
  3. disabled
  4. years
  5. brain
  6. basis
  7. drugs
  8. disease

Original Text

So here he is. This boy is nine years old, perfectly normal until the age six, and then he started twisting his body, first the right foot, then the left foot, then the right arm, then the left arm, then the trunk, and then by the time he arrived, within the course of one or two years of the disease onset, he could no longer walk, he could no longer stand. He was crippled, and indeed the natural progression as this gets worse is for them to become progressively twisted, progressively disabled, and many of these children do not survive. So he is one of five kids. The only way he could get around was crawling on his belly like this. He did not respond to any drugs. We did not know what to do with this boy. We did not know what operation to do, where to go in the brain, but on the basis of our results in Parkinson's disease, we reasoned, why don't we try to suppress the same area in the brain that we suppressed in Parkinson's disease, and let's see what happens? So here he was. We operated on him hoping that he would get better. We did not know. So here he is now, back in Israel where he lives, three months after the procedure, and here he is.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
deep brain 5
brain stimulation 4
treat patients 3
evil spirit 3
long tradition 2
turning areas 2
psychiatric disease 2
perfectly normal 2
sadness center 2
place electrodes 2
implanted electrodes 2
frontal lobes 2
severe depression 2
glucose utilization 2
power failure 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
deep brain stimulation 4

Important Words

  1. age
  2. area
  3. arm
  4. arrived
  5. basis
  6. belly
  7. body
  8. boy
  9. brain
  10. children
  11. crawling
  12. crippled
  13. disabled
  14. disease
  15. drugs
  16. foot
  17. hoping
  18. israel
  19. kids
  20. left
  21. lives
  22. longer
  23. months
  24. natural
  25. normal
  26. onset
  27. operated
  28. operation
  29. perfectly
  30. procedure
  31. progression
  32. progressively
  33. reasoned
  34. respond
  35. results
  36. stand
  37. started
  38. suppress
  39. suppressed
  40. survive
  41. time
  42. trunk
  43. twisted
  44. twisting
  45. walk
  46. worse
  47. years