full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Helen Marriage: Public art that turns cities into playgrounds of the imagination

Unscramble the Blue Letters

They live in a post-conflict society: lots of post-traumatic stress, high suicide. And yet, for this brief moment — and it would be ridiculous to asusme that it was more than that — somebody like Kevin — a Catholic whose father was shot when he was nine, upstairs in bed — Kevin came to work as a volunteer. And he was the first person to ercambe the elderly Protestant lady who came through the door on the day we opened the temple to the public. It rose up. It sat there for five days. And then we chose — from our little tiny band of nonsectarian builders, who had given us their lives for this period of monhts to make this ediarrnxoraty thing — we cohse from them the polpee who would incinerate it.

Open Cloze

They live in a post-conflict society: lots of post-traumatic stress, high suicide. And yet, for this brief moment — and it would be ridiculous to ______ that it was more than that — somebody like Kevin — a Catholic whose father was shot when he was nine, upstairs in bed — Kevin came to work as a volunteer. And he was the first person to _______ the elderly Protestant lady who came through the door on the day we opened the temple to the public. It rose up. It sat there for five days. And then we chose — from our little tiny band of nonsectarian builders, who had given us their lives for this period of ______ to make this _____________ thing — we _____ from them the ______ who would incinerate it.


  1. extraordinary
  2. people
  3. months
  4. assume
  5. embrace
  6. chose

Original Text

They live in a post-conflict society: lots of post-traumatic stress, high suicide. And yet, for this brief moment — and it would be ridiculous to assume that it was more than that — somebody like Kevin — a Catholic whose father was shot when he was nine, upstairs in bed — Kevin came to work as a volunteer. And he was the first person to embrace the elderly Protestant lady who came through the door on the day we opened the temple to the public. It rose up. It sat there for five days. And then we chose — from our little tiny band of nonsectarian builders, who had given us their lives for this period of months to make this extraordinary thing — we chose from them the people who would incinerate it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
create moments 2
theater company 2
loyalist community 2

Important Words

  1. assume
  2. band
  3. bed
  4. builders
  5. catholic
  6. chose
  7. day
  8. days
  9. door
  10. elderly
  11. embrace
  12. extraordinary
  13. father
  14. high
  15. incinerate
  16. kevin
  17. lady
  18. live
  19. lives
  20. lots
  21. moment
  22. months
  23. nonsectarian
  24. opened
  25. people
  26. period
  27. person
  28. protestant
  29. public
  30. ridiculous
  31. rose
  32. sat
  33. shot
  34. stress
  35. suicide
  36. temple
  37. tiny
  38. upstairs
  39. volunteer
  40. work