From the Ted Talk by Lyla Latif: The true cost of gold
Unscramble the Blue Letters
These companies also buy gold on the blcak market. loacl, small-scale miners often operate without a license, so the government is uawrnae of how much gold they mine. cnoaotripros buy gold from these miners, avoiding the cost of mining the gold themselves, and pay the miners far below market value. Then they turn around and tell the government they irencrud huge epexness mining gold they didn’t mine at all. There’s no way for Mali’s revenue authority to verify this information, causing the country to lose even more tax money.
Open Cloze
These companies also buy gold on the _____ market. _____, small-scale miners often operate without a license, so the government is _______ of how much gold they mine. ____________ buy gold from these miners, avoiding the cost of mining the gold themselves, and pay the miners far below market value. Then they turn around and tell the government they ________ huge ________ mining gold they didn’t mine at all. There’s no way for Mali’s revenue authority to verify this information, causing the country to lose even more tax money.
Original Text
These companies also buy gold on the black market. Local, small-scale miners often operate without a license, so the government is unaware of how much gold they mine. Corporations buy gold from these miners, avoiding the cost of mining the gold themselves, and pay the miners far below market value. Then they turn around and tell the government they incurred huge expenses mining gold they didn’t mine at all. There’s no way for Mali’s revenue authority to verify this information, causing the country to lose even more tax money.