full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kenneth Shinozuka: My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe

Unscramble the Blue Letters

First, I had to create a wearable sensor that was thin and flexible enough to be worn cabflrmotoy on the bottom of the patient's foot. After extensive research and tnisetg of different mratelias like rubber, which I realized was too tichk to be worn snugly on the bottom of the foot, I decided to print a film sensor with electrically conductive pressure-sensitive ink particles. Once pressure is applied, the cnvtieocinty between the particles increases. Therefore, I could design a ciucirt that would measure pressure by measuring electrical resistance.

Open Cloze

First, I had to create a wearable sensor that was thin and flexible enough to be worn ___________ on the bottom of the patient's foot. After extensive research and _______ of different _________ like rubber, which I realized was too _____ to be worn snugly on the bottom of the foot, I decided to print a film sensor with electrically conductive pressure-sensitive ink particles. Once pressure is applied, the ____________ between the particles increases. Therefore, I could design a _______ that would measure pressure by measuring electrical resistance.


  1. circuit
  2. comfortably
  3. connectivity
  4. thick
  5. materials
  6. testing

Original Text

First, I had to create a wearable sensor that was thin and flexible enough to be worn comfortably on the bottom of the patient's foot. After extensive research and testing of different materials like rubber, which I realized was too thick to be worn snugly on the bottom of the foot, I decided to print a film sensor with electrically conductive pressure-sensitive ink particles. Once pressure is applied, the connectivity between the particles increases. Therefore, I could design a circuit that would measure pressure by measuring electrical resistance.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
pressure sensor 2
sock model 2
smartphone app 2

Important Words

  1. applied
  2. bottom
  3. circuit
  4. comfortably
  5. conductive
  6. connectivity
  7. create
  8. decided
  9. design
  10. electrical
  11. electrically
  12. extensive
  13. film
  14. flexible
  15. foot
  16. increases
  17. ink
  18. materials
  19. measure
  20. measuring
  21. particles
  22. pressure
  23. print
  24. realized
  25. research
  26. resistance
  27. rubber
  28. sensor
  29. snugly
  30. testing
  31. thick
  32. thin
  33. wearable
  34. worn