Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
e.g.: speciality 79 Adv. conformity 82 Adv.
each in his turn: interchange 148 Adv.
each other: correlation 12 Adv.
each to each: speciality 79 Adv. apportionment 786 Adv.
each: speciality 79 Adv.
eager expectation: expectation 507 N.
eager to go: excitation 824 Adj.
eager: willingness 602 Adj. activity 682 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. desire 865 Adj.
eagerness: willingness 602 N. activity 682 N. feeling 821 N. desire 865 N.
eagle eye: vision 441 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
eagle glance: vision 441 N.
eagle sight: vision 441 N.
eagle speed: velocity 274 N.
eagle winged: velocity 274 Adj.
eagle: money 800 N. vision 441 N. velocity 274 N. indication 550 N.
eagle-eyed: vision 441 Adj.
eagle-glance: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
eagre: river 348 N.
ean: production 161 V.
ear for music: hearing 418 N.
ear trumpet: hearing 418 N.
ear: hearing 418 N.
earache: physical pain 378 N.
ear-deafening: loudness 404 Adj.
eardrum: hearing 418 N.
earl of coventry: amusement 840 N.
earl: nobility 875 N.
earless: deafness 419 Adj.
earlier: priority 116 Adv.
earliness: earliness 132 N.
early warning: warning 668 N.
early: earliness 132 Adj. earliness 132 Adv.
earmark: indication 550 V.
earn a bad name: disrepute 874 V.
earn: acquisition 775 V.
earnest: resolution 604 Adj. importance 642 Adj. security 771 N. expenditure 809 N. feeling 821 Adj. willingness 602 Adj.
earnestly: resolution 604 Adv.
earnestness: willingness 602 N. feeling 821 N. activity 682 N.
earnings: acquisition 775 N. receipt 810 N.
ear-piercing: stridor 410 Adj.
ear-rending: loudness 404 Adj.
earring: jewelry 847a N.
earshot: hearing 418 N. nearness 197 N.
ear-splitting: loudness 404 Adj.
earth mover: vehicle 272 N.
earth work: defense 717 N.
earth: world 318 N. land 342 N. corpse 362 N. base 211 N.
earthborn: commonality 876 Adj.
earthenware: calefaction 384 N. sculpture 557 N.
earth-flax: refrigeration 385 N. insulation, fire extinction 388a N.
earthling: mankind 372 N.
earthly: world 318 Adj. selfishness 943 Adj. irreligion 989 Adj.
earthly-minded: selfishness 943 Adj.
earthquake detector: impulse 276 N.
earthquake: violence 173 N. revolution 146 N.
earthy: land 342 Adj.
earwig: flattery 933 V. flatterer 935 N.
earwitness: evidence 467 N.
ease off: deviation 279 V.
ease one of: taking 789 V.
ease: facility 705 N. relief 834 V. content 831 N. pleasure 827 N. leisure 685 N. elegance 578 N. physical pleasure 377 N. state 7 N. facility 705 V.
easel picture: painting 556 N.
easel: support 215 N. painting 556 N.
easement: property 780 N. relief 834 N.
easier said than done: difficulty 704 Adj.
easily accomplished: facility 705 Adj.
easily convinced: credulity 486 Adj.
easily deceived: credulity 486 Adj.
easily excited: excitability 825 Adj.
easily managed: facility 705 Adj.
easily persuaded: willingness 602 Adj.
easily understood: intelligibility 518 Adj.
easily: facility 705 Adv.
easiness: facility 705 N.
east: laterality 236 N.
easter monday: amusement 840 N.
easter offering: giving 784 N.
easter sepulcher: temple 1000 N.
easter sunday: rite 998 N.
easter: regularity of recurrence 138 N. rite 998 N.
eastern: laterality 236 Adj.
easy ascent: obliquity 217 N.
easy chair: support 215 N.
easy circumstances: wealth 803 N.
easy descent: obliquity 217 N.
easy of access: facility 705 Adj.
easy of belief: probability 472 Adj.
easy temper: courtesy 894 N.
easy to understand: intelligibility 518 Adj.
easy: slowness 275 Adj. elegance 578 Adj. facility 705 Adj.
easy-going revocable: irresolution 605 Adj.
easygoing: indifference 866 Adj. content 831 Adj.
easy-going: willingness 602 Adj. lenity 740 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj.
eat dirt: submission 725 V.
eat heartily: food 298 V.
eat humble pie: submission 725 V.
eat off the same trencher: sociality 892 V.
eat one's fill: gluttony 957 N.
eat one's words: tergiversation 607 V.
eat out of house and home: taking 789 V. prodigality 818 V. gluttony 957 N.
eat the bread of idleness: inactivity 683 V.
eat the leek: submission 725 V. tergiversation 607 V.
eat up: physical pleasure 377 V.
eat: reception 296 V. sufficiency 639 V. food 298 V. inexcitability 826 V.
eatable: food 298 Adj.
eatables: food 298 N.
eaten up with: affections 820 Adj.
eating house: abode 189 N. food 298 N.
eating: food 298 N. reception 296 N.
eaves: convexity 250 N.
eavesdropper: hearing 418 N. curiosity 455 N. information 527 N.
eavesdropping: hearing 418 N. news 532 N.
ebb and flow: oscillation 314 V. oscillation 314 N.
ebb of life: death 360 N.
ebb tide: lowness 207 N. insufficiency 640 N. dryness 340 N.
ebb: waste 638 V. deterioration 659 Adj. deterioration 659 N. contraction 195 V. nonincrease, decrease 36 V. waste 638 N. regression 283 N. regression 283 V. nonincrease, decrease 36 N.
ebbing: nonincrease, decrease 36 N.
ebenezer: worship 990 N.
ebionite: heterodoxy 984 N.
eblis: demon 980 N.
ebon: blackness 431 V.
ebony: blackness 431 N. blackness 431 V.
ebriety: drunkenness 959 N.
ebriosity: drunkenness 959 N.
ebullient: violence 173 Adj. heat 382 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
ebullioscope: calefaction 384 N.
ebullition: violence 173 N. resentment 900 N. excitability 825 N. agitation 315 N. physical energy 171 N. calefaction 384 N.
eburin: whiteness 430 N.
ecbatic: attribution 155 Adj.
eccentric: insanity 503 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. exteriority 220 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. caprice 608 Adj.
eccentricity: unconformity 83 N. exteriority 220 N. imbecility folly 499 N. insanity 503 N. ridiculousness 853 N.
ecchymosis: excretion 299 N.
ecclesiarch: clergy 996 N.
ecclesiastic: clergy 996 N.
ecclesiastical courts: churchdom 995 N.
ecclesiastical law: legality 963 N.
ecclesiastical: churchdom 995 Adj. Judeo-christian revelation 985 ecclesiolatry: -
ecclesiolatry: idolatry 991 N.
ecclesiological: churchdom 995 Adj.
ecclesiologist: churchdom 995 N.
ecclesiology: churchdom 995 N.
ecco!: attention 457 Int.
eccrinology: excretion 299 N.
ecdemic: exteriority 220 Adj.
echelon: attack 716 N.
echinate: sharpness 253 Adj.
echo chamber: resonance 408 N.
echo: resonance 408 N. answer 462 V. answer 462 N. resonance 408 V. repetition 104 V. repetition 104 N. copy 21 N. assent 488 V. imitation 19 V. imitation 19 N. recoil 277 V.
eclat: repute 873 N.
eclectic: choice 609 Adj.
eclecticism: choice 609 N.
eclipse: darkness 421 N. darkness 421 V. dimness 422 N. disappearance 449 N. concealment 528 V. repute 873 V. disrepute 874 V. superiority 33 V.
eclipsed: invisibility 447 Adj.
ecliptic: world 318 N.
eclogue: poetry 597 N.
ecological niche: abode 189 N.
ecology: organization 357 N.
economical: economy 817 Adj.
economics: conduct 692 N.
economize: economy 817 V.
economy: economy 817 N. order 58 N. conduct 692 N.
ecphonesis: voice 580 N.
ecrasez l'infame: destruction 162 Phr.
ecrhythmus: irregularity of recurrence 139 N.
ecstasis: inactivity 683 N.
ecstasy: imagination 515 N. feeling 821 N. pleasure 827 N.
ecstatic: pleasurableness 829 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. pleasure 827 Adj.
ecstatica: sorcerer 994 N.
ectogenous: production 161 Adj.
ectype: copy 21 N.
ecumenical: generality 78 Adj.
edacious: gluttony 957 Adj.
edacity: gluttony 957 N.
edda: pseudo-revelation 986 N.
eddish: productiveness 168 N.
eddy: rotation 312 N. river 348 N.
edematous: expansion 194 Adj. softness 324 Adj.
eden: heaven 981 N.
edentate: bluntness 254 Adj.
edge in: interposition 228 V.
edge of appetite: desire 865 N.
edge of hunger: desire 865 N.
edge one's way: progression 282 V.
edge tool: sharpness 253 N. instrument 633 N.
edge: height 206 N. physical energy 171 N. edge 231 N.
edging: ornament 847 N. edge 231 N.
edible: food 298 Adj.
edibles: food 298 N.
edict: command 741 N.
edification: production 161 N. teaching 537 N. learning 539 N. piety 987 N.
edifice: production 161 N.
edify: production 161 V. piety 987 V. teaching 537 V.
edifying: goodness 648 Adj.
edile: jurisdiction 965 N.
edit: publication 531 V.
edition: publication 531 N.
editor: book 593 N.
editorial: dissertation 595 N.
educate: teaching 537 V.
educated: knowledge 490 Adj.
education: knowledge 490 N. teaching 537 N. government 737a N.
educational: teaching 537 Adj. school 542 Adj.
educe: discovery 480a V. extraction 301 V.
educt: remainder 40 N.
eduction: decrement 40a N.
edulcorate: sweetness 396 V. cleanness 652 V.
eel: convolution 248 N.
eelspear: arms 727 N.
efface: oblivion 506 V. obliteration 552 V. disappearance 449 V.
effacement: obliteration 552 N.
effect a sale: sale 796 V.
effect one's escape: escape 671 V.
effect: effect 154 N. influence 175 N. completion 729 V.
effective: success 731 Adj. utility 644 Adj. influence 175 Adj. power 157 Adj.
effects: property 780 N. merchandise 798 N.
effectual: power 157 Adj. agency 170 Adj. utility 644 Adj.
effectually: completeness 52 Adv.
effectuate: completion 729 V.
effeminacy: weakness 160 N. cowardice 862 N. intemperance 954 N.
effeminate: cowardice 862 Adj. weakness 160 Adj. woman 374 Adj.
effendi: nobility 875 N.
effervesce: agitation 315 V. vaporization 336 V. bubble; cloud 353 V. violence 173 V.
effervescence.': vaporization 336 N.
effervescence: agitation 315 N. bubble; cloud 353 N. violence 173 N. physical energy 171 N. excitability 825 N.
effervescent: vaporization 336 Adj. air 338 Adj. bubble; cloud 353 Adj.
effete: deterioration 659 Adj. uncleanness 653 Adj. weakness 160 Adj. age 128 Adj. inutility 645 Adj.
efficacious: power 157 Adj. agency 170 Adj. utility 644 Adj.
efficacy: power 157 N. utility 644 N.
efficiency: power 157 N. utility 644 N.
efficient: agency 170 Adj. utility 644 Adj. skill 698 Adj. power 157 Adj.
effigies: copy 21 N.
effigy: copy 21 N. representation 554 N.
efflation: wind 349 N.
efflorescence: pulverulence 330 N.
efflorescent: pulverulence 330 Adj.
effluence: egress 295 N. river 348 N.
effluvium: gaseity 334 N. odor 398 N.
effluxion: egress 295 N.
efform: form 240 V.
efformation: form 240 N.
effort: exertion 686 N.
effrontery: insolence 885 N.
effulgence: light 420 N.
effulgent: light 420 Adj.
effuse: egress 295 V. ejection 297 V.
effused: egress 295 Adj.
effusion of blood: killing 361 N.
effusion: ejection 297 N. excretion 299 N. egress 295 N. speech 582 N.
eft: earliness 132 Adv. animal 366 N.
eftsoons: posteriority 117 Adv. earliness 132 Adv.
egad: affirmation 535 Adv.
egards: respect 928 N.
egesta: excretion 299 N.
egestion: ejection 297 N.
egg and dart: ornament 847 N.
egg and tongue: ornament 847 N.
egg on: motive 615 V.
egg shape: rotundity 249 N.
egg shaped: rotundity 249 Adj.
egg: cause 153 N. beginning 66 N.
egg-shaped: circularity 247 Adj.
eggshell: covering 223 N.
ego: intrinsicality 5 N. immateriality 317 N.
egohood: intrinsicality 5 N.
egoism: selfishness 943 N.
egoist: selfishness 943 N.
egoistical: selfishness 943 Adj.
egotism: misanthropy 911 N. selfishness 943 N. vanity 880 N.
egotist: misanthropy 911 N. selfishness 943 N.
egotistic: selfishness 943 Adj. vanity 880 Adj.
egotistical: selfishness 943 Adj. misanthropy 911 Adj. vanity 880 Adj.
egregious: unconformity 83 Adj. absurdity 497 Adj. exaggeration 549 Adj. importance 642 Adj.
egregiously: superiority 33 Adv. greatness 31 Adv.
egress: passage 302 N. egress 295 N. egress 295 V.
egression: egress 295 N.
egurgitate: egress 295 V.
egyptian darkness: darkness 421 N.
eicosahedron: angularity 244 N.
eiderdown: covering 223 N.
eidoloclast: destroyer 165 N.
eidouranion: world 318 N.
eight oar: ship 273 N.
eight: five, &c 98 N. deputy 759 N. amusement 840 N.
eighth: five, &c 98 Adj.
eighty: five, &c 98 N.
eileton: rite 998 N.
eisegesis: misinterpretation 523 N.
eisenhower dollar: money 800 N.
either: absence of choice 609a Adv.
ejaculate: propulsion 284 N. propulsion 284 V. sexuality 374a V. voice 580 V.
ejaculation: sexuality 374a N. voice 580 N.
ejaculatory: voice 580 Adj.
eject: ejection 297 V. relinquishment 782 V.
ejecta: excretion 299 N.
ejection: propulsion 284 N. ejection 297 N. extraction 301 N.
ejectment: displacement 185 N.
eke out: completeness 52 V. diuturnity 110 V.
ektachrome: painting 556 N.
el: deity 976 N.
elaborate: preparation 673 V. exertion 686 Adj. preparation 673 Adj. improvement 658 V. completion 729 V.
elaboration: improvement 658 N. preparation 673 N. completion 729 N.
elaine: oil 356 N.
elan: impulse 276 N.
elapse: time 106 V. course 109 V.
elapsed: the past 122 Adj.
elapsing: course 109 Adj.
elastic collision: recoil 277 N.
elastic fluid: gaseity 334 N.
elastic: elasticity 325 Adj.
elasticity: physical energy 171 N. recoil 277 N. strength 159 N. power 157 N. elasticity 325 N.
elate: cheerfulness 836 Adj. cheerfulness 836 V. boasting 884 Adj.
elated: cheerfulness 836 Adj. rejoicing 838 Adj. hope 858 Adj. boasting 884 Adj.
elation: vanity 880 N.
elbow chair: support 215 N.
elbow grease: friction 331 N.
elbow one's way: activity 682 V. progression 282 V. pursuit 622 V.
elbow room: space 180 N.
elbow: fold 258 N. convexity 250 N. angularity 244 N. impulse 276 V.
elbowroom: freedom 748 N.
eld: the past 122 N.
elder: age 128 Adj. clergy 996 N. oldness 124 Adj.
elderly: age 128 Adj.
elders: age 128 N. veteran 130 N.
eldership: oldness 124 N. age 128 N.
eldest: oldness 124 Adj. age 128 Adj.
elect: choice 609 V. goodness 648 Adj. deity 976 V. necessity 601 Adj.
elected: piety 987 Adj.
election: number 84 N. necessity 601 N. choice 609 N. politics 737b N.
electioneering: politics 737b N.
elective franchise: politics 737b N.
elector: master 745 N.
electoral district: politics 737b N.
electoral division: politics 737b N.
electorate: politics 737b N. government 737a N.
electric car: vehicle 272 N.
electric chair: scourge 975 N.
electric drier: dryness 340 N.
electric furnace: furnace 386 N.
electric heat: furnace 386 N.
electric heater: furnace 386 N.
electric razor: sharpness 253 N.
electric resistance heat: furnace 386 N.
electric wagon: vehicle 272 N.
electric: feeling 821 Adj. velocity 274 Adj. excitability 825 Adj.
electrical attraction: attraction 288 N.
electrical charge: attraction 288 N.
electricity: power 157 N. velocity 274 N. attraction 288 N.
electrify: excitation 824 V. wonder 870 V. inexpectation 508 V.
electrobiology: sorcery 992 N.
electrocute: killing 361 V. punishment 972 V.
electrocution: punishment 972 N.
electrocutioner: scourge 975 N.
electrolier: luminary 423 N.
electrolyze: decomposition 49 V.
electromagnet: attraction 288 N.
electromagnetism: power 157 N.
electron microscope: optical instruments 445 N.
electronic calculator: numeration 85 N.
electronic devices: hearing 418 N.
electronics shop: mart 799 N.
electrotype: copy 21 N. printing 591 N.
electuary: remedy 662 N.
eleemosynary: giving 784 Adj.
elegaic meter: poetry 597 N.
elegaic poetry: poetry 597 N.
elegance: ornament 577 N. elegance 578 N. beauty 845 N. taste 850 N.
elegant: elegance 578 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. taste 850 Adj.
elegantly: taste 850 Adv.
elegiac verse: poetry 597 N.
elegiac: interment 363 Adj. poetry 597 Adj. lamentation 839 Adj.
elegiacs: poetry 597 N.
elegy: interment 363 N. lamentation 839 N. poetry 597 N.
element: substantiality 3 N. component 56 N. cause 153 N. materiality 316 N.
elementary education: teaching 537 N.
elementary: simpleness 42 Adj.
elements: beginning 66 N. rite 998 N.
elench: intuition 477 N.
elenchus: intuition 477 N.
elephant: size 192 N. carrier 271 N.
elephantine: size 192 Adj.
eleutherian: freedom 748 Adj.
elevate: repute 873 V. ascent 305 V. elevation 307 V.
elevated: height 206 Adj. elevation 307 Adj. vigor 574 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj. drunkenness 959 Adj.
elevation: height 206 N. disinterestedness 942 N. repute 873 N. improvement 658 N. vigor 574 N. representation 554 N. verticality 212 N. elevation 307 N.
elevator: elevation 307 N.
eleven: deputy 759 N. five, &c 98 N.
eleventh hour: evening 126 N.
eleventh: five, &c 98 Adj.
elf: infant 129 N. littleness 193 N. man 373 N. demon 980 N.
elfin: demon 980 Adj. littleness 193 Adj.
elfish: demon 980 Adj.
elflike: demon 980 Adj.
elicit: cause 153 V. extraction 301 V. discovery 480a V. manifestation 525 V.
eligible: expedience 646 Adj.
eliminate: fewness 103 V. ejection 297 V. extraction 301 V. exclusion 55 V. nonaddition, subtraction 38 V. simpleness 42 V.
elimination: simpleness 42 N. exclusion 55 N. fewness 103 N. extraction 301 N.
elision: disjunction 44 N. shortness 201 N.
elite: goodness 648 N. fashion 852 N. repute 873 N. nobility 875 N.
elixation: calefaction 384 N.
elixir vitae: remedy 662 N.
elixir: remedy 662 N.
elk: animal 366 N.
ell: length 200 N.
ellipse: circularity 247 N.
ellipsis: shortness 201 N. conciseness 572 N.
ellipsoid: circularity 247 N. rotundity 249 N.
elliptic: circularity 247 Adj.
elliptical: circularity 247 Adj. conciseness 572 Adj.
elocation: displacement 185 N. transference 270 N.
elocution: speech 582 N.
elocutionary: speech 582 Adj.
elongate: length 200 V.
elongation: distance 196 N.
elope: avoidance 623 V.
elopement: escape 671 N.
eloquence: vigor 574 N. speech 582 N.
eloquent: vigor 574 Adj. speech 582 Adj.
else: addition 37 Adv.
elsewhere: absence 187 Adv.
elucidate: interpretation 522 V. intelligibility 518 V. conformity 82 V. discovery 480a V.
elucidation: conformity 82 N. interpretation 522 N.
elude: intuition 477 V. nonobservance 773 V. success 731 V. escape 671 V. avoidance 623 V.
elusion: avoidance 623 N.
elusive: deception 545 Adj. avoidance 623 Adj. nonobservance 773 Adj.
elusory: untruth 546 Adj.
elutriate: cleanness 652 V.
eluvium: wind 349 N.
elvin: demon 980 Adj.
elysian fields: heaven 981 N.
elysian: pleasurableness 829 Adj. heaven 981 Adj.
elysium: pleasure 827 N. heaven 981 N.
elytron: covering 223 N.
elytrum: covering 223 N.
elzevir edition: littleness 193 N.
em dash: indication 550 N.
emaciated: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
emaciation: contraction 195 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N.
emanate from: effect 154 V.
emanate: excretion 299 V. egress 295 V.
emanation: excretion 299 N. odor 398 N. egress 295 N.
emancipate: deliverance 672 V. facility 705 V. liberation 750 V.
emancipation: deliverance 672 N. liberation 750 N. freedom 748 N.
emasculate: impotence 158 Adj. impotence 158 V. cleanness 652 V.
emasculation: impotence 158 N.
embalm in the memory: memory 505 V.
embalm: fragrance 400 V. interment 363 V. preservation 670 V.
embankment: abode 189 N. refuge 666 N. defense 717 N.
embargo: quiescence 265 N. prohibition 761 N.
embark in: beginning 66 V. undertaking 676 V.
embark: departure 293 V. journey 266 V. transference 270 V.
embarkation: departure 293 N.
embarrass: hindrance 706 V. uncertainty 475 V. inexpedience 647 V. difficulty 704 V.
embarrassed circumstances: poverty 804 N.
embarrassed: poverty 804 Adj.
embarrassing: difficulty 704 Adj.
embarrassment: uncertainty 475 N. difficulty 704 N. hindrance 706 N.
embase: deterioration 659 Adj.
embassador: consignee 758 N.
embassy: consignee 758 N. news 532 N. commission 755 N.
embattled: arrangement 60 Adj. party 712 Adj. warfare 722 Adj.
embay: circumscription 229 V.
embed: support 215 V. location 184 V.
embellish: ornament 847 V.
embellishment: ornament 847 N.
embers: calefaction 384 N.
embezzle: stealing 791 V.
embezzlement: stealing 791 N.
embitter: resentment 900 V. deterioration 659 Adj. aggravation 835 V.
emblazon: ostentation 882 V. color 428 V. ornament 847 V.
emblem of authority: scepter 747 N.
emblem: indication 550 N.
emblematic: indication 550 Adj.
embodiment: composition 54 N. combination 48 N. whole 50 N.
embody: inclusion 76 V. composition 54 V. whole 50 V. junction 43 V. combination 48 V.
embogue: ejection 297 V.
embolden: courage 861 V. hope 858 V.
embolism: hindrance 706 N. interposition 228 N.
embolismal: interposition 228 Adj.
embolus: closure 261 N. hindrance 706 N.
embonpoint: size 192 N.
embosom: circumscription 229 V.
embosomed: location 184 Adj. interposition 228 Adj. circumscription 229 Adj.
emboss: ornament 847 V. convexity 250 V.
embossed: convexity 250 Adj.
embossment: convexity 250 N.
embouchure: opening 260 N.
embowed: curvature 245 Adj.
embowel: ejection 297 V.
embrace a belief: belief 484 V.
embrace an offer: consent 762 V.
embrace an opinion: belief 484 V.
embrace: courtesy 894 N. endearment 902 V. endearment 902 N. courtesy 894 V. sociality 892 V. friendship 888 V. taking 789 V. choice 609 V. circumjacence 227 V. composition 54 V. inclusion 76 V.
embrangle: derangement 61 V.
embranglement: discord 713 N.
embrasure: notch 257 N. opening 260 N.
embrocation: remedy 662 N.
embroider: variegation 440 V. falsehood 544 V. ornament 847 V.
embroidered: variegation 440 Adj.
embroidery: ornament 847 N. adjunct 39 N. exaggeration 549 N.
embroil: derangement 61 V. discord 713 V.
embroiled: discord 713 Adj.
embroilment: disorder 59 N. discord 713 N.
embrown: brown 433 V.
embryo: cause 153 N.
embryonic: beginning 66 Adj. nonpreparation 674 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. cause 153 Adj.
embryotic: cause 153 Adj.
emendation: improvement 658 N.
emendatory: improvement 658 Adj.
emerald green: greenness 435 Adj.
emerald: greenness 435 N. jewelry 847a N.
emerge as: conversion 144 V.
emerge: egress 295 V.
emergence: circumstance 8 N. egress 295 N.
emergency landing: refuge 666 N.
emergency: circumstance 8 N. eventuality 151 N. difficulty 704 N.
emeritus: respect 928 Adj. sage 500 Adj.
emersion: egress 295 N.
emery cloth: smoothness 255 N.
emery paper: smoothness 255 N.
emery: sharpness 253 N.
emesis: ejection 297 N.
emetic: remedy 662 N.
emication: light 420 N.
emigrant: traveler 268 N. egress 295 N. extraneousness 57 N.
emigrate: journey 266 V.
emigration: journey 266 N. egress 295 N.
eminence: height 206 N. clergy 996 N. repute 873 N.
eminent: height 206 Adj. repute 873 Adj.
eminently: superiority 33 Adv.
emir: master 745 N. nobility 875 N.
emissary: messenger 534 N. consignee 758 N.
emission: ejection 297 N.
emit sound: sound 402 V.
emit vapor: gaseity 334 V. vaporization 336 V.
emit: ejection 297 V. publication 531 V.
emitted: ejection 297 Adj.
emitting: ejection 297 Adj.
emmanuel: deity 976 N.
emmeleia: melody concord 413 N.
emmet: littleness 193 N.
emollient: remedy 662 Adj.
emolument: acquisition 775 N. receipt 810 N. reward 973 N.
emotion: feeling 821 N.
emotional: feeling 821 Adj.
emotive: feeling 821 Adj.
empale: punishment 972 V.
empalement: opening 260 N.
empanel a jury: lawsuit 969 V.
empathize with: concord 714 V. benevolence 906 V.
empathy: concord 714 N.
emperor: master 745 N.
emphasis: importance 642 N. voice 580 N. affirmation 535 N.
emphasize: affirmation 535 V. importance 642 V.
emphatic contradiction: negation 536 N.
emphatic denial: negation 536 N.
emphatic: affirmation 535 Adj. importance 642 Adj.
emphatically: greatness 31 Adv.
empierce: insertion 300 V. opening 260 V.
empire: government 737a N. property 780 N.
empirema: reasoning 476 N.
empiric: deceiver 548 N.
empirical: experiment 463 Adj. essay 675 Adj.
empirically true: truth 494 Adj.
empiricism: experiment 463 N.
emplastrum: remedy 662 N.
employ a metaphor: metaphor 521 V.
employ one's capital in: barter 794 V.
employ one's time in: business 625 V.
employ oneself in: business 625 V.
employ oneself upon: business 625 V.
employ oneself: action 680 V.
employ time: time 106 V.
employ: use 677 N. use 677 V. subjection 749 N. business 625 V. business 625 N. commission 755 V.
employe: servant 746 N. consignee 758 N.
employer: purchase 795 N.
employment: business 625 N. use 677 N.
empoison: deterioration 659 Adj.
emporium: mart 799 N.
empower: power 157 V. commission 755 V. permission 760 V.
empress: master 745 N.
emprise: undertaking 676 N.
emptiness of title: undueness 925 N.
emptiness: insufficiency 640 N. absence 187 N.
emption: purchase 795 N.
emptor: purchase 795 N.
empty encomium: courtesy 894 N.
empty name: nomenclature 564 N.
empty one's glass: food 298 V.
empty pocket: poverty 804 N.
empty purse: poverty 804 N.
empty sound: unmeaningness 517 N.
empty title: nomenclature 564 N.
empty words: untruth 546 N.
empty: insufficiency 640 Adj. waste 638 V. ignorance 491 Adj. ejection 297 V. absence 187 Adj. unsubstantiality 4 Adj. displacement 185 V. inutility 645 Adj.
empty-handed: insufficiency 640 Adj.
empty-headed: ignorance 491 Adj.
empurple: purple 437 V.
empyrean: pleasurableness 829 Adj. world 318 N.
empyreuma: fetor 401 N.
empyreumatic: fetor 401 Adj.
empyrosis: calefaction 384 N.
emulate: imitation 19 V. goodness 648 V. opposition 708 V. contention 720 V. repute 873 V.
emulation: opposition 708 N.
emulous: opposition 708 Adj.
emulsion: semiliquidity 352 N.
emulsive: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
emunctory: egress 295 N. conduit 350 N.
en avant: direction 278 Adv.
en bloc: whole 50 Adv.
en flute: summit 210 Phr. arms 727 Phr.
en masse: whole 50 Adv. party 712 Adv.
en r gle: dueness 924 Adj.
en rapport: relation 9 Adj.
en revanche: retaliation 718 Adv.
en route for: progression 282 Adv.
en route: transference 270 Adv. journey 266 Adv.
en vidence: visibility 446 Adj.
enable: power 157 V.
enablement: power 157 N.
enact a regulation: legality 963 V.
enact: command 741 V. legality 963 V. completion 729 V. conduct 692 V. drama 599 V. action 680 V.
enactment: command 741 N. legality 963 N.
enallage: metaphor 521 N.
enamel: ornament 847 V. covering 223 N. covering 223 V. painting 556 N. sculpture 557 N. artist 559 N. ornament 847 N.
enameler: artist 559 N.
enamelist: artist 559 N.
enamor: love 897 V.
enamored: love 897 Adj.
enanthem: disease 655 N.
enanthema: disease 655 N.
encage: restraint 751 V.
encamp: location 184 V.
encampment: location 184 N. abode 189 N.
encase: covering 223 V. circumscription 229 V.
encaustic painting: painting 556 N.
enceinte: production 161 Adj. region 181 N. inclosure 232 N.
enchafe: painfulness 830 V.
enchain: restraint 751 V.
enchant: sorcery 992 V. pleasurableness 829 V.
enchanted: pleasure 827 Adj.
enchanting: love 897 Adj. melody concord 413 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj. beauty 845 Adj.
enchantment: sorcery 992 N. love 897 N. pleasure 827 N. pleasurableness 829 N.
enchase: junction 43 V.
enchiridion: book 593 N.
enchymatous: expansion 194 Adj.
encincture: circumscription 229 N.
encircle: inclusion 76 V. circularity 247 V. circumjacence 227 V.
encircling: inclusion 76 Adj.
enclave: region 181 N. limit 233 N.
enclose: circumjacence 227 V.
encode: concealment 528 V.
encomiast: flatterer 935 N.
encomiastic: approbation 931 Adj.
encomium: approbation 931 N.
encompass: circumjacence 227 V.
encompassment: circumjacence 227 N.
encompilation: book 593 N.
encore!: approbation 931 Int.
encore: repetition 104 Adv. approbation 931 V.
encounter danger: danger 665 V.
encounter the chance: chance 621 V.
encounter the risk: chance 621 V.
encounter: contention 720 N. eventuality 151 V. contention 720 V. opposition 708 V. arrival 292 V. arrival 292 N. impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V.
encourage hope: hope 858 V.
encourage: motive 615 V. aid 707 V. relief 834 V. hope 858 V. courage 861 V.
encouragement: motive 615 N. relief 834 N.
encouraging: hope 858 Adj.
encratism: temperance 953 N.
encratite: temperance 953 N.
encroach upon: wrong 923 V. dereliction of duty 927 V.
encroach: transcursion 303 V. undueness 925 V.
encroachment: transcursion 303 N. undueness 925 N.
encrypt: concealment 528 V.
encuirassed: covering 223 Adj.
encumber: difficulty 704 V. hindrance 706 V.
encumbrance: hindrance 706 N.
encyclic: publication 531 Adj.
encyclical: publication 531 Adj.
encyclopedia: book 593 N. school 542 N. knowledge 490 N.
encyclopedic knowledge: knowledge 490 N.
encyclopedic learning: knowledge 490 N.
encyclopedical: generality 78 Adj.
encysted: circumscription 229 Adj.
end in smoke: failure 732 V. impotence 158 V. shortcoming 304 V.
end of all things: end 67 N.
end of life: death 360 N.
end one's days: death 360 V.
end one's earthly career: death 360 V.
end one's life: death 360 V.
end to end: contiguity 199 Adj.
end: summit 210 N. end 67 V. effect 154 N. cessation 142 N. intention 620 N. end 67 N.
endaemonism: philanthropy 910 N.
endaemonist: philanthropy 910 N.
endamage: badness 649 V.
endanger: danger 665 V.
endangered: danger 665 Adj.
endear: love 897 V.
endearment: endearment 902 N.
endeavor after: intention 620 V.
endeavor: pursuit 622 V. essay 675 N. essay 675 V.
ended: end 67 Adj.
endemic: speciality 79 Adj. interiority 221 Adj. disease 655 Adj. disease 655 N.
endenization: location 184 N.
endenizen: inhabitant 188 V. location 184 V.
endimanch_e: ostentation 882 Adj.
ending: end 67 Adj.
endless: multitude 102 Adj. infinity 105 Adj. diuturnity 110 Adj. perpetuity 112 Adj.
endlessness: diuturnity 110 N.
endlong: length 200 Adv.
endocarditis: disease 655 N.
endogenous: vegetable 367 Adj.
endome: covering 223 V.
endomorphic: interiority 221 Adj.
endorse: compact 769 V.
endorsement: indication 550 N.
endosmose exosmose: passage 302 N.
endosmosis: passage 302 N.
endosmosmic: passage 302 Adj.
endosmotic: passage 302 Adj.
endow: giving 784 V. power 157 V.
endowed with reason: intellect 450 Adj.
endowed with: possession 777 Adj.
endowed: skill 698 Adj.
endowment: power 157 N. skill 698 N. intrinsicality 5 N. giving 784 N.
endpapers: book 593 N.
endpoint: end 67 N.
endue: power 157 V.
endurance: inexcitability 826 N. permanence 141 N. feeling 821 N.
endure forever: perpetuity 112 V.
endure pain: pain 828 V.
endure: inexcitability 826 V. feeling 821 V. eventuality 151 V. permanence 141 V. existence 1 V. diuturnity 110 V.
enduring: inexcitability 826 Adj.
endwise: verticality 212 Adv.
ene: direction 278 N.
enema: insertion 300 N.
enemy to society: enemy 891 N.
enemy: opponent 710 N. enemy 891 N. hate 898 N.
energetic: physical energy 171 Adj. exertion 686 Adj.
energize: physical energy 171 V.
energumen: madman 504 N.
energy: activity 682 N. exertion 686 N. resolution 604 N. affections 820 N. strength 159 N. power 157 N. physical energy 171 N.
enervate: impotence 158 V. weakness 160 V.
enervated: feebleness 575 Adj.
enervation: weakness 160 N.
enface: writing 590 V.
enfeeble: weakness 160 V.
enfeoffment: transfer 783 N.
enfield rifle: arms 727 N.
enfilade: length 200 V. opening 260 V. passage 302 V.
enfold: circumscription 229 V.
enforce: compulsion 744 V. dueness 924 V. motive 615 V. advice 695 V.
enforcement: compulsion 744 N.
enfranchise: freedom 748 V. liberation 750 V. permission 760 V.
enfranchised: dueness 924 Adj.
enfranchisement: freedom 748 N. liberation 750 N.
engage in a conversation: conversation 588 V.
engage in a forlorn hope: danger 665 V.
engage in battle: warfare 722 V.
engage in: pursuit 622 V. undertaking 676 V.
engage the affections: love 897 V.
engage the attention: attention 457 V.
engage the mind: attention 457 V.
engage the thoughts: attention 457 V.
engage with: contention 720 V.
engage: promise 768 V. earliness 132 V. undertaking 676 V. warfare 722 V. commission 755 V. compact 769 V. motive 615 V.
engaged in: attention 457 Adj.
engaged: marriage 903 Adj.
engagement: business 625 N. business 625 V. undertaking 676 N. contention 720 N. promise 768 N.
engaging: love 897 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj.
engarrison: defense 717 V.
engender: production 161 V.
engine company: insulation, fire extinction 388a N.
engine driver: traveler 268 N.
engine: instrument 633 N.
engineer: combatant 726 N. traveler 268 N. experiment 463 N. agent 690 N.
engineering: instrument 633 N.
engird: circumjacence 227 V.
english: inhabitant 188 Adj.
englishman: inhabitant 188 N.
engobe: covering 223 N.
engorge: reception 296 V. gluttony 957 N.
engorgement: redundancy 641 N.
engrave in the memory: memory 505 V.
engrave: engraving 558 V. representation 554 V. furrow 259 V. indication 550 V.
engraved: engraving 558 Adj.
engraver: artist 559 N.
engraving: representation 554 N. engraving 558 N.
engross the attention: attention 457 V.
engross the mind: attention 457 V.
engross the thoughts: thought 451 V. attention 457 V.
engross: writing 590 V. possession 777 V.
engrossed in: attention 457 Adj.
engrossed: inattention 458 Adj.
engrossing: attention 457 Adj.
engulf: destruction 162 V. reception 296 V. plunge 310 V.
enhance: increase 35 V. improvement 658 V.
enharmonic scale: melody concord 413 N.
enharmonic: melody concord 413 Adj.
enigma: secret 533 N. inquiry 461 N. unintelligibility 519 N.
enigmatic: uncertainty 475 Adj. unintelligibility 519 Adj.
enigmatical: unintelligibility 519 Adj. equivocalness 520 Adj.
enjoin: advice 695 V. duty 926 V. will 600 V. prohibition 761 V. command 741 V.
enjoy a state: state 7 V.
enjoy good health: health 654 V.
enjoy oneself: pleasure 827 V.
enjoy: pleasure 827 V. possession 777 V. physical pleasure 377 V. eventuality 151 V.
enjoying: pleasure 827 Adj. physical pleasure 377 Adj.
enjoyment: pleasure 827 N.
enkindle: calefaction 384 V. excitation 824 V.
enlarge the mind: teaching 537 V.
enlarge: diffuseness 573 V. liberation 750 V. greatness 31 V. increase 35 V. expansion 194 V.
enlarged views: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
enlarged: superiority 33 Adj.
enlargement of mind: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
enlargement: painting 556 N. expansion 194 N. increase 35 N. liberation 750 N.
enleague: party 712 V.
enlighten: light 420 V. information 527 V. correction 527a V. teaching 537 V.
enlightened: knowledge 490 Adj.
enlightenment: information 527 N. knowledge 490 N.
enlist into the service: use 677 V.
enlist: motive 615 V. warfare 722 V. commission 755 V.
enliven: relief 834 V. cheerfulness 836 V. pleasurableness 829 V. amusement 840 V.
enmesh: deception 545 V. difficulty 704 V.
enmity: malevolence 907 N. discord 713 N. enmity 889 N. hate 898 N.
ennoble: repute 873 V.
ennui: incuriosity 456 N. weariness 841 N.
enormity: greatness 31 N. size 192 N. guilt 947 N.
enormous number: multitude 102 N.
enormous: greatness 31 Adj. size 192 Adj.
enormously: greatness 31 Adv.
enough and to spare: sufficiency 639 Adj.
enough in all conscience: redundancy 641 N.
enough to drive one mad: painfulness 830 Adj.
enough to gag a maggot: painfulness 830 Adj.
enough to provoke a saint: painfulness 830 Adj.
enough to wake the dead: loudness 404 Adj.
enough!: satiety 869 Int. cessation 142 Int.
enough: sufficiency 639 N. sufficiency 639 Adj. greatness 31 Adv. imperfection 651 Adv.
enphagy: vice 945 N.
enrage: aggravation 835 V. desire 865 Adj. resentment 900 V. painfulness 830 V.
enrapture: excitation 824 V. pleasurableness 829 V. love 897 V.
enraptured: feeling 821 Adj.
enraptures: pleasure 827 Adj.
enravish: pleasurableness 829 V.
enravished: pleasure 827 Adj.
enravishing: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
enravishment: excitation 824 N.
enrich: improvement 658 V. wealth 803 V. ornament 847 V.
enrobe: clothing 225 V.
enroll: record 551 V. warfare 722 V. commission 755 V.
enrollment: record 551 N.
ensample: prototype 22 N.
ensanguined: killing 361 Adj.
ensconce: concealment 528 V. safety 664 V.
ensconced: location 184 Adj.
ensemble: whole 50 N.
enshrine in the memory: memory 505 V.
enshrine: circumscription 229 V. repute 873 V. piety 987 V.
enshrinement: repute 873 N.
ensiform: sharpness 253 Adj.
ensign of authority: scepter 747 N.
ensign: combatant 726 N. master 745 N. indication 550 N.
ensilage: provision 637 N. preservation 670 N.
enslave: subjection 749 V.
enslaved: subjection 749 Adj.
enslavement: subjection 749 N.
ensnare: deception 545 V.
ensue: sequence 63 V. posteriority 117 V. eventuality 151 V.
ensure: certainty 474 V.
entablature: summit 210 N.
entail: cause 153 V. latency, implication 526 V. retention 781 V.
entailment: latency, implication 526 N.
entangle: crossing 219 N. discord 713 V. difficulty 704 V. derangement 61 V. junction 43 V. deception 545 V. crossing 219 V.
entangled by difficulties: difficulty 704 Adj.
entangled: complexity 59a Adj.
entanglement: difficulty 704 N. complexity 59a N.
entelechy: production 161 N.
entente: vanity 880 Adj.
enter a profession: business 625 V.
enter a protest: deprecation 766 V.
enter in: convergence 290 V.
enter into an engagement: promise 768 V.
enter into collision: impulse 276 V.
enter into detail: speciality 79 V.
enter into details: description 594 V.
enter into one's views: assent 488 V.
enter into particulars: description 594 V.
enter into possession: acquisition 775 V.
enter into the ideas of: intelligibility 518 V. concord 714 V.
enter into the spirit of: pleasure 827 V.
enter into: component 56 V.
enter on an engagement: promise 768 V.
enter the lists: contention 720 V. attack 716 V.
enter the mind: thought 451 V.
enter the spirit of: feeling 821 V.
enter upon a duty: duty 926 V.
enter upon an obligation: duty 926 V.
enter upon: beginning 66 V.
enter: ingress 294 V. accounts 811 V. record 551 V. beginning 66 V.
enterprise: pursuit 622 N. undertaking 676 N.
enterprising: activity 682 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
entertain a belief: belief 484 V.
entertain a dislike for: dislike 867 V.
entertain a love: love 897 V.
entertain an idea: thought 451 V.
entertain an opinion: belief 484 V.
entertain doubts: unbelief doubt 485 V.
entertain feeling: feeling 821 V.
entertain hope: hope 858 V.
entertain respect for: respect 928 V.
entertain: amusement 840 V. aid 707 V. sociality 892 V.
entertained: sociality 892 Adj.
entertainer: amusement 840 N.
entertaining: amusement 840 Adj.
entertainment: food 298 N. amusement 840 N. sociality 892 N.
enthral: restraint 751 V.
enthrall: subjection 749 V. restraint 751 V.
enthrallment: subjection 749 N.
enthrone: repute 873 V.
enthronement: commission 755 N. repute 873 N.
enthusiasm: love 897 N. feeling 821 N. hope 858 N.
enthusiast: activity 682 N. obstinacy 606 N. madman 504 N.
enthusiastic: imagination 515 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj. excitability 825 Adj. hope 858 Adj.
enthymeme: reasoning 476 N.
entice: motive 615 V.
enticement: motive 615 N.
enticing: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
entire horse: man 373 N.
entire satisfaction: content 831 N.
entire: whole 50 Adj. completeness 52 Adj. continuity 69 Adj.
entirely: whole 50 Adv. greatness 31 Adv.
entirety: completeness 52 N. whole 50 N.
entitle: nomenclature 564 V. dueness 924 V.
entitled to: dueness 924 Adj.
entity: existence 1 N.
entomb: restraint 751 V. interment 363 V.
entombment: restraint 751 N.
entomology: zoology 368 N.
entourage: circumjacence 227 N.
entozoon: littleness 193 N.
entrails: interiority 221 N.
entrain: departure 293 V.
entrammel: restraint 751 V.
entrance: beginning 66 N. sorcery 992 V. pleasurableness 829 V. ingress 294 N.
entranced: pleasure 827 Adj.
entrancement: excitation 824 N.
entrancing: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
entrap: deception 545 V.
entreat: request 765 V.
entreaty: request 765 N.
entree: reception 296 N. food 298 N.
entremet: food 298 N.
entrench on: transcursion 303 V.
entrench: safety 664 V. defense 717 V.
entrenchment: defense 717 N.
entrepreneur: drama 599 N.
entre-sol: receptacle 191 N.
entrust: commission 755 V.
entry: beginning 66 N. ingress 294 N. record 551 N.
entwine: convolution 248 V. junction 43 V. crossing 219 V.
enucleate: interpretation 522 V.
enumerate among: inclusion 76 V.
enumerate: numeration 85 V. list 86 V. quantity 25 V.
enumeration: numeration 85 N.
enunciate: affirmation 535 V. voice 580 V.
enunciation: information 527 N. voice 580 N.
enunciative: information 527 Adj.
envelope: covering 223 N. clothing 225 V. circumscription 229 N. inclosure 232 N.
envenom: aggravation 835 V. hate 898 V. deterioration 659 Adj. resentment 900 V.
envenomed tongue: detraction 934 N.
envenomed: badness 649 Adj. insalubrity 657 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. malevolence 907 Adj.
envious suspicion: jealousy 920 N.
envious: envy 921 Adj. jealousy 920 Adj.
enviousness: envy 921 N.
environ: circumjacence 227 V.
environment: circumjacence 227 N. circumstance 8 N. situation 183 N. location 184 N. abode 189 N.
environs: nearness 197 N. circumjacence 227 N.
envision: imagination 515 V.
enviva!: approbation 931 Int.
envoy: messenger 534 N. consignee 758 N.
envy: envy 921 V. envy 921 N.
enwrap: clothing 225 V.
eocene: oldness 124 Adj.
eolian harp: musical instruments 417 N.
eolus: wind 349 N.
eon: deity 976 N.
epacme: precedence 62 N.
epact: redundancy 641 N.
epagoge: reasoning 476 N.
eparch: director 694 N.
epaulet: ornament 847 N. title 877 N. indication 550 N.
epaulette: title 877 N.
epergne: receptacle 191 N.
ephemeral: transientness 111 Adj.
ephemeris: record 551 N. book 593 N. chronometry 114 N.
ephesian letters: spell 993 N.
ephialtes: physical pain 378 N. hindrance 706 N. pain 828 N.
ephor: judge 967 N.
epic poem: poetry 597 N.
epic: poetry 597 Adj. description 594 Adj. poetry 597 N.
epicedial: lamentation 839 Adj.
epicedium: lamentation 839 N.
epicene: multiformity 81 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj.
epicure: gluttony 957 N. fastidiousness 868 N. sensualist 954a N.
epicurean: intemperance 954 Adj. sensualist 954a N.
epicureanism: intemperance 954 N.
epicurism: fastidiousness 868 N. intemperance 954 N. gluttony 957 N.
epicycle: circularity 247 N.
epicycloid: circularity 247 N.
epidemic: insalubrity 657 Adj. disease 655 N. disease 655 Adj. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 Adj. generality 78 Adj.
epidemiological survey: experiment 463 N.
epidemiologist: remedy 662 N.
epidermis: covering 223 N.
epigenesis: production 161 N.
epigram: wit 842 N.
epigrammatic: conciseness 572 Adj. wit 842 Adj.
epigrammatist: humorist 844 N.
epigraph: indication 550 N.
epilepsy: agitation 315 N.
epilogue: drama 599 N. sequel 65 N.
epiphany: rite 998 N.
episcopacy: churchdom 995 N.
episcopal: churchdom 995 Adj.
episcopalian: heterodoxy 984 N. churchdom 995 Adj.
episcopalianism: churchdom 995 N.
episcopate: churchdom 995 N.
episode: discontinuity 70 N. diffuseness 573 N. interposition 228 N. adjunct 39 N. eventuality 151 N.
episodic: irrelation 10 Adj. interposition 228 Adj.
epistle: correspondence 592 N.
epistles: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
epistolary: correspondence 592 Adj.
epistyle: summit 210 N.
epitaph: interment 363 N.
epitaxial deposition: narrowness, thinness 203 N. covering 223 N.
epithalamium: marriage 903 N.
epithem: remedy 662 N.
epithet: nomenclature 564 N.
epitome: littleness 193 N. compendium 596 N. conciseness 572 N. shortness 201 N.
epitomist: shortness 201 N.
epitomize: shortness 201 V. compendium 596 V.
epitomizer: shortness 201 N.
epizootic: insalubrity 657 Adj. disease 655 N.
epoch: the present time 118 N. chronometry 114 N. instantaneity 113 N. time 106 N. period 108 N.
epode: poetry 597 N.
eponym: nomenclature 564 N.
epopee: poetry 597 N.
epopoea: poetry 597 N.
eppur si muove: motion 264 Phr.
epsom salts: remedy 662 N.
epulation: food 298 N.
epulotic: remedy 662 Adj.
epuration: cleanness 652 N.
equable: right 922 Adj.
equal chance: chance 156 N.
equal to: power 157 Adj.
equal: equality 27 Adj. right 922 Adj. symmetry 242 Adj. equality 27 N. equality 27 V.
equality: equality 27 N. identity 13 N.
equalization: compensation 30 N. equality 27 N.
equalize level: equality 27 V.
equalize: compensation 30 V.
equalized: equality 27 Adj.
equally: equality 27 Adv.
equals sign: indication 550 N.
equanimity: inexcitability 826 N.
equatable: right 922 Adj.
equate: equality 27 V.
equation: equality 27 N. compensation 30 N.
equations: numeration 85 N.
equator: middle 68 N. world 318 N.
equatorial mount: optical instruments 445 N.
equatorial: middle 68 Adj.
equerry: servant 746 N.
equestrian: traveler 268 N.
equibalanced: equality 27 Adj.
equidistance: middle 68 N. parallelism 216 N.
equidistant: parallelism 216 Adj. middle 68 Adj.
equilibration: equality 27 N.
equilibrium: equality 27 N.
equine: carrier 271 Adj.
equip: clothing 225 V. preparation 673 V.
equipage: vehicle 272 N. property 780 N. ostentation 882 N.
equiparant: relation 9 Adj. equality 27 Adj.
equipment: clothing 225 N. instrument 633 N. preparation 673 N.
equipmentage: instrument 633 N.
equipoise: equality 27 N.
equipollence: equality 27 N.
equipollent: equality 27 Adj.
equiponderance: equality 27 N.
equiponderant: equality 27 Adj.
equiponderous: equality 27 Adj.
equitable estate: property 780 N.
equitable interest: property 780 N.
equitable: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. dueness 924 Adj. probity 939 Adj.
equitableness: right 922 N.
equitation: journey 266 N.
equity draftsman: lawyer 968 N.
equity: probity 939 N. legality 963 N. right 922 N.
equivalence: equality 27 N.
equivalent meaning: interpretation 522 N.
equivalent: equality 27 Adj. interpretation 522 N. interpretation 522 Adj. substitution 147 N. compensation 30 N. equality 27 N. identity 13 Adj. compensation 30 Adj.
equivocal: impurity 961 Adj. equivocalness 520 Adj. uncertainty 475 Adj.
equivocalness: equivocalness 520 N.
equivocate: qualification 469 V. intuition 477 V. equivocalness 520 V. falsehood 544 V.
equivocation: equivocalness 520 N. falsehood 544 N. intuition 477 N.
era: period 108 N. chronometry 114 N. time 106 N.
eradicate: destruction 162 V. extraction 301 V.
eradication: extraction 301 N. fewness 103 N.
erase: obliteration 552 V. destruction 162 V.
erastian: heterodoxy 984 N.
erastianism: heterodoxy 984 N.
erasure: obliteration 552 N.
ere long: earliness 132 Adv.
ere now: priority 116 Adv. the past 122 Adv.
ere then: priority 116 Adv.
ere: priority 116 Adv.
erect the scaffolding: preparation 673 V.
erect: production 161 V. verticality 212 Adj. verticality 212 V. elevation 307 V.
erection: elevation 307 N. verticality 212 N. production 161 N. sexuality 374a N.
erectness: verticality 212 N.
eremite: seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
erewhile: priority 116 Adv. the past 122 Adv.
ergo: reasoning 476 Adv.
ergophobia: inactivity 683 N.
ergotism: judgment 480 N.
ergotize: unbelief doubt 485 V.
eriometer: optical instruments 445 N.
eristic: reasoning 476 Adj. reasoning 476 N.
eristical: reasoning 476 Adj.
erlenmeyer flask: receptacle 191 N.
ermine: ornament 847 N. scepter 747 N.
erode: deterioration 659 Adj.
eros: love 897 N.
erosion of the currency: money 800 N.
erosion: deterioration 659 N.
erotic: sexuality 374a Adj. love 897 Adj. impurity 961 Adj.
err: error 495 V. vice 945 V.
errand boy: messenger 534 N.
errand: business 625 N. commission 755 N. news 532 N.
errant: deviation 279 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj.
erratic: changeableness 149 Adj. caprice 608 Adj. motion 264 Adj. deviation 279 Adj.
erratum: error 495 N.
errhine: wind 349 N.
erroneous assumptions: misjudgment 481 N.
erroneous data: misjudgment 481 N.
erroneous: error 495 Adj.
error: error 495 N. heterodoxy 984 N. vice 945 N. guilt 947 N.
ersatz: substitution 147 Adj. substitution 147 N.
erubescence: redness 434 N.
erubescent: redness 434 Adj.
eructate: ejection 297 V.
eructation: ejection 297 N.
erudite: knowledge 490 Adj.
erudition: knowledge 490 N. learning 539 N.
erupt: ejection 297 V.
eruption: violence 173 N. egress 295 N. disease 655 N.
erysipelas: disease 655 N.
erythroblast: organization 357 N.
escalade: attack 716 N. ascent 305 V.
escalate: elevation 307 V.
escalator: elevation 307 N.
escalop: convolution 248 N.
escamoter: deception 545 V.
escamoterie: deception 545 N.
escapade: amusement 840 N. caprice 608 N. absurdity 497 N.
escape attention: inattention 458 V.
escape clause: qualification 469 N.
escape detection: latency, implication 526 V.
escape memory: oblivion 506 V.
escape notice: invisibility 447 V. inattention 458 V.
escape observation: latency, implication 526 V.
escape one's lips: speech 582 V.
escape recognition: latency, implication 526 V.
escape scot-free: escape 671 V.
escape the lips: disclosure 529 V.
escape: safety 664 V. escape 671 V. dereliction of duty 927 V. safety 664 N. liberation 750 V. liberation 750 N. escape 671 N. egress 295 V. avoidance 623 N. avoidance 623 V.
escaped: escape 671 Adj.
escaping steam: sibilation 409 N.
escaping: escape 671 Adj.
escarp: defense 717 N.
escarpment: layer 204 N. height 206 N.
eschar: layer 204 N.
escharotic: pungency 392 Adj. physical energy 171 Adj.
eschatology: end 67 N.
escheat: penalty 974 N. penalty 974 V.
eschew: avoidance 623 V. dislike 867 V.
escopet: arms 727 N.
escopette: arms 727 N.
escort plane: ship 273 N.
escort: accompaniment 88 N. safety 664 N. safety 664 V. keeper 753 N.
escritoire: receptacle 191 N.
esculent: food 298 Adj.
escutcheon: indication 550 N.
esoteric: concealment 528 Adj. speciality 79 Adj.
espalier: inclosure 232 N.
especial: speciality 79 Adj.
especially: superiority 33 Adv. speciality 79 Adv.
esperanto: neologism 563 N.
espial: vision 441 N.
espionage: vision 441 N. inquiry 461 N.
esplanade: abode 189 N. horizontality 213 N.
espousals: marriage 903 N.
espouse a cause: cooperation 709 V.
espouse a quarrel: cooperation 709 V.
espouse the cause of: aid 707 V.
espouse: marriage 903 V. choice 609 V.
esprit de corps: misjudgment 481 N. cooperation 709 N. sociality 892 N.
esprit fort: sage 500 N.
esprit: wit 842 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
espy: vision 441 V.
esquire: nobility 875 N. title 877 N. lawyer 968 Adj. sexuality 374a N.
esquired: lawyer 968 Adj.
essay: experiment 463 V. essay 675 V. experiment 463 N. dissertation 595 N. essay 675 N.
essaying: essay 675 Adj.
essayist: book 593 N. dissertation 595 N.
essence: intrinsicality 5 N. meaning 516 N. fragrance 400 N. gaseity 334 N. existence 1 N. odor 398 N.
essential nature: substantiality 3 N.
essential oil: fragrance 400 N.
essential part: importance 642 N. whole 50 N. intrinsicality 5 N. greatness 31 N.
essential: requirement 630 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. intrinsicality 5 Adj. existence 1 Adj. importance 642 Adj.
essentiality: requirement 630 N.
essentially: substantiality 3 Adv. greatness 31 Adv.
essentialness: intrinsicality 5 N.
est modue in rebus: moderation 174 Phr.
establish equality: equality 27 V.
establish oneself: location 184 V.
establish: evidence 467 V. stability 150 V. production 161 V. location 184 V. demonstration 478 V.
established church: orthodoxy 983a N.
established: permanence 141 Adj. stability 150 Adj. habit 613 Adj.
establishment: stability 150 N. mart 799 N. party 712 N. production 161 N. location 184 N.
estafette: messenger 534 N.
estaminet: abode 189 N.
estate and effects: property 780 N.
estate for life: property 780 N.
estate for years: property 780 N.
estate in fee: property 780 N.
estate in tail female: property 780 N.
estate in tail general: property 780 N.
estate in tail male: property 780 N.
estate in tail: property 780 N.
estate tail: property 780 N.
estate: state 7 N. property 780 N.
esteem as: belief 484 V.
esteem slightly: contempt 930 V.
esteem: value 812a V. approbation 931 V. approbation 931 N. respect 928 N. belief 484 V. respect 928 V.
esthetic: taste 850 Adj.
estimable: value 812a Adj. approbation 931 Adj. goodness 648 Adj.
estimate too highly: overestimation 482 V.
estimate: quantity 25 V. information 527 N. supposition 514 N. judgment 480 V. judgment 480 N. measurement 466 V. measurement 466 N. discrimination 465 V.
estimation: discrimination 465 N. measurement 466 N. judgment 480 N. respect 928 N. approbation 931 N. numeration 85 N.
estival: heat 382 Adj.
estop: hindrance 706 V. prohibition 761 V.
estoppel: hindrance 706 N. prohibition 761 N.
estrade: horizontality 213 N.
estrange: enmity 889 V. hate 898 V.
estranged: seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. enmity 889 Adj.
estrangement: enmity 889 N. hate 898 N.
estrapade: attack 716 N. punishment 972 N.
estreat: penalty 974 V.
estrogen: woman 374 N.
estrus: sexuality 374a N.
estuary: gulf, lake 343 N.
estuation: calefaction 384 N.
esurient: desire 865 Adj.
et cetera: addition 37 Adv. plurality 100 Adv.
et tu brute!: ingratitude 917 Int.
etagere: receptacle 191 N.
etc.: inclusion 76 Phr.
etc: plurality 100 Adv.
etch: furrow 259 V. engraving 558 V.
etching point: engraving 558 N.
etching: painting 556 N. engraving 558 N.
etercoral: uncleanness 653 Adj.
eternal damnation: hell 982 N.
eternal home: heaven 981 N.
eternal reward: heaven 981 N.
eternal: perpetuity 112 Adj.
eternity: deity 976 N. perpetuity 112 N.
eternize: perpetuity 112 V.
ethanol: fuel 388 N.
ether: gaseity 334 N. physical insensibility 376 N. rarity 322 N. levity 320 N.
ethereal: levity 320 Adj. gaseity 334 Adj. unsubstantiality 4 Adj.
ethical philosophy: duty 926 N.
ethical: duty 926 Adj.
ethicism: heterodoxy 984 N.
ethics: virtue 944 N. duty 926 N.
ethiop: blackness 431 N.
ethiopia's skin: stability 150 N.
ethiopic: blackness 431 V.
ethnic: heterodoxy 984 Adj.
ethnical: heterodoxy 984 Adj.
ethnography: mankind 372 N.
ethnology: mankind 372 N.
ethological: duty 926 Adj.
ethology.: duty 926 N.
etiolate: achromatism 429 V. whiteness 430 V. achromatism 429 Adj.
etiolated: achromatism 429 Adj.
etiolation: achromatism 429 N. whiteness 430 N.
etiology: knowledge 490 N. disease 655 N. attribution 155 N.
etiquette: habit 613 N. fashion 852 N. ostentation 882 N.
etymology: word 562 N.
etymon: cause 153 N. word 562 N.
eucalyptus oil: fragrance 400 N.
eucharist: rite 998 N.
eucharistical: rite 998 Adj.
euchre: success 731 V. amusement 840 N.
eudiometer: air 338 N. salubrity 656 N.
eudioscope: air 338 N.
eugenics: improvement 658 N.
eulogist: flatterer 935 N.
eulogistic: approbation 931 Adj.
eulogium: approbation 931 N.
eulogize: overestimation 482 V. approbation 931 V.
eulogy: approbation 931 N.
eumenides: evil 913 N. revenge 919 N. resentment 900 N.
eumerogenesis: production 161 N.
eunuch: impotence 158 N.
eupepsia: health 654 N.
euphemism: ornament 577 N. elegance 578 Adj. flattery 933 N.
euphemist: taste 850 N. flatterer 935 N. ornament 577 N.
euphemistic: elegance 578 Adj. taste 850 Adj. ornament 577 Adj.
euphonic: melody concord 413 Adj.
euphonical: melody concord 413 Adj.
euphonious: voice 580 Adj. melody concord 413 Adj. elegance 578 Adj.
euphonism: melody concord 413 N.
euphonium: musical instruments 417 N.
euphony: melody concord 413 N. elegance 578 N. voice 580 N.
euphoria: health 654 N.
euphory: health 654 N.
euphrosyne: cheerfulness 836 N.
euphuism: affectation 855 N. inelegance 579 N. ornament 577 N.
euphuist: ornament 577 N. affectation 855 Adj. affectation 855 N.
euphuistic: ornament 577 Adj. inelegance 579 Adj.
eurasian: mixture 41 N.
eureka!: answer 462 Int. discovery 480a Int.
euripus: gulf, lake 343 N.
eurythmy: symmetry 242 N.
eusebian: heterodoxy 984 N.
euterpe: musician 416 N.
euthanasia: husbandry 370 N. death 360 N.
eutrophy: aid 707 N.
evacuate: departure 293 V. egress 295 V.
evacuation alarm: insulation, fire extinction 388a N.
evacuation: egress 295 N. ejection 297 N. ejection 297 V. excretion 299 N.
evade: intuition 477 V. avoidance 623 V. nonobservance 773 V. dereliction of duty 927 V.
evagation: deviation 279 N.
evaluate: measurement 466 V. value 812a V.
evanesce: gaseity 334 V.
evanescence: transientness 111 N. disappearance 449 N.
evanescent: smallness 32 Adj. transientness 111 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. disappearance 449 Adj.
evangelical: orthodoxy 983a Adj. Judeo-christian revelation 985 evangelist: -
evangelist: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
evangelistic: Judeo-christian revelation 985 Evangelists: -
evangelists: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
evanid: weakness 160 Adj.
evaporable: gaseity 334 Adj. vaporization 336 Adj.
evaporate: transientness 111 V. gaseity 334 V. vaporization 336 V. disappearance 449 V. preservation 670 V. unsubstantiality 4 V.
evaporation: rarity 322 N. vaporization 336 N.
evasion: avoidance 623 N. dereliction of duty 927 N. nonobservance 773 N. escape 671 N. falsehood 544 N. concealment 528 N. intuition 477 N. cunning 702 N. untruth 546 N.
evasive: falsehood 544 Adj. nonobservance 773 Adj. avoidance 623 Adj. concealment 528 Adj. intuition 477 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
eve: evening 126 N.
evection: derangement 61 N.
even now: the present time 118 Adv.
even so: compensation 30 Adv. assent 488 Adv.
even temper: inexcitability 826 N.
even tenor: frequency 136 N. order 58 N. uniformity 16 N.
even: qualification 469 Adv. opposition 708 Adv. superiority 33 Adv. uniformity 16 Adj. smoothness 255 Adj. horizontality 213 Adj. flatness 251 Adj. straightness 246 Adj. equality 27 Adj.
evenhanded justice: right 922 N.
evenhanded: right 922 Adj. probity 939 Adj.
even-handedness: probity 939 N.
evening dress: ostentation 882 N.
evening party: sociality 892 N.
evening: evening 126 N.
evenness: equality 27 N.
evensong: worship 990 N.
event: occasion 134 N. eventuality 151 N. contention 720 N.
eventful: importance 642 Adj. activity 682 Adj. eventuality 151 Adj.
eventide: evening 126 N.
eventual: futurity 121 Adj.
eventuality: futurity 121 N. eventuality 151 N.
eventually: effect 154 Adv. different time 119 Adv. futurity 121 Adv. eventuality 151 Adv. destiny 152 Adv.
eventuate: eventuality 151 V.
ever anon: frequency 136 Adv.
ever changing: changeableness 149 Adj.
ever recurring: repetition 104 Adj.
ever so dole: greatness 31 Adv.
ever so little: smallness 32 Adv.
ever so many: multitude 102 Adj.
ever so: greatness 31 Adv.
ever: perpetuity 112 Adv.
everduring: perpetuity 112 Adj.
ever-flowing: perpetuity 112 Adj.
evergreen: continuity 69 Adj. diuturnity 110 Adj. perpetuity 112 Adj. newness 123 Adj.
everlasting death: destiny 152 N.
everlasting fire: hell 982 N.
everlasting life: destiny 152 N.
everlasting torment: hell 982 N.
everlasting: perpetuity 112 Adj.
everlastingness: perpetuity 112 N.
ever-living: perpetuity 112 Adj.
evermore: perpetuity 112 Adv.
everness: perpetuity 112 N.
eversion: Evolution 313 N. inversion 218 N.
evert: change 140 V.
every day: frequency 136 Adv.
every hole and corner: place 182 N.
every hour: frequency 136 Adv.
every inch a king: authority 737 Phr. nobility 875 N.
every inch: whole 50 Adv. completeness 52 Adv.
every moment: frequency 136 Adv.
every other day: regularity of recurrence 138 Adv.
every other: regularity of recurrence 138 Adj.
every: generality 78 Adj. completeness 52 Adv.
everybody: generality 78 N.
everyday: conformity 82 Adj. frequency 136 Adj. habit 613 Adj.
everyone in his turn: interchange 148 Adv.
everyone: generality 78 N.
everywhere: space 180 Adv. presence 186 Adv.
evict: ejection 297 V.
eviction: ejection 297 N. taking 789 N.
evidence in chief: evidence 467 N.
evidence: evidence 467 N. experiment 463 N. manifestation 525 N.
evident: certainty 474 Adj. demonstration 478 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj.
evil courses: vice 945 N.
evil day: adversity 735 N.
evil dispensation: adversity 735 N.
evil doer: evil 913 N. evil 619 N. badness 649 N.
evil eye: demon 980 N. spell 993 N. malevolence 907 N. vision 441 N.
evil genius: adversity 735 N. demon 980 N.
evil hour: untimeliness 135 N.
evil luck: adversity 735 N.
evil speaking: malediction 908 N.
evil star: badness 649 N. adversity 735 N.
evil worker: evil 913 N.
evil: badness 649 Adj. evil 619 N. bane 663 N. adversity 735 N.
evil-disposed: malevolence 907 Adj. vice 945 Adj.
evildoer: bad man 949 N.
evil-doing: vice 945 N.
evil-favored: ugliness 846 Adj.
evil-minded: malevolence 907 Adj. vice 945 Adj.
evil-speaking: disapprobation 932 N. detraction 934 N.
evince: evidence 467 V. demonstration 478 V.
eviscerate: killing 361 V. weakness 160 V. ejection 297 V. extraction 301 V.
eviscerated: unsubstantiality 4 Adj.
evoke: request 765 V. excitation 824 V. cause 153 V.
evolution: extraction 301 N. action 680 N. preparation 673 N. life 359 N. Evolution 313 N. motion 264 N. production 161 N. conversion 144 N. change 140 N. numeration 85 N. beginning 66 N. circuition 311 N.
evolve into: conversion 144 V.
evolve: discovery 480a V. Evolution 313 V. extraction 301 V. production 161 V.
evolved from: effect 154 Adj.
evolved: Evolution 313 Adj.
evolvement: Evolution 313 N.
evolving: Evolution 313 Adj.
evulsion: extraction 301 N.
evulugate: publication 531 V.
ewe: animal 366 N. woman 374 N.
ewer: receptacle 191 N.
ex more: habit 613 Adv.
ex officio: truth 494 Adj. director 694 Adv. government 737a Adj. dueness 924 Adv.
ex post facto: the past 122 Adv. lateness 133 Adv.
ex vi termini: strength 159 Phr.
exacerbate: violence 173 V. deterioration 659 Adj. increase 35 V. aggravation 835 V.
exacerbation: violence 173 N. aggravation 835 N.
exact correct time: instantaneity 113 N.
exact memory: memory 505 N.
exact truth: truth 494 N.
exact: insolence 885 V. duty 926 V. undueness 925 V. dueness 924 V. price 812 V. observance 772 N. command 741 V. conciseness 572 Adj. perspicuity 570 Adj. similarity 17 Adj. truth 494 Adj. greed 817a V.
exacting: severity 739 Adj. greed 817a Adj. discontent 832 Adj. fastidiousness 868 Adj.
exaction: command 741 N. undueness 925 N.
exactitude: truth 494 N.
exactly: imitation 19 Adv. quantity 25 Adv. punctuality 132a Adv. assent 488 Adv. truth 494 Adv.
exactment: price 812 N.
exactness: truth 494 N. perspicuity 570 N.
exaggerate: falsehood 544 V. exaggeration 549 V. flattery 933 V. redundancy 641 V. increase 35 V. overestimation 482 V. expansion 194 V. misrepresentation 555 V.
exaggerated: expansion 194 Adj. exaggeration 549 Adj.
exaggeration exacerbation: increase 35 N.
exaggeration: boasting 884 N. aggravation 835 N. misrepresentation 555 N. exaggeration 549 N. falsehood 544 N. misinterpretation 523 N. metaphor 521 N. absurdity 497 N. overestimation 482 N. untruth 546 N.
exalt one's horn: repute 873 V.
exalt to the skies: repute 873 V.
exalt: repute 873 V. approbation 931 V. elevation 307 V. increase 35 V.
exaltation: repute 873 N. disinterestedness 942 N. elevation 307 N.
exalted: height 206 Adj. nobility 875 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj.
exam: teaching 537 N.
examination: thought 451 N. remedy 662 N. teaching 537 N. evidence 467 N. inquiry 461 N.
examine closely: attention 457 V.
examine cursorily: attention 457 V.
examine intently: attention 457 V.
examine: attention 457 V. inquiry 461 V.
examiner: inquiry 461 N.
example: prototype 22 N. conformity 82 N. frequency 136 N. teacher 540 N. expectance 871 N.
exanimate: death 360 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj.
exanthem: disease 655 N.
exanthema: disease 655 N.
exarch: master 745 N.
exasperate: increase 35 V. violence 173 V. aggravation 835 V. resentment 900 V.
exasperation: violence 173 N. aggravation 835 N. resentment 900 N.
ex-cathedra: affirmation 535 Adv.
excavate: concavity 252 V.
excavation: concavity 252 N.
excavator: concavity 252 N.
excecation: blindness 442 N.
exceed: superiority 33 V. remainder 40 V. transcursion 303 V. intemperance 954 V.
exceeding: superiority 33 Adj. remainder 40 Adj.
exceedingly: greatness 31 Adv.
excel in: skill 698 V.
excel: superiority 33 V. goodness 648 V.
excellence: virtue 944 N. goodness 648 N. skill 698 N.
excellency: title 877 N.
excellent health: health 654 N.
excellent: virtue 944 Adj. goodness 648 Adj.
excelsior: ascent 305 Adj.
excentric: exteriority 220 Adj.
excentricity: exteriority 220 N.
except for: nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv.
except: nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv. exclusion 55 Adv. unconformity 83 Adv. rejection 610 V.
excepting: nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv.
exception: exemption 777a N. disapprobation 932 N. unconformity 83 N. exclusion 55 N. qualification 469 N.
exceptionable indifferent: badness 649 Adj.
exceptionable: guilt 947 Adj. disapprobation 932 Adj.
exceptional: disagreement 24 Adj. qualification 469 Adj. extraneousness 57 Adj. nonimitation 20 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj.
exceptious: irascibility 901 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj.
excern: ejection 297 V.
excerpt: compendium 596 N.
excerpta: part 51 N. choice 609 N. compendium 596 N. record 551 N.
excerption: choice 609 N.
excess of ornament: ornament 847 N.
excess: superiority 33 N. remainder 40 N. redundancy 641 N. intemperance 954 N.
excessive: greatness 31 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj.
excessively: greatness 31 Adv.
exchange blows: contention 720 V.
exchange currencies: money 800 V.
exchange fisticuffs: contention 720 V. retaliation 718 V.
exchange of currency: conversion 144 N.
exchange rate: conversion 144 N. money 800 N.
exchange shots: contention 720 V.
exchange: transfer 783 N. correlation 12 V. interchange 148 N. interchange 148 V. abode 189 N. mart 799 N. barter 794 V. barter 794 N. transfer 783 V. correlation 12 N.
exchequer bill: money 800 N.
exchequer: treasury 802 N.
excise: price 812 N. nonaddition, subtraction 38 V. remedy 662 V.
exciseman: jurisdiction 965 N.
excision: nonaddition, subtraction 38 N.
excitability: sensibility 822 N. excitability 825 N. irascibility 901 N.
excitable: sensibility 822 Adj. excitability 825 Adj. irascibility 901 Adj.
excitation of feeling: excitation 824 N. feeling 821 N.
excitation: physical energy 171 N. teaching 537 N. action 680 N.
excite an impression: physical sensibility 375 V.
excite awe: fear 860 V.
excite desire: desire 865 V.
excite disapprobation: disapprobation 932 V.
excite dislike: dislike 867 V.
excite expectation: prediction 511 V.
excite fear: fear 860 V.
excite hatred: hate 898 V.
excite hope: prediction 511 V.
excite laughter: amusement 840 V.
excite love: love 897 V.
excite pity: pity 914 V.
excite: violence 173 V. physical energy 171 V. excitation 824 V. resentment 900 V.
excited imagination: imagination 515 N.
excited: excitation 824 Adj. excitability 825 Adj. violence 173 Adj.
excitement: excitability 825 N. resentment 900 N.
exciting: excitation 824 Adj. excitability 825 Adj.
exclaim against: disapprobation 932 V.
exclaim: cry 411 V.
exclamation point: indication 550 N.
exclamation: voice 580 N.
exclude: simpleness 42 V. exclusion 55 V. rejection 610 V. prohibition 761 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
excluded: exclusion 55 Adj. extraneousness 57 Adj.
excluding: exclusion 55 Adj.
exclusion: seclusion, exclusion 893 N. rejection 610 N. exclusion 55 N. exclusion 77 N.
exclusive application: attention 457 N.
exclusive attention: attention 457 N.
exclusive of: exclusion 55 Adv. nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv.
exclusive possession: possession 777 N.
exclusive study: attention 457 N.
exclusive thought: attention 457 N.
exclusive: unconformity 83 Adj. speciality 79 Adj. simpleness 42 Adj. exclusion 55 Adj. prohibition 761 Adj.
excogitate: thought 451 V. imagination 515 V.
excogitation: thought 451 N. imagination 515 N.
excommunicate: malediction 908 V. rite 998 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
excommunication: seclusion, exclusion 893 N. malediction 908 N. rite 998 N.
excoriate: divestment 226 V.
excoriation: divestment 226 N.
excrement: excretion 299 N. uncleanness 653 N.
excrementitious: uncleanness 653 Adj.
excrescence: convexity 250 N. blemish 848 N.
excreta: uncleanness 653 N. excretion 299 N.
excrete: ejection 297 V. excretion 299 V.
excretion: excretion 299 N.
excruciate: physical pain 378 V.
excruciating pain: physical pain 378 N.
excruciating: painfulness 830 Adj.
exculpate: innocence 946 V. acquittal 970 V. vindication 937 N.
exculpation: exemption 927a N. vindication 937 N. acquittal 970 N. forgiveness 918 N.
exculpatory: vindication 937 Adj.
excursion: journey 266 N. circuition 311 N.
excursionist: traveler 268 N.
excursive: deviation 279 Adj. diffuseness 573 Adj.
excursus: dissertation 595 N.
excusable: exemption 927a Adj. vindication 937 Adj.
excuse: Pretext 617 V. exemption 927a V. vindication 937 N. exemption 927a N. forgiveness 918 V. exemption 777a V. Pretext 617 N. forgiveness 918 N.
execrable: badness 649 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
execrate: hate 898 V. malediction 908 V. disapprobation 932 V.
execration: malediction 908 N. disapprobation 932 N.
execute: action 680 V. security 771 V. punishment 972 V. observance 772 V. conduct 692 V. musician 416 V. completion 729 V.
execution: killing 361 N. musician 416 N. action 680 N. conduct 692 N. completion 729 N. security 771 N. punishment 972 N.
executioner: destroyer 165 N. killing 361 N. scourge 975 N.
executive: conduct 692 Adj. jurisdiction 965 N. government 737a Adj. jurisdiction 965 Adj.
executor: agent 690 N.
executrix: agent 690 N.
exegesis: interpretation 522 N.
exegetical: interpretation 522 Adj.
exemplar: prototype 22 N.
exemplary: virtue 944 Adj.
exemplification: conformity 82 N. interpretation 522 N.
exemplify: conformity 82 V. interpretation 522 V.
exempt from despair: hope 858 Adj.
exempt from distrust: hope 858 Adj.
exempt from fear: hope 858 Adj.
exempt from suspicion: hope 858 Adj.
exempt from: simpleness 42 Adj. exemption 777a Adj.
exempt: exemption 927a Adj. freedom 748 Adj. exemption 927a V.
exemption: exemption 927a N. unconformity 83 N. absence 187 N. qualification 469 N. freedom 748 N. permission 760 N. exemption 777a N.
exenterate: ejection 297 V.
exequies: interment 363 N.
exercise authority: government 737a V.
exercise book: teaching 537 V.
exercise discretion: choice 609 V.
exercise for the student: teaching 537 N.
exercise influence over: motive 615 V.
exercise influence upon: motive 615 V.
exercise influence with: motive 615 V.
exercise of the intellect: thought 451 N.
exercise one's discretion: skill 698 V. will 600 V.
exercise option: choice 609 V.
exercise power: power 157 V.
exercise: teaching 537 V. exertion 686 N. action 680 V. action 680 N. use 677 V. business 625 N. teaching 537 N. agency 170 N. use 677 N.
exercises: worship 990 N.
exercitation: exertion 686 N. use 677 N.
exert authority: government 737a V.
exert one's energies: exertion 686 V.
exert oneself: exertion 686 V.
exert: physical energy 171 V. use 677 V.
exertion: physical energy 171 N. activity 682 N. exertion 686 N.
exfoliate: divestment 226 V.
exfoliation: divestment 226 N.
exhalation: excretion 299 N. vaporization 336 N. odor 398 N.
exhale: ejection 297 V. vaporization 336 V. odor 398 V.
exhaust: prodigality 818 V. impotence 158 V. waste 638 V. fatigue 688 V. completion 729 V. taking 789 V.
exhausted: fatigue 688 Adj. inexistence 2 Adj. impotence 158 Adj.
exhaustion: impotence 158 N. waste 638 N. fatigue 688 N.
exhaustive inquiry: inquiry 461 N.
exhaustive: completeness 52 Adj. completion 729 Adj.
exhaustless: sufficiency 639 Adj. infinity 105 Adj.
exhibit the appearance of: appearance 448 V.
exhibit the semblance of: appearance 448 V.
exhibit: manifestation 525 V. painting 556 N. ostentation 882 V. manifestation 525 N. evidence 467 N.
exhibition: council 696 N. ostentation 882 N. manifestation 525 N.
exhilarate: cheerfulness 836 V.
exhilarating gas: physical insensibility 376 N.
exhilarating: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
exhilaration: cheerfulness 836 N.
exhort: motive 615 V. advice 695 V.
exhortation: advice 695 N. motive 615 N.
exhumation: interment 363 N.
exhume: the past 122 V. interment 363 V.
exigeant: severity 739 Adj.
exigency: circumstance 8 N. desire 865 N. difficulty 704 N. requirement 630 N. insufficiency 640 N.
exigent: requirement 630 Adj. severity 739 Adj. discontent 832 Adj.
exiguity: narrowness, thinness 203 N. littleness 193 N. fewness 103 N.
exiguous: littleness 193 Adj. fewness 103 Adj.
exile: seclusion, exclusion 893 V. punishment 972 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 N. displacement 185 V. displacement 185 N. exclusion 55 N. punishment 972 V.
exility: narrowness, thinness 203 N.
exist in space: presence 186 V.
exist: existence 1 V.
existence: existence 1 N. life 359 N.
existent: existence 1 Adj.
existing: existence 1 Adj. the present time 118 Adj.
exit: departure 293 N. egress 295 N. disappearance 449 N.
exode: drama 599 N.
exodus: departure 293 N. egress 295 N.
exogenous: vegetable 367 Adj.
exomorphic: exteriority 220 Adj.
exonerate: permission 760 V. exemption 927a V. vindication 937 N. acquittal 970 V. facility 705 V.
exonerated: facility 705 Adj.
exoneration: vindication 937 N. acquittal 970 N. forgiveness 918 N. exemption 927a N.
exophagy: vice 945 N.
exorable: pity 914 Adj.
exorbitance: redundancy 641 N. dearness 814 N.
exorbitant: greatness 31 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj. dearness 814 Adj.
exorbitantly: greatness 31 Adv.
exorcise: sorcery 992 V.
exorcism: sorcery 992 N. spell 993 N.
exorcist: sorcerer 994 N. remedy 662 N.
exostosis: convexity 250 N.
exoteric: manifestation 525 Adj. publication 531 Adj.
exotic: irrelation 10 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. vegetable 367 N.
expand: breadth, thickness 202 V. rarity 322 V. expansion 194 V. diffuseness 573 V.
expanded: expansion 194 Adj.
expanse: space 180 N. size 192 N.
expansibility: expansion 194 N.
expansion: exaggeration 549 N. rarity 322 N. space 180 N. copy 21 N. expansion 194 N.
expansive: space 180 Adj. expansion 194 Adj.
expatiate: speech 582 V. loquacity 584 V. diffuseness 573 V. journey 266 V.
expatriate: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
expatriation: egress 295 N.
expect: probability 472 V. expectation 507 V. foresight 510 V. hope 858 V. expectance 871 V.
expectance: expectation 507 N. expectance 871 N.
expectancy: expectation 507 N. property 780 N.
expectant: expectation 507 Adj.
expectation: expectation 507 N.
expected: expectation 507 Adj. expectance 871 Adj.
expecting: expectation 507 Adj. expectance 871 Adj.
expectorate: ejection 297 V.
expedience: expedience 646 N.
expediency: expedience 646 N.
expedient: expedience 646 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. plan 626 N. instrumentality 631 N. utility 644 Adj.
expedients: means 632 N.
expedite: earliness 132 V. haste 684 V.
expedition: journey 266 N. velocity 274 N. activity 682 N. warfare 722 N.
expeditious: velocity 274 Adj. activity 682 Adj.
expel: ejection 297 V. learning 539 V. disrepute 874 V. punishment 972 V. propulsion 284 V.
expend itself: inactivity 683 V.
expend: use 677 V. payment 807 V. ejection 297 V. expenditure 809 V. waste 638 V.
expended: expenditure 809 Adj.
expending: expenditure 809 Adj.
expenditure: waste 638 N. expenditure 809 N. accounts 811 N.
expense: price 812 N.
expenseless: cheapness 815 Adj.
expenses: expenditure 809 N.
expensive: dearness 814 Adj.
experience a loss: loss 776 V.
experience pain: pain 828 V. physical pain 378 V.
experience pleasure: pleasure 827 V. physical pleasure 377 V.
experience: knowledge 490 N. knowledge 490 V. feeling 821 V. eventuality 151 V. eventuality 151 N. feeling 821 N.
experienced eye: proficient 700 N.
experienced hand: proficient 700 N.
experienced: skill 698 Adj.
experiences: description 594 N.
experiment upon: experiment 463 V.
experiment: experiment 463 V. evidence 467 V. essay 675 V. experiment 463 N.
experimental animal: experiment 463 N.
experimental method: experiment 463 N.
experimental philosophy: materiality 316 N.
experimental: essay 675 Adj. experiment 463 Adj. uncertainty 475 Adj.
experimentalist: experiment 463 N.
experimentally verified: truth 494 Adj.
experimentally: essay 675 Adv.
experimentee: experiment 463 N.
experimenter: experiment 463 N.
experimentist: experiment 463 N.
experimentum crucis: demonstration 478 N.
expert testimony: evidence 467 N.
expert: sage 500 N. skill 698 Adj. proficient 700 N.
expertise: power 157 N.
expertness: skill 698 N.
expiate: atonement 952 V.
expiation: atonement 952 N.
expiration: end 67 N.
expire: end 67 V. course 109 V. death 360 V.
expired: illegality 964 Adj. the past 122 Adj.
expiry: end 67 N.
explain away: misinterpretation 523 V.
explain wrongly: misinterpretation 523 V.
explain: answer 462 V. interpretation 522 V. information 527 V. conformity 82 V.
explainer: interpreter 524 N.
explanation: teaching 537 N. interpretation 522 N. attribution 155 N.
explanatory: interpretation 522 Adj.
expletive: diffuseness 573 N. redundancy 641 Adj. redundancy 641 N.
explication: interpretation 522 N.
explicative: interpretation 522 Adj.
explicatory: interpretation 522 Adj.
explicit: intelligibility 518 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj. information 527 Adj. affirmation 535 Adj. perspicuity 570 Adj. meaning 516 Adj.
explicitness: intelligibility 518 N. perspicuity 570 N.
explode upwards: ascent 305 V.
explode: confutation 479 V. failure 732 V. excitability 825 V. violence 173 V.
exploded: disapprobation 932 Adj. the past 122 Adj. oldness 124 Adj. error 495 Adj.
exploit: action 680 N. courage 861 N.
exploitation: inquiry 461 N.
exploration: inquiry 461 N.
explore: inquiry 461 V. experiment 463 V.
explorer: traveler 268 N.
explosion: failure 732 N. resentment 900 N. excitability 825 N. snap 406 N. impulse 276 N. revolution 146 N. violence 173 N.
explosive: violence 173 Adj. danger 665 Adj. arms 727 N.
exponent: number 84 N. interpreter 524 N. information 527 N. indication 550 N.
exponential: indication 550 Adj. number 84 Adj.
export: extraction 301 N. egress 295 N. transference 270 V.
exportation: transference 270 N. ejection 297 N.
expose itself: visibility 446 V.
expose one's weak point: confutation 479 V.
expose oneself to: liability 177 V.
expose oneself: disrepute 874 V.
expose to danger: danger 665 V.
expose to view: visibility 446 V. manifestation 525 V.
expose: description 594 N. disclosure 529 V. disclosure 529 N. manifestation 525 V. confutation 479 V. divestment 226 V. disapprobation 932 V.
exposed to view: visibility 446 Adj.
exposed to: liability 177 Adj.
exposed: danger 665 Adj. divestment 226 Adj.
exposition: interpretation 522 N. manifestation 525 N. disclosure 529 N. indication 550 N. dissertation 595 N. ostentation 882 N. confutation 479 N.
expositor: teacher 540 N. interpreter 524 N.
expository: dissertation 595 Adj. information 527 Adj. interpretation 522 Adj.
expostulate: dissuasion 616 V. advice 695 V. deprecation 766 V. disapprobation 932 V.
expostulation: dissuasion 616 N. advice 695 N. deprecation 766 N. disapprobation 932 N.
expostulatory: dissuasion 616 Adj. deprecation 766 Adj.
exposure to the air: air 338 N.
exposure to the weather: air 338 N.
exposure: disclosure 529 N. confutation 479 N. liability 177 N. appearance 448 N. danger 665 N. visibility 446 N.
expound upon a subject: dissertation 595 V.
expound: teaching 537 V. interpretation 522 V.
expounder: interpreter 524 N.
expounding: interpretation 522 N.
express by words: style 569 V. phrase 566 V. language 560 V.
express car: vehicle 272 N.
express mail: messenger 534 N.
express sympathy for: condolence 915 V.
express trail: vehicle 272 N.
express train: velocity 274 N.
express: haste 684 V. information 527 V. intention 620 Adj. affirmation 535 Adj. manifestation 525 V. manifestation 525 Adj. meaning 516 V. extraction 301 V. velocity 274 Adj. carrier 271 N. phrase 566 V. method 627 N.
expressed: phrase 566 Adj.
expression: meaning 516 N. phrase 566 N. manifestation 525 N. musician 416 N. extraction 301 N. nomenclature 564 N. appearance 448 N.
expressive: sensibility 822 Adj. meaning 516 Adj. intelligibility 518 Adj. information 527 Adj.
expressman: carrier 271 N.
exprobate: disapprobation 932 V.
exprobation: disapprobation 932 N.
exprobration: accusation 938 N.
expropriate: relinquishment 782 V. taking 789 V.
expropriation: taking 789 N. relinquishment 782 N.
expugnable: danger 665 Adj.
expugnation: success 731 N.
expuition: ejection 297 N.
expulsion: exclusion 55 N. ejection 297 N. punishment 972 N.
expunge: obliteration 552 V. destruction 162 V.
expurgate: cleanness 652 V.
exquisite: goodness 648 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj. fop 854 N. savoriness 394 Adj.
exquisitely: greatness 31 Adv.
exsiccate: dryness 340 V.
exsiccation: dryness 340 N.
exspuition: ejection 297 N.
exsufflation: spell 993 N.
exsuscitate: excitation 824 V.
extant: existence 1 Adj. the present time 118 Adj.
extasy: imagination 515 N.
extemporaneous: impulse 612 Adj. nonpreparation 674 Adj. transientness 111 Adj.
extemporaneously: impulse 612 Adv.
extempore: instantaneity 113 Adv. earliness 132 Adv. occasion 134 Adv. impulse 612 Adv. nonpreparation 674 Adv.
extemporize: impulse 612 V. nonpreparation 674 V.
extend to: distance 196 V. length 200 V.
extend: expansion 194 V. length 200 V. elasticity 325 V.
extendable: elasticity 325 Adj.
extended: space 180 Adj. breadth, thickness 202 Adj.
extendibility: softness 324 N.
extensibility: softness 324 N.
extensile: softness 324 Adj.
extension of time: diuturnity 110 N.
extension: expansion 194 N. increase 35 N. copy 21 N. length 200 N. space 180 N.
extensive knowledge: knowledge 490 N.
extensive: greatness 31 Adj. space 180 Adj.
extensively: space 180 Adv.
extent: degree 26 N. space 180 N.
extenuate: weakness 160 V. vindication 937 N. nonincrease, decrease 36 V.
extenuated: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
extenuating circumstances: qualification 469 N. vindication 937 N.
extenuation: nonincrease, decrease 36 N. vindication 937 N.
exterior: exteriority 220 N. exteriority 220 Adj.
exteriority: extraneousness 57 N. exteriority 220 N.
exterminate: destruction 162 V.
extermination: end 67 N. extraction 301 N.
external evidence: evidence 467 N.
external senses: physical sensibility 375 N.
external: exteriority 220 Adj.
externally: exteriority 220 Adv.
extinct: inexistence 2 Adj. the past 122 Adj. destruction 162 Adj. death 360 Adj.
extinction of life: death 360 N.
extinction: destruction 162 N. darkness 421 N. end 67 N. inexistence 2 N. obliteration 552 N.
extinguish: destruction 162 V. refrigeration 385 V. insulation, fire extinction 388a V. darkness 421 V.
extinguishment: inexistence 2 N.
extirpate: inexistence 2 V. extraction 301 V.
extirpation: inexistence 2 N. destruction 162 N. extraction 301 N.
extispicious: prediction 511 Adj.
extispicy: prediction 511 Phr.
extol to the skies: approbation 931 V. overestimation 482 V.
extol: approbation 931 V. overestimation 482 V.
extort: extraction 301 V. compulsion 744 V. taking 789 V. dearness 814 V. greed 817a V.
extorted: dissent 489 Adj.
extortion: taking 789 N. stealing 791 N. dearness 814 N. greed 817a N. reward 973 N.
extortionate: dearness 814 Adj. greed 817a Adj. severity 739 Adj. parsimony 819 Adj.
extortioner: severity 739 N. parsimony 819 N.
extra: addition 37 Adj. addition 37 Adv. drama 599 N. redundancy 641 Adv.
extract roots: numeration 85 V.
extract: extraction 301 V.
extracted: extraction 301 Adj.
extracting: extraction 301 N.
extraction of roots: numeration 85 N.
extraction: paternity 166 N. extraction 301 N.
extractor: extraction 301 N.
extracts: compendium 596 N.
extradite: jurisdiction 965 V.
extradition: transference 270 N. ejection 297 N. jurisdiction 965 N.
extrados: exteriority 220 N.
extrajudicial: illegality 964 Adj.
extralimitary: exteriority 220 Adj.
extramundane: immateriality 317 Adj. exteriority 220 Adj.
extramural: exteriority 220 Adj.
extraneous: extrinsicality 6 Adj. irrelation 10 Adj. extraneousness 57 Adj.
extraneousness: extraneousness 57 N. extrinsicality 6 N.
extraordinary.: greatness 31 Adj.
extraordinary: unconformity 83 Adj.
extrapolate: prediction 511 V.
extraregarding: exteriority 220 Adj.
extravagance: redundancy 641 N. ridiculousness 853 N. dearness 814 N. exaggeration 549 N. imbecility folly 499 N. absurdity 497 N. prodigality 818 N.
extravagant: imbecility folly 499 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. prodigality 818 Adj. dearness 814 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj. absurdity 497 Adj. violence 173 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. exaggeration 549 Adj. imagination 515 Adj.
extravagantly: greatness 31 Adv.
extravaganza: imagination 515 N. drama 599 N.
extravagation: transcursion 303 N.
extravasate: egress 295 V. ejection 297 V.
extravasation: egress 295 N. excretion 299 N.
extreme unction: rite 998 N.
extreme: end 67 N. greatness 31 Adj.
extremely: greatness 31 Adv.
extremity: end 67 N. adversity 735 N. pain 828 N.
extricable: deliverance 672 Adj.
extricate: deliverance 672 V. facility 705 V. extraction 301 V. liberation 750 V.
extrication: extraction 301 N. deliverance 672 N. liberation 750 N.
extrinsic evidence: evidence 467 N.
extrinsic: extrinsicality 6 Adj. exteriority 220 Adj.
extrinsical: extrinsicality 6 Adj.
extrinsicality: extraneousness 57 N. extrinsicality 6 N.
extrinsically: extrinsicality 6 Adv.
extrude: ejection 297 V.
extrusion: ejection 297 N. excretion 299 N.
exuberance: diffuseness 573 N. redundancy 641 N.
exuberant: diffuseness 573 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj.
exuberate: sufficiency 639 V.
exudation: egress 295 N. excretion 299 N.
exude: egress 295 V.
exulcerate: deterioration 659 Adj.
exult: rejoicing 838 V. repute 873 V. boasting 884 V.
exultant: rejoicing 838 Adj. hope 858 Adj. boasting 884 Adj.
exultation: rejoicing 838 N. boasting 884 N.
exulting: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
exuviae: excretion 299 N.
eye askance: fear 860 V.
eye of a hawk: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
eye of a lynx: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
eye of a needle: opening 260 N.
eye of the master: direction 693 N.
eye opener: inexpectation 508 N.
eye shadow: ornament 847 N.
eye: vision 441 N. circularity 247 N. vision 441 V.
eyeglass: optical instruments 445 N.
eyeless: blindness 442 Adj.
eyelet: opening 260 N.
eyepiece: optical instruments 445 N.
eyes brimming: lamentation 839 Phr.
eyes flashing fire: resentment 900 Phr.
eyes of argus: care 459 N.
eyes suffused: lamentation 839 Phr.
eyes swimming: lamentation 839 Phr.
eyesight: vision 441 N.
eyesore: ugliness 846 N. blemish 848 N.
eyewater: remedy 662 N.
eyewitness: spectator 444 N. evidence 467 N.
eyot: island 346 N.
eyre: tribunal 966 N.
eyrie: abode 189 N.
eyry: abode 189 N.