Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
h.m.s.: combatant 726 N.
habeas corpus: legality 963 N.
haberdasher: clothing 225 N.
habergeon: defense 717 N.
habiliment: clothing 225 N.
habilitation: skill 698 N.
habit of mind: affections 820 N.
habit of soul: affections 820 N.
habit: habit 613 N. intrinsicality 5 N. clothing 225 N.
habitant: inhabitant 188 N.
habitat: agriculture 371 N. location 184 N. abode 189 N.
habitation: abode 189 N. location 184 N.
habited: clothing 225 Adj.
habitmaker: clothing 225 N.
habits of business: activity 682 N.
habitual: habit 613 Adj. conformity 82 Adj. repetition 104 Adj.
habitually: habit 613 Adv.
habituate: habit 613 V. teaching 537 V.
habituated: habit 613 Adj.
habituation: conformity 82 N.
habitude: state 7 N. habit 613 N.
habitue: habit 613 Adj.
hachure: indication 550 N.
hacienda: property 780 N. abode 189 N.
hack writer: book 593 N.
hack: agent 690 N. artist 559 N. vehicle 272 N. carrier 271 N. shortness 201 V. disjunction 44 V.
hackbut: arms 727 N.
hackery: vehicle 272 N.
hackle: disjunction 44 V. sharpness 253 N.
hackman: traveler 268 N.
hackney coach: vehicle 272 N.
hackneyed saying: maxim 496 N.
hackneyed: knowledge 490 Adj. skill 698 Adj. habit 613 Adj.
had as lief: willingness 602 V.
hades: hell 982 N.
hadji: traveler 268 N. clergy 996 N.
haematobious: production 161 Adj. intrinsicality 5 Adj.
haft: instrument 633 N.
hag: evil 913 N. sorcerer 994 N. ugliness 846 N.
haggard: ugliness 846 Adj. insanity 503 Adj. fatigue 688 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
haggle: barter 794 V. disjunction 44 V.
hagiographa: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
hagiography: theology 983 N.
hagiology: theology 983 N. Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
haguebut: arms 727 N.
haha: defense 717 N.
ha-ha: interval 198 N.
haik: clothing 225 N.
hail fellow well met: friendship 888 Adj.
hail from: departure 293 V.
hail with satisfaction: approbation 931 V.
hail!: courtesy 894 Int. celebration 883 Int. repute 873 Int. respect 928 Int. arrival 292 Int. rejoicing 838 Int.
hail: approbation 931 V. respect 928 V. courtesy 894 V. cold 383 N.
hailstone: cold 383 N.
hair drier: dryness 340 N.
hair stroke: filament 205 N.
hair: smallness 32 N. filament 205 N. roughness 256 N.
hairbreadth escape: danger 665 N. escape 671 N.
hairif: sharpness 253 N.
hairless: divestment 226 Adj.
hair's breadth: nearness 197 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N.
hairsplitting: intuition 477 N.
hairy: filament 205 Adj. roughness 256 Adj.
hajj: journey 266 N.
halberd: arms 727 N.
halberdier: combatant 726 N.
halcyon days: pleasure 827 N. prosperity 734 N.
halcyon: moderation 174 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj. peace 721 Adj. prosperity 734 Adj.
hale: health 654 Adj.
half a dozen: multitude 102 Adj.
half a gale: wind 349 N.
half a hundred: five, &c 98 N. multitude 102 Adj.
half and half measures: mid-course 628 N.
half and half: equality 27 Adj.
half blood: unconformity 83 Adj. imperfection 651 N.
half distance: middle 68 N.
half dollar: money 800 N.
half dozen: five, &c 98 N.
half frozen: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
half length: painting 556 N.
half light: dimness 422 N.
half measure: mid-course 628 N.
half measures: incompleteness 53 N. irresolution 605 N.
half melted: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
half price: discount 813 N.
half rations: insufficiency 640 N.
half scholar: ignoramus 493 N.
half seas over: drunkenness 959 Adj.
half the battle: importance 642 N. success 731 N.
half tone: engraving 558 N.
half truth: untruth 546 N.
half witted: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
half: bisection 91 N.
half-a-dozen: five, &c 98 N.
half-and-half: mixture 41 Adj. mixture 41 N.
halfand-half: incompleteness 53 Adj.
halfbaked: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
half-baked: noncompletion 730 Adj.
half-blind: dimsightedness 443 Adj.
half-blood: mixture 41 N. unconformity 83 N.
half-breed: unconformity 83 N.
half-caste: mixture 41 N. unconformity 83 N.
half-dime: money 800 N.
half-hearted: indifference 866 Adj. irresolution 605 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
half-learned: ignorance 491 Adj.
half-moon: curvature 245 N.
halfpenny: unimportance 643 N.
half-price: cheapness 815 Adj.
halfstarved: insufficiency 640 Adj.
half-starved: fasting 956 Adj.
half-wave plate: optical instruments 445 N.
halfway house: interposition 228 N. middle 68 N.
halfway: middle 68 Adv. smallness 32 Adj.
halfwit: fool 501 N.
hall fellow well met: sociality 892 Adj.
hall mark: indication 550 N.
hall of audience: conversation 588 N.
hall: abode 189 N. receptacle 191 N. mart 799 N. amusement 840 N.
hallelujah: worship 990 Int. worship 990 N.
halloa: cry 411 V.
halloo!: attention 457 Int. wonder 870 Int. allocution 586 Int.
halloo: allocution 586 V. cry 411 V.
hallow: celebration 883 V. respect 928 V.
hallowed: deity 976 Adj.
halloween: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
hallowmas: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
hallucination: error 495 N. insanity 503 N.
hallucinatory: insanity 503 Adj.
halo of glory: repute 873 N.
halo: light 420 N. repute 873 N.
halomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
halophile: life 359 N.
halser: connection 45 N.
halt!: quiescence 265 Int.
halt: cessation 142 N. cessation 142 V. weakness 160 V. quiescence 265 V. slowness 275 V. disease 655 V. repose 687 N. failure 732 V.
halter: connection 45 N. prison 752 N. scourge 975 N.
halting ground: arrival 292 N.
halting place: arrival 292 N.
halting: disease 655 Adj. inelegance 579 Adj.
halve: bisection 91 V.
halving: bisection 91 N.
ham radio: hearing 418 N.
ham: abode 189 N. drama 599 N.
hamadryad: Jupiter 979 N.
hamal: servant 746 N.
hamate: curvature 245 Adj.
hamfatter: drama 599 N.
hamiform: curvature 245 Adj.
hamlet: abode 189 N.
hammer and tongs: exertion 686 Adv.
hammer at: exertion 686 V. thought 451 V.
hammer coat: clothing 225 N.
hammer out: form 240 V. preparation 673 V. completion 729 V.
hammer: stammering 583 V. impulse 276 N. repetition 104 V. instrument 633 N.
hammering: exertion 686 N.
hammock: support 215 N.
hamous: curvature 245 Adj.
hamper: hindrance 706 V. receptacle 191 N.
hamstring: restraint 751 V. impotence 158 V. deterioration 659 Adj.
hanaper: treasury 802 N.
hand and glove: friendship 888 Adj.
hand and seal: indication 550 N.
hand barrow: vehicle 272 N.
hand down to posterity: record 551 V.
hand down: transfer 783 V.
hand in hand with: friendship 888 Adj.
hand in hand: concord 714 Adv. party 712 Adv. junction 43 Adj. accompaniment 88 Adv.
hand in one's checks: death 360 V.
hand in one's chips: death 360 V.
hand lens: optical instruments 445 N.
hand mike: hearing 418 N.
hand mirror: optical instruments 445 N.
hand of death: death 360 N.
hand organ: musical instruments 417 N.
hand out false colors: falsehood 544 V.
hand out: ostentation 882 V.
hand over head: neglect 460 Adv. rashness 863 Adv. inattention 458 Adj.
hand over: transfer 783 V. giving 784 V.
hand pass: transference 270 V.
hand staff: arms 727 N.
hand to hand: contiguity 199 Adj. contention 720 N.
hand to mouth existence: poverty 804 N.
hand together: cooperation 709 V.
hand writing: indication 550 N.
hand: mankind 372 N. instrumentality 631 N. agent 690 N. writing 590 N. touch 379 N. laterality 236 N. length 200 N. indication 550 N. transfer 783 V. giving 784 V. retention 781 N. compensation 30 Adv.
handbook: journey 266 N. information 527 N. book 593 N.
handbreadth: length 200 N.
handcuff: restraint 751 V. prison 752 N.
handfast: marriage 903 V.
handful: quantity 25 N. smallness 32 N. fewness 103 N.
handicap: equality 27 V. hindrance 706 V. contention 720 N.
handicraft: business 625 N. action 680 N.
handicraftsman: agent 690 N.
handie-talkie: hearing 418 N.
handiwork: effect 154 N. action 680 N.
handkerchief: clothing 225 N. cleanness 652 N.
handle a case: conduct 692 V.
handle a subject: dissertation 595 V.
handle the reins: direction 693 V.
handle to one's name: title 877 N. nomenclature 564 N.
handle: instrument 633 N. Pretext 617 N. touch 379 V. use 677 V.
handmaid: instrumentality 631 N. auxiliary 711 N. servant 746 N.
handpost: indication 550 N.
hands off!: avoidance 623 Int. inaction 681 Int. resistance 719 Int. prohibition 761 Int. deprecation 766 Int.
handsel: expenditure 809 N. beginning 66 V. security 771 N. giving 784 N.
handsome fortune: wealth 803 N.
handsome: liberality 816 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj.
handspike: instrument 633 N.
handwriting on the wall: warning 668 N.
handwriting: writing 590 N.
handy: preparation 673 Adj. skill 698 Adj. utility 644 Adj. nearness 197 Adj.
hang about: nearness 197 V.
hang back: avoidance 623 V. inactivity 683 V.
hang by a thread: danger 665 V.
hang down the head: dejection 837 V.
hang draw and quarter: punishment 972 V.
hang fire: refusal 764 V. unproductiveness 169 V. unwillingness 603 V. slowness 275 V. physical inertness 172 V. inactivity 683 V. cessation 142 V. lateness 133 V. failure 732 V. noncompletion 730 V.
hang heavy on hand: redundancy 641 V.
hang in doubt: unbelief doubt 485 V.
hang in suspense: unbelief doubt 485 V. irresolution 605 V.
hang in the balance: uncertainty 475 V.
hang it!: regret 833 Int. contempt 930 Int.
hang on the skirts of: sequence 281 V.
hang on the sleeve of: flattery 933 V. servant 746 V. servility 886 V.
hang on: accompaniment 88 V.
hang one's head: humility 879 V.
hang out a banner: indication 550 V.
hang out a light: light 420 V.
hang out a signal: indication 550 V.
hang out to dry: dryness 340 V.
hang out: sociality 892 V.
hang over: convexity 250 V. height 206 V. destiny 152 V.
hang together: junction 43 V. coherence 46 V. concurrence 178 V.
hang up one's fiddle: end 67 V.
hang upon the lips of: hearing 418 V.
hang upon the skirts of: nearness 197 V.
hang upon: effect 154 V. subjection 749 V.
hang!: malediction 908 Int.
hang: punishment 972 V. killing 361 V. connection 45 V. pendency 214 V.
hangar: receptacle 191 N.
hanger on: servant 746 N. servility 886 N. accompaniment 88 N.
hanger-on: flatterer 935 N.
hanging by a thread: danger 665 Adj.
hanging look: ugliness 846 N.
hanging over one's head: destiny 152 Adj.
hanging: pendency 214 N. killing 361 N. ornament 847 N. pendency 214 Adj. height 206 Adj. punishment 972 N.
hangman: amusement 840 N. evil 913 N. bad man 949 N. scourge 975 N.
hangnail peg: pendency 214 N.
hangout: abode 189 N.
hank: connection 45 N.
hanker after: desire 865 V.
hankering: desire 865 N.
hankie: clothing 225 N.
hanky: clothing 225 N.
hanky-panky: endearment 902 N.
hansard's debates: record 551 N.
hansom: vehicle 272 N.
hanukkah: rite 998 N.
hap: chance 156 N. chance 156 V.
haphazard: chance 156 N.
hapless: adversity 735 Adj.
haplography: error 495 N.
haply: possibility 470 Adv.
happen what may: rashness 863 Adv. certainty 474 Adv.
happen: eventuality 151 Adv. destiny 152 Adj. eventuality 151 V.
happening: eventuality 151 Adj. eventuality 151 N.
happily: pleasure 827 Adv.
happiness: physical pleasure 377 N. good 618 N. pleasure 827 N.
happy as a clam: pleasure 827 Adj.
happy as a king: pleasure 827 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj.
happy as the day is long: cheerfulness 836 Adj. pleasure 827 Adj.
happy dispatch: punishment 972 N.
happy family: concord 714 N.
happy hunting grounds: heaven 981 N.
happy in our mutual help: correlation 12 Phr.
happy thought: wit 842 N.
happy valley: imagination 515 N. pleasure 827 N.
happy: agreement 23 Adj. occasion 134 Adj. elegance 578 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj. pleasure 827 Adj.
happy-go-lucky: nonpreparation 674 Adj.
hara-kiri: killing 361 N. punishment 972 N.
harangue: speech 582 N. speech 582 V.
harass: fatigue 688 V. painfulness 830 V. malevolence 907 V.
harassing: painfulness 830 Adj.
harbinger: precursor 64 N. omen 512 N.
harbor a design: intention 620 V.
harbor a grudge: malevolence 907 V.
harbor an idea: thought 451 V.
harbor cherish a love: love 897 V.
harbor doubts: unbelief doubt 485 V.
harbor feeling: feeling 821 V.
harbor hope: hope 858 V.
harbor of refuge: refuge 666 N.
harbor revenge: revenge 919 V.
harbor spleen: malevolence 907 V.
harbor vindictive feeling: revenge 919 V.
harbor: refuge 666 N. abode 189 N. arrival 292 N.
harborless: danger 665 Adj.
hard a lee: ship 273 Adv.
hard a port: ship 273 Adv.
hard a starboard: ship 273 Adv.
hard a weather: ship 273 Adv.
hard and fast rule: conformity 82 N.
hard as a rock: hardness 323 Adj.
hard at it: activity 682 Adj.
hard at work: activity 682 Adj. exertion 686 Adj.
hard by: nearness 197 Adv.
hard case: adversity 735 N.
hard cash: money 800 N.
hard core unemployed: petitioner 767 N.
hard disk: record 551 N.
hard drinker: drunkenness 959 N.
hard fact: existence 1 N.
hard featured: ugliness 846 Adj.
hard fisted: parsimony 819 Adj.
hard fortune: adversity 735 N.
hard frost: cold 383 N.
hard hap: adversity 735 N.
hard hit: failure 732 Adj.
hard home: physical energy 171 V.
hard knocks: contention 720 N.
hard labor: punishment 972 N.
hard lenses: optical instruments 445 N.
hard life: adversity 735 N.
hard lines: adversity 735 N. severity 739 N.
hard liver: sensualist 954a N.
hard lot: adversity 735 N.
hard luck: adversity 735 N.
hard master: severity 739 N.
hard measure: severity 739 N.
hard necessity: necessity 601 N.
hard nut to crack: difficulty 704 N.
hard of belief: incredulity 487 Adj.
hard of hearing: deafness 419 Adj.
hard of heart: malevolence 907 Adj.
hard pressed: haste 684 Adj. difficulty 704 Adj. hindrance 706 Adj.
hard put to it: difficulty 704 Adj.
hard set: difficulty 704 Adj.
hard task: difficulty 704 N.
hard times: adversity 735 N.
hard to believe: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
hard to deal with: difficulty 704 Adj.
hard to please: fastidiousness 868 Adj.
hard up: difficulty 704 Adj. poverty 804 Adj.
hard upon: nearness 197 Adv. disapprobation 932 Adj.
hard visaged: ugliness 846 Adj.
hard winter: cold 383 N.
hard words: discourtesy 895 N. disapprobation 932 N. obscurity 571 N.
hard work: exertion 686 N. difficulty 704 N.
hard: strength 159 Adj. physical insensibility 376 Adj. sourness 397 Adj. difficulty 704 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. impenitence 951 Adj. severity 739 Adj. hardness 323 Adj.
hardcore pornography: sexuality 374a N.
hard-earned: difficulty 704 Adj.
harden the heart: insensibility 823 V. enmity 889 V. impenitence 951 V.
harden: hardness 323 V. habit 613 V. strength 159 V.
hardened front: insolence 885 N.
hardened site: defense 717 N.
hardened: impenitence 951 Adj. physical insensibility 376 Adj. defense 717 Adj. impiety 988 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
hardening of the arteries: disease 655 N.
hardening: impiety 988 N.
hard-favored: ugliness 846 Adj.
hard-fought: difficulty 704 Adj.
hardheaded: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
hard-headed: severity 739 Adj.
hard-hearted: malevolence 907 Adj.
hardihood: courage 861 N. insolence 885 N.
hardly any: fewness 103 Adj.
hardly anything: smallness 32 N. unimportance 643 N.
hardly ever: infrequency 137 Adv.
hardly: infrequency 137 Adv. smallness 32 Adv. difficulty 704 Adv.
hard-mouthed: obstinacy 606 Adj.
hardness of hearing: deafness 419 N.
hardness of heart: impenitence 951 N. malevolence 907 N. vice 945 N.
hardness: difficulty 704 N. hardness 323 N.
hard-nosed: severity 739 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
hard-on: sexuality 374a N.
hardship: adversity 735 N.
hardtack: food 298 N.
hardware store: mart 799 N.
hardware: hardness 323 N.
hard-working: activity 682 Adj. exertion 686 Adj.
hardy: strength 159 Adj. health 654 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
hare: velocity 274 N.
harebrained: rashness 863 Adj.
hare-brained: inattention 458 Adj.
harelip: distortion 243 N.
harelipped: distortion 243 Adj.
harem: abode 189 N. impurity 961 N.
hariff: sharpness 253 N.
hariolation: prediction 511 N.
hark back: regression 283 V.
hark ye!: hearing 418 Int. attention 457 Int.
hark: hearing 418 Int. hearing 418 V. attention 457 Int.
harken: hearing 418 V.
harlequin: changeableness 149 N. velocity 274 N. variegation 440 N. humorist 844 N.
harlequinade: drama 599 N. wit 842 N.
harlot: libertine 962 N.
harlotry: impurity 961 N.
harm: pleasurableness 829 N. deterioration 659 Adj. badness 649 V. evil 619 N. malevolence 907 V.
harmattan: wind 349 N.
harmful: badness 649 Adj.
harmless as doves: innocence 946 Adj.
harmless: safety 664 Adj. salubrity 656 Adj. perfection 650 Adj. goodness 648 Adj. impotence 158 Adj. innocence 946 Adj.
harmonica: musical instruments 417 N.
harmonical progression: number 84 N.
harmonical: melody concord 413 Adj.
harmonicon: musical instruments 417 N.
harmonics: melody concord 413 N.
harmonious reconcilable: agreement 23 Adj.
harmonious: beauty 845 Adj. friendship 888 Adj. concord 714 Adj. color 428 Adj. melody concord 413 Adj. music 415 Adj.
harmoniously confused: multiformity 81 Phr.
harmoniously: melody concord 413 Adv.
harmoniphon: musical instruments 417 N.
harmoniphone: musical instruments 417 N.
harmonist: melody concord 413 N.
harmonium: musical instruments 417 N.
harmonize with: concord 714 V.
harmonize: agreement 23 V. melody concord 413 V.
harmony: friendship 888 N. peace 721 N. agreement 23 N. melody concord 413 N. concord 714 N.
harness: junction 43 V. connection 45 N. clothing 225 N. clothing 225 V. instrument 633 N. prison 752 N.
harp on the same string: repetition 104 V. weariness 841 V.
harp upon: diffuseness 573 V. repetition 104 V. continuance in action 143 V.
harp: musical instruments 417 N.
harpagon: parsimony 819 N.
harper: musician 416 N.
harping: repetition 104 Adj. repetition 104 N.
harpoon: arms 727 N.
harpsichord: musical instruments 417 N.
harpy: thief 792 N. demon 980 N. parsimony 819 N. severity 739 N. evil 913 N.
harquebuss: arms 727 N.
harridan: ugliness 846 N. libertine 962 N.
harrier: animal 366 N.
harrow up the soul: fear 860 V.
harrow: agriculture 371 V. painfulness 830 V.
harrowing: painfulness 830 Adj.
harry: attack 716 V. painfulness 830 V. malevolence 907 V.
harsh voice: aphony 581 N.
harsh: pitilessness 914a Adj. malevolence 907 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. inelegance 579 Adj. discord 414 Adj. stridor 410 Adj. physical energy 171 Adj. acridity 401a Adj. severity 739 Adj.
harshness: physical energy 171 N. discord 414 N. severity 739 N.
hart: animal 366 N. man 373 N.
hartshorn: pungency 392 N.
harum-scarum: disorder 59 Adv. inattention 458 Adj.
haruspex: oracle 513 N.
haruspical: prediction 511 Adj.
haruspice: oracle 513 N.
haruspicy: prediction 511 Phr.
harvest time: exertion 686 N.
harvest: store 636 V. store 636 N. good 618 N. effect 154 N. acquisition 775 N.
harvest-home: celebration 883 N.
has-been: the past 122 Adj. politics 737b N.
hash up: mixture 41 V.
hash: food 298 N. disorder 59 N. disjunction 44 V.
hashish: intemperance 954 N. bane 663 N.
hasp: junction 43 V. connection 45 N.
hassock: support 215 N.
haste makes waste: haste 684 Phr.
haste: earliness 132 N. haste 684 V. haste 684 N. velocity 274 N. activity 682 N.
hasten: velocity 274 V. activity 682 V. haste 684 V. aid 707 V.
hastily: haste 684 Adv.
hasty conclusion: misjudgment 481 N.
hasty pudding: food 298 N.
hasty: instantaneity 113 Adj. haste 684 Adj. excitability 825 Adj. irascibility 901 Adj.
hat in hand: servility 886 Adv.
hat: clothing 225 N.
hatch a plot concoct: plan 626 V.
hatch: plan 626 V. painting 556 V. falsehood 544 V. opening 260 N. inclosure 232 N. production 161 V. preparation 673 V.
hatchel: sharpness 253 N.
hatchet: sharpness 253 N.
hatchet-faced: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
hatchment: record 551 N. interment 363 N. indication 550 N.
hatchway: opening 260 N.
hate: malevolence 907 N. dislike 867 N. dislike 867 V. enmity 889 N. hate 898 N. hate 898 V. discord 713 N.
hateful as a toad: badness 649 Adj.
hateful: hate 898 Adj. badness 649 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
hating: hate 898 Adj.
hatrack: support 215 N.
hatred: hate 898 N. dislike 867 N.
hatter: clothing 225 N.
hatti-sherif: command 741 N.
hattock: assemblage 72 N.
hauberk: defense 717 N.
haugh: plain 344 N.
haughtiness: pride 878 N. insolence 885 N.
haughty lofty: pride 878 Adj.
haughty: severity 739 Adj. insolence 885 Adj. contempt 930 Adj.
haul down colors: submission 725 V.
haul: traction 285 N. traction 285 V. taking 789 N.
haulage: traction 285 N.
haunch: laterality 236 N.
haunt one's mind: memory 505 V.
haunt one's thoughts: memory 505 V.
haunt the memory: painfulness 830 V.
haunt: presence 186 V. abode 189 N. fear 860 V. malevolence 907 V.
haunted with the fear of: fear 860 Adj.
haunted: demon 980 Adj.
hautboy: musical instruments 417 N.
hauteur: pride 878 N.
have a bad name: disrepute 874 V.
have a bad smell: fetor 401 V.
have a bad time of it: pain 828 V.
have a bias: misjudgment 481 V.
have a bone to pick: discord 713 V. revenge 919 V.
have a brush: contention 720 V.
have a buzz on: drunkenness 959 V.
have a care mind: caution 864 V.
have a care!: caution 864 Int.
have a case: evidence 467 V.
have a claim upon: dueness 924 V.
have a common origin: cause 153 V.
have a correct ear: musician 416 V.
have a crow to pluck with: accusation 938 V. discord 713 V.
have a crow to pluck: revenge 919 V.
have a cut at: attack 716 V.
have a defect: imperfection 651 V.
have a devil in one: irascibility 901 V.
have a devil: insanity 503 V.
have a dislike for: dislike 867 V.
have a doubtful meaning: unintelligibility 519 V.
have a false meaning: untruth 546 V.
have a fancy for: desire 865 V.
have a film over the eyes: dimsightedness 443 V. ignorance 491 V.
have a fine time of it: prosperity 734 V.
have a finger in the pie: cooperation 709 V. interposition 228 V. action 680 V. activity 682 V. cause 153 V.
have a firm hold of: retention 781 V.
have a firmhold of: possession 777 V.
have a fling at: attack 716 V. resentment 900 V. disrespect 929 V.
have a fling: disapprobation 932 V.
have a glimmering: ignorance 491 V.
have a glimpse of: vision 441 V.
have a good appetite: desire 865 V.
have a good time of it: prosperity 734 V.
have a good word for: approbation 931 V.
have a great mind to: willingness 602 V.
have a half a mind to: willingness 602 V.
have a hand in the pie: cause 153 V.
have a hand in: action 680 V. participation 778 V. activity 682 V. cooperation 709 V.
have a hangdog look: sullenness 901a V.
have a hard time of it: difficulty 704 V.
have a high opinion of: respect 928 V.
have a hold upon: influence 175 V.
have a jag on: drunkenness 959 V.
have a leaning to: friendship 888 V.
have a liking for: pleasure 827 V.
have a longing: desire 865 V.
have a love: love 897 V.
have a mind to: intention 620 V. desire 865 V.
have a mote in the eye: dimsightedness 443 V.
have a musical ear: musician 416 V.
have a perfume: fragrance 400 V.
have a relation: relation 9 V.
have a rhinoceros hide: physical insensibility 376 V. insensibility 823 V.
have a rod in pickle for: accusation 938 V. punishment 972 V.
have a rod in pickle: preparation 673 V. revenge 919 V.
have a run of luck: prosperity 734 V.
have a run: journey 266 V. fashion 852 V. repute 873 V.
have a screw loose: insanity 503 V.
have a sensitive heart: sensibility 822 V.
have a short memory: oblivion 506 V.
have a shot at: attack 716 V.
have a shy at: attack 716 V.
have a sight of: vision 441 V.
have a small chance: improbability 473 V.
have a snap at: disapprobation 932 V.
have a sweet tooth: fastidiousness 868 V.
have a temper: irascibility 901 V.
have a tender heart: sensibility 822 V.
have a thick skin: physical insensibility 376 V.
have a turn for: skill 698 V.
have a warm heart: sensibility 822 V.
have a weight on the mind: regret 833 V.
have a will of one's own: will 600 V. freedom 748 V.
have accounts to settle: revenge 919 V.
have affections: affections 820 V.
have all one's own way: facility 705 V.
have all to oneself: possession 777 V.
have an aversion for: dislike 867 V.
have an aversion to: dislike 867 V.
have an ax to grind: cunning 702 V.
have an ear for music: musician 416 V.
have an erection: sexuality 374a V.
have an eye to the future: foresight 510 V.
have an eye to: intention 620 V. attention 457 V.
have an eye: desire 865 V.
have an itching palm: parsimony 819 V.
have an odor: odor 398 V.
have an offer: endearment 902 V.
have an opinion: belief 484 V.
have as joint tenants: participation 778 V.
have as lief: choice 609 V.
have at heart: desire 865 V.
have at one' fingers ends: knowledge 490 V.
have at one's back: support 215 V.
have at one's elbow: advice 695 V.
have at one's finger tips: memory 505 V.
have at one's fingers': memory 505 V.
have at: attack 716 V.
have authority: government 737a V.
have being: existence 1 V.
have charge of: direction 693 V.
have claim to: dueness 924 V.
have cut one's eye teeth: skill 698 V.
have cut one's eyeteeth: adolescence 131 V. cunning 702 V.
have dealings with: barter 794 V. friendship 888 V.
have determination: resolution 604 V.
have done with: disuse 678 V. cessation 142 V. relinquishment 624 V.
have done!: cessation 142 Int.
have doubts: unbelief doubt 485 V.
have enough of: satiety 869 V. dislike 867 V.
have enough: sufficiency 639 V.
have expired: the past 122 V.
have faith: piety 987 V.
have for one's own: property 780 V.
have for one's very own: property 780 V.
have framed and glazed: ostentation 882 V.
have free play: agency 170 V.
have full play: facility 705 V. influence 175 V.
have given to one: receiving 785 V.
have had its day: the past 122 V. oldness 124 V.
have in common: participation 778 V.
have in contemplation: expectation 507 V. intention 620 V.
have in derision: disrespect 929 V.
have in hand: possession 777 V. action 680 V. business 625 V. undertaking 676 V.
have in one's eye: attention 457 V. intention 620 V.
have in one's head: knowledge 490 V.
have in one's mind: thought 451 V.
have in petto: intention 620 V.
have in prospect: expectation 507 V.
have in reserve: provision 637 V.
have in sight: vision 441 V.
have in stock: retention 781 V.
have in store for: expectation 507 V. destiny 152 V.
have in store: provision 637 V.
have in the memory: memory 505 V.
have in the mind: memory 505 V.
have in the thoughts: memory 505 V.
have in view: intention 620 V.
have influence over: motive 615 V.
have influence upon: motive 615 V.
have influence with: motive 615 V.
have influence: influence 175 V.
have intercourse: sexuality 374a V.
have it all one's own way: authority 737 V. success 731 V.
have it's own way: will 600 V.
have it your own way: submission 725 Phr.
have it: discovery 480a V. belief 484 V.
have its seat in: situation 183 V.
have know: belief 484 V.
have leisure: leisure 685 V.
have means: means 632 V.
have mercy!: pity 914 Int.
have much ado with: difficulty 704 V.
have much on one's hands: activity 682 V.
have no alternative: necessity 601 V.
have no bearing upon: irrelation 10 V.
have no bounds: infinity 105 V.
have no brains: imbecility folly 499 V.
have no business there: unconformity 83 V. irrelation 10 V.
have no business with: irrelation 10 V.
have no chance whatever: impossibility 471 V.
have no choice: necessity 601 V. absence of choice 609a V.
have no conception: ignorance 491 V.
have no concern with: irrelation 10 V.
have no correlation: perpendicularity 216a V.
have no curiosity: incuriosity 456 V.
have no desire for: insensibility 823 V. indifference 866 V.
have no ear: deafness 419 V.
have no election: absence of choice 609a V.
have no end: perpetuity 112 V.
have no existence: inexistence 2 V.
have no hand in: avoidance 623 V.
have no head: oblivion 506 V.
have no idea: ignorance 491 V.
have no influence: absence of influence 175a V.
have no interest in: insensibility 823 V.
have no limits: infinity 105 V.
have no measures with: discord 713 V.
have no mercy: malevolence 907 V. pitilessness 914a V.
have no motive: absence of motive 615a V.
have no notion of: dissent 489 V.
have no notion: ignorance 491 V.
have no objection: consent 762 V.
have no relation to: irrelation 10 V.
have no relish for: indifference 866 V.
have no scruple of: willingness 602 V.
have no sense: imbecility folly 499 V.
have no stomach for: dislike 867 V.
have no taste for: indifference 866 V. dislike 867 V.
have no time: haste 684 V.
have no turning: straightness 246 V.
have not a moment to lose: haste 684 V.
have nothing to do with: avoidance 623 V. refusal 764 V. irrelation 10 V.
have nothing to do: inaction 681 V.
have nothing to go upon: impossibility 471 V.
have occasion for: requirement 630 V.
have on hand: retention 781 V.
have on one's hands: business 625 V.
have on one's shoulders: business 625 V.
have on the hip: authority 737 V. confutation 479 V.
have one leg in the grave: weakness 160 V.
have one on the hop: success 731 V.
have one to know: information 527 V.
have one's doubts: unbelief doubt 485 V.
have one's due: dueness 924 V.
have one's fill: sufficiency 639 V. satiety 869 V.
have one's fling: amusement 840 V. freedom 748 V. laxity 738 V. activity 682 V.
have one's hand in: skill 698 V.
have one's hands full: activity 682 V. business 625 V.
have one's hands in: business 625 V.
have one's money's worth: cheapness 815 V.
have one's own way: will 600 V. obstinacy 606 V. freedom 748 V.
have one's price: price 812 V.
have one's revenge: revenge 919 V.
have one's rights: dueness 924 V.
have one's say: speech 582 V. affirmation 535 V.
have one's swill: drunkenness 959 V.
have one's swing: laxity 738 V.
have one's will: will 600 V.
have only one idea: misjudgment 481 V.
have other fish to fry: untimeliness 135 V. activity 682 V.
have other things to do: activity 682 V.
have pity: pity 914 V.
have place: existence 1 V.
have play: agency 170 V.
have precedence: precedence 62 V.
have qualms: fear 860 V.
have quite enough of: satiety 869 V.
have rather not: dislike 867 V.
have rather: choice 609 V.
have recourse to: use 677 V.
have regard to: attention 457 V.
have right to: dueness 924 V.
have run its course: the past 122 V. end 67 V.
have scope: freedom 748 V.
have seen better days: deterioration 659 Adj. adversity 735 V. poverty 804 V.
have seen its day: oldness 124 V.
have sex: sexuality 374a V.
have some knowledge of: knowledge 490 V.
have sown one's mild oats: adolescence 131 V.
have the advantage: superiority 33 V. inequality 28 V.
have the appearance of: appearance 448 V.
have the best of it: success 731 V.
have the better of: success 731 V.
have the care of: direction 693 V.
have the charge of: direction 693 V.
have the direction: direction 693 V.
have the ear of: belief 484 V. friendship 888 V.
have the entree: ingress 294 V.
have the eyes bandaged: blindness 442 V.
have the eyes open: care 459 V. attention 457 V.
have the gift of the gab: speech 582 V.
have the good fortune: prosperity 734 V.
have the goodness: request 765 Adv.
have the hots: sexuality 374a V.
have the last word: obstinacy 606 V. affirmation 535 V.
have the mind at ease: cheerfulness 836 V.
have the odds against one: danger 665 V.
have the pas: precedence 62 V.
have the reins: direction 693 V.
have the run of: freedom 748 V.
have the semblance of: appearance 448 V.
have the start: precedence 62 V. priority 116 V. earliness 132 V. precession 280 V.
have the true ring: truth 494 V.
have the upper hand: authority 737 V. superiority 33 V. influence 175 V.
have the whip hand of: superiority 33 V.
have the whip: authority 737 V.
have the worst of it: failure 732 V.
have title to: dueness 924 V.
have to answer for: duty 926 V. disapprobation 932 V.
have to do with: relation 9 V. business 625 V. action 680 V. conduct 692 V.
have to fall back upon: provision 637 V.
have to run for it: danger 665 V.
have to: intention 620 V.
have too much of: satiety 869 V.
have two meanings: equivocalness 520 V.
have under one's thumb: authority 737 V.
have up: accusation 938 V.
have way on: navigation 267 V.
have weight: evidence 467 V.
have words with: disapprobation 932 V.
have words: discord 713 V.
have: disease 655 V. knowledge 490 V. confutation 479 V. possession 777 V.
haven: quiescence 265 N. arrival 292 N. refuge 666 N.
haversack: receptacle 191 N.
having a bias: affections 820 Adj.
having a common origin: cause 153 Adj.
having a peduncle: pendency 214 Adj.
having a right to: dueness 924 Adj.
having no end: perpetuity 112 Adj.
having no foundation: unsubstantiality 4 Adj.
having no head: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
havoc: deterioration 659 N. destruction 162 N.
haw: stammering 583 V.
hawk about: publication 531 V. offer 763 V.
hawk at: attack 716 V.
hawk: thief 792 N. sale 796 V. vision 441 N. ejection 297 V.
hawker: merchant 797 N.
hawk-eyed: vision 441 Adj.
hawking: pursuit 622 N.
hawser: connection 45 N.
hay fever: disease 655 N.
haycock: assemblage 72 N.
hayseed: commonality 876 N.
hayward: keeper 753 N.
hazard a guess: intuition 477 V.
hazard a proposition: intuition 477 V.
hazard an opinion: belief 484 V.
hazard of the die: chance 156 N.
hazard out: supposition 514 V.
hazard: chance 621 N. chance 621 V. danger 665 N. danger 665 V. belief 484 V. chance 156 N.
hazarded: intuition 477 Adj.
hazardous: danger 665 Adj.
haze: uncertainty 475 N. bubble; cloud 353 N. turbidity 426a N.
haziness: turbidity 426a N.
hazy: turbidity 426a Adj. opacity 426 Adj.
he goat: man 373 N.
he that runs may read: intelligibility 518 Phr. manifestation 525 Phr.
he: man 373 Adj. man 373 N.
he-: man 373 Adj.
head and front: importance 642 N.
head and shoulders: haste 684 Adv. completeness 52 Adv.
head center: director 694 N.
head foremost: violence 173 Adv.
head man: director 694 N.
head over heels in love: love 897 Adj.
head over heels: inversion 218 Adv. rashness 863 Adj. feeling 821 Adv. rotation 312 Adv.
head race: conduit 350 N.
head stone: interment 363 N.
head wind: hindrance 706 N. opposition 708 N.
head work: thought 451 N.
head: beginning 66 N. precession 280 V. bubble; cloud 353 N. clothing 225 N. mankind 372 N. intellect 450 N. topic 454 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N. book 593 N. precedence 62 V. beginning 66 V. class 75 N. summit 210 Adj. summit 210 N. master 745 N. director 694 N. uncleanness 653 N. painting 556 N.
headache: physical pain 378 N.
headdress: clothing 225 N.
header: plunge 310 N.
headforemost: rashness 863 Adv.
headgear: clothing 225 N.
heading: precursor 64 N. beginning 66 N. precession 280 N. indication 550 N. nomenclature 564 N.
headland: height 206 N.
headlight: indication 550 N.
headline: writing 590 N.
headlong: violence 173 Adv. haste 684 Adj. haste 684 Adv. rashness 863 Adj.
headmost: precession 280 Adv.
headpiece: defense 717 N. intellect 450 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
headquarters: government 737a N. abode 189 N. focus 74 N.
heads or tails: chance 156 N.
heads: compendium 596 N.
headship: government 737a N.
headsman: scourge 975 N.
headstall: prison 752 N.
headstone: support 215 N.
headstrong: violence 173 Adj. obstinacy 606 Adj. rashness 863 Adj.
headway: navigation 267 N. progression 282 N.
heady: obstinacy 606 Adj.
heal the breach: pacification 723 V.
heal: restoration 660 V.
heald: instrument 633 N.
healing art: remedy 662 N.
healing: remedy 662 Adj. life 359 N. restoration 660 N.
health and human services: government 737a N.
health food store: mart 799 N.
health: health 654 N.
healthful: health 654 Adj. salubrity 656 Adj.
healthiness: salubrity 656 N.
healthless: disease 655 Adj.
healthy: salubrity 656 Adj. health 654 Adj.
heap dirt upon: disrepute 874 V.
heap ossa upon pelion: assemblage 72 V.
heap up: store 636 V.
heap: redundancy 641 N. assemblage 72 N. store 636 N. assemblage 72 V. greatness 31 N. size 192 N. store 636 V.
hear a cause: judgment 480 V. lawsuit 969 V.
hear confession: rite 998 V.
hear hear!: approbation 931 Int.
hear mass: rite 998 V.
hear no evil: deafness 419 Phr.
hear out: attention 457 V.
hear ye!: hearing 418 Int.
hear!: hearing 418 Int.
hear: hearing 418 V. information 527 V.
hearer: hearing 418 N.
hearing aid: hearing 418 N.
hearing distance: hearing 418 N.
hearing range: hearing 418 N.
hearing: lawsuit 969 N. hearing 418 N. hearing 418 Adj.
hearken to: attention 457 V.
hearsay evidence: evidence 467 N.
hearsay: news 532 N.
hearse: interment 363 N.
heart and lung machine: airpipe 351 N. life 359 N.
heart and soul: feeling 821 Adv. affections 820 Adv. exertion 686 Adv. resolution 604 Adv. willingness 602 Adv. completeness 52 Adv.
heart attack: disease 655 N.
heart in hand: willingness 602 Adv.
heart of grace: hope 858 N. courage 861 N.
heart of hearts: affections 820 N.
heart of oak: courage 861 N. courage 861 Adj. strength 159 N. hardness 323 N.
heart of stone: insensibility 823 N. malevolence 907 N.
heart shaped: curvature 245 Adj.
heart sick: dejection 837 Adj.
heart sinking: dejection 837 N.
heart: interiority 221 N. willingness 602 N. courage 861 N. affections 820 N. love 897 N. importance 642 N. centrality 222 N. intellect 450 N. intrinsicality 5 N.
heartache: pain 828 N.
heartbeat: life 359 N.
heart-breaking: painfulness 830 Adj.
heart-broken: pain 828 Adj.
heartburn: disease 655 N. physical pain 378 N.
heartburning: regret 833 N. enmity 889 N.
heart-burning: discontent 832 N. resentment 900 N.
heart-corroding: painfulness 830 Adj.
heart-expanding: feeling 821 Adj.
heartfelt: feeling 821 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj.
heart-grief: discontent 832 N.
hearth stone: abode 189 N.
hearth: abode 189 N. furnace 386 N.
heartily: feeling 821 Adv.
heartiness: sociality 892 N. feeling 821 N.
heartless: vice 945 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
heartquake: fear 860 N.
heart-rending: painfulness 830 Adj.
heart-robbing: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
heart's blood: affections 820 N.
heart's core: intellect 450 N. affections 820 N.
heart's ease: content 831 N.
heart's strings: affections 820 N.
hearts: amusement 840 N.
heart-scalded: pain 828 Adj.
heartsick: dislike 867 Adj. satiety 869 Adj.
heart-sickening: painfulness 830 Adj.
heartsinking: fear 860 N.
heartsome: hope 858 Adj.
heart-stirring: excitation 824 Adj.
heartstricken: dejection 837 Adj.
heart-stricken: pain 828 Adj.
heart-swelling: excitation 824 Adj. resentment 900 N.
heart-thrilling: excitation 824 Adj.
heartworm: disease 655 N.
heart-wounding: painfulness 830 Adj.
hearty as a buck: health 654 Adj.
hearty laugh: amusement 840 N.
hearty meal: food 298 N.
hearty reception: sociality 892 N.
hearty welcome: sociality 892 N.
hearty: cheerfulness 836 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. health 654 Adj. willingness 602 Adj. friendship 888 Adj.
heat conductivity: calefaction 384 N.
heat engine: instrument 633 N.
heat of combustion: fuel 388 Adj.
heat pump: furnace 386 N.
heat: calefaction 384 V. excitability 825 N. contention 720 N. heat 382 V. heat 382 N. sexuality 374a N. excitation 824 V.
heated imagination: imagination 515 N.
heated: calefaction 384 Adj.
heater: furnace 386 N.
heath: plain 344 N. vegetable 367 N.
heathen: heterodoxy 984 Adj. heterodoxy 984 N. irreligion 989 N.
heathendom: heterodoxy 984 N.
heathenish: vulgarity 851 Adj. heterodoxy 984 Adj.
heathenism: heterodoxy 984 N.
heathen-mythology: Jupiter 979 N.
heather: vegetable 367 N. plain 344 N.
heating oil: oil 356 N. fuel 388 N.
heating: calefaction 384 Adj. calefaction 384 N.
heaume: defense 717 N.
heautontimorumenos: dejection 837 N. asceticism 955 N.
heave in sight: visibility 446 V.
heave offering: worship 990 N.
heave overboard: disuse 678 V.
heave the lead: measurement 466 V. depth 208 V.
heave the log: measurement 466 V.
heave to: quiescence 265 V.
heave: feeling 821 V. lamentation 839 V. elevation 307 V. ejection 297 V. propulsion 284 V.
heaven be praised!: rejoicing 838 Int. gratitude 916 Int.
heaven forbid!: disapprobation 932 Int. deprecation 766 Int.
heaven forefend: deprecation 766 Int.
heaven kissing: height 206 Adj.
heaven knows: uncertainty 475 Phr. ignorance 491 Int.
heaven save the mark: wonder 870 Int.
heaven: deity 976 N. hope 858 N. heaven 981 N.
heaven-born genius: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
heaven-born: virtue 944 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. repute 873 Adj.
heaven-directed: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
heavenly bodies: world 318 N.
heavenly host: angel 977 N.
heavenly kingdom: heaven 981 N.
heavenly: heaven 981 Adj. world 318 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
heavenly-minded: piety 987 Adj.
heavens and earth!: wonder 870 Int.
heavens: world 318 N.
heaves: disease 655 N.
heavily: inactivity 683 V.
heaviness of heart: dejection 837 N.
heaviness: dejection 837 N. dullness 843 N. gravity 319 N.
heaving: feeling 821 N. lamentation 839 N.
heavy affliction: pain 828 N.
heavy as lead: gravity 319 Adj.
heavy book: dullness 843 N.
heavy cost: dearness 814 Adv.
heavy dragoon: combatant 726 N.
heavy eyelids: inactivity 683 N.
heavy fall: cold 383 N.
heavy father: drama 599 N.
heavy gun: arms 727 N.
heavy heart: pain 828 N.
heavy hours: weariness 841 N.
heavy laden: completeness 52 Adj. hindrance 706 Adj. pain 828 Adj.
heavy news: painfulness 830 N.
heavy pull upon the purse: dearness 814 N.
heavy purse: wealth 803 N.
heavy sea: river 348 N. agitation 315 N.
heavy sleep: inactivity 683 N.
heavy wet: food 298 N.
heavy with sleep: inactivity 683 Adj.
heavy: imbecility folly 499 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. combatant 726 N. improbability 473 Adj. physical inertness 172 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj.
heavy-handed: unskillfulness 699 Adj.
heavy-hearted: dejection 837 Adj.
hebdomadal: regularity of recurrence 138 Adj.
hebdomadary: regularity of recurrence 138 Adj.
hebe: beauty 845 N.
hebetate: insensibility 823 V.
hebetation: inexcitability 826 N.
hebetic: youth 127 Adj.
hebetude: insensibility 823 N. inexcitability 826 N. imbecility folly 499 N.
hebetudinous: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
hebraist: scholar 492 N.
hebrew: unintelligibility 519 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
hecatomb: five, &c 98 N. idolatry 991 N.
heckle: sharpness 253 N. painfulness 830 V.
hectares: space 180 N.
hectic: heat 382 N. feeling 821 N.
hector: courage 861 N. rashness 863 N. insolence 885 V. blusterer 887 N.
hectoring: insolence 885 Adj.
heddle: instrument 633 N.
hedge in: circumscription 229 V. hindrance 706 V.
hedge round: circumscription 229 V. hindrance 706 V.
hedge row: inclosure 232 N.
hedge: compensation 30 V. inclosure 232 N.
hedged in: conditions 770 Adj.
hedged: qualification 469 Adj.
hedgehog: sharpness 253 N.
hedonic: pleasure 827 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj.
hedonics: pleasure 827 N. cheerfulness 836 N.
hedonism: cheerfulness 836 N. physical pleasure 377 N. pleasure 827 N.
hedonist: sensualist 954a N.
heed: attention 457 N. attention 457 V. care 459 N. caution 864 N.
heedful: care 459 Adj. caution 864 Adj.
heedfulness: attention 457 N. care 459 N.
heedless: neglect 460 Adj. oblivion 506 Adj. rashness 863 Adj. inattention 458 Adj.
heedlessness: inattention 458 N. rashness 863 N.
heel of achilles: danger 665 N.
heel: deviation 279 V. circuition 311 V. support 215 N.
heelpiece: sequel 65 N. rear 235 N. restoration 660 V.
heels over head: haste 684 Adv. rashness 863 Adj. inversion 218 Adv.
heels: rear 235 N. lowness 207 N.
heeltap: remainder 40 N.
heewhack!: snap 406 Int.
heft: instrument 633 N. exertion 686 N.
hegemonic: direction 693 Adj. government 737a Adj.
hegemonical: government 737a Adj. influence 175 Adj.
heifer: animal 366 N.
heigh-ho!: lamentation 839 Int.
height of fashion: fashion 852 N.
height of one's ambition: desire 865 N.
height: degree 26 N. height 206 N. summit 210 N. repute 873 N.
heighten: aggravation 835 V. exaggeration 549 V. elevation 307 V. increase 35 V. height 206 V.
heightening: aggravation 835 N.
heights: summit 210 N. height 206 N.
heinous: vice 945 Adj.
heir apparent: possessor 779 N.
heir presumptive: possessor 779 N.
heir: posterity 167 N.
heir-apparent: posterity 167 N.
heiress: posterity 167 N. possessor 779 N.
heirloom: property 780 N.
heir-presumptive: posterity 167 N.
heirs posterity: futurity 121 N.
heirs: posterity 167 N.
heirship: possession 777 N.
hejira: departure 293 N.
heliacal: world 318 Adj.
helical motion: rotation 312 N.
helical: curvature 245 Adj. convolution 248 Adj.
helicanhorn: musical instruments 417 N.
helicon: poetry 597 N.
helicopter carrier: combatant 726 N.
heliogabalus: sensualist 954a N.
heliogram: representation 554 N.
heliograph: indication 550 N. painting 556 N.
heliographic: light 420 Adj.
heliography: light 420 N. painting 556 N.
heliolatry: idolatry 991 N.
heliometer: measurement 466 N.
heliophagous: light 420 Adj.
helioscope: optical instruments 445 N.
heliotrope: jewelry 847a N. purple 437 N.
heliotype: painting 556 N. engraving 558 N.
helium balloon: levity 320 N.
helix: curvature 245 N. convolution 248 N. rotation 312 N.
hell fire: hell 982 N.
hell upon earth: pain 828 N. adversity 735 N.
hell: chance 621 N. depth 208 N. hell 982 N.
hellborn: satan 978 Adj.
hell-born: vice 945 Adj.
hellcat: bad man 949 N.
hellebore: bane 663 N.
hellhag: evil 913 N.
hellhound: bad man 949 N.
hell-hound: evil 913 N.
hellish: malevolence 907 Adj. vice 945 Adj. hell 982 Adj.
hell's grim tyrant: death 360 N.
helm: direction 693 N. defense 717 N. instrument 633 N. scepter 747 N.
helmet: clothing 225 N. defense 717 N.
helminth: bane 663 N.
helminthagogue: remedy 662 N.
helminthology: zoology 368 N.
helmsman: director 694 N.
helot: servant 746 N.
help at a dead lift: aid 707 N.
help mate: auxiliary 711 N.
help oneself to: taking 789 V.
help to: concurrence 178 V.
help!: aid 707 Int.
help: servant 746 N. utility 644 N. giving 784 N. auxiliary 711 N. aid 707 V. aid 707 N. remedy 662 N. utility 644 V. giving 784 V.
helper: auxiliary 711 N.
helpful: aid 707 Adj.
helping hand: auxiliary 711 N.
helpless: impotence 158 Adj. danger 665 Adj.
helplessness: impotence 158 N.
helpmate: marriage 903 N.
helter-skelter: disorder 59 Adv. haste 684 Adv.
hem and haw: qualification 469 V.
hem in: restraint 751 V. circumjacence 227 V.
hem!: wonder 870 Int.
hem: edge 231 N. fold 258 V.
hematite: jewelry 847a N.
hemeralopia: dimsightedness 443 N.
hemi: bisection 91 Adj.
hemidemisemiquaver: melody concord 413 N.
hemiplegia: physical insensibility 376 N.
hemisphere: region 181 N.
hemispheric: convexity 250 Adj.
hemlock: bane 663 N.
hemorrhage: excretion 299 N.
hemorrhoids: disease 655 N.
hemp: intemperance 954 N. filament 205 N.
hen party: sociality 892 N.
hen: animal 366 N. woman 374 N.
henbane: bane 663 N.
hence loathed melancholy!: cheerfulness 836 Int.
hence: attribution 155 Adv. departure 293 Adv. reasoning 476 Adv.
henceforth: futurity 121 Adv.
henceforwards: futurity 121 Adv.
henchman: servant 746 N.
hencoop: husbandry 370 N.
henhearted: cowardice 862 Adj.
henhussy: woman 374 N. fool 501 N.
henpecked: subjection 749 Adj. obedience 743 Adj.
hepatize: redundancy 641 V.
heptagon: angularity 244 N.
her majesty's: government 737a Adj.
her: woman 374 Adj. woman 374 N.
heraclitus: lamentation 839 N.
herald: priority 116 V. messenger 534 N. publication 531 V. prediction 511 V. precursor 64 N. precession 280 V.
heraldry: indication 550 N.
herb: vegetable 367 N.
herbaceous: vegetable 367 Adj.
herbage: vegetable 367 N.
herbal: vegetable 367 Adj. botany 369 N.
herbalist: botany 369 N.
herbarian: botany 369 N.
herbarist: botany 369 N.
herbarium: botany 369 N.
herbist: botany 369 N.
herbivorous: food 298 Adj.
herborist: botany 369 N.
herborization: botany 369 N.
herborize: botany 369 V.
herculean task: difficulty 704 N.
herculean: greatness 31 Adj. strength 159 Adj. size 192 Adj. exertion 686 Adj. difficulty 704 Adj.
hercules: strength 159 N. support 215 N.
herd instinct: assent 488 N.
herd: multitude 102 N. assemblage 72 V. assemblage 72 N.
herdsman: servant 746 N.
here and there: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 - fewness 103 Adv. place 182 Adv. situation 183 Adv.
here below: world 318 Adv.
here goes!: undertaking 676 Int.
here in: interiority 221 Adv.
here there and everywhere: nonuniformity 16a Adv. presence 186 Adv. space 180 Adv.
here!: approach 286 Int.
here: presence 186 Adv. situation 183 Adv. arrival 292 Adv.
hereabouts: situation 183 Adv. nearness 197 Adv.
hereafter: destiny 152 N. futurity 121 Adv. futurity 121 N.
hereby: instrumentality 631 Adv.
hereditaments: property 780 N.
hereditary: intrinsicality 5 Adj. effect 154 Adj.
heredity: effect 154 N. posterity 167 N. life 359 N.
heresy: error 495 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
heretic: dissent 489 N. heterodoxy 984 N. incredulity 487 N.
heretical: error 495 Adj. heterodoxy 984 Adj.
heretofore: the past 122 Adv. time 106 Adv.
hereunto: time 106 Adv.
hereupon: time 106 Adv.
herewith: accompaniment 88 Adv. means 632 Adv.
heritage: futurity 121 N. possession 777 N. property 780 N.
heritor: possessor 779 N.
hermaphrodite brig: ship 273 N.
hermaphrodite: unconformity 83 Adj. unconformity 83 N.
hermeneutics: interpretation 522 N.
hermes: speech 582 N.
hermetically sealed: closure 261 Adj.
hermit: seclusion, exclusion 893 N. asceticism 955 N.
hermitage: abode 189 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 N. receptacle 191 N.
hernia: disease 655 N.
hero worship: idolatry 991 N. approbation 931 N.
hero: courage 861 N. repute 873 N. good man 948 N.
herod: violence 173 V.
heroic act: courage 861 N.
heroic deed: courage 861 N.
heroic: repute 873 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
heroics: boasting 884 N.
heroin: intemperance 954 N.
heroine: good man 948 N.
heroism: disinterestedness 942 N. courage 861 N.
herpes: disease 655 N.
herpesvirus: disease 655 N.
herpetology: zoology 368 N.
herring gutted: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
hers.': woman 374 Adj.
herself: speciality 79 N.
hesitancy: irresolution 605 N.
hesitate: uncertainty 475 V. unbelief doubt 485 V. stammering 583 V. unwillingness 603 V. irresolution 605 V. fear 860 V. discontinuity 70 V.
hesitating: irresolution 605 Adj. irresolution 605 N.
hesitation: uncertainty 475 N. stammering 583 N. unwillingness 603 N. irresolution 605 N. fear 860 N.
hesperian: laterality 236 Adj.
hessian boot: clothing 225 N.
hessian: combatant 726 N.
hest: command 741 N.
heterarchy: government 737a N.
heteroclite: unconformity 83 Adj.
heterodox: dissent 489 Adj. heterodoxy 984 Adj.
heterodoxy: heterodoxy 984 N.
heterogamy: production 161 N.
heterogeneity: irrelation 10 N.
heterogeneous: irrelation 10 Adj. difference 15 Adj. mixture 41 Adj. multiformity 81 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj.
heterogenesis: production 161 N.
heterogenetic: production 161 Adj.
heteronomy: government 737a N.
heteropathic: remedy 662 Adj.
heteropathy: remedy 662 N.
hetman: master 745 N.
hew down: depression 308 V.
hew: shortness 201 V. disjunction 44 V. form 240 V.
hexadecimal number: number 84 N.
hexaglot: language 560 Adj.
hexagon: angularity 244 N.
hexahedron: angularity 244 N.
hexameter: poetry 597 N.
hey!: allocution 586 Int.
heyday of the blood: affections 820 N.
heyday of youth: youth 127 N.
heyday!: wonder 870 Int.
heyday: cheerfulness 836 N. rejoicing 838 N. amusement 840 N.
heydey!: inexpectation 508 Int.
hiation: opening 260 N.
hiatus: absence 187 N. interval 198 N.
hibernal: cold 383 Adj.
hibernate: inactivity 683 V.
hibernation: inactivity 683 N.
hibernian: inhabitant 188 N.
hibernicism: absurdity 497 N. neologism 563 N.
hiccough: wind 349 N.
hiccup: wind 349 N.
hid from mortal vision: concealment 528 Adv.
hid under a bushel: neglect 460 Adj.
hidalgo: nobility 875 N.
hidden meaning: latency, implication 526 N.
hidden: concealment 528 Adj. unintelligibility 519 Adj. invisibility 447 Adj. ambush 530 Adj.
hide and seek: amusement 840 N.
hide in holes and corners: concealment 528 V.
hide its diminished head: inferiority 34 V. nonincrease, decrease 36 V.
hide one's face: humility 879 V. modesty 881 V.
hide oneself: concealment 528 V.
hide: covering 223 N. concealment 528 V.
hidebound: parsimony 819 Adj. obstinacy 606 Adj. restraint 751 Adj.
hideous: ugliness 846 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
hiding place: abode 189 N. concealment 528 N. ambush 530 N. refuge 666 N.
hiding: concealment 528 N.
hie to: journey 266 V.
hie: motion 264 V. velocity 274 V.
hierarch: churchdom 995 N. clergy 996 N.
hierarchical: churchdom 995 Adj.
hieroglyphic: writing 590 N. representation 554 N. letter 561 N.
hieroglyphical: writing 590 Adj.
hierographa: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
hieromancy: prediction 511 Phr.
hierophant: clergy 996 N.
hieroscopy: prediction 511 Phr.
higgle: barter 794 V.
higgledy-piggledy: disorder 59 Adv.
higgler: merchant 797 N.
high and dry: safety 664 Adj. stability 150 Adj.
high and mighty: pride 878 Adj. insolence 885 Adj.
high art: painting 556 N.
high celebration: rite 998 N.
high church: heterodoxy 984 N.
high color: redness 434 N.
high coloring: exaggeration 549 N.
high court of appeal: tribunal 966 N.
high court of judicature: tribunal 966 N.
high days and holidays: amusement 840 N.
high descent: nobility 875 N.
high dutch: unintelligibility 519 N.
high explosive: arms 727 N.
high flowing: ornament 577 Adj.
high flown: ornament 577 Adj. imagination 515 Adj.
high glee: cheerfulness 836 N.
high holiday: amusement 840 N.
high in tone: whiteness 430 Adj.
high jinks: amusement 840 N.
high life: nobility 875 N. fashion 852 N.
high living: gluttony 957 N. intemperance 954 N.
high mass: rite 998 N.
high mightiness: repute 873 N.
high note: stridor 410 N. sibilation 409 N. melody concord 413 N.
high notions: pride 878 N.
high octane gasoline: fuel 388 N.
high octane: fuel 388 Adj.
high places: summit 210 N.
high pressure: excitation 824 N. physical energy 171 N.
high price: dearness 814 N.
high priced: dearness 814 Adj.
high priest: clergy 996 N.
high reaching: height 206 Adj.
high relief: sculpture 557 N. convexity 250 N.
high repute: repute 873 N.
high school: school 542 N.
high seas: ocean 341 N. river 348 N.
high specific impulse: fuel 388 Adj.
high spirits: cheerfulness 836 N.
high tide: prosperity 734 N. river 348 N. completeness 52 N. height 206 N.
high time: expedience 646 N. occasion 134 N. lateness 133 N.
high treason: improbity 940 N. disobedience 742 N.
high up: height 206 Adv.
high water mark: measurement 466 N.
high water: water 337 N. height 206 N. completeness 52 N.
high words: resentment 900 N. discord 713 N. contention 720 N.
high: disinterestedness 942 Adj. pride 878 Adj. repute 873 Adj. dearness 814 Adj. uncleanness 653 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. stridor 410 Adj. fetor 401 Adj. height 206 Adj.
high-: nobility 875 Adj. pungency 392 Adj.
highboy: receptacle 191 N.
high-colored: color 428 Adj.
higher grade school: school 542 N.
higher: superiority 33 Adj.
highest: height 206 Adj. summit 210 Adj.
highfalutin: boasting 884 Adj. boasting 884 N.
highfaluting: boasting 884 Adj. boasting 884 N.
high-fed: intemperance 954 Adj.
highflier: madman 504 N. pride 878 N.
high-flown: pride 878 Adj. vanity 880 Adj. insolence 885 Adj.
highflying: sensibility 822 Adj. inattention 458 Adj. exaggeration 549 Adj.
high-handed: insolence 885 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
highland: land 342 N.
highlands: height 206 N.
high-low: clothing 225 N.
highly respectable: nobility 875 Adj.
highly wrought: completion 729 Adj.
highly-wrought: preparation 673 Adj.
high-mettled: excitability 825 Adj. courage 861 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
high-minded: pride 878 Adj. probity 939 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj.
highness: title 877 N.
high-pitched: stridor 410 Adj.
high-plumed: pride 878 Adj.
high-principled: probity 939 Adj.
high-reaching: desire 865 Adj.
high-seasoned: pungency 392 Adj.
highsouled: pride 878 Adj.
high-sounding words: ornament 577 N.
high-sounding: loudness 404 Adj. ornament 577 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj.
high-spirited: probity 939 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
high-strung: excitability 825 Adj.
hight: nomenclature 564 Adj.
high-tasted: pungency 392 Adj.
high-toned: stridor 410 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
highway robbery: stealing 791 N.
highway: method 627 N.
highwayman: thief 792 N.
highways and byways: method 627 N.
high-wrought: goodness 648 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
hiker: traveler 268 N.
hiking boots: clothing 225 N.
hilarious: cheerfulness 836 Adj. amusement 840 Adj.
hilarity: cheerfulness 836 N.
hill alto: height 206 N.
hill: convexity 250 N. ascent 305 N. obliquity 217 N. descent 306 N.
hillock: height 206 N.
hilly: height 206 Adj.
hilt: instrument 633 N.
him: man 373 Adj. man 373 N.
himself: speciality 79 N.
hind quarters: rear 235 N.
hind: commonality 876 N. rear 235 Adj.
hinder: counteraction 179 V. rear 235 Adj. hindrance 706 V. opposition 708 V. defense 717 V.
hindered: hindrance 706 Adj.
hinderer: hindrance 706 N.
hindering: hindrance 706 Adj.
hindermost: end 67 Adj. rear 235 Adj.
hindmost: rear 235 Adj.
hindrance: prohibition 761 N. hindrance 706 N. opposition 708 N. restraint 751 N.
hinduism: heterodoxy 984 N.
hindustani: neologism 563 N.
hinge upon: effect 154 V.
hinge: junction 43 N. connection 45 N. cause 153 N. rotation 312 N.
hinny: unconformity 83 N. carrier 271 N.
hint: indication 550 N. memory 505 N. supposition 514 N. supposition 514 V. information 527 N. information 527 V. smallness 32 N.
hinterland: rear 235 N.
hip rafter: support 215 N.
hip: newness 123 Adj. laterality 236 N.
hippie: petitioner 767 N.
hippocrates: remedy 662 N.
hippocratic: death 360 Adj.
hippodrome: drama 599 N. arena 728 N.
hippolytus: purity 960 N.
hippophage: food 298 N.
hippophagy: food 298 N.
hippopotamus: size 192 N.
hirdy-girdy: inversion 218 Adv.
hire by the hour: borrowing 788 V.
hire by the mile: borrowing 788 V.
hire by the year: borrowing 788 V.
hire: price 812 N. commission 755 V. borrowing 788 V. reward 973 N.
hired gun: combatant 726 N.
hireling: servant 746 N.
hirsute: roughness 256 Adj.
his honor: title 877 N. judge 967 N.
his lordship: judge 967 N.
his worship: judge 967 N.
his: man 373 Adj.
hispid: roughness 256 Adj.
hiss: contempt 930 V. sibilation 409 N. disapprobation 932 N. disapprobation 932 V. disrespect 929 V. disrespect 929 N. sibilation 409 V. ululation 412 V.
hissing: sibilation 409 Adj. disrespect 929 N. disapprobation 932 N.
hist!: taciturnity 585 Int. allocution 586 Int.
histology: texture 329 N.
historian: recorder 553 N. description 594 N.
historic muse: description 594 N.
historic: description 594 Adj.
historical painter: artist 559 N.
historical painting: painting 556 N.
historiette: description 594 N.
historiographer: recorder 553 N.
historiography: description 594 N.
history: record 551 N. description 594 N.
histrionic art: drama 599 N.
histrionic: drama 599 Adj.
hit hard: ship 273 N. impulse 276 V.
hit it: discovery 480a V. success 731 V.
hit man: combatant 726 N.
hit off: representation 554 V.
hit on the raw: resentment 900 V.
hit one's fancy: pleasurableness 829 V.
hit the ceiling: violence 173 V.
hit the jackpot: wealth 803 V.
hit the mark: success 731 V.
hit the road: journey 266 V.
hit the roof: violence 173 V.
hit upon: discovery 480a V. plan 626 V.
hit: success 731 N. arrival 292 V. impulse 276 V. impulse 276 N. chance 156 N. disapprobation 932 N.
hitch: pendency 214 V. hindrance 706 N. agitation 315 V. junction 43 V. difficulty 704 N.
hither and yon: oscillation 314 Adv.
hither: direction 278 Adv. arrival 292 Adv.
hitherto: the past 122 Adv.
hiv: disease 655 N.
hive of industry: workshop 691 N.
hive: husbandry 370 N. workshop 691 N. abode 189 N. multitude 102 N. location 184 V.
hoar frost: cold 383 N.
hoar: age 128 Adj. whiteness 430 Adj.
hoard treasure: store 636 V.
hoard: store 636 N. store 636 V.
hoarse as a raven: aphony 581 Adj.
hoarse: faintness 405 Adj. stridor 410 Adj. aphony 581 Adj.
hoarseness: faintness 405 N.
hoary age: age 128 N.
hoary: whiteness 430 Adj. age 128 Adj.
hoax: deception 545 N. deception 545 V.
hob and nob: celebration 883 V. courtesy 894 V.
hob: support 215 N. furnace 386 N.
hobble: failure 732 V. restraint 751 V. difficulty 704 N. unskillfulness 699 V. slowness 275 V.
hobbledehoy: infant 129 N.
hobby: misjudgment 481 N. pursuit 622 N. desire 865 N.
hobbyhorse: vehicle 272 N.
hobby-horse: desire 865 N.
hobglobin: demon 980 N.
hobgoblin: fear 860 N.
hobnail: commonality 876 N.
hobo: petitioner 767 N.
hobson's choice: compulsion 744 N. absence of choice 609a N. necessity 601 N.
hockey: amusement 840 N.
hocus: deception 545 N. deception 545 V.
hocus-pocus: interchange 148 N. unmeaningness 517 N. deception 545 N. sorcery 992 N.
hod: vehicle 272 N. receptacle 191 N.
hoddy-doddy: fool 501 N.
hodgepodge: disorder 59 N.
hoe: vehicle 272 N. agriculture 371 V.
hoedown: amusement 840 N.
hog: animal 366 N. sensualist 954a N. gluttony 957 N.
hog's back: height 206 N.
hogwash: uncleanness 653 N.
hohlraum: darkness 421 N.
hoist a banner: indication 550 V.
hoist blue peter: departure 293 V.
hoist on one's own petard: failure 732 Adj.
hoist the black flag: warfare 722 V.
hoist: elevation 307 V.
hoity toity!: defiance 715 Int.
hoity-toity!: wonder 870 Int.
hold a belief: belief 484 V.
hold a brief for: deputy 759 V.
hold a council: advice 695 V.
hold a course: direction 278 V. pursuit 622 V.
hold a high opinion of: respect 928 V.
hold a lease: security 771 V.
hold a loose rein: laxity 738 V.
hold a meeting: assemblage 72 V.
hold a place: business 625 V. term 71 V.
hold a portfolio: business 625 V.
hold a situation: business 625 V.
hold a tight hand: severity 739 V.
hold aloof: absence 187 V. incredulity 487 V. avoidance 623 V.
hold an argument: reasoning 476 V.
hold an office: business 625 V.
hold an opinion: belief 484 V.
hold as: belief 484 V.
hold at arm's length: enmity 889 V.
hold at bay: defense 717 V.
hold at the sword's point: subjection 749 V.
hold authority: government 737a V.
hold back: retention 781 V. parsimony 819 V. restraint 751 V. hindrance 706 N. store 636 V. avoidance 623 V. dissuasion 616 V.
hold both one's sides: amusement 840 V.
hold cheap: contempt 930 V.
hold communication with: friendship 888 V.
hold conference: conversation 588 V.
hold converse: conversation 588 V.
hold council: council 696 V.
hold dear: love 897 V.
hold fast one's ground: retention 781 V.
hold fast one's own: retention 781 V.
hold fast: restraint 751 V. coherence 46 V.
hold firm: resistance 719 V.
hold forth: teaching 537 V. dissertation 595 V. speech 582 V.
hold from: restraint 751 V.
hold good: permanence 141 V. truth 494 V. demonstration 478 V.
hold hard!: quiescence 265 Int.
hold in abomination: hate 898 V.
hold in bondage: subjection 749 V.
hold in check: restraint 751 V.
hold in contempt: contempt 930 V.
hold in derision: disrespect 929 V.
hold in disrespect: disrespect 929 V. contempt 930 V.
hold in esteem: approbation 931 V.
hold in hand: authority 737 V.
hold in leading strings: restraint 751 V. subjection 749 V.
hold in leash: restraint 751 V.
hold in pledge: security 771 V.
hold in remembrance: memory 505 V.
hold in reverence: respect 928 V.
hold in solution: liquefaction 335 V.
hold in swaddling clothes: subjection 749 V.
hold in the memory: memory 505 V.
hold in the mind: memory 505 V.
hold in the thoughts: memory 505 V.
hold in: restraint 751 V.
hold intercourse: conversation 588 V.
hold jubilee: rejoicing 838 V. celebration 883 V.
hold master: authority 737 V.
hold off: avoidance 623 V.
hold office: direction 693 V. authority 737 V.
hold on a conversation: conversation 588 V.
hold on one's course: progression 282 V.
hold on: permanence 141 V. perseverance 604a V. continuance in action 143 V.
hold one's breath: expectation 507 V. wonder 870 V.
hold one's footing: permanence 141 V.
hold one's ground: permanence 141 V. preservation 670 V.
hold one's grounds: resistance 719 V.
hold one's hand: relinquishment 624 V. cessation 142 V.
hold one's head high: pride 878 V.
hold one's head up: elevation 307 V.
hold one's jaw: taciturnity 585 V.
hold one's own: preservation 670 V. defense 717 V. resistance 719 V. authority 737 V.
hold one's peace: taciturnity 585 V.
hold one's tongue: taciturnity 585 V. silence 403 V. concealment 528 V.
hold oneself aloof: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
hold oneself in readiness: preparation 673 V.
hold oneself: elevation 307 V.
hold out a hand: aid 707 V.
hold out a helping hand: aid 707 V.
hold out allurement: desire 865 V.
hold out an expectation: promise 768 V.
hold out expectation: prediction 511 V.
hold out false colors: falsehood 544 V.
hold out hope: hope 858 V.
hold out temptation: desire 865 V.
hold out the alternative: choice 609 V.
hold out the hand: courtesy 894 V.
hold out the olive branch: pacification 723 V.
hold out: courage 861 V. offer 763 V. resistance 719 V. perseverance 604a V. affirmation 535 V. time 106 V.
hold the breath: quiescence 265 V.
hold the portfolio: direction 693 V.
hold the reins: direction 693 V.
hold the scales: judgment 480 V.
hold the wolf by the ears: difficulty 704 V.
hold tight one's ground: retention 781 V.
hold tight one's own: retention 781 V.
hold to: willingness 602 V.
hold together: junction 43 V. cooperation 709 V.
hold true: truth 494 V.
hold up one's hand: choice 609 V.
hold up one's head: courage 861 V. pride 878 V.
hold up the finger: indication 550 V.
hold up the hand: indication 550 V.
hold up the mirror: manifestation 525 V.
hold up to execration: disapprobation 932 V.
hold up to reprobation: disapprobation 932 V.
hold up to scorn: contempt 930 V.
hold up to shame: disrepute 874 V.
hold up to view: manifestation 525 V.
hold up: approbation 931 V. continuance in action 143 V. ostentation 882 V. stealing 791 V. aid 707 V. perseverance 604a V. dryness 340 V. support 215 V.
hold water: demonstration 478 V. truth 494 V.
hold within bounds: restraint 751 V.
hold!: satiety 869 Int. prohibition 761 Int. quiescence 265 Int. cessation 142 Int.
hold: preservation 670 V. authority 737 N. restraint 751 V. defense 717 V. prison 752 N. possession 777 V. eventuality 151 V. inaction 681 V. quiescence 265 V. cessation 142 V. receptacle 191 N. lowness 207 N. base 211 N. defense 717 N. support 215 V. belief 484 V. possession 777 N. permanence 141 V. composition 54 V. coherence 46 V. ambush 530 N. support 215 N.
holder: possessor 779 N.
holdfast: connection 45 N.
holding: property 780 N. possession 777 N.
holdover: lateness 133 N.
holdup man: thief 792 N.
hole and corner: concealment 528 Adj.
hole in one's coat: imperfection 651 N.
hole: interval 198 N. receptacle 191 N. abode 189 N. place 182 N. incompleteness 53 N. opening 260 N.
hole-in-one: success 731 N.
holes and corners: ambush 530 N.
holf: island 346 N.
holiday making: amusement 840 N.
holiday task: facility 705 N.
holiday: celebration 883 N. amusement 840 N. leisure 685 N. repose 687 N.
holiness: deity 976 N. piety 987 N.
hollow commendation: courtesy 894 N.
hollow mockery: deception 545 N.
hollow truce: pacification 723 N.
hollow: concavity 252 V. aphony 581 Adj. falsehood 544 Adj. intuition 477 Adj. stridor 410 Adj. concavity 252 N. concavity 252 Adj. depth 208 N. incompleteness 53 Adj. completeness 52 Adv. unsubstantiality 4 Adj. resonance 408 Adj.
hollow-hearted: falsehood 544 Adj.
hollowness: concavity 252 N. falsehood 544 N. unsubstantiality 4 N.
holocaust: killing 361 N. idolatry 991 N.
holograph: writing 590 N. painting 556 N. engraving 558 N.
holt: vegetable 367 N.
holus-bolus: haste 684 Adv.
holy breathing: worship 990 N.
holy cow!: unconformity 83 Int. wonder 870 Int.
holy grail: rite 998 N.
holy men of old: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
holy of holies: temple 1000 N.
holy orders: churchdom 995 N.
holy place: temple 1000 N.
holy scriptures: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
holy shit!: wonder 870 Int.
holy table: temple 1000 N.
holy thursday: rite 998 N.
holy water: rite 998 N.
holy week: rite 998 N.
holy writ: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
holy: piety 987 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
holyday: rite 998 N. worship 990 N.
homage: submission 725 N. obedience 743 N. respect 928 N. approbation 931 N. worship 990 N.
home bred: vulgarity 851 Adj.
home felt: feeling 821 Adj.
home improvement center: mart 799 N.
home improvements store: mart 799 N.
home loan: lending 787 N.
home rule: government 737a N.
home run: success 731 N.
home stroke: agency 170 N.
home sweet home: abode 189 Phr.
home thrust: attack 716 N. disapprobation 932 N.
home: focus 74 N. abode 189 N. sociality 892 N. interiority 221 Adj. quiescence 265 N. nearness 197 Adj. arrival 292 N. refuge 666 N.
homeless person: petitioner 767 N. poverty 804 N.
homeless: displacement 185 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. poverty 804 Adj.
homeliness: simplicity 849 N. vulgarity 851 N.
homely: simplicity 849 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. plainness 576 Adj. commonality 876 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
homeopathic: smallness 32 Adj. remedy 662 Adj.
homeopathy: remedy 662 N.
homer: success 731 N.
homesick: regret 833 Adj.
homesickness: regret 833 N.
homespun: commonality 876 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. simplicity 849 Adj. texture 329 Adj. plainness 576 Adj.
homestall: abode 189 N.
homestead: abode 189 N.
homeward bound: arrival 292 Adj.
homework: teaching 537 N.
homicidal: killing 361 Adj.
homicide: killing 361 N.
homiletical: sociality 892 Adj.
homily: dissertation 595 N. rite 998 N.
homocentric: middle 68 Adj.
homoeopathic: littleness 193 Adj.
homogeneity: uniformity 16 N. simpleness 42 N. relation 9 N.
homogeneous: simpleness 42 Adj. uniformity 16 Adj.
homogeneousness: uniformity 16 N.
homogenesis: production 161 N.
homogenize: uniformity 16 V.
homoiousia: similarity 17 N.
homoiousian: similarity 17 Adj. heterodoxy 984 N.
homologate: agreement 23 V.
homologous: equality 27 Adj. uniformity 16 Adj.
homologue: concord 714 N.
homology: relation 9 N. uniformity 16 N.
homonym: equivocalness 520 N. voice 580 N.
homonymous: equivocalness 520 Adj.
homonymy: equivocalness 520 N.
homoousia: alter ego: identity 13 N.
homoousian: heterodoxy 984 N. identity 13 Adj.
homophonous: melody concord 413 Adj.
homophony: melody concord 413 N.
homosexual: man 373 N. sexuality 374a Adj.
homosexuality: sexuality 374a N.
homunculus: littleness 193 N.
hone: sharpness 253 N.
honest as daylight: probity 939 Adj.
honest man: good man 948 N.
honest meaning: meaning 516 N.
honest truth: truth 494 N. veracity 543 N.
honest: purity 960 Adj. probity 939 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj. veracity 543 Adj.
honesty: artlessness 703 N. probity 939 N. purity 960 N. veracity 543 N.
honey: sweetness 396 N. favorite 899 N.
honeybee: animal 366 N.
honeycomb: sponge 252a N. opening 260 N. deterioration 659 N. concavity 252 N.
honeycombed: sponge 252a Adj. opening 260 Adj.
honeyed phrases: courtesy 894 N.
honeyed words: flattery 933 N. motive 615 N.
honeyed: flattery 933 Adj.
honeymoon: marriage 903 N. pleasure 827 N. endearment 902 N.
honey-mouthed: courtesy 894 Adj. flattery 933 Adj.
honeysuckle: sweetness 396 N.
honey-tongued: courtesy 894 Adj.
honi sot qui mal y pense: vindication 937 Phr.
honied: sweetness 396 Adj.
honk: ululation 412 V.
honor a bill: payment 807 V.
honor be to: repute 873 Int.
honor bright: probity 939 Adv. veracity 543 Adv.
honor pricks me on: respect 928 Phr.
honor: respect 928 V. property 780 N. approbation 931 V. respect 928 N. right 922 N. title 877 N. repute 873 V. repute 873 N. probity 939 N.
honorable: probity 939 Adv. probity 939 Adj. repute 873 Adj. observance 772 Adj.
honorarium: reward 973 N. giving 784 N.
honorary: cheapness 815 Adj.
honored: repute 873 Adj.
honorific: repute 873 Adj.
hoo: ululation 412 V.
hood: clothing 225 N. canonicals 999 N. evil 913 N. bad man 949 N.
hooded: covering 223 Adj.
hoodlum: blusterer 887 N. evil 913 N. bad man 949 N.
hoodoo: sorcery 992 V. sorcery 992 N. badness 649 N. sorcerer 994 N.
hoodwink: blindness 442 V. concealment 528 V. deception 545 V.
hoodwinked: ignorance 491 Adj.
hoof it: journey 266 V.
hoof: base 211 N.
hook and eye: connection 45 N.
hook and ladder: insulation, fire extinction 388a N.
hook in: deception 545 V.
hook up: pendency 214 V.
hook: junction 43 V. taking 789 V. retention 781 N. curvature 245 N. connection 45 N. pendency 214 N.
hooked: curvature 245 Adj. angularity 244 Adj.
hooker: ship 273 N.
hooligan: blusterer 887 N. evil 913 N. bad man 949 N.
hoop: circularity 247 N. cry 411 V.
hoosier: misnomer 565 N.
hoot: ululation 412 V. contempt 930 V. disrespect 929 V. deception 545 N. disapprobation 932 V. cry 411 V. disrespect 929 N.
hop garden: agriculture 371 N.
hop skip and jump: agitation 315 Adv. amusement 840 N. haste 684 Adv. leap 309 N.
hop the twig: death 360 V.
hop: amusement 840 N. leap 309 N. leap 309 V.
hope against hope: hope 858 V. hopelessness 859 V.
hope deferred: dejection 837 N. hopelessness 859 N.
hope for the best: hope 858 V.
hope for: hope 858 V. expectation 507 V. desire 865 V.
hope: hope 858 V. hope 858 N. expectation 507 N. desire 865 V.
hopeful: cheerfulness 836 Adj. hope 858 Adj. politics 737b N. probability 472 Adj. infant 129 N.
hopefully: hope 858 Adv.
hopefulness: hope 858 N.
hopeless: hopelessness 859 Adj.
hopelessness: impossibility 471 N. hopelessness 859 N.
hopes: hope 858 N.
hoping: hope 858 Adj.
hop-o'-my-thumb: littleness 193 N.
hopper: receptacle 191 N.
hopple: restraint 751 V.
hopples: prison 752 N.
hopscotch: amusement 840 N.
horary: period 108 Adj.
horde: assemblage 72 N. party 712 N. commonality 876 N.
horehound: fragrance 400 N.
horizon: distance 196 N. vision 441 N. destiny 152 Adj. expectation 507 N.
horizontal: horizontality 213 Adj.
horizontality: horizontality 213 N.
horizontally: horizontality 213 Adv.
horn book: school 542 N.
horn of amalthaea: sufficiency 639 N.
horn of plenty: sufficiency 639 N.
horn work: defense 717 N.
horn: receptacle 191 N. sharpness 253 N. rotundity 249 N. support 215 N. musical instruments 417 N.
hornet: evil 913 N.
hornet's nest: pitfall 667 N. difficulty 704 N. painfulness 830 N.
hornmad: jealousy 920 Adj.
hornpipe: amusement 840 N.
horns of a dilemma: reasoning 476 N. difficulty 704 N.
horns: sexuality 374a N.
hornswoggle: deception 545 V.
horny: hardness 323 Adj. sexuality 374a Adj.
horologe: chronometry 114 N.
horology: chronometry 114 N.
horometry: chronometry 114 N.
horoscope: prediction 511 N.
horoscopy: prediction 511 N.
horrible: painfulness 830 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj. badness 649 Adj. fear 860 Adj.
horribly: greatness 31 Adv.
horrid: fear 860 Adj. badness 649 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj.
horrific: fear 860 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
horrified: pain 828 Adj.
horrify: painfulness 830 V. fear 860 V. hate 898 V.
horrifying: painfulness 830 Adj.
horripilate: cold 383 V.
horripilation: cold 383 N.
horrisonous: stridor 410 Adj.
horror: fear 860 N. dislike 867 N.
horrors: dejection 837 N.
horror-stricken: fear 860 Adj. pain 828 Adj.
horror-struck: fear 860 Adj.
hors de combat: disease 655 Adj.
horse and foot: combatant 726 N.
horse artillery: combatant 726 N.
horse box: vehicle 272 N.
horse cloth: clothing 225 N.
horse coper: deceiver 548 N.
horse doctor: husbandry 370 N.
horse guards: combatant 726 N.
horse laugh: amusement 840 N.
horse leech: husbandry 370 N.
horse marine: bungler 701 N.
horse opera: drama 599 N.
horse power: measurement 466 N.
horse racing: contention 720 N. amusement 840 N.
horse road: method 627 N.
horse soldier: combatant 726 N.
horse: man 373 N. animal 366 N. carrier 271 N. support 215 N. pendency 214 N. combatant 726 N.
horseman: traveler 268 N.
horsemanship: journey 266 N. skill 698 N.
horseplay: ridicule 856 N.
horseshoe: curvature 245 N.
horseshoes: amusement 840 N.
horsewhip: punishment 972 V.
hortative: motive 615 Adj. advice 695 Adj.
hortatory: motive 615 Adj.
horticultural: agriculture 371 Adj.
horticulture: agriculture 371 N.
horticulturist: agriculture 371 N.
hosanna!: worship 990 Int.
hosanna: worship 990 N.
hosannah: approbation 931 N.
hose: clothing 225 N. conduit 350 N.
hosier: clothing 225 N.
hosiery: clothing 225 N.
hospice: remedy 662 N. abode 189 N.
hospitable: liberality 816 Adj. sociality 892 Adj.
hospital: remedy 662 N.
hospitaler: clergy 996 N.
hospitality: sociality 892 N. liberality 816 N.
hospodar: master 745 N.
host in himself: influence 175 N.
host of heaven: angel 977 N.
host: assemblage 72 N. multitude 102 N. combatant 726 N. friend 890 N. rite 998 N.
hostage: prisoner 754 N. security 771 N.
hostel: abode 189 N.
hostelry: abode 189 N.
hostile meeting: contention 720 N.
hostile witness: evidence 467 N.
hostile: contrariety 14 Adj. disagreement 24 Adj. opposition 708 Adj. enmity 889 Adj.
hostilities: warfare 722 N.
hostility: enmity 889 N.
hostler: servant 746 N.
hot air balloon: levity 320 N.
hot air: boasting 884 N.
hot as fire: heat 382 Adj.
hot as pepper: pungency 392 Adj. heat 382 Adj.
hot blood: irascibility 901 N. resentment 900 N.
hot dogs: refreshment 689 N.
hot enough to boil an egg: heat 382 Adj.
hot enough to roast an ox: heat 382 Adj.
hot house: agriculture 371 N.
hot rod: vehicle 272 N.
hot water heat: furnace 386 N.
hot water: difficulty 704 N. painfulness 830 N.
hot: excitation 824 Adj. orange 439 Adj. redness 434 Adj. pungency 392 Adj. heat 382 Adj. sexuality 374a Adj. violence 173 Adj. irascibility 901 Adj.
hotbed: cause 153 N. centrality 222 N. workshop 691 N.
hot-blooded: sexuality 374a Adj. rashness 863 Adj.
hotbrained: rashness 863 Adj.
hotchpot: mixture 41 N. participation 778 N.
hotch-pot: disorder 59 N.
hotch-potch: disorder 59 N.
hotel des invalides: remedy 662 N.
hotel keeper: inhabitant 188 N.
hotel runner: petitioner 767 N.
hotel: abode 189 N.
hotheaded: haste 684 Adj. rashness 863 Adj.
hot-headed: excitability 825 Adj.
hothouse: furnace 386 N. workshop 691 N.
hot-press: smoothness 255 V.
hots: sexuality 374a N.
hotspur: rashness 863 N.
hottentot: commonality 876 N.
hough: deterioration 659 Adj.
hound: animal 366 N. odor 398 N. motive 615 V. pursuit 622 N. pursuit 622 V. malevolence 907 V. bad man 949 N.
hour after hour: diuturnity 110 Adv.
hour: period 108 N. instantaneity 113 N. the present time 118 N.
hourglass: narrowness, thinness 203 N. chronometry 114 N. contraction 195 N.
houri: beauty 845 N.
hourly: time 106 Adv. period 108 Adj. frequency 136 Adv. regularity of recurrence 138 Adj.
house dog: animal 366 N.
house maid: servant 746 N.
house of cards: brittleness 328 N. weakness 160 N.
house of commons: tribunal 966 N.
house of correction: prison 752 N. scourge 975 N.
house of death: interment 363 N.
house of detention: prison 752 N.
house of glass: brittleness 328 N.
house of god: temple 1000 N.
house of ill fame: impurity 961 N.
house of lords: tribunal 966 N. nobility 875 N.
house of peers: nobility 875 N.
house of prayer: temple 1000 N.
house of representatives: council 696 N. government 737a N.
house phone: hearing 418 N.
house raising: sociality 892 N.
house room: space 180 N.
house top: summit 210 N.
house: paternity 166 N. location 184 V. abode 189 N. drama 599 N. safety 664 V. council 696 N. party 712 N. continuity 69 N.
housebreaker: thief 792 N.
housebreaking: stealing 791 N.
housedog: warning 668 N.
household gods: abode 189 N.
household stuff pabulum: materials 635 N.
household troops: combatant 726 N.
household words: language 560 N. plainness 576 N.
household: inhabitant 188 N. abode 189 N. habit 613 Adj. simplicity 849 Adj.
householder: inhabitant 188 N.
housekeeper: director 694 N.
housekeeping: conduct 692 N.
houseless: displacement 185 Adj.
housewarming: sociality 892 N.
housewife: receptacle 191 N. activity 682 N.
housewifery: conduct 692 N.
housing: abode 189 N. covering 223 N. clothing 225 N.
hovel: abode 189 N.
hover about: motion 264 V.
hover over: nearness 197 V. height 206 V.
hover round: motion 264 V.
hover: irresolution 605 V. navigation 267 V. journey 266 V. height 206 V. ascent 305 V.
hovercraft: ship 273 N.
how comes it: inquiry 461 Adv. attribution 155 Adv.
how does it happen: attribution 155 Adv.
how happens it: inquiry 461 Adv. attribution 155 Adv.
how is it: attribution 155 Adv. inquiry 461 Adv.
how now!: wonder 870 Int.
how the land lies: circumstance 8 N.
how to creep out of: Pretext 617 N.
how we apples swim!: vanity 880 Phr.
how: means 632 Adv. method 627 N.
howbeit: compensation 30 Adv.
however that may be: compensation 30 Adv.
however: degree 26 Adv. unconformity 83 Adv. compensation 30 Adv.
howitzer: arms 727 N.
howker: ship 273 N.
howl: cry 411 V. ululation 412 V. lamentation 839 N.
howling wilderness: unproductiveness 169 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
howsoever: degree 26 Adv.
hoy: ship 273 N.
hoyden: infant 129 N. vulgarity 851 N.
hub of rotation: rotation 312 N.
hub: rotation 312 N. convexity 250 N. circularity 247 N.
hubble constant: expansion 194 N.
hubble: convexity 250 N.
hubbub: cry 411 N. discord 713 N. loudness 404 N. agitation 315 N. disorder 59 N.
huckster: merchant 797 N. barter 794 V.
huddle on: clothing 225 V.
huddle: disorder 59 N. derangement 61 V. assemblage 72 V. nearness 197 V. council 696 V.
hudibrastic verse: poetry 597 N.
hudibrastic: ridicule 856 Adj.
hue and cry: cry 411 N. publication 531 N. pursuit 622 N. alarm 669 N. disapprobation 932 N.
hue: color 428 N.
hueless: achromatism 429 Adj.
huff.: insolence 885 V.
huff: sullenness 901a N. resentment 900 V. resentment 900 N. irascibility 901 N.
huffy: irascibility 901 Adj.
hug a belief: obstinacy 606 V.
hug a fault: vice 945 V.
hug a sin: vice 945 V.
hug oneself: pride 878 V. content 831 V. rejoicing 838 V. pleasure 827 V.
hug the land: approach 286 V. navigation 267 V.
hug the shore: approach 286 V. navigation 267 V.
hug: coherence 46 V. endearment 902 V. love 897 V. courtesy 894 N. nearness 197 V. retention 781 V.
huge: size 192 Adj. greatness 31 Adj.
hugeness: size 192 N.
hugger mugger: concealment 528 Adv.
huggies: clothing 225 N.
huguenot: heterodoxy 984 N.
huk: combatant 726 N.
hukbalahap: combatant 726 N.
huke: clothing 225 N.
hukm: command 741 N. permission 760 N.
hulk: whole 50 N. ship 273 N.
hulking: ugliness 846 Adj. size 192 Adj.
hulks: prison 752 N.
hulky: size 192 Adj. inexpedience 647 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
hull: whole 50 N.
hullabaloo: loudness 404 N. cry 411 N. amusement 840 N.
hum and haw: stammering 583 V. irresolution 605 V.
hum: roll 407 V. ululation 412 V. musician 416 V. deception 545 V. untruth 546 N. faintness 405 V. faintness 405 N. roll 407 N.
human being: mankind 372 N.
human face divine: front 234 Phr.
human kind: mankind 372 N.
human nature: mankind 372 N.
human race: mankind 372 N.
human sacrifices: idolatry 991 N.
human species: mankind 372 N.
human system: animality 364 N.
human: animality 364 Adj. mankind 372 Adj.
humane destruction: husbandry 370 N.
humane: philanthropy 910 Adj. pity 914 Adj. benevolence 906 Adj.
humanitarian: mankind 372 N. philanthropy 910 Adj. pity 914 Adj.
humanities: language 560 N.
humanity: pity 914 N. mankind 372 N. benevolence 906 N. philanthropy 910 N.
humanize: courtesy 894 V.
humble minded: humility 879 Adj.
humble oneself: worship 990 V. humility 879 V. penitence 950 V.
humble: humility 879 Adj. humility 879 V. modesty 881 Adj. piety 987 Adj. submission 725 Adj.
humbled in the dust: humility 879 Adj.
humbled: humility 879 Adj.
humbleness: humility 879 N.
humbler classes: commonality 876 N.
humbler orders: commonality 876 N.
humbly: modesty 881 Adv.
humbug!: unimportance 643 Int.
humbug: falsehood 544 N. deception 545 V. unmeaningness 517 N. deceiver 548 N.
humdrum: weariness 841 Adj. dullness 843 Adj.
humect: moisture 339 V.
humectate: moisture 339 V.
humectation: water 337 N. moisture 339 N.
humid: moisture 339 Adj.
humidity: moisture 339 N.
humiliate: humility 879 V.
humiliating: disrepute 874 Adj.
humiliation: worship 990 N. disrepute 874 N. humility 879 N.
humility: piety 987 N. servility 886 N. humility 879 N. modesty 881 N.
hummer: activity 682 N.
humming top: musical instruments 417 N.
hummingbird: roll 407 N.
hummock: convexity 250 N. height 206 N.
hummocky: convexity 250 Adj.
humongous: size 192 Adj.
humor: facility 705 V. flattery 933 V. wit 842 N. pleasurableness 829 V. affections 820 N. aid 707 V. caprice 608 N. willingness 602 N. fluidity 333 N. tendency 176 N. intrinsicality 5 N. permission 760 V.
humorist: humorist 844 N.
humorous: wit 842 Adj.
humorsome: sullenness 901a Adj. caprice 608 Adj.
hump backed: distortion 243 Adj.
hump: convexity 250 N.
humph!: wonder 870 Int.
hun: evil 913 N.
hunch backed: distortion 243 Adj.
hunch: intuition 477 N. convexity 250 N.
hundi: money 800 N.
hundred: five, &c 98 N. government 737a N.
hundred-dollar bill: money 800 N.
hundredth: five, &c 98 Adj. quinquesection, &c 99 Adj.
hundredweight: gravity 319 N. five, &c 98 N.
hunger after: desire 865 V.
hunger: desire 865 N.
hungry as a bear: desire 865 Adj.
hungry as a church mouse: desire 865 Adj.
hungry as a hawk: desire 865 Adj.
hungry as a horse: desire 865 Adj.
hungry as a hunter: desire 865 Adj.
hungry as the grave: desire 865 Phr.
hungry: desire 865 Adj. fasting 956 Adj.
hunk: sexuality 374a N. beauty 845 N.
hunks: parsimony 819 N.
hunt after: pursuit 622 V.
hunt down: inquiry 461 V. malevolence 907 V.
hunt in couples: cooperation 709 V.
hunt out: discovery 480a V. answer 462 V. inquiry 461 V.
hunt the slopper: amusement 840 N.
hunt: pursuit 622 N. inquiry 461 V. killing 361 V. pursuit 622 V.
hunter: carrier 271 N. killing 361 N. pursuit 622 N.
hunting ground: amusement 840 N.
hunting: killing 361 N. pursuit 622 N.
huntsman: pursuit 622 N. killing 361 N.
hurdle: vehicle 272 N.
hurdy-gurdy: musical instruments 417 N.
hurl against: attack 716 V.
hurl at the head of: attack 716 V.
hurl at: attack 716 V.
hurl defiance at: defiance 715 V.
hurl: propulsion 284 V.
hurlothrumbo: fear 860 N.
hurly-burly: agitation 315 N.
hurrah!: cheerfulness 836 Int. rejoicing 838 Int.
hurrah: rejoicing 838 V.
hurricane deck: summit 210 N.
hurricane: river 348 N. wind 349 N.
hurried: haste 684 Adj. excitability 825 Adj.
hurry of spirits: feeling 821 N.
hurry off with: taking 789 V.
hurry on: motive 615 V. haste 684 V. excitation 824 V.
hurry: excitability 825 N. haste 684 V. haste 684 N. velocity 274 V.
hurry-skurry: haste 684 Adv. excitability 825 N.
hurst: vegetable 367 N.
hurt the feelings: resentment 900 V. painfulness 830 V.
hurt.: evil 619 N.
hurt: resentment 900 Adj. malevolence 907 V. deterioration 659 Adj. badness 649 V. physical pain 378 V. physical pain 378 N. painfulness 830 V.
hurtful: badness 649 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
hurtfulness: badness 649 N. bane 663 N.
hurting: painfulness 830 Adj.
hurtle: impulse 276 V.
hurtless: goodness 648 Adj.
husband one's resources: caution 864 V. store 636 V.
husband: economy 817 V. man 373 N. marriage 903 N. retention 781 V. director 694 N. store 636 V. preservation 670 V.
husbandman: agriculture 371 N.
husbandry: husbandry 370 N. agriculture 371 N. conduct 692 N. economy 817 N.
hush money: reward 973 N. compensation 30 N.
hush up: taciturnity 585 V. pacification 723 V. concealment 528 V.
hush!: taciturnity 585 Int. silence 403 Int.
hush: silence 403 V. taciturnity 585 V. silence 403 N. quiescence 265 V. moderation 174 V.
hushed: silence 403 Adj.
husk: covering 223 N.
husking: sociality 892 N.
husky: dryness 340 Adj. faintness 405 Adj. aphony 581 Adj.
hussar: combatant 726 N.
hussif: receptacle 191 N.
hussy: libertine 962 N.
hustings: tribunal 966 N. arena 728 N. school 542 N.
hustle: derangement 61 V. impulse 276 V. agitation 315 V. activity 682 V. hindrance 706 V. amusement 840 N.
hustler: sexuality 374a N. activity 682 N.
hut: abode 189 N.
hutch: abode 189 N.
huzza!: rejoicing 838 Int.
hyacinth: jewelry 847a N.
hyaline: transparency 425 Adj.
hyaloid: transparency 425 Adj.
hybrid: unconformity 83 Adj. unconformity 83 N. mixture 41 Adj. mixture 41 N.
hydra: unconformity 83 N. productiveness 168 N.
hydrant: river 348 N.
hydrate of amyl: oil 356 N.
hydraulic power: power 157 N.
hydraulicostatics: river 348 N.
hydraulics: river 348 N.
hydrocephalus: expansion 194 N.
hydrocyanic acid: bane 663 N.
hydrodynamics: fluidity 333 N. river 348 N.
hydroelectric power: power 157 N.
hydrogen balloon: levity 320 N.
hydrogen cyanide: bane 663 N.
hydrogen: fuel 388 N.
hydrographer: ocean 341 N.
hydrographic: ocean 341 Adj.
hydrography: ocean 341 N.
hydrology: fluidity 333 N.
hydromancy: prediction 511 Phr.
hydromel: sweetness 396 N.
hydrometer: density 321 N.
hydropathic: remedy 662 Adj.
hydropathy: remedy 662 N.
hydrophobia: dislike 867 N.
hydrophthalmus: expansion 194 N.
hydroplane: ship 273 N.
hydropot: temperance 953 N. sobriety 958 N.
hydrostatics: fluidity 333 N.
hydrous: water 337 Adj.
hyemal: cold 383 Adj.
hyena: evil 913 N.
hyetography: river 348 N.
hyetology: river 348 N.
hygeia: health 654 N.
hygeian: salubrity 656 Adj.
hygiantics: preservation 670 N.
hygiastics: preservation 670 N.
hygiene: salubrity 656 N.
hygienic: salubrity 656 Adj. preservation 670 Adj.
hygre: river 348 N.
hygrometer: moisture 339 N.
hygrometry: moisture 339 N.
hyle: materiality 316 N.
hylotheism: heterodoxy 984 N. irreligion 989 N.
hymen: marriage 903 N.
hymeneal altar: marriage 903 N.
hymeneal: marriage 903 Adj.
hymn: music 415 N. worship 990 N.
hypallage: inversion 218 N.
hype: publication 531 N.
hyped up: insanity 503 Adj.
hyperbaton: inversion 218 N.
hyperbola: curvature 245 N.
hyperbole: metaphor 521 N. exaggeration 549 N.
hyperbolical: exaggeration 549 Adj.
hyperbolically: exaggeration 549 Adv.
hyperbolize: exaggeration 549 V.
hyperboreal: cold 383 Adj.
hyperborean: cold 383 Adj. distance 196 Adj.
hypercritical: disapprobation 932 Adj. fastidiousness 868 Adj. discontent 832 Adj.
hypercriticism: misjudgment 481 N. discontent 832 N. fastidiousness 868 N. disapprobation 932 N.
hyperdimensional surface: rotundity 249 N.
hyperdulia: worship 990 N.
hyperinflation: money 800 N.
hyperion to a satyr: contrariety 14 Adj.
hyperion: beauty 845 N.
hypermodern: newness 123 Adj.
hyperorthodoxy: credulity 486 N. orthodoxy 983a N. heterodoxy 984 N.
hyperphysical: intellect 450 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
hyperspace: space 180 N.
hypersphere: rotundity 249 N.
hypertrophied: expansion 194 Adj.
hypertrophy: expansion 194 N.
hypervolume: space 180 N.
hyphen: connection 45 N. indication 550 N.
hypnology: inactivity 683 N.
hypnotic: moderation 174 Adj. remedy 662 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. inactivity 683 N.
hypnotism: inactivity 683 N.
hypnotized: attention 457 Adj.
hypocaust: furnace 386 N.
hypochondriac: dejection 837 N. madman 504 N.
hypochondriacal: dejection 837 Adj.
hypochondriasis: insanity 503 N. dejection 837 N.
hypocrisy: falsehood 544 N. impiety 988 N.
hypocrite: deceiver 548 N. impiety 988 N.
hypocritical: falsehood 544 Adj. impiety 988 Adj.
hypodermic needle: sharpness 253 N.
hypostasis: substantiality 3 N.
hypostatic: substantiality 3 Adj.
hypothecate: security 771 V.
hypothecation: security 771 N.
hypothesis: supposition 514 N.
hypothetical: supposition 514 Adj. qualification 469 Adj. uncertainty 475 Adj.
hypped: insanity 503 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
hyppish: insanity 503 Adj.
hypsometry: measurement 466 N.
hyrcynian wood: secret 533 N.
hysteria: insanity 503 N.
hysteric: violence 173 Adj.
hysterical: excitability 825 Adj. caprice 608 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
hysterics: excitability 825 N. violence 173 N.