Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
j.p.: judge 967 N.
jab: impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V.
jabber: unmeaningness 517 N. stammering 583 V. loquacity 584 N. loquacity 584 V.
jacal: abode 189 N.
jacent: horizontality 213 Adj.
jacinth: jewelry 847a N.
jack a dandy: humorist 844 N.
jack at a pinch: auxiliary 711 N.
jack boot: clothing 225 N.
jack cade: disobedience 742 N.
jack in office: director 694 N.
jack in the green: humorist 844 N.
jack ketch: scourge 975 N.
jack of all trades: proficient 700 N.
jack off: sexuality 374a V.
jack o'lantern: luminary 423 N.
jack pudding: drama 599 N.
jack sheppard: thief 792 N.
jack tar: mariner 269 N.
jack: rotation 312 N. indication 550 N. amusement 840 N.
jackal: auxiliary 711 N. provision 637 N.
jackanapes: blusterer 887 N.
jackass: carrier 271 N.
jack-in-office: blusterer 887 N.
jackpot: amusement 840 N.
jack-pudding: humorist 844 N. boasting 884 N.
jacks: amusement 840 N.
jackson: money 800 N.
jackstones: amusement 840 N.
jacobin: opponent 710 N.
jacquerie: resistance 719 N. attack 716 N.
jactancy: boasting 884 N.
jactitation: agitation 315 N. boasting 884 N.
jaculate: propulsion 284 V.
jade: commonality 876 N. libertine 962 N. bad man 949 N. fatigue 688 V. carrier 271 N. deterioration 659 N.
jag: contents 190 N. notch 257 N. notch 257 V.
jagged: angularity 244 Adj.
jaguar: evil 913 N.
jahannan: hell 982 N.
jahweh: deity 976 N.
jail bird: prisoner 754 N. bad man 949 N.
jail: prison 752 N.
jailer: keeper 753 N. scourge 975 N.
jakes: receptacle 191 N. uncleanness 653 N.
jaldi!: activity 682 Int.
jalopy: vehicle 272 N.
jalousie: airpipe 351 N.
jam in: interposition 228 V.
jam: clothing 225 N. pulpiness 354 N. junction 43 V. sweetness 396 N.
jamaica pepper: condiment 393 N.
jamb: support 215 N.
jamboree: amusement 840 N.
jammed in: restraint 751 Adj.
jammed: stability 150 Adj.
jangle: stridor 410 V. discord 713 V. discord 713 N.
janissary: combatant 726 N.
janitor: stopper 263 N.
jansenism: heterodoxy 984 N.
janty: fashion 852 Adj. insolence 885 Adj. rashness 863 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj.
january: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
janus faced: falsehood 544 Adj.
janus: deceiver 548 N. tergiversation 607 N.
jao!: ejection 297 Int.
japan: ornament 847 V. covering 223 V. resin 356a N.
japanning: ornament 847 N.
jape: wit 842 N. wit 842 V.
jar upon the ear: stridor 410 V.
jar upon the feelings: painfulness 830 V.
jar: agitation 315 N. discord 713 V. discord 713 N. stridor 410 V. receptacle 191 N. disagreement 24 V. discord 414 V.
jardiniere: receptacle 191 N.
jargon: unintelligibility 519 N. unmeaningness 517 N. absurdity 497 N. neologism 563 N.
jarring: disagreement 24 N. discord 414 Adj. discord 713 N.
jasper: jewelry 847a N.
jaundice: yellowness 436 N.
jaundiced eye: jealousy 920 N.
jaundiced: yellowness 436 Adj. jealousy 920 Adj. misjudgment 481 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
jaunt: journey 266 N.
jaunting car: vehicle 272 N.
jaunty: beauty 845 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj. insolence 885 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj. rashness 863 Adj. fashion 852 Adj.
javelin: arms 727 N.
jaw fallen: dejection 837 Adj.
jaw: loquacity 584 N. loquacity 584 V. disapprobation 932 V.
jaws of death: death 360 N.
jaws: edge 231 N. food 298 N.
jay: dupe 547 N. loquacity 584 N.
jealous of honor: probity 939 Adj.
jealous: jealousy 920 Adj.
jealousness: jealousy 920 N.
jealousy: jealousy 920 N. unbelief doubt 485 N.
jeans: clothing 225 N.
jeep: vehicle 272 N.
jeer: disrespect 929 N. disrespect 929 V.
jehovah: deity 976 N.
jehu: traveler 268 N. director 694 N.
jejune: insufficiency 640 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj.
jelly: semiliquidity 352 N.
jemidar: master 745 N.
jemmy jessamy: fop 854 N.
jemmy: instrument 633 N.
jennet: carrier 271 N.
jenny: instrument 633 N.
jeopard: danger 665 V.
jeopardize: danger 665 V.
jeopardy: danger 665 N.
jerboa: leap 309 N.
jereed: arms 727 N.
jeremiad: lamentation 839 N. disapprobation 932 N.
jeremiade: lamentation 839 N. disapprobation 932 N.
jeremy diddler: thief 792 N.
jerid: arms 727 N.
jerk off: sexuality 374a V.
jerk: agitation 315 N. agitation 315 V. traction 285 V. propulsion 284 V. revolution 146 N. ignoramus 493 N.
jerkin: clothing 225 N.
jerry building: deception 545 N.
jerry sneak: cowardice 862 N. knave 941 N.
jersey: clothing 225 N.
jest book: wit 842 N.
jest: laughingstock 857 N. wit 842 V. unimportance 643 N. wit 842 N.
jester: humorist 844 N.
jestingstock: laughingstock 857 N.
jesuit: clergy 996 N. deceiver 548 N.
jesuitical: falsehood 544 Adj. intuition 477 Adj.
jesuitism: falsehood 544 N.
jesuitry: intuition 477 N. falsehood 544 N.
jesus: deity 976 N.
jet engine: propulsion 284 N.
jet fuel: oil 356 N. fuel 388 N.
jet liner: ship 273 N.
jet plane: ship 273 N.
jet stream: wind 349 N.
jet: river 348 N. river 348 V. navigation 267 V. blackness 431 N.
jet-black: blackness 431 V.
jetsam: relinquishment 782 N.
jettison: relinquishment 782 V.
jetty: convexity 250 N. blackness 431 V. refuge 666 N.
jew: parsimony 819 N. heterodoxy 984 N. cunning 702 N.
jewel: beauty 845 N. jewelry 847a N. favorite 899 N. good man 948 N. goodness 648 N.
jeweler: jewelry 847a N.
jewellery: jewelry 847a N.
jewelry shop: mart 799 N.
jewelry: ornament 847 N. jewelry 847a N.
jewels five words long: goodness 648 Phr.
jewish calendar: chronometry 114 N.
jew's harp: musical instruments 417 N.
jezebel: libertine 962 N. evil 913 N. bad man 949 N.
jhil: marsh 345 N.
jhilmil: airpipe 351 N.
jhuth: untruth 546 N.
jib: front 234 N. regression 283 V.
jibe: wit 842 N.
jiffy: instantaneity 113 N.
jig: amusement 840 N.
jigger: support 215 N. vehicle 272 N.
jilt: disappointment 509 V. deception 545 V. deceiver 548 N. improbity 940 V.
jilted: hate 898 Adj.
jimmy: instrument 633 N.
jimp: beauty 845 Adj.
jingal: arms 727 N.
jingle: resonance 408 V.
jingo: blusterer 887 N.
jinn: demon 980 N.
jinrikisha: vehicle 272 N.
jiujitsu: contention 720 N.
jiva: power 157 N.
job on: slowness 275 V.
job: business 625 N. action 680 N. improbity 940 N.
jobation: disapprobation 932 N.
jobber: deceiver 548 N. proficient 700 N. merchant 797 N. stock market 799a N. selfishness 943 N.
jobbernowl: fool 501 N.
jobbery: cunning 702 N. improbity 940 N.
jobbing: barter 794 N. improbity 940 N.
job's comforter: dejection 837 N. hopelessness 859 N.
jock: clothing 225 N.
jockey shorts: clothing 225 N.
jockey: servant 746 N. deceiver 548 N. traveler 268 N. deception 545 V.
jockeyship: deception 545 N.
jockstrap: clothing 225 N.
jocose: cheerfulness 836 Adj. wit 842 Adj.
jocoseness: amusement 840 N. wit 842 N.
jocosity: amusement 840 N. wit 842 N.
jocular: cheerfulness 836 Adj. wit 842 Adj.
jocularity: wit 842 N. cheerfulness 836 N.
jocund: amusement 840 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj.
jocundity: cheerfulness 836 N.
joe miller: wit 842 N. humorist 844 N.
jog on: progression 282 V. mediocrity 736 V. journey 266 V. continuance in action 143 V.
jog the memory: memory 505 V.
jog trot: slowness 275 N. journey 266 N.
jog: agitation 315 V. agitation 315 N. impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V. habit 613 Adj.
joggle: agitation 315 V.
john bull: inhabitant 188 N.
john doe and richard roe: unsubstantiality 4 N.
john: uncleanness 653 N. receptacle 191 N.
johnsonian: ornament 577 Adj.
join battle: warfare 722 V.
join forces: concurrence 178 V. cooperation 709 V.
join hands with: cooperation 709 V.
join in a conversation: conversation 588 V.
join in the chorus: assent 488 V.
join in: participation 778 V.
join issue upon: negation 536 V.
join issue: lawsuit 969 V. contention 720 V. discord 713 V. reasoning 476 V.
join partnership: cooperation 709 V.
join the crowd: assent 488 V.
join the greater number: death 360 V.
join the majority: death 360 V.
join with: cooperation 709 V.
join: arrival 292 V. junction 43 V. assemblage 72 V. marriage 903 V. sociality 892 V. contiguity 199 V. party 712 V. mixture 41 V.
joinder: junction 43 N.
joined together: party 712 Adj.
joined: junction 43 Adj.
joining: junction 43 N.
joint concern: party 712 N.
joint stock: participation 778 N. cooperation 709 N.
joint tenancy: participation 778 N.
joint tenant: participation 778 N.
joint: vice 945 N. party 712 Adj. food 298 N. fold 258 N. accompaniment 88 Adj. part 51 N. junction 43 Adj. junction 43 N.
jointly: addition 37 Adv. junction 43 Adv.
joint-stock company: party 712 N.
jointure: property 780 N. receipt 810 N.
joist: support 215 N.
joke at one's expense: wit 842 V.
joke: wit 842 V. wit 842 N. unimportance 643 N. ridicule 856 V.
joker: amusement 840 N. humorist 844 N.
joking apart: affirmation 535 Adv. resolution 604 Adv.
joking: wit 842 Adj.
jokingly: wit 842 Adv.
jole: laterality 236 N.
jollification: intemperance 954 N. amusement 840 N.
jollity: cheerfulness 836 N. amusement 840 N. sociality 892 N.
jolly as a sandboy: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
jolly as a thrush: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
jolly boat: ship 273 N.
jolly fellow: sociality 892 N.
jolly: mariner 269 N. amusement 840 Adj. size 192 Adj. sociality 892 Adj.
jolt: agitation 315 N. agitation 315 V. impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V.
jolterhead: fool 501 N.
jolthead: fool 501 N.
jonah: badness 649 N.
jonathan wild: thief 792 N. bad man 949 N.
jonquil: remedy 662 N.
jorum: receptacle 191 N.
joseph surface: deceiver 548 N.
joseph: purity 960 N.
joseph's coat: variegation 440 N.
joss house: temple 1000 N.
jostle: discord 713 V. counteraction 179 V. impulse 276 V. agitation 315 V.
jostling: discord 713 N.
jot a note: memory 505 V.
jot down: record 551 V.
jot: unimportance 643 N. smallness 32 N.
jotting: indication 550 N.
jottings: record 551 N.
jounce: agitation 315 V.
jour de ma vie: pleasure 827 Phr.
journal: accounts 811 N. description 594 N. book 593 N. record 551 N. news 532 N. chronometry 114 N. publication 531 N.
journalism: record 551 N. book 593 N. news 532 N.
journalist: news 532 N. recorder 553 N.
journey: motion 264 N. journey 266 N. journey 266 V. passage 302 N.
journeyman: learner 541 N. agent 690 N. servant 746 N.
journey's end: arrival 292 N.
joust: contention 720 N.
jove: Jupiter 979 N.
jovial: cheerfulness 836 Adj. amusement 840 Adj. sociality 892 Adj.
joviality: cheerfulness 836 N. sociality 892 N. amusement 840 N.
jovialness: amusement 840 N.
jovinianist: heterodoxy 984 N.
jowl: laterality 236 N.
joy: pleasure 827 N. pleasure 827 V.
joyful: cheerfulness 836 Adj. pleasure 827 Adj.
joyless: painfulness 830 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
joyous: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
jubbah: clothing 225 N.
jube: temple 1000 N.
jubilant: cheerfulness 836 Adj. rejoicing 838 Adj. boasting 884 Adj.
jubilation: rejoicing 838 N. celebration 883 N.
jubilee: regularity of recurrence 138 N. rejoicing 838 N. amusement 840 N. celebration 883 N.
jucundity: pleasurableness 829 N.
judaical: heterodoxy 984 Adj.
judaism: heterodoxy 984 N.
judas kiss: falsehood 544 N. improbity 940 N. untruth 546 N.
judas: deceiver 548 N. knave 941 N.
judge by intuition: intuition 477 V.
judge hastily: misjudgment 481 V. intuition 477 V.
judge intuitively: intuition 477 V.
judge of assize: judge 967 N.
judge: judge 967 N. taste 850 N. lawyer 968 N. jurisdiction 965 V. jurisdiction 965 N. taste 850 V. master 745 N. judgment 480 V. judgment 480 N. legality 963 N.
judged by comparison: comparison 464 Adj.
judging: judgment 480 Adj.
judgment seat: tribunal 966 N.
judgment: condemnation 971 N. deity 976 N. discrimination 465 N. punishment 972 N. judgment 480 N. intellect 450 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N. taste 850 N.
judication: judgment 480 N.
judicatory: jurisdiction 965 Adj. tribunal 966 N.
judicature: government 737a N. jurisdiction 965 N.
judicial astrology: prediction 511 N.
judicial murder: killing 361 N.
judicial separation: divorce 905 N.
judicial: tribunal 966 Adj. judge 967 Adj. jurisdiction 965 Adj.
judiciary: government 737a N. jurisdiction 965 Adj.
judicious: judgment 480 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
jug: receptacle 191 N.
juggernath: killing 361 N. Jupiter 979 N. idolatry 991 N.
juggle: deception 545 N. deception 545 V. cunning 702 N.
juggler: deceiver 548 N.
jugglery: deception 545 N. cunning 702 N.
juggling: deception 545 N.
jugulate: killing 361 V.
juice: fluidity 333 N. fuel 388 N.
juiceless: dryness 340 Adj.
juicy: fluidity 333 Adj. moisture 339 Adj.
jujube: sweetness 396 N.
jujutsu: contention 720 N.
julep: sweetness 396 N.
julian calendar: chronometry 114 N.
jumble: mixture 41 N. disorder 59 N. derangement 61 V.
jumbled: multiformity 81 Adj.
jumbo: size 192 Adj.
jument: carrier 271 N.
jump about: leap 309 V. agitation 315 V.
jump at: consent 762 V. taking 789 V. desire 865 V. haste 684 V. willingness 602 V. pursuit 622 V.
jump for joy: rejoicing 838 V.
jump like a parched pea: agitation 315 V.
jump over the moon: leap 309 V.
jump over: neglect 460 V.
jump to a conclusion: misjudgment 481 V. credulity 486 V.
jump to conclusions: intuition 477 V. misjudgment 481 V.
jump up: leap 309 V. elevation 307 V. ascent 305 V.
jump: neglect 460 V. navigation 267 V. revolution 146 N. leap 309 N.
jumper: vehicle 272 N.
junction: addition 37 N. mixture 41 N. junction 43 N. connection 45 N. combination 48 N.
juncture: occasion 134 N. eventuality 151 N. junction 43 N. circumstance 8 N.
june bug: luminary 423 N.
jungle: complexity 59a N. vegetable 367 N.
junior bar: lawyer 968 N.
junior partner: friend 890 N.
junior soph: learner 541 N.
junior: youth 127 Adj. learner 541 N.
juniority: youth 127 N.
junk food: food 298 N.
junk jewelry: deception 545 N. jewelry 847a N.
junk: ship 273 N. inutility 645 N.
junket: food 298 N. amusement 840 V. amusement 840 N.
juno: jealousy 920 N.
junta: council 696 N. government 737a N.
junto: party 712 N.
jupe: clothing 225 N.
jupiter: Jupiter 979 N.
juramentado: impiety 988 N.
jurassic: oldness 124 Adj.
juridical: jurisdiction 965 Adj.
jurisdiction: authority 737 N. jurisdiction 965 N.
jurisprudence: legality 963 N.
jurist: lawyer 968 N.
jury box: tribunal 966 N.
jury list: list 86 N.
jury mast: substitution 147 N. refuge 666 N.
jury rig: substitution 147 V.
jury rigging: substitution 147 N.
jury: judge 967 N.
juryman: judge 967 N.
jussive: grammar 567 N. command 741 Adj.
just around the corner: expectation 507 Adj.
just as: synchronism 120 Adv. similarity 17 Adv.
just audible: faintness 405 Adj.
just begun: beginning 66 Adj.
just do: sufficiency 639 V.
just enough to swear by: smallness 32 N.
just in case: eventuality 151 Adv.
just in time: occasion 134 Adv.
just joking: wit 842 Phr.
just kidding: wit 842 Phr.
just now: the present time 118 Adv. newness 123 Adv.
just out: newness 123 Adj.
just over the horizon: expectation 507 Adj.
just possible: possibility 470 Adj.
just so: truth 494 Adj. assent 488 Adv.
just the facts: eventuality 151 N.
just the other way: contrariety 14 Adj.
just the thing: truth 494 N. dueness 924 Adj. agreement 23 N.
just then: instantaneity 113 Adv.
just under the wire: punctuality 132a Phr.
just: right 922 Adj. probity 939 Adj. truth 494 Adj.
justice of assize: judge 967 N.
justice of the peace: judge 967 N.
justice seat: tribunal 966 N.
justice: government 737a N. judge 967 N. legality 963 N. right 922 N. probity 939 N.
justiciar: judge 967 N.
justiciary: judge 967 N.
justifiable charge: vindication 937 N.
justifiable: vindication 937 Adj. right 922 Adj.
justification: printing 591 N. vindication 937 N. piety 987 N.
justified: piety 987 Adj.
justifier: vindication 937 N.
justify: vindication 937 N. deity 976 V.
justle: contention 720 V. impulse 276 V.
jut out: convexity 250 V.
jute: filament 205 N.
jutting over: pendency 214 Adj.
jutty: convexity 250 N.
juvenescence: youth 127 N.
juvenile: youth 127 Adj.
juvenility: youth 127 N.
juxtapose: contiguity 199 V. comparison 464 V.
juxtaposition: contiguity 199 N.