Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
k.c.: lawyer 968 N.
kaboom!: snap 406 Int.
kachcha: nonpreparation 674 Adj.
kadi: judge 967 N.
kaffiyeh: clothing 225 N.
kahin: clergy 996 N.
kain: amusement 840 N.
kaiser: master 745 N.
kal: futurity 121 Adv.
kala jagah: abode 189 N.
kalashnikov: arms 727 N.
kaleidoscope: optical instruments 445 N.
kaleidoscopic: variegation 440 Adj.
kali: Jupiter 979 N.
kangaroo: leap 309 N.
kantikoy: amusement 840 N.
karma: right 922 N.
karo!: activity 682 Int.
karyaster: organization 357 N.
karyoplasmic: organization 357 Adj.
kassis: clergy 996 N.
katerfelto: sorcerer 994 N.
kavass: jurisdiction 965 N.
kayak: ship 273 N.
kaziaskier: clergy 996 N.
keck: ejection 297 V.
keddah: closure 261 N.
kedge: navigation 267 V. ship 273 N. refuge 666 N.
keel upwards: inversion 218 Adj.
keel: base 211 N.
keelhaul: punishment 972 V.
keen as a razor: feeling 821 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj.
keen blast: wind 349 N.
keen witted: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
keen: desire 865 Adj. cold 383 Adj. physical energy 171 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. physical sensibility 375 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj.
keen-eyed: vision 441 Adj.
keenness: physical energy 171 N. desire 865 N.
keep a course: direction 278 V.
keep a good lookout for: expectation 507 V.
keep a good lookout: care 459 V.
keep a rod in pickle for: accusation 938 V.
keep a secret: concealment 528 V. taciturnity 585 V.
keep a sharp eye on: care 459 V.
keep a sharp lookout for: expectation 507 V.
keep a sharp lookout: foresight 510 V. care 459 V.
keep a shop: barter 794 V. business 625 V.
keep a stiff upper lip: cheerfulness 836 V.
keep a tight hand on: restraint 751 V.
keep a tight hand: severity 739 V.
keep accounts: accounts 811 V.
keep alive: continuance in action 143 V. preservation 670 V. life 359 V.
keep aloof keep off: avoidance 623 V.
keep aloof: seclusion, exclusion 893 V. distance 196 V. absence 187 V.
keep an account with: credit 805 V. barter 794 V.
keep an eye on: care 459 V.
keep apart: disjunction 44 V.
keep arm's length: defense 717 V.
keep at a distance: discourtesy 895 V.
keep at arm's length: repulsion 289 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V. discourtesy 895 V. enmity 889 V.
keep at bay: defense 717 V. resistance 719 V.
keep away: absence 187 V. distance 196 V.
keep back: latency, implication 526 V. lateness 133 V. concealment 528 V. store 636 V. disuse 678 V. restraint 751 V. retention 781 V. dissuasion 616 V.
keep by one: provision 637 V.
keep clear of: avoidance 623 V. distance 196 V.
keep close: retention 781 V. concealment 528 V.
keep company with: sociality 892 V. friendship 888 V.
keep company: accompaniment 88 V.
keep dark: concealment 528 V.
keep faith with: observance 772 V. probity 939 V.
keep firm: stability 150 V.
keep from out of sight: concealment 528 V.
keep from out of view: concealment 528 V.
keep from: avoidance 623 V. concealment 528 V. restraint 751 V.
keep going: continuance in action 143 V. motion 264 V.
keep hold: stability 150 V.
keep holiday: amusement 840 V.
keep holy: piety 987 V.
keep house: location 184 V.
keep in a middle course: mid-course 628 V.
keep in check: restraint 751 V.
keep in countenance: vindication 937 N. approbation 931 V. courage 861 V. aid 707 V. motive 615 V.
keep in good humor: concord 714 V.
keep in ignorance: ignorance 491 V.
keep in mind: memory 505 V.
keep in one's pay: purchase 795 V.
keep in order: direction 693 V.
keep in sight: care 459 V. attention 457 V.
keep in stock: retention 781 V.
keep in suspense: uncertainty 475 V. irresolution 605 V.
keep in the background: disrepute 874 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V. modesty 881 V.
keep in the dark: concealment 528 V.
keep in the ignorance: concealment 528 V.
keep in the memory: memory 505 V.
keep in the mind: memory 505 V.
keep in the right path: virtue 944 V.
keep in the shade: concealment 528 V.
keep in the thoughts: memory 505 V.
keep in view: care 459 V. memory 505 V. expectation 507 V. attention 457 V.
keep in: restraint 751 V. prohibition 761 V.
keep it up!: continuance in action 143 Int.
keep moving!: activity 682 Int.
keep moving: activity 682 V. motion 264 V.
keep mum: taciturnity 585 V.
keep off and on: irresolution 605 V.
keep off!: resistance 719 Int. prohibition 761 Int.
keep off: distance 196 V. avoidance 623 Int. defense 717 V. hindrance 706 V.
keep on foot: continuance in action 143 V. preparation 673 V. support 215 V. provision 637 V.
keep on hand: provision 637 V.
keep on ice: preservation 670 V.
keep on one's legs: health 654 V.
keep on the safe side: caution 864 V.
keep on the shelf: disuse 678 V.
keep on: frequency 136 V. perseverance 604a V. continuance in action 143 V.
keep one in countenance: conformity 82 V.
keep one's bed: disease 655 V.
keep one's carriage: fashion 852 V.
keep one's counsel: taciturnity 585 V.
keep one's countenance: inexcitability 826 V. dejection 837 V.
keep one's course: progression 282 V.
keep one's distance: respect 928 V. distance 196 V. avoidance 623 V. modesty 881 V.
keep one's eyes open: care 459 V.
keep one's footing: permanence 141 V.
keep one's ground: permanence 141 V.
keep one's hand in: habit 613 V.
keep one's own counsel: concealment 528 V.
keep one's powder dry: preparation 673 V.
keep one's promise: virtue 944 V. probity 939 V. observance 772 V.
keep one's spirits up: hope 858 V.
keep one's word: observance 772 V.
keep oneself afloat: prosperity 734 V.
keep oneself from doing: inaction 681 V.
keep open house: sociality 892 V.
keep out of harm's way: caution 864 V.
keep out of sight: neglect 460 V.
keep out of the way: avoidance 623 V. absence 187 V.
keep pace with: velocity 274 V. concurrence 178 V. synchronism 120 V. equality 27 V.
keep private: modesty 881 V.
keep quiet: inaction 681 V. quiescence 265 V.
keep secret: concealment 528 V.
keep silence: taciturnity 585 V. aphony 581 V.
keep snug: concealment 528 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
keep the eyes open: attention 457 V.
keep the faith: stability 150 V.
keep the field: warfare 722 V.
keep the memory alive: memory 505 V.
keep the peace: moderation 174 V. concord 714 V. peace 721 V. pacification 723 V.
keep the pot boiling: continuance in action 143 V. activity 682 V. excitation 824 V.
keep the wound green: memory 505 V. revenge 919 V.
keep time to: servility 886 V.
keep time: earliness 132 V.
keep to one's course: perseverance 604a V.
keep to one's ground: perseverance 604a V.
keep to oneself: concealment 528 V.
keep together: cooperation 709 V.
keep under: restraint 751 V. subjection 749 V. authority 737 V.
keep up a correspondence: correspondence 592 V.
keep up appearances: fashion 852 V.
keep up one's spirits: cheerfulness 836 V.
keep up the ball: amusement 840 V. activity 682 V. continuance in action 143 V.
keep up the good work: continuance in action 143 V.
keep up the memory of: memory 505 V.
keep up the memory: record 551 V.
keep up with: velocity 274 V.
keep up: excitation 824 V. continuance in action 143 V. perseverance 604a V. preservation 670 V.
keep watch and ward: care 459 V. warning 668 V.
keep watch: care 459 V.
keep within bounds: moderation 174 V. prohibition 761 V. restraint 751 V. shortcoming 304 V.
keep within compass: economy 817 V. moderation 174 V.
keep within doors: quiescence 265 V.
keep within the compass: shortcoming 304 V.
keep within the mark: shortcoming 304 V.
keep within: interiority 221 V.
keep your mouth shut!: taciturnity 585 Int.
keep: food 298 N. retention 781 N. store 636 Adj. restraint 751 N. continuance in action 143 V. defense 717 N. permanence 141 V. provision 637 V. refuge 666 N. preservation 670 V. retention 781 V. prison 752 N. observance 772 V. frequency 136 V.
keeper: keeper 753 N.
keeping room: receptacle 191 N.
keeping: agreement 23 N. color 428 N.
keepsake: memory 505 N.
keg: receptacle 191 N.
kelpie: Jupiter 979 N.
kelvins: heat 382 N.
kempt: cleanness 652 Adj.
kennel: abode 189 N. furrow 259 N. conduit 350 N.
kentish fire: amusement 840 N.
kepi: clothing 225 N.
kerchief: clothing 225 N.
kern: pulverulence 330 N. commonality 876 N. bad man 949 N.
kernel: centrality 222 N. importance 642 N.
kerosene: calefaction 384 N. fuel 388 N. oil 356 N.
ketch: carrier 271 N. ship 273 N.
kettle drum: musical instruments 417 N. sociality 892 N.
kettle: furnace 386 N. receptacle 191 N. sociality 892 N.
key note: melody concord 413 N.
key: indication 550 N. interpretation 522 N. scepter 747 N. instrument 633 N. cause 153 N. color 428 N. melody concord 413 N. opening 260 N. instrumentality 631 N.
keyboard symbols: indication 550 N.
keyhole: opening 260 N.
keynote: prototype 22 N. frequency 136 N. importance 642 N.
keystone: support 215 N. motive 615 N. importance 642 N. completion 729 N.
khaki: brown 433 Adj.
khamsin: wind 349 N.
khan: abode 189 N. master 745 N.
khansamah: servant 746 N.
khansaman: servant 746 N.
khedive: master 745 N.
khitmutgar: servant 746 N.
khoja: teacher 540 N.
khudd: obliquity 217 N.
kiack: temple 1000 N.
kibitka: vehicle 272 N.
kibitz: judgment 480 V.
kick against the pricks: resistance 719 V. rashness 863 V. inutility 645 V. opposition 708 V.
kick against: opposition 708 V. resistance 719 V.
kick down the ladder: resolution 604 V.
kick one's heels: lateness 133 V. inaction 681 V.
kick out of school: learning 539 V.
kick over the traces: disobedience 742 V.
kick the beam: superiority 33 V. inequality 28 V.
kick the bucket: death 360 V.
kick up a dust: discord 713 V. insolence 885 V. activity 682 V.
kick up a row: violence 173 V. discord 713 V.
kick: impulse 276 V. recoil 277 N. attack 716 N. punishment 972 N. contempt 930 V. resistance 719 V. attack 716 V. impulse 276 N.
kicking: resistance 719 N.
kickshaws: food 298 N.
kid around: wit 842 V.
kid: infant 129 N. wit 842 V.
kidding: wit 842 Adj.
kidnap: deception 545 V. taking 789 V. stealing 791 V.
kidnaper: thief 792 N.
kidney stone: disease 655 N.
kidney: class 75 N.
kidney-shaped: curvature 245 Adj.
kila: defense 717 N.
kilderkin: receptacle 191 N.
kilkenny cats: discord 713 N.
kill oneself: killing 361 V.
kill the fatted calf: celebration 883 V.
kill the slain: redundancy 641 V.
kill time: inactivity 683 V. amusement 840 V.
kill with kindness: endearment 902 V.
kill: killing 361 V.
killick: refuge 666 N.
killing time: evening 126 N.
killing: success 731 N. killing 361 N. killing 361 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj.
killjoy: hindrance 706 N.
kiln dry: dryness 340 V.
kiln: dryness 340 N. furnace 386 N.
kilocalorie: heat 382 N.
kilogram calorie: heat 382 N.
kilogram: gravity 319 N.
kilometer: length 200 N.
kilt: clothing 225 N.
kimbo: angularity 244 Adj. angularity 244 N.
kimono: clothing 225 N.
kin: class 75 N.
kind regards: courtesy 894 N.
kind remembrances: courtesy 894 N.
kind treatment: benevolence 906 N.
kind: class 75 N. benevolence 906 Adj.
kindergarten: school 542 N.
kinderspiel: unimportance 643 N.
kindgom of micomicon: imagination 515 N.
kind-hearted: benevolence 906 Adj.
kind-heartedness: benevolence 906 N.
kindle the torch of war: warfare 722 V.
kindle wrath: resentment 900 V.
kindle: excitation 824 V. production 161 V. resentment 900 V. calefaction 384 V. physical energy 171 V. cause 153 V. violence 173 V. light 420 V.
kindliness: benevolence 906 N.
kindly: benevolence 906 Adj.
kindness: benevolence 906 N.
kindred: consanguinity 11 Adj. consanguinity 11 N.
kine: animal 366 N.
kinematics: motion 264 N.
kinfolk: consanguinity 11 N.
king death: death 360 N.
king mob: commonality 876 N.
king of terrors: death 360 N.
king of the hill: success 731 N.
king post: support 215 N.
king: amusement 840 N. master 745 N. nobility 875 N.
kingcraft: direction 693 N.
kingdom of god: heaven 981 N.
kingdom of heaven: heaven 981 N.
kingdom: government 737a N. class 75 N. property 780 N.
kinghood: government 737a N.
kingly: government 737a Adj.
king's bench: prison 752 N.
king's english: language 560 N.
king's evil: disease 655 N.
king's highway: method 627 N.
king's message: advice 695 N.
king's or queen's counsel: lawyer 968 N.
kingship: government 737a N.
kink: caprice 608 N. complexity 59a N. curvature 245 N. convolution 248 N. physical pain 378 N.
kinky: curvature 245 Adj. convolution 248 Adj.
kinsman: consanguinity 11 N.
kiosk: abode 189 N. temple 1000 N.
kip: support 215 N.
kirk: temple 1000 N.
kirtle: clothing 225 N.
kismet: necessity 601 N.
kiss hands: courtesy 894 V.
kiss in the ring: amusement 840 N.
kiss one's ass: servility 886 V.
kiss the ass of: flattery 933 V.
kiss the book: affirmation 535 V.
kiss the rod: submission 725 V.
kiss: endearment 902 V. endearment 902 N. courtesy 894 V. courtesy 894 N.
kit: class 75 N. receptacle 191 N. musical instruments 417 N.
kitcat: painting 556 N.
kitchen garden: agriculture 371 N.
kitchen kaffir: neologism 563 N.
kitchen maid: servant 746 N.
kitchen: receptacle 191 N. workshop 691 N.
kitchener: furnace 386 N.
kite: ship 273 N. money 800 N.
kith and kin: consanguinity 11 N.
kithless: unity 87 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
kitten: production 161 V. roll 407 N. infant 129 N.
kittenish: infant 129 Adj.
kittereen: vehicle 272 N.
kkk: party 712 N.
kleptodipsomania: insanity 503 N.
kleptomania: desire 865 N. stealing 791 N.
kleptomaniac: madman 504 N.
km: length 200 N.
knack: habit 613 N. skill 698 N.
knag: hindrance 706 N.
knaggy: sullenness 901a Adj.
knap: height 206 N.
knapsack: receptacle 191 N.
knarl: complexity 59a N.
knarled: complexity 59a Adj.
knave: deceiver 548 N. amusement 840 N. knave 941 N.
knavery: improbity 940 N. cunning 702 N. deception 545 N. vice 945 N.
knavish: improbity 940 Adj.
knead: mixture 41 V. form 240 V. softness 324 V.
knee deep: depth 208 Adj. shallowness 209 Adj.
knee: angularity 244 N.
kneel to: submission 725 V. request 765 V. respect 928 V.
kneel: servility 886 V. courtesy 894 V. pity 914 V. worship 990 V. interment 363 N. depression 308 V. submission 725 V.
kneeling prostration: respect 928 N.
kneeling: worship 990 N. courtesy 894 N. submission 725 N.
knell: lamentation 839 N.
knickerbockers: clothing 225 N.
knickers: clothing 225 N.
knickknack: unimportance 643 N. amusement 840 N.
knife edge: sharpness 253 N.
knife edged: sharpness 253 Adj.
knife: sharpness 253 N.
knight errant: philanthropy 910 N. madman 504 N.
knight errantry: philanthropy 910 N.
knight marshal: master 745 N.
knight of the road: petitioner 767 N.
knight service: possession 777 N.
knight templar: party 712 N.
knight: nobility 875 N.
knight-errant: defense 717 N. rashness 863 N.
knight-errantry: rashness 863 N.
knighthood: nobility 875 N. title 877 N.
knight's move at chess: deviation 279 N.
knit one's brows: discontent 832 V.
knit the brow: resentment 900 V.
knit the brows: disapprobation 932 V.
knit: junction 43 V. receptacle 191 N.
knob: pendency 214 N. rotundity 249 N. convexity 250 N. height 206 N.
knobby: convexity 250 Adj.
knock at the door: request 765 V.
knock down argument: confutation 479 N.
knock down over: destruction 162 V.
knock down: dejection 837 V. deterioration 659 Adj. horizontality 213 V. depression 308 V.
knock kneed: distortion 243 Adj. angularity 244 Adj.
knock off: completion 729 V.
knock on the head: killing 361 V.
knock one's head against: impulse 276 V.
knock to atoms: destruction 162 V.
knock under: submission 725 V. penitence 950 V.
knock up: fatigue 688 V.
knock: snap 406 V. impulse 276 V. impulse 276 N. rashness 863 V.
knock-down blow: destruction 162 N.
knocked on the head: failure 732 Adj.
knocked up: fatigue 688 Adj.
knocker: instrument 633 N. convexity 250 N.
knock-out-blow: end 67 N.
knoll: height 206 N.
knot: roughness 256 N. connection 45 N. party 712 N. ornament 847 N. hindrance 706 N. difficulty 704 N. density 321 N. rotundity 249 N. convolution 248 N. crossing 219 V. crossing 219 N. complexity 59a N. assemblage 72 N.
knotted: difficulty 704 Adj. complexity 59a Adj. convolution 248 Adj. roughness 256 Adj. density 321 Adj.
knotty point: difficulty 704 N. inquiry 461 N.
knotty: difficulty 704 Adj. density 321 Adj.
knout: scourge 975 N.
know by heart: knowledge 490 V.
know by rote: knowledge 490 V.
know for certain: belief 484 V.
know full well: knowledge 490 V.
know no bounds: redundancy 641 V. infinity 105 V. greatness 31 V.
know no limits: infinity 105 V.
know not what: ignorance 491 V.
know not: ignorance 491 V.
know nothing of: ignorance 491 V.
know one's lesson: memory 505 V.
know one's limit: temperance 953 V.
know one's own mind: resolution 604 V.
know what is what: discrimination 465 V.
know what one is about: skill 698 V.
know what's o'clock: skill 698 V.
know what's what: knowledge 490 V. intelligence, wisdom 498 V. skill 698 V.
know which is which: discrimination 465 V.
know: knowledge 490 V. sociality 892 V. information 527 V. friendship 888 V. belief 484 V. certainty 474 V.
knowing: cunning 702 Adj. knowledge 490 Adj.
knowingly: intention 620 Adv.
know-it-all: sage 500 N.
knowledge is power: knowledge 490 Phr.
knowledge of books: book 593 N.
knowledge of the world: skill 698 N.
knowledge of: friendship 888 N.
knowledge: knowledge 490 N. information 527 N.
known as: nomenclature 564 Adj.
known by: indication 550 Adj.
known: knowledge 490 Adj.
knuckle down: submission 725 V.
knuckle duster: arms 727 N.
knuckle to: submission 725 V.
knuckle under: submission 725 V.
knuckle: angularity 244 N.
knurly: roughness 256 Adj.
knurr and spell: amusement 840 N.
kobold: demon 980 N.
kodachrome: painting 556 N.
koh-i-noor: perfection 650 N.
koniology: pulverulence 330 N.
kooshti: contention 720 N.
kos: length 200 N.
kosmos: world 318 N.
kotow: courtesy 894 N.
kowtow: depression 308 N. submission 725 N. submission 725 V. courtesy 894 N. respect 928 N.
kraal: abode 189 N.
kraken: unconformity 83 N.
kris: arms 727 N.
krishna: Jupiter 979 N.
krupp gun: arms 727 N.
kudos: approbation 931 N.
kuklux klan: party 712 N.
kuklux: party 712 N.
kurbash: scourge 975 N.
kutcherry: treasury 802 N.
kyanize: preservation 670 V.
kyles: gulf, lake 343 N.