Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
o dear!: lamentation 839 Int.
o for a muse of fire!: poetry 597 Phr.
o for!: desire 865 Int.
o gemini!: wonder 870 Int.
o lord!: worship 990 Int.
o lud lud!: lamentation 839 Int.
o mores!: improbity 940 Int. vice 945 Int. disapprobation 932 Int. disrepute 874 Int.
o salutaris: worship 990 N.
o tempora o mores!: lamentation 839 Int.
o tempora!: vice 945 Int. disrepute 874 Int. disapprobation 932 Int. improbity 940 Int.
o yes!: publication 531 Int. hearing 418 Int. attention 457 Int.
o!: wonder 870 Int.
oaf: fool 501 N.
oak: strength 159 N.
oakum: filament 205 N.
oar shaped: curvature 245 Adj.
oar: mariner 269 N. instrument 633 N. navigation 267 N.
oarsman: mariner 269 N.
oasis: disjunction 44 N. unconformity 83 N. land 342 N.
oath: promise 768 N. malediction 908 N. affirmation 535 N.
oatmeal: pulpiness 354 N. food 298 N.
obbligato: accompaniment 88 Adj. music 415 Adv.
obduction: covering 223 N.
obduracy: malevolence 907 N. impenitence 951 N. obstinacy 606 N.
obdurate: obstinacy 606 Adj. severity 739 Adj. vice 945 Adj. impenitence 951 Adj.
obduration: obstinacy 606 N.
obedience: obedience 743 N. subjection 749 N. submission 725 N. observance 772 N.
obedient: obedience 743 Adj.
obediently: obedience 743 Adv.
obeisance: depression 308 N. submission 725 N. courtesy 894 N. respect 928 N.
obelisk: height 206 N. record 551 N. interment 363 N.
oberon: Jupiter 979 N.
obese: size 192 Adj. expansion 194 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj.
obesity: size 192 N. expansion 194 N.
obey a call: motive 615 V.
obey the helm: facility 705 V.
obey the precedents: conformity 82 V.
obey the rules: conformity 82 V.
obey: submission 725 V. obedience 743 V. subjection 749 V.
obfuscate: darkness 421 V. opacity 426 V.
obfuscated: opacity 426 Adj. turbidity 426a Adj. drunkenness 959 Adj.
obi: sorcery 992 N.
obiism: sorcery 992 N.
obit: death 360 N.
obiter dicta: irrelation 10 Adj. occasion 134 Adj.
obiter dictum: interposition 228 Adv.
obituary: death 360 N. description 594 N.
object lesson: conformity 82 N.
object of compassion: pain 828 N.
object of execration: hate 898 N.
object of hatred: hate 898 N.
object to: disapprobation 932 V. dislike 867 V.
object: ugliness 846 N. materiality 316 N. substantiality 3 N. intention 620 N.
objection: hindrance 706 N. disapprobation 932 N.
objectionable: inexpedience 647 Adj. wrong 923 Adj.
objective evidence: evidence 467 N.
objective lens: optical instruments 445 N.
objective: extrinsicality 6 Adj. materiality 316 Adj.
objectiveness: extrinsicality 6 N.
objurgate: disapprobation 932 V.
objurgation: disapprobation 932 N.
objurgatory: disapprobation 932 Adj.
oblate spheroid: rotundity 249 N.
oblate: shortness 201 Adj.
oblation: giving 784 N. worship 990 N.
oblectation: pleasure 827 N.
obligate aerobe: life 359 N.
obligate anaerobe: life 359 N.
obligation: promise 768 N. conditions 770 N. debt 806 N. necessity 601 N.
obligatory: compulsion 744 Adj. duty 926 Adj.
oblige: compulsion 744 V. duty 926 V. aid 707 V.
obliged by: duty 926 Adj.
obliged: gratitude 916 Adj.
obligee: money 800 N.
obliging: aid 707 Adj. courtesy 894 Adj. benevolence 906 Adj.
obligor: money 800 N.
obliquation: deviation 279 N.
oblique: angularity 244 Adj. curvature 245 Adj.
obliquely: deviation 279 Adv.
obliquity of judgment: misjudgment 481 N.
obliquity of vision: dimsightedness 443 N.
obliquity: vice 945 N. angularity 244 N. obliquity 217 N. curvature 245 N.
obliterate: obliteration 552 V. inexistence 2 V.
obliterated: obliteration 552 Adj.
obliteration of: oblivion 506 N.
obliteration: inexistence 2 N. obliteration 552 N.
oblivion of benefits: ingratitude 917 N.
oblivion of time: anachronism 115 N.
oblivion: forgiveness 918 N. inexistence 2 N. oblivion 506 N.
oblivious: oblivion 506 Adj.
obliviousness: oblivion 506 N.
oblong spheroid: rotundity 249 N.
oblong: length 200 Adj.
obloquy: detraction 934 N. disapprobation 932 N. disrepute 874 N.
obmutescence: aphony 581 N. taciturnity 585 N.
obnoxious to: liability 177 Adj.
obnoxious: badness 649 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. hate 898 Adj.
obnubilated: dimness 422 Adj.
oboe: musical instruments 417 N.
obreption: concealment 528 N. acquisition 775 N.
obreptitious: concealment 528 Adj.
obscene language: neologism 563 N.
obscene: impurity 961 Adj.
obscenity: neologism 563 N. impurity 961 N.
obscuration: darkness 421 N.
obscure: unintelligibility 519 Adj. commonality 876 Adj. disrepute 874 V. obscurity 571 Adj. invisibility 447 Adj. blackness 431 V. dimness 422 V. darkness 421 V. darkness 421 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj.
obscured: invisibility 447 Adj.
obscurity: uncertainty 475 N. commonality 876 N. unintelligibility 519 N. darkness 421 N. obscurity 571 N. turbidity 426a N.
obsecration: request 765 N.
obsecratory: request 765 Adj.
obsequies: interment 363 N.
obsequious: respect 928 Adj. servility 886 Adj. courtesy 894 Adj.
obsequiousness: flattery 933 N. respect 928 N. courtesy 894 N. obedience 743 N. servility 886 N.
observance: observance 772 N. attention 457 N. rite 998 N. duty 926 N. obedience 743 N. habit 613 N. conformity 82 N. conduct 692 N.
observant: attention 457 Adj. observance 772 Adj. clergy 996 N.
observation: intellect 450 N. idea 453 N. attention 457 N. affirmation 535 N.
observatory: world 318 N.
observe a duty: duty 926 V.
observe an obligation: duty 926 V.
observe due decorum: respect 928 V.
observe!: attention 457 Int.
observe: vision 441 V. attention 457 V. observance 772 V.
observer: spectator 444 N.
observing: attention 457 Adj.
obsession: attack 716 N.
obsidional: attack 716 Adj.
obsolescence: desuetude 614 N.
obsolete: oldness 124 Adj. neologism 563 Adj. inutility 645 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. the past 122 Adj.
obstacle: hindrance 706 N.
obstetrician: instrumentality 631 N.
obstetrics: production 161 N. remedy 662 N.
obstinacy: stability 150 N. physical inertness 172 N. resolution 604 N. obstinacy 606 N. inactivity 683 N. sullenness 901a N. permanence 141 N.
obstinate as a mule: obstinacy 606 Adj.
obstinate: stability 150 Adj. resolution 604 Adj. obstinacy 606 Adj.
obstinately: obstinacy 606 Adv.
obstinateness: obstinacy 606 N.
obstipation: closure 261 N.
obstreperous: violence 173 Adj. loudness 404 Adj.
obstruct: hindrance 706 V. closure 261 V. river 348 V.
obstruction: closure 261 N. hindrance 706 N.
obstructionist: opponent 710 N.
obstructive: hindrance 706 Adj. opponent 710 N.
obstruent: hindrance 706 Adj.
obstupefaction: insensibility 823 N.
obtain a return: acquisition 775 V.
obtain a victory: success 731 V.
obtain knowledge: learning 539 V.
obtain one's liberty: liberation 750 V.
obtain: acquisition 775 V. existence 1 V.
obtainable: possibility 470 Adj.
obtainment: acquisition 775 N.
obtenebration: darkness 421 N.
obtest: request 765 V.
obtestation: advice 695 N. request 765 N.
obtrectation: detraction 934 N.
obtrude: insertion 300 V. activity 682 V. interposition 228 V.
obtruncate: shortness 201 V.
obtrusion: interposition 228 N. hindrance 706 N.
obtrusive: hindrance 706 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj.
obtund: physical insensibility 376 V. bluntness 254 V. moderation 174 V. insensibility 823 V.
obtuse angle: angularity 244 N.
obtuse: bluntness 254 Adj. physical insensibility 376 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
obtuseness: physical insensibility 376 N.
obumbrate: darkness 421 V.
obumbration: darkness 421 N.
obverse: front 234 N.
obviate: hindrance 706 V.
obvious: visibility 446 Adj. intelligibility 518 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj.
ocarina: musical instruments 417 N.
occasion laughter: amusement 840 V.
occasion pain: painfulness 830 V.
occasion: cause 153 V. cause 153 N. circumstance 8 N. occasion 134 N.
occasional: discontinuity 70 Adj. uncertainty 475 Adj.
occasionally: frequency 136 Adv.
occasioner: cause 153 N.
occidental: laterality 236 Adj.
occiput: rear 235 N.
occlude: closure 261 V.
occlusion: closure 261 N.
occult art: sorcery 992 N.
occult meaning: latency, implication 526 N.
occult sciences: sorcery 992 N.
occult: unintelligibility 519 Adj. latency, implication 526 Adj. concealment 528 Adj.
occultation: darkness 421 N. disappearance 449 N. concealment 528 N.
occultness: latency, implication 526 N.
occupancy in common: participation 778 N.
occupancy: presence 186 N. possession 777 N.
occupant of a position: politics 737b N.
occupant: inhabitant 188 N. possessor 779 N.
occupation road: method 627 N.
occupation: business 625 N. presence 186 N.
occupied by: inhabitant 188 Adj.
occupied with: attention 457 Adj.
occupied: activity 682 Adj.
occupier: inhabitant 188 N. possessor 779 N.
occupy a place: term 71 V.
occupy master: authority 737 V.
occupy oneself with: attention 457 V. business 625 V.
occupy the attention: attention 457 V.
occupy the chair: direction 693 V.
occupy the mind: attention 457 V. thought 451 V.
occupy the thoughts: attention 457 V.
occupy the throne: government 737a N.
occupy time: time 106 V.
occupy: possession 777 V. presence 186 V.
occupying: presence 186 Adj.
occur in a place: presence 186 V.
occur: thought 451 V. eventuality 151 V. posteriority 117 V. existence 1 V.
occurrence: eventuality 151 N. circumstance 8 N.
occursion: impulse 276 N.
ocean greyhound: ship 273 N.
ocean liner: ship 273 N.
ocean: ocean 341 N.
oceanic: ocean 341 Adj.
ocelot: variegation 440 N.
ocher: brown 433 N. orange 439 N.
ochlocracy: government 737a N.
ochreous: orange 439 Adj.
o'clock: chronometry 114 Adv.
octagon: angularity 244 N.
octahedron: angularity 244 N.
octal number: number 84 N.
octateuch: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
octave: melody concord 413 N.
octavo: book 593 N.
octifid: quinquesection, &c 99 Adj.
octodecimo: book 593 N.
octogenarian: veteran 130 N.
octopus: evil 913 N. ugliness 846 N.
octoroon: mixture 41 N.
octroi: price 812 N.
octuple: five, &c 98 Adj.
ocular demonstration: vision 441 N. visibility 446 N.
ocular evidence: visibility 446 N.
ocular inspection: vision 441 N.
ocular proof: visibility 446 N.
ocular: vision 441 Adj.
oculist: remedy 662 N.
od force: sorcery 992 N.
od: master 745 N.
odalisque: servant 746 N.
odd fish: laughingstock 857 N.
odd: multiformity 81 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. insanity 503 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. remainder 40 Adj. unity 87 Adj.
oddity: intrinsicality 5 N. unconformity 83 N. insanity 503 N. ridiculousness 853 N. laughingstock 857 N.
odd-lot dealer: stock market 799a N.
oddments: part 51 N.
odds and ends: remainder 40 N. inutility 645 N. mixture 41 N. part 51 N.
odds in favor: probability 472 Adv.
odds on: chance 156 N. probability 472 Adv.
odds: chance 156 N. inequality 28 N. discord 713 N.
ode: poetry 597 N.
odin: Jupiter 979 N.
odious: ugliness 846 Adj. hate 898 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
odium: disrepute 874 N. hate 898 N. disapprobation 932 N.
odometer: velocity 274 N. measurement 466 N.
odontalgia: physical pain 378 N.
odontoid: convexity 250 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj.
odor of sanctity: piety 987 N.
odor: odor 398 N.
odorament: odor 398 N.
odorant: odor 398 N.
odoriferous: odor 398 Adj.
odorous: odor 398 Adj.
odylic force: sorcery 992 N.
odylic: sorcery 992 Adj.
odzookens!: wonder 870 Int.
oecology: organization 357 N.
oecumenical: generality 78 Adj.
oedematous: expansion 194 Adj. softness 324 Adj.
oedipus: answer 462 N.
oenomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
o'ertop: superiority 33 V.
oestrogen: woman 374 N.
oestrus: sexuality 374a N.
oeuvre: production 161 N.
of a certain age: age 128 Adj.
of a deep dye: vice 945 Adj.
of a different kind: dissimilarity 18 Adj.
of a muchness: identity 13 Adj.
of a truth: veracity 543 Adv. affirmation 535 Adv.
of age: adolescence 131 Adj.
of all manner of colors: variegation 440 Adj.
of all sorts and kinds: multiformity 81 Adj.
of all things: superiority 33 Adv.
of all work: utility 644 Adj.
of articulation: voice 580 N.
of bad faith: improbity 940 Adj.
of clouds: shade 424 N.
of compassion: pity 914 N.
of cosmic proportions: size 192 Adj.
of course: expectance 871 Int. demonstration 478 Adv. conformity 82 Adv. consent 762 Adv. habit 613 Adj. assent 488 Adv. necessity 601 Adv. certainty 474 Adv. effect 154 Adv.
of daily occurrence: habit 613 Adj. conformity 82 Adj.
of easy virtue: impurity 961 Adj.
of epic proportions: size 192 Adj.
of estimation: approbation 931 Adj.
of every description: multiformity 81 Adj.
of everyday occurrence: conformity 82 Adj. habit 613 Adj.
of feeling: feeling 821 Adj.
of full age: adolescence 131 Adj.
of gentle blood: nobility 875 Adj.
of gold: importance 642 V.
of good cheer: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
of good comfort: content 831 Adj.
of good omen: hope 858 Adj.
of great price: goodness 648 Adj. dearness 814 Adj.
of importance: importance 642 Adj.
of late: newness 123 Adv.
of law: unconformity 83 N.
of little account: unimportance 643 Adj.
of little importance: unimportance 643 Adj.
of long duration: diuturnity 110 Adj.
of long standing: oldness 124 Adj.
of long-standing: diuturnity 110 Adj.
of loose character: impurity 961 Adj.
of low extraction: commonality 876 Adj.
of low origin: commonality 876 Adj.
of low parentage: commonality 876 Adj.
of mark: greatness 31 Adj.
of mean extraction: commonality 876 Adj.
of mean origin: commonality 876 Adj.
of mean parentage: commonality 876 Adj.
of necessity: necessity 601 Adv. requirement 630 Adv. demonstration 478 Adv.
of no account: unimportance 643 Adj.
of no avail: inutility 645 Adj.
of no earthly use: inutility 645 Adj.
of no effect: unproductiveness 169 Adj. failure 732 Adj.
of no importance: unimportance 643 Adj.
of note: importance 642 Adj. repute 873 Adj.
of old: the past 122 Adv.
of one accord: assent 488 Adj.
of one mind: concord 714 Adj. agreement 23 Adj. concurrence 178 Adj. assent 488 Adj.
of one's own accord: willingness 602 Adv.
of one's own free will: will 600 Adv.
of one's won accord: will 600 Adv.
of other times: oldness 124 Adj.
of priceless value: dearness 814 Adj.
of promise: hope 858 Adj.
of rank: nobility 875 Adj.
of ripe age: adolescence 131 Adj.
of small account: unimportance 643 Adj.
of sound mind: sanity 502 Adj.
of the blood: consanguinity 11 Adj.
of the deepest dye: blackness 431 V.
of the first water.: repute 873 Adj.
of the first water: goodness 648 Adj.
of the old school: oldness 124 Adj.
of the same class: inclusion 76 Adj.
of the same mind: assent 488 Adj.
of the true faith: orthodoxy 983a Phr.
of unsound mind: insanity 503 Adj.
of use: utility 644 Adj.
of value: goodness 648 Adj.
of various kinds: nonuniformity 16a Adj.
of vital importance: importance 642 Adj.
of yesterday: newness 123 Adj.
of yore: the past 122 Adv.
of: relation 9 Adv. indication 550 V. dueness 924 V. evidence 467 Adv. contents 190 N. aid 707 V.
off and on: irresolution 605 Adv. regularity of recurrence 138 Adv. changeableness 149 Adv.
off one's balance: irresolution 605 Adj.
off one's guard: inattention 458 Adj. neglect 460 Adj. inexpectation 508 Adj. danger 665 Adj. rashness 863 Adj.
off one's hands: loss 776 Adj.
off one's head: insanity 503 Adj.
off one's mind: incogitancy 452 Adj.
off scum: uncleanness 653 N.
off the beaten track: unconformity 83 Adj. unconformity 83 N.
off the reel: loquacity 584 Adv.
off the track: uncertainty 475 Adj.
off with you!: ejection 297 Int.
off: distance 196 Adv.
offal: uncleanness 653 N.
offend against the law: illegality 964 N.
offend the ear: stridor 410 V.
offend: painfulness 830 V. resentment 900 V. vice 945 V.
offended: resentment 900 Adj.
offender: bad man 949 N.
offending adam: vice 945 N.
offense: guilt 947 N. attack 716 N. resentment 900 N.
offensive to ears polite: inelegance 579 Adj.
offensive: unsavoriness 395 Adj. fetor 401 Adj. uncleanness 653 Adj. attack 716 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. dislike 867 Adj. hate 898 Adj.
offer for sale: offer 763 V. sale 796 V.
offer oneself: offer 763 V.
offer petitions: worship 990 V.
offer pleasure: pleasurableness 829 V.
offer sacrifice: worship 990 V.
offer thanks: gratitude 916 V.
offer the alternative: choice 609 V.
offer up prayers: request 765 V. worship 990 V.
offer vows: worship 990 V.
offer: offer 763 N. offer 763 V. giving 784 V. sale 796 V.
offered: offer 763 Adj.
offering: offer 763 Adj. offer 763 N. giving 784 N.
offers one's choice: choice 609 V.
offertory: worship 990 N. rite 998 N. giving 784 N.
offhand: inattention 458 Adj. neglect 460 Adj. impulse 612 Adv. earliness 132 Adv.
office bearer: director 694 N.
office holder: politics 737b N.
office of the president: government 737a N.
office: business 625 V. worship 990 N. workshop 691 N. business 625 N. receptacle 191 N. agency 170 N. mart 799 N.
officer of the court: lawyer 968 N.
officer of the day: master 745 N.
officer: director 694 N. combatant 726 N. jurisdiction 965 N. master 745 N.
offices: receptacle 191 N.
office-seeker: politics 737b N.
official: business 625 Adj. servant 746 N. master 745 N. politics 737b N. director 694 N. truth 494 Adj. certainty 474 Adj. government 737a Adj.
officialism: severity 739 N.
officiate: instrumentality 631 V. rite 998 V. conduct 692 V. business 625 V. action 680 V.
officious: activity 682 Adj.
officiousness: activity 682 N.
offing: distance 196 N. ocean 341 N.
offload: ejection 297 V.
offprint: imitation 19 N.
off-road vehicle: journey 266 N.
offscourings: inutility 645 N. uncleanness 653 N.
offset: compensation 30 N. printing 591 V.
off-set: posterity 167 N.
offshoot: effect 154 N. part 51 N. adjunct 39 N.
off-shoot: posterity 167 N.
offside: dextrality 238 N.
offspring: effect 154 N. posterity 167 N.
offstage: drama 599 N.
offuscate: darkness 421 V. opacity 426 V.
offuscation: darkness 421 N.
oft: frequency 136 Adv.
often enough: frequency 136 Adv.
often: repetition 104 Adv. frequency 136 Adv.
oftenness: frequency 136 N.
oftentimes: frequency 136 Adv.
oftness: frequency 136 N.
ofttimes: frequency 136 Adv.
ogham: writing 590 N.
ogle: vision 441 V. desire 865 V. discourtesy 895 V. endearment 902 V.
ogre: fear 860 N. evil 913 N. demon 980 N.
ogress: demon 980 N.
oh!: disapprobation 932 Int.
oil burner: furnace 386 N.
oil color: painting 556 N.
oil paint: color 428 N. painting 556 N.
oil painting: painting 556 N.
oil rig: rotation 312 N.
oil: unctuousness 355 V. oil 356 N. fuel 388 N. lubrication 332 V. lubrication 332 N. remedy 662 N. painting 556 Adj. luminary 423 N.
oiling: lubrication 332 N.
oils: painting 556 N.
oilskins: clothing 225 N.
oily: moderation 174 Adj. flattery 933 Adj. courtesy 894 Adj. servility 886 Adj. smoothness 255 Adj. unctuousness 355 Adj.
oinomania: drunkenness 959 N.
ointment: covering 223 N. unctuousness 355 N. oil 356 N. remedy 662 N.
ok: assent 488 Adv. consent 762 Adv. content 831 Adj.
old adam: vice 945 N.
old age: age 128 N.
old as adam: oldness 124 Adj.
old as history: oldness 124 Adj.
old as methuselah: oldness 124 Adj. age 128 Adj.
old as the hills: oldness 124 Adj.
old bachelor: celibacy 904 N.
old campaigner: proficient 700 N.
old clothes: clothing 225 N.
old crony: friend 890 N.
old file: proficient 700 N.
old fogey: fool 501 N. laughingstock 857 N.
old hand: proficient 700 N.
old joke: wit 842 N.
old lady: marriage 903 N.
old maid: amusement 840 N. celibacy 904 N.
old man of the sea: hindrance 706 N.
old man: veteran 130 N. marriage 903 N.
old master: artist 559 N.
old monkey: laughingstock 857 N.
old moore: oracle 513 N.
old news: news 532 N.
old parr: veteran 130 N.
old sarum: seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
old school: obstinacy 606 N. habit 613 N.
old soldier: pungency 392 N. proficient 700 N.
old son: unimportance 643 N.
old song: repetition 104 N.
old stager: proficient 700 N. veteran 130 N.
old story: love 897 N. repetition 104 N. news 532 N.
old testament: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
old times: the past 122 N.
old woman: fool 501 N. marriage 903 N. woman 374 N. impotence 158 N.
old: oldness 124 Adj. age 128 Adj.
oldbuck: the past 122 N.
older: age 128 Adj.
old-fashioned: oldness 124 Adj.
old-hat: frequency 136 Adj.
oldness: oldness 124 N. age 128 N.
old-womanish: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
old-world: oldness 124 Adj.
oleagine: oil 356 N.
oleaginous: unctuousness 355 Adj.
olfaction: odor 398 N.
olfactories: odor 398 N.
olfactory: odor 398 Adj.
olibanum: fragrance 400 N.
olid: fetor 401 Adj.
olidous: fetor 401 Adj.
oligarch: master 745 N.
oligarchic: government 737a Adj.
oligarchy: government 737a N.
oligocene: oldness 124 Adj.
olio: mixture 41 N.
olive branch: pacification 723 N. infant 129 N.
olive green: greenness 435 Adj.
olive oil: oil 356 N.
olive: greenness 435 Adj.
olive-branch: posterity 167 N.
olla-podrida: mixture 41 N.
olympus: heaven 981 N.
om: spell 993 N.
omber: amusement 840 N.
ombrometer: measurement 466 N.
omega: end 67 N.
omelet: food 298 N.
omen: precursor 64 N. prediction 511 N. omen 512 N. indication 550 N.
ominate: prediction 511 V.
ominous: threat 909 Adj. danger 665 Adj. prediction 511 Adj.
omission: exclusion 55 N. neglect 460 N. failure 732 N. nonobservance 773 N. guilt 947 N. incompleteness 53 N.
omit: exclusion 55 V. neglect 460 V. nonobservance 773 V.
omitted: inexistence 2 Adj. absence 187 Adj.
omniation: prediction 511 N.
omnibus: journey 266 N. vehicle 272 N.
omnifarious: multiformity 81 Adj.
omnific: productiveness 168 Adj.
omniform: multiformity 81 Adj.
omniformity: multiformity 81 N.
omnigenous: multiformity 81 Adj.
omniousness: prediction 511 N.
omnipotence: power 157 N. deity 976 N.
omnipotent: power 157 Adj.
omnipresence: presence 186 N. deity 976 N.
omnipresent: presence 186 Adj.
omniscience: knowledge 490 N. deity 976 N.
omniscient: knowledge 490 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
omnivorous intellect: curiosity 455 N.
omnivorous: greed 817a Adj. gluttony 957 Adj. food 298 Adj.
omophagic: food 298 Adj.
omophagous: food 298 Adj.
omphalos: middle 68 N.
on a bed of roses: physical pleasure 377 Adv.
on a false scent: error 495 Adj.
on a footing with: equality 27 Adj.
on a large scale: greatness 31 Adv.
on a lee shore: danger 665 Adj.
on a level with: equality 27 Adj.
on a par with: equality 27 Adj.
on a razor's edge: excitation 824 Adj.
on a rock: stability 150 Adj.
on a sandy basis: danger 665 Adj.
on a small scale: smallness 32 Adv. littleness 193 Adv.
on account of: attribution 155 Adv. intention 620 Adv. aid 707 Adv.
on account: credit 805 Adv.
on all accounts: completeness 52 Adv.
on all fours: humility 879 Adv. horizontality 213 Adv. identity 13 Adv. agreement 23 Adj.
on all hands: assent 488 Adv.
on all sides: circumjacence 227 Adv.
on amicable terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on an average: mean 29 Adv.
on approval: experiment 463 Adv.
on bad terms: discord 713 Adj. enmity 889 Adj.
on behalf of: aid 707 Adv.
on better advice: improvement 658 Adv.
on board: presence 186 Adv. ship 273 Adv.
on compulsion: compulsion 744 Adv.
on condition: conditions 770 Adv.
on consideration: improvement 658 Adv.
on cordial terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on course: transference 270 Adv.
on credit: credit 805 Adv.
on duty: action 680 Adj. activity 682 Adj.
on eagle's wing: velocity 274 Adv.
on easy terms: facility 705 Adv.
on end: verticality 212 Adv.
on every side: circumjacence 227 Adv.
on familiar terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on film: drama 599 Adv.
on fire: heat 382 Adj.
on foot: existence 1 Adj. time 106 Adj. eventuality 151 Adj. agency 170 Adj. journey 266 Adv. topic 454 Adv. business 625 Adj. preparation 673 Adj. activity 682 Adj.
on friction wheels: facility 705 Adj.
on friendly terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on good footing: friendship 888 Adj.
on good terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on hand: business 625 Adj. possession 777 Adj.
on her beam ends: laterality 236 Adv.
on high: height 206 Adv.
on hire: offer 763 Adj.
on horseback: journey 266 Adv.
on intimate terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on its beam ends: horizontality 213 Adv.
on its last legs: weakness 160 Adj. adversity 735 Adj.
on land: land 342 Adv.
on leave: permission 760 Adv.
on loan: lending 787 Adv.
on location: drama 599 N.
on no account: prohibition 761 Adv. negation 536 Adv. refusal 764 Adv. smallness 32 Adv.
on no occasion: neverness 107 Adv.
on one side: laterality 236 Adv. distortion 243 Adj.
on one's back: horizontality 213 Adv.
on one's beam ends: impotence 158 Adj.
on one's bended knee: submission 725 Adj.
on one's bended knees: request 765 Adj.
on one's death bed: death 360 Adj.
on one's dignity: pride 878 Adj.
on one's feet: humility 879 Adv.
on one's good behavior: courtesy 894 Adj.
on one's guard: caution 864 Adj. care 459 Adj. warning 668 Adj.
on one's hands: redundancy 641 Adj. noncompletion 730 Adj. sale 796 Adj.
on one's head: inversion 218 Adj.
on one's high horses: pride 878 Adj.
on one's high ropes: excitation 824 Adj. pride 878 Adj. resentment 900 Adj.
on one's hind legs: elevation 307 Adv.
on one's knees: request 765 Adj. respect 928 Adj.
on one's last legs: deterioration 659 Adj. fatigue 688 Adj.
on one's legs: elevation 307 Adv. health 654 Adj. activity 682 Adj.
on one's marrowbones: request 765 Adj.
on one's mettle: resolution 604 Adv.
on one's side: concord 714 Adv.
on one's tight ropes: pride 878 Adj.
on one's trial: experiment 463 Adv.
on one's way: progression 282 Adv.
on parole: restraint 751 Adj. prisoner 754 Adj.
on point: agreement 23 Adj.
on principle: motive 615 Adv.
on probation: experiment 463 Adv.
on purpose: intention 620 Adv.
on reconsideration: improvement 658 Adv.
on record: record 551 Adv.
on sea: ocean 341 Adv.
on second thoughts: improvement 658 Adv.
on security: lending 787 Adv.
on shanks's mare: journey 266 Adv.
on ship board: ship 273 Adv.
on shore: land 342 Adv.
on slippery ground: danger 665 Adj.
on speaking terms: friendship 888 Adj.
on stilts: boasting 884 Adj. height 206 Adv. elevation 307 Adv. exaggeration 549 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
on sure ground: safety 664 Adj.
on tenterhooks: expectation 507 Adj.
on that account: attribution 155 Adv.
on that occasion: different time 119 Adv.
on that score: belief 484 V.
on the alert: activity 682 Adj. care 459 Adj. preparation 673 Adj.
on the anvil: preparation 673 Adj. noncompletion 730 Adj. undertaking 676 Adj. intention 620 Adj. business 625 Adj.
on the ball: skill 698 Adj.
on the boards: drama 599 Adv.
on the brink of: smallness 32 Adv. futurity 121 Adv. nearness 197 Adv.
on the cards: destiny 152 Adj. liability 177 Adj.
on the carpet: topic 454 Adv. plan 626 Adj.
on the confines of: nearness 197 Adv.
on the contrary: counter evidence 468 Adv. contrariety 14 Adv.
on the decline: deterioration 659 Adj.
on the defense: defense 717 Adv.
on the defensive: defense 717 Adv.
on the dice: possibility 470 Adj.
on the docket: topic 454 Adv.
on the edge of a volcano: danger 665 Adj.
on the eve of: transientness 111 Adv. priority 116 Adv. futurity 121 Adv.
on the face of it: appearance 448 Adv.
on the face of the earth: space 180 Adv.
on the face of the globe: world 318 Adv.
on the face of: manifestation 525 Adv.
on the first summons: command 741 Adv.
on the floor: plan 626 Adj.
on the fret: irascibility 901 Adj.
on the high road to: method 627 N. hope 858 Adj. direction 278 Adv.
on the high road: progression 282 Adv.
on the hip: subjection 749 Adj.
on the horizon: expectation 507 Adj.
on the increase: increase 35 Adj.
on the instant: earliness 132 Adv.
on the lookout for: inquiry 461 Adj.
on the lookout: care 459 Adj.
on the loose: impurity 961 Adj.
on the march: motion 264 Adv.
on the market: sale 796 Adj.
on the moment: instantaneity 113 Adv.
on the move: motion 264 Adv. departure 293 Adv.
on the nail: the present time 118 Adv. payment 807 Adv.
on the offensive: attack 716 Adv.
on the one hand: equivocalness 520 Phr.
on the other hand: contrariety 14 Adv. equivocalness 520 Phr.
on the other: compensation 30 Adv.
on the part of: aid 707 Adv. relation 9 Adv.
on the pave: impurity 961 Adj.
on the point of: transientness 111 Adv. futurity 121 Adv.
on the present occasion: the present time 118 Adv.
on the rack: pain 828 Adj.
on the rebound: recoil 277 Adv.
on the recoil: recoil 277 Adv.
on the right scent: answer 462 Adv.
on the road to ruin: adversity 735 Adj.
on the road to: progression 282 Adv.
on the road: transference 270 Adv. direction 278 Adv. progression 282 Adv. approach 286 Adv. traveler 268 Phr.
on the rocks: danger 665 Adj.
on the safe side: safety 664 Adj.
on the scent: answer 462 Adv. pursuit 622 Adj.
on the score of: relation 9 Adv.
on the shoulders of: instrumentality 631 Adv. elevation 307 Adv. height 206 Adv.
on the sick list: disease 655 Adj.
on the skirts of: nearness 197 Adv.
on the sly: concealment 528 Adv. cunning 702 Adv.
on the spot: occasion 134 Adv. presence 186 Adv. earliness 132 Adv. the present time 118 Adv. instantaneity 113 Adv. news 532 Adj.
on the spur of the moment: instantaneity 113 Adv. the present time 118 Adv. earliness 132 Adv. occasion 134 Adv. impulse 612 Adv.
on the square: probity 939 Adv.
on the stage: drama 599 Adv. manifestation 525 Adv.
on the stocks: preparation 673 Adj.
on the streets: impurity 961 Adj.
on the stretch: exertion 686 Adj.
on the supposition of: qualification 469 Adv.
on the supposition: supposition 514 Adv.
on the table: preparation 673 Adj.
on the tapis: eventuality 151 Adj. topic 454 Adv. intention 620 Adj. plan 626 Adj.
on the town: impurity 961 Adj.
on the tramp: motion 264 Adv.
on the verge of: nearness 197 Adv.
on the wagon: temperance 953 Adj.
on the wane: nonincrease, decrease 36 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj. adversity 735 Adj.
on the warpath: warfare 722 V.
on the watch for: care 459 Adj.
on the watch: attention 457 Adj. expectation 507 Adj. expectation 507 Adv.
on the water wagon: temperance 953 Adj.
on the way: progression 282 Adv. transference 270 Adv.
on the whole: whole 50 Adv. reasoning 476 Adv. judgment 480 Adv.
on the wing: departure 293 Adv. transference 270 Adv. motion 264 Adv. navigation 267 Adv.
on the wrong scent: error 495 Adj.
on this side of the grave: life 359 Adj.
on time: punctuality 132a Adv.
on tiptoe: height 206 Adv. expectation 507 Adj.
on top: success 731 Adj.
on trial: experiment 463 Adv. essay 675 Adv.
on velvet: facility 705 Adj.
on view: appearance 448 Adj.
on visiting terms: friendship 888 Adj. sociality 892 Adj.
on watch: care 459 Adj.
on which occasion: different time 119 Adv.
on: duty 926 V. progression 282 Adv.
onanism: sexuality 374a N.
once and for all: choice 609 Adv.
once for all: resolution 604 Adv. infrequency 137 Adv. end 67 Adv.
once in a blue moon: unconformity 83 Adv. infrequency 137 Adv.
once in a million years: unconformity 83 Adv. infrequency 137 Adv.
once in a way: infrequency 137 Adv.
once more: duplication 90 Adv. repetition 104 Adv.
once upon a time: different time 119 Adv. time 106 Adv. the past 122 Adv.
once: time 106 Adv. the past 122 Adv. infrequency 137 Adv.
oncologist: remedy 662 N.
ondine: Jupiter 979 N.
one and a half: unity 87 Adv.
one and all: assent 488 Adv. generality 78 Adv. whole 50 N.
one and only: identity 13 N.
one and the same: identity 13 N. identity 13 Adj.
one another: correlation 12 Adv.
one at a time: speciality 79 Adv. unity 87 Adv.
one bone and one flesh: marriage 903 Adj.
one by one: unity 87 Adv. disjunction 44 Adv. speciality 79 Adv.
one cheer more: approbation 931 Int.
one day: time 106 Adv.
one fine day: time 106 Adv.
one fine morning: time 106 Adv. different time 119 Adv.
one hundred thousand: five, &c 98 N.
one in a million: unconformity 83 N. infrequency 137 Adj. good man 948 N.
one in a thousand: goodness 648 N. unconformity 83 N.
one in a way: unconformity 83 N.
one in ten thousand: good man 948 N.
one may have it for: price 812 Phr.
one might hear a pin drop: silence 403 Phr.
one of the people: commonality 876 N.
one of these days: different time 119 Adv. futurity 121 Adv.
one one's last legs: death 360 Adj.
one one's legs: verticality 212 Adv.
one or two: plurality 100 N.
one step at a time: slowness 275 Adv.
one way or another: method 627 N.
one: whole 50 Adj. unity 87 Adj. identity 13 Adj. unity 87 N. mankind 372 N. marriage 903 Adj.
one-dollar bill: money 800 N.
one-eyed: dimsightedness 443 Adj.
one-horse shay: imperfection 651 N.
oneirocritic: interpreter 524 N.
oneirology acception: interpretation 522 N.
oneiromancy: prediction 511 Phr.
oneness: unity 87 N.
one-night stand: sexuality 374a N.
one-of-a-kind: unconformity 83 Adj.
one-pan balance: gravity 319 N.
onerous: hindrance 706 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. difficulty 704 Adj. badness 649 Adj.
one's back being up: resentment 900 Phr.
one's bead against a wall: rashness 863 V.
one's blind side: credulity 486 N.
one's blood being up: courage 861 Phr. resentment 900 Phr.
one's countenance falling: disappointment 509 Phr.
one's courage oozing out: cowardice 862 Phr.
one's course runs smooth: prosperity 734 Phr.
one's days are numbered: necessity 601 Phr. death 360 Phr. transientness 111 Phr.
one's doom is sealed: death 360 Phr.
one's ear: disrepute 874 V.
one's eyes being opened: knowledge 490 Phr.
one's eyes: manifestation 525 V.
one's fate is sealed: necessity 601 Phr.
one's fill: sufficiency 639 V.
one's head about: activity 682 V.
one's heart bleeding for: pity 914 Phr.
one's heart bleeding: pain 828 Phr.
one's heart failing one: fear 860 Phr.
one's hour is come: death 360 Phr. occasion 134 Phr.
one's man of business: consignee 758 N.
one's monkey being up: resentment 900 Phr.
one's old way: habit 613 N.
one's option: choice 609 V.
one's own flesh and blood: consanguinity 11 N.
one's own: possession 777 Adj. property 780 Adj.
one's race is run: death 360 Phr.
one's second self: similarity 17 N.
one's ship coming in: wealth 803 Phr.
one's weak side: imbecility folly 499 N.
oneself: identity 13 N.
one-sided conceptions: misjudgment 481 N.
one-sided ideas: misjudgment 481 N.
one-sided notions: misjudgment 481 N.
one-sided views: misjudgment 481 N.
one-sided: wrong 923 Adj. misjudgment 481 Adj. improbity 940 Adj.
one-track mind: misjudgment 481 N.
one-way mirror: optical instruments 445 N.
ongoing: progression 282 N. noncompletion 730 Adj.
onion: condiment 393 N.
onlooker: spectator 444 N.
only better than nothing: imperfection 651 Adj.
only just: smallness 32 Adv.
only think!: wonder 870 Int.
only yesterday: newness 123 Adv.
only: imperfection 651 Adv. simpleness 42 Adv. smallness 32 Adv. unity 87 Adv.
onodorate: inodorousness 399 Adj.
onomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
onomatopoeia: language 560 N. nomenclature 564 N.
onset: attack 716 N. beginning 66 N.
onslaught: attack 716 N.
on-the-spot coverage: news 532 N.
ontogeny: organization 357 N.
ontology: existence 1 N.
onus: hindrance 706 N. duty 926 N.
onward: progression 282 Adv.
onychomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
onyx: jewelry 847a N.
oogamy: dissimilarity 18 N. organization 357 N.
oogenesis: production 161 N.
oogenetic: production 161 Adj.
ooze out: disclosure 529 V.
ooze: egress 295 V. ejection 297 V. river 348 V. semiliquidity 352 N.
oozing: egress 295 N.
opacity: opacity 426 N.
opacous: opacity 426 Adj.
opal: semitransparency 427 N. variegation 440 N. jewelry 847a N.
opalesce: semitransparency 427 V.
opalescence: semitransparency 427 N.
opalescent: semitransparency 427 Adj. variegation 440 Adj.
opaline: variegation 440 Adj. semitransparency 427 Adj.
opaque: opacity 426 Adj. unintelligibility 519 Adj.
opaqueness: opacity 426 N.
ope: opening 260 V.
open a case: reasoning 476 V.
open a discussion: reasoning 476 V.
open a door to: liability 177 V.
open air: air 338 N.
open an account with: barter 794 V.
open and aboveboard: probity 939 Adj.
open as day: artlessness 703 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj.
open country: plain 344 N.
open enemy: enemy 891 N.
open fire: attack 716 V. beginning 66 V.
open handed: liberality 816 Adj.
open hearted: veracity 543 Adj. liberality 816 Adj.
open into: conversion 144 V. river 348 V.
open line of credit: credit 805 N.
open one's eye: vision 441 V.
open one's eyes to: information 527 V.
open one's eyes: wonder 870 V. correction 527a V.
open one's lips: speech 582 V.
open one's mind: disclosure 529 V.
open one's mouth: speech 582 V. wonder 870 V.
open one's purse strings: liberality 816 V.
open question: inquiry 461 N. uncertainty 475 N.
open rupture: discord 713 N.
open sesame!: opening 260 Int.
open sesame: instrumentality 631 N. spell 993 N. indication 550 N.
open sore: painfulness 830 N.
open space: space 180 N.
open the ball: beginning 66 V. precedence 62 V.
open the door to: beginning 66 V. permission 760 V. facility 705 V. preparation 673 V. cause 153 V. reception 296 V.
open the eyes of: disclosure 529 V. information 527 V.
open the eyes to: discovery 480a V.
open the eyes: teaching 537 V.
open the flood gates: permission 760 V.
open the floodgates: ejection 297 V.
open the lips: disclosure 529 V.
open the lock: discovery 480a V.
open the path: facility 705 V.
open the purse strings: expenditure 809 V.
open the road: facility 705 V.
open the sluices: ejection 297 V.
open the trenches: attack 716 V.
open the way: facility 705 V.
open to discussion: uncertainty 475 Adj.
open to doubt: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
open to suspicion: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
open to the view: visibility 446 V.
open to: facility 705 Adj. liability 177 Adj. danger 665 Adj.
open up: disclosure 529 V. beginning 66 V.
open war: warfare 722 N.
open: disclosure 529 V. beginning 66 V. publication 531 Adj. disclosure 529 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj. opening 260 V. opening 260 Adj. expansion 194 V. veracity 543 Adj.
opener: opening 260 N. instrumentality 631 N.
open-eyed: attention 457 Adj. expectation 507 Adj.
open-hearted: artlessness 703 Adj. probity 939 Adj.
open-hearth furnace: furnace 386 N.
opening bracket: indication 550 N.
opening: reasoning 476 N. passage 302 N. opening 260 N. opening 260 Adj. interval 198 N. space 180 N. occasion 134 N. beginning 66 N.
openly: manifestation 525 Adv.
openmouthed: greed 817a Adj.
open-mouthed: cry 411 Adj. expectation 507 Adj. loquacity 584 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
openness: manifestation 525 N.
opera glass: optical instruments 445 N.
opera hat: clothing 225 N.
opera house: drama 599 N.
opera: music 415 N. drama 599 N. poetry 597 N.
operate upon: motive 615 V.
operate: remedy 662 V. agency 170 V. production 161 V. cause 153 V. action 680 V.
operatic: music 415 Adj. drama 599 Adj.
operation: agency 170 N. remedy 662 N. action 680 N.
operations: warfare 722 N.
operative: agency 170 Adj. agent 690 N.
operator: remedy 662 N. agent 690 N. stock market 799a N.
operculated: closure 261 Adj.
operculum: covering 223 N.
operetta: music 415 N.
operose: difficulty 704 Adj. exertion 686 Adj.
operoseness: exertion 686 N.
operosity: exertion 686 N.
ophicleide: musical instruments 417 N.
ophiology: zoology 368 N.
ophiomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
ophite: variegation 440 N.
ophthalmia: dimsightedness 443 N.
ophthalmic: vision 441 Adj.
ophthalmologist: remedy 662 N.
opiate: moderation 174 N.
opinative: misjudgment 481 Adj.
opinator: obstinacy 606 N.
opine: belief 484 V.
opini=atre: misjudgment 481 Adj.
opiniative: misjudgment 481 Adj.
opiniativeness: obstinacy 606 N.
opiniator: obstinacy 606 N.
opiniatry: obstinacy 606 N.
opinion poll: politics 737b N. choice 609 N. experiment 463 N.
opinion: politics 737b N. judgment 480 N. belief 484 N.
opinionate: misjudgment 481 Adj. obstinacy 606 V.
opinionated: misjudgment 481 Adj.
opinionatist: obstinacy 606 N.
opinionative: misjudgment 481 Adj.
opinioned: misjudgment 481 Adj.
opinionist: certainty 474 N. obstinacy 606 N.
opitulation: aid 707 N.
opium den: vice 945 N.
opium eater: inactivity 683 N.
opium: physical insensibility 376 N. moderation 174 N. intemperance 954 N.
oppidan: inhabitant 188 N.
oppilation: hindrance 706 N.
opponent: hindrance 706 N. opponent 710 N. enemy 891 N.
opportune: expedience 646 Adj. occasion 134 Adj.
opportunely: occasion 134 Adv.
opportuneness: occasion 134 N.
opportunism: expedience 646 N.
opportunity: occasion 134 N. eventuality 151 N.
oppose: contrariety 14 V. counteraction 179 V. counter evidence 468 V. unwillingness 603 V. hindrance 706 V. opposition 708 V. resistance 719 V. contention 720 V. detraction 934 V.
opposed: contrariety 14 Adj. opposition 708 Adj.
opposing evidence: counter evidence 468 N.
opposing: opposition 708 Adj. contrariety 14 Adj.
opposite charges attract: repulsion 289 Phr.
opposite poles attract: repulsion 289 Phr.
opposite poles: contraposition 237 N.
opposite side: contraposition 237 N.
opposite: contraposition 237 Adj. inversion 218 Adj. contrariety 14 Adj. contraposition 237 N.
oppositeness: contrariety 14 N.
opposites: counteraction 179 N.
opposition: resistance 719 N. opponent 710 N. contention 720 N. contraposition 237 N. counteraction 179 N. opposition 708 N.
oppositionist: opponent 710 N.
oppress: malevolence 907 V. badness 649 V. severity 739 V.
oppressed with melancholy: dejection 837 Adj.
oppression on the spirits: dejection 837 N.
oppression: severity 739 N. subjection 749 N. badness 649 N.
oppressive: painfulness 830 Adj. heat 382 Adj. badness 649 Adj. severity 739 Adj.
oppressor: evil 913 N. severity 739 N.
opprobrious: disrepute 874 Adj.
opprobrium: disrepute 874 N.
oppugn: opposition 708 V.
oppugnancy: opposition 708 N. resistance 719 N.
oppugnation: resistance 719 N. opposition 708 N.
opsimathy: teaching 537 N.
opt for: choice 609 V.
optative: desire 865 Adj.
optic: vision 441 Adj.
optical bench: optical instruments 445 N.
optical instruments: optical instruments 445 N.
optical media: information 527 N.
optical: vision 441 Adj.
optics: light 420 N. vision 441 N.
optimacy: nobility 875 N.
optimates: nobility 875 N.
optime!: approbation 931 Int.
optimism: overestimation 482 N. cheerfulness 836 N. hope 858 N.
optimist: flatterer 935 N. hope 858 N.
option contract: securities 799b N.
option: possession 777 N. will 600 N. choice 609 N.
optional: will 600 Adj. choice 609 Adj.
optionally: choice 609 Adv.
options: securities 799b N.
optometrist: remedy 662 N.
opulence: wealth 803 N.
opulent: wealth 803 Adj.
opus: production 161 N. music 415 N.
opuscule: book 593 N.
or at the option of: choice 609 Adv.
or: yellowness 436 N. orange 439 N.
oracle: answer 462 N. oracle 513 N. sage 500 N. prediction 511 N.
oracular: uncertainty 475 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. prediction 511 Adj.
oral communication: speech 582 N. conversation 588 N.
oral evidence: evidence 467 N.
oral: speech 582 Adj. voice 580 Adj.
orally: speech 582 Adv.
orange: orange 439 Adj. orange 439 N.
orange-colored: orange 439 Adj.
orangery: agriculture 371 N.
oration: speech 582 N.
orator: speech 582 N.
oratorical: speech 582 Adj.
oratorio: music 415 N.
oratory: speech 582 N. temple 1000 N.
oratress: speech 582 N.
oratrix: speech 582 N.
orb of day: world 318 N. luminary 423 N.
orb of night: world 318 N.
orb: business 625 N. luminary 423 N. region 181 N. circularity 247 N.
orbicular: circularity 247 Adj.
orbit: height 206 V. circularity 247 N. navigation 267 V. world 318 N. interment 363 N. method 627 N.
orbital mechanics: navigation 267 N.
orbiting: navigation 267 N.
orbs: vision 441 N.
orc: demon 980 N.
orchard: agriculture 371 N.
orchestra: music 415 N. musical instruments 417 N. drama 599 N.
orchestral waits: musician 416 N.
orchestrina: musical instruments 417 N.
orchiotomy: impotence 158 N.
orchotomy: impotence 158 N.
ordain: dueness 924 V. churchdom 995 V. legality 963 V. commission 755 V. command 741 V. deity 976 V.
ordained: dueness 924 Adj. clergy 996 Adj.
ordeal of battle: warfare 722 N.
ordeal: experiment 463 N. pain 828 N. sorcery 992 N.
order of succession: sequence 63 N.
order of the day: eventuality 151 N. command 741 N. plan 626 N. habit 613 N.
order of things: conformity 82 N.
order: command 741 V. money 800 N. repute 873 N. nobility 875 N. title 877 N. precept 697 N. direction 693 V. requirement 630 N. class 75 N. order 58 N. command 741 N.
orderless: disorder 59 Adj.
orderly: servant 746 N. conformity 82 Adj. order 58 Adj. arrangement 60 Adj.
ordinance: command 741 N. legality 963 N. rite 998 N.
ordinary condition: conformity 82 N.
ordinary course of things: habit 613 N.
ordinary run of things: habit 613 N.
ordinary state of things: habit 613 N.
ordinary state: conformity 82 N.
ordinary: simplicity 849 Adj. expectance 871 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj. imperfection 651 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj. habit 613 Adj. food 298 N. conformity 82 Adj. frequency 136 Adj.
ordinate and abscissa: measurement 466 N.
ordination: command 741 N. commission 755 N. churchdom 995 N. rite 998 N.
ordnance: arms 727 N.
ordonnance: legality 963 N.
ordovician: oldness 124 Adj.
ordure: uncleanness 653 N.
ore: materials 635 N.
oread: Jupiter 979 N.
oregano: condiment 393 N.
organ of thought: intellect 450 N.
organ of vision: vision 441 N.
organ: musical instruments 417 N. voice 580 N. instrument 633 N.
organic chemistry: organization 357 N.
organic remains: organization 357 N. corpse 362 N.
organic: texture 329 Adj. state 7 Adj. organization 357 Adj.
organism: texture 329 N. organization 357 N. arrangement 60 N.
organist: musician 416 N.
organization: production 161 N. plan 626 N. texture 329 N. arrangement 60 N. organization 357 N.
organize: arrangement 60 V. continuity 69 V. production 161 V. plan 626 V.
organized crime: thief 792 N.
organized hypocrisy: falsehood 544 N.
organized nature: organization 357 N.
organized world: organization 357 N.
organized: organization 357 Adj.
organizing conception: idea 453 N.
organography: texture 329 N.
orgasm: violence 173 N. sexuality 374a N.
orgasmatic: violence 173 Adj.
orgasmic: violence 173 Adj.
orgastic: violence 173 Adj.
orgies: intemperance 954 N.
oriel: receptacle 191 N. angularity 244 N. opening 260 N.
orient: laterality 236 Adj. laterality 236 N. light 420 Adj.
oriental topaz: jewelry 847a N.
oriental: jewelry 847a N. laterality 236 Adj.
orientate: laterality 236 V.
orientation: laterality 236 N.
orifice: beginning 66 N. opening 260 N.
oriflamb: indication 550 N.
oriflamme: indication 550 N.
origenism: heterodoxy 984 N.
origin: cause 153 N. beginning 66 N.
original idea: supposition 514 N.
original: cause 153 Adj. prototype 22 N. laughingstock 857 N. will 600 Adj. imagination 515 Adj. dissimilarity 18 Adj. speciality 79 Adj. unconformity 83 N. nonimitation 20 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj.
originality: dissimilarity 18 N. nonimitation 20 N. unconformity 83 N. imagination 515 N. will 600 N.
originate from: effect 154 V.
originate in: effect 154 V.
originate: will 600 V. beginning 66 V. cause 153 V. imagination 515 V.
origination: cause 153 N.
originator: producer 164 N.
orion's belt: world 318 N.
orismological: nomenclature 564 Adj.
orismology: nomenclature 564 N.
orison: request 765 N. worship 990 N.
ormolu: covering 223 N. deception 545 N. ornament 847 N.
ormuzd: Jupiter 979 N.
ornament: ornament 847 N. ornament 847 V. repute 873 N. ornament 577 N. ornament 577 Adj. ornament 577 V.
ornamental art: painting 556 N. ornament 847 N.
ornamental garden: agriculture 371 N.
ornamental: beauty 845 Adj. ornament 847 Adj.
ornamentation: ornament 847 N.
ornamented: ornament 847 Adj.
ornate: ornament 577 Adj. ornament 847 Adj.
ornateness: ornament 847 N.
ornature: ornament 847 N.
orniscopy: prediction 511 Phr.
ornithology: zoology 368 N.
ornithomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
ornithotomy: zoology 368 N.
orotund: ornament 577 Adj.
orotundity: ornament 577 N.
orphan: infant 129 N.
orpheus: musician 416 N.
orpiment: yellowness 436 N.
orrery: world 318 N.
orthodox dissenter: heterodoxy 984 N.
orthodox: truth 494 Adj. conformity 82 Adj. orthodoxy 983a Adj.
orthodoxy: truth 494 N. orthodoxy 983a N.
orthoepy: voice 580 N.
orthogonal: verticality 212 Adj. perpendicularity 216a Adj.
orthogonality: perpendicularity 216a N.
orthograph: letter 561 N.
orthology: truth 494 N.
orthometry: measurement 466 N. poetry 597 N.
orthopedics: remedy 662 N.
orthopedy: remedy 662 N.
orthopraxy: remedy 662 N.
orts: inutility 645 N. remainder 40 N.
oryctography: inorganization 358 N.
oryctology: zoology 368 N. inorganization 358 N.
oscillate between: changeableness 149 V.
oscillate: changeableness 149 V. oscillation 314 V.
oscillating: oscillation 314 Adj.
oscillation: regularity of recurrence 138 N. oscillation 314 N.
oscillatory: oscillation 314 Adj.
oscitancy: opening 260 N. inactivity 683 N.
oscitant: opening 260 Adj.
oscitation: inactivity 683 N.
osculate: contiguity 199 V.
osculation: contiguity 199 N. endearment 902 N.
osculatory: contiguity 199 Adj.
osiris: Jupiter 979 N.
osmanli: heterodoxy 984 N.
ossa on pelion: gravity 319 N.
osseous: hardness 323 Adj.
ossific: hardness 323 Adj.
ossification: hardness 323 N.
ossify: hardness 323 V.
ossuary: interment 363 N.
ostensible ground: Pretext 617 N.
ostensible motive: Pretext 617 N.
ostensible reason: Pretext 617 N.
ostensible: appearance 448 Adj. probability 472 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj.
ostensibly: appearance 448 Adv. Pretext 617 Adj. Pretext 617 Adv.
ostentation: vanity 880 N. ostentation 882 N.
ostentatious: vanity 880 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj.
osteology: texture 329 N.
osteopath: remedy 662 N.
osteopathist: remedy 662 N.
osteopathy: remedy 662 N.
ostiary: opening 260 N. stopper 263 N. gulf, lake 343 N.
ostium: opening 260 N.
ostler: servant 746 N.
ostracism: seclusion, exclusion 893 N. disapprobation 932 N. punishment 972 N.
ostracize: seclusion, exclusion 893 V. disapprobation 932 V. punishment 972 V.
ostrich: velocity 274 N.
otalgia: physical pain 378 N.
other side of the coin: counter evidence 468 N.
other side of the shield: counter evidence 468 N. rear 235 N.
other time: different time 119 N.
other: difference 15 Adj.
otherwise: dissimilarity 18 Adv.
other-worldly: probity 939 Adj.
otiose: inactivity 683 Adj.
otiosity: inactivity 683 N.
otologist: hearing 418 N.
otology: hearing 418 N.
otorhinolaryngologist: hearing 418 N.
otorhinolaryngology: hearing 418 N.
ottar: fragrance 400 N.
otter hound: animal 366 N.
otto: fragrance 400 N.
ottoman: support 215 N.
oubliette: ambush 530 N. prison 752 N.
ough!: disrepute 874 Int.
ounce: gravity 319 N.
ouphe: demon 980 N.
our lady: piety 987 N.
our times: the present time 118 N.
our withers are unwrung: strength 159 Phr.
ourselves: mankind 372 N.
oust: ejection 297 V. abrogation 756 V. taking 789 V.
out and out: completeness 52 Adv.
out at elbows: poverty 804 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj. divestment 226 Adj.
out at heels: poverty 804 Adj.
out bid: barter 794 V.
out face: insolence 885 V.
out goings: expenditure 809 N.
out herod: violence 173 V.
out in front: precession 280 Adv.
out in one's reckoning: error 495 Adj.
out lay: expenditure 809 N.
out maneuver: deception 545 V.
out of a situation: displacement 185 Adj.
out of action: deterioration 659 Adj.
out of all proportion: greatness 31 Adv.
out of breath: fatigue 688 Adj.
out of cash: poverty 804 Adj.
out of character: disagreement 24 Adj.
out of commission: deterioration 659 Adj.
out of conceit with: dislike 867 Adj.
out of countenance: disrepute 874 Adj. humility 879 Adj. modesty 881 Adj.
out of danger: safety 664 Adj.
out of date: anachronism 115 Adj. oldness 124 Adj. untimeliness 135 Adj.
out of debt: wealth 803 Adj. payment 807 Adj.
out of depth: shortcoming 304 Adj.
out of doors: exteriority 220 Adv.
out of earshot inaudibly: faintness 405 Adv.
out of employ: inaction 681 Adj.
out of fashion: oldness 124 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj.
out of favor: dislike 867 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj.
out of focus: invisibility 447 Adj.
out of gear: nonpreparation 674 Adj. impotence 158 Adj. disorder 59 Adj.
out of hand: completion 729 Adv. earliness 132 Adv.
out of harm's way: safety 664 Adj.
out of harness: freedom 748 Adj. liberation 750 Adj.
out of health: disease 655 Adj.
out of hearing: distance 196 Adv. deafness 419 Adj.
out of heart: dejection 837 Adj.
out of humor: pain 828 Adj. discontent 832 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj.
out of it: oldness 124 Adj.
out of its element: disagreement 24 Adj. displacement 185 Adj.
out of joint: disagreement 24 Adj. disorder 59 Adj. evil 619 Adj. impotence 158 Adj.
out of keeping: unconformity 83 Adj. disagreement 24 Adj.
out of luck: adversity 735 Adj.
out of measure: redundancy 641 Adv.
out of mere caprice: absence of motive 615a Adv.
out of mind: oblivion 506 Adj. memory 505 Phr. distance 196 Phr. neglect 460 Phr.
out of money: poverty 804 Adj.
out of one's depth: depth 208 Adv. difficulty 704 Adj.
out of one's element: unconformity 83 Adj.
out of one's mind: insanity 503 Adj.
out of one's power: impossibility 471 Adj.
out of one's reckoning: uncertainty 475 Adj. inexpectation 508 Adj. failure 732 Adj. disappointment 509 Adj.
out of one's senses: insanity 503 Adj.
out of one's skull: insanity 503 Adj.
out of one's teens: adolescence 131 Adj.
out of one's wits: excitation 824 Adj. insanity 503 Adj.
out of one's won head: will 600 Adv.
out of order: imperfection 651 Adj. disorder 59 Adj. nonpreparation 674 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj.
out of place: disorder 59 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. displacement 185 Adj. inexpedience 647 Adj. disagreement 24 Adj.
out of pocket: poverty 804 Adj. debt 806 Adj. loss 776 Adj.
out of practice: unskillfulness 699 Adj.
out of print: obliteration 552 Adj.
out of proportion: disagreement 24 Adj.
out of reach: distance 196 Adv. impossibility 471 Adj.
out of repair: deterioration 659 Adj.
out of repute: disrepute 874 Adj.
out of season: disagreement 24 Adj. untimeliness 135 Adj.
out of shape: distortion 243 Adj.
out of sight: neglect 460 Phr. improbability 473 Adj. invisibility 447 Adj. distance 196 Phr. memory 505 Phr.
out of sorts: dejection 837 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj. disease 655 Adj. disorder 59 Adj.
out of spirits: dejection 837 Adj.
out of temper: discontent 832 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj.
out of the beaten track: unconformity 83 Adj.
out of the common run: unconformity 83 Adj.
out of the common: unconformity 83 Adj.
out of the meshes: safety 664 Adj.
out of the ordinary: unconformity 83 Adj.
out of the pale of: unconformity 83 Adj.
out of the question: undueness 925 Adj. hopelessness 859 Adj. dissent 489 Adj. refusal 764 Adj. rejection 610 Adj. impossibility 471 Adj.
out of the sphere of: distance 196 Adv.
out of the way: irrelation 10 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj. distance 196 Adv. unconformity 83 Adj. distance 196 Adj.
out of the woods: safety 664 Adj.
out of the world: seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. death 360 Adj.
out of tune: discord 414 Adj. disagreement 24 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. imperfection 651 Adj. discord 713 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj.
out of work: inaction 681 Adj.
out of: motive 615 Adv. insufficiency 640 Adj.
out on you!: disapprobation 932 Int.
out through: egress 295 V.
out upon!: malediction 908 Int.
out upon: disapprobation 932 Int.
out weigh: influence 175 V.
out wit: deception 545 V.
out with it!: disclosure 529 Int. obliteration 552 Int.
out with!: malediction 908 Int.
out: exteriority 220 Adv. bisection 91 V. error 495 Adj.
outbalance: compensation 30 V. superiority 33 V.
outbrave: insolence 885 V.
outbrazen: insolence 885 V.
outbreak: attack 716 N. excitability 825 N. disobedience 742 N. egress 295 N. beginning 66 N. violence 173 N. discord 713 N.
outburst: violence 173 N. egress 295 N. excitability 825 N.
outcast of society: commonality 876 N.
outcast: unconformity 83 N. bad man 949 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
outcome: egress 295 N. acquisition 775 N.
outcry: cry 411 N. disapprobation 932 N. sale 796 N. lamentation 839 N.
outdo: superiority 33 V. transcursion 303 V. activity 682 V. success 731 V.
outdoor: exteriority 220 Adj.
outer bar: lawyer 968 N.
outer most: exteriority 220 Adj.
outfit: clothing 225 N. preparation 673 N.
outflank: laterality 236 V. success 731 V.
outgate: egress 295 N.
outgeneral: success 731 V.
outgo: transcursion 303 V.
outgoing: egress 295 Adj.
outgrow: expansion 194 V.
outgrowth: sequel 65 N. effect 154 N.
out-herod herod: exaggeration 549 V.
out-herod: superiority 33 V.
outhouse: receptacle 191 N.
outing: journey 266 N.
outjump: transcursion 303 V. repute 873 V.
outlandish: ridiculousness 853 Adj. irrelation 10 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj.
outlast: diuturnity 110 V.
outlaw: unconformity 83 N. prohibition 761 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V. bad man 949 N. illegality 964 N.
outlawry: illegality 964 N.
outleap: transcursion 303 V.
outlet: opening 260 N. egress 295 N.
outline: plan 626 N. list 86 N. outline 230 N. appearance 448 N. representation 554 N. painting 556 N.
outlines: compendium 596 N. beginning 66 N.
outlive: diuturnity 110 V. permanence 141 V.
outlook: appearance 448 N. insolence 885 V.
outlying: exteriority 220 Adj. remainder 40 Adj.
outmaneuver: success 731 V.
outmarch: velocity 274 V.
outnumber: multitude 102 V.
outpost: distance 196 N. circumjacence 227 N. front 234 N.
outpour: egress 295 N.
outpouring: egress 295 N. sufficiency 639 N. excretion 299 N. information 527 N.
output: egress 295 N. acquisition 775 N.
outrage: badness 649 V. disrespect 929 V. disrespect 929 N. malevolence 907 V. malevolence 907 N. deterioration 659 N. badness 649 N. evil 619 N. violence 173 N. guilt 947 N. resentment 900 N.
outrageous: disrepute 874 Adj. violence 173 Adj. greatness 31 Adj.
outrank: superiority 33 V.
outre: ridiculousness 853 Adj.
outreach: deception 545 V.
outreckon: overestimation 482 V.
outride: transcursion 303 V.
outrider: precursor 64 N.
outrigger: support 215 N. ship 273 N.
outright: completeness 52 Adv.
outrival: superiority 33 V. transcursion 303 V. repute 873 V.
outrun the constable: debt 806 V. prodigality 818 V.
outrun: transcursion 303 V.
outscourings: uncleanness 653 N.
outset: beginning 66 N. departure 293 N.
outshine: superiority 33 V. repute 873 V. disrepute 874 V.
outside car: vehicle 272 N.
outside the ballpark: error 495 Adj.
outside: exteriority 220 Adj. exteriority 220 N. appearance 448 N.
outsider: extraneousness 57 N.
outskirt: distance 196 N.
outskirts: circumjacence 227 N.
outspan: arrival 292 V.
outspeak: speech 582 V.
outspoken: veracity 543 Adj. speech 582 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj.
outspread: breadth, thickness 202 Adj.
outstanding accounts: accounts 811 N.
outstanding: remainder 40 Adj. exteriority 220 Adj. debt 806 Adj.
outstare: insolence 885 V.
outstep: transcursion 303 V.
outstretched: length 200 Adj. breadth, thickness 202 Adj.
outstrip the wind: velocity 274 V.
outstrip: precession 280 V. velocity 274 V. superiority 33 V. transcursion 303 V.
outtalk: loquacity 584 V.
outtasight: improbability 473 Adj.
outvie: contention 720 V. repute 873 V.
outvote: success 731 V.
outward bound: departure 293 Adj.
outward: extrinsicality 6 Adj. exteriority 220 Adj.
outwards: exteriority 220 Adv.
outweigh: superiority 33 V.
outwit: success 731 V.
outwork: defense 717 N.
oval: circularity 247 N. circularity 247 Adj.
ovary: organization 357 N.
ovate: circularity 247 Adj.
ovation: celebration 883 N.
oven dry: dryness 340 V.
oven: furnace 386 N.
over again: repetition 104 Adv. duplication 90 Adv.
over against: contraposition 237 Adv.
over and above: remainder 40 Adj. superiority 33 Adv. redundancy 641 Adj. addition 37 Adv. redundancy 641 Adv.
over and over again: repetition 104 Adv.
over and over: repetition 104 Adv.
over confident: credulity 486 Adj.
over hanging: destiny 152 Adj.
over head and ears: completeness 52 Adv. feeling 821 Adv. redundancy 641 Adv. depth 208 Adv. height 206 Adv.
over night: the past 122 Adj.
over one's head in debt: debt 806 Adj.
over sea on one's travels: extraneousness 57 Adv.
over set: inversion 218 V.
over spread: presence 186 V.
over the border: distance 196 Adv.
over the left: deception 545 Adv.
over the mark: superiority 33 Adv.
over the most of: exaggeration 549 V.
over the way: contraposition 237 Adv.
over trustful: credulity 486 Adj.
over turn: inversion 218 V.
over weigh: influence 175 V.
over: redundancy 641 Adv. remainder 40 Adj. end 67 Adj. the past 122 Adj. the past 122 Adv. height 206 Adv. exteriority 220 Adv. contraposition 237 Adv. superiority 33 Adv.
overabound: redundancy 641 V.
overact: activity 682 V. affectation 855 V.
overacted: affectation 855 Adj.
overalls: clothing 225 N.
overanxiety: desire 865 N.
overarch: covering 223 V.
overawe: authority 737 V. fear 860 V. respect 928 V.
overbalance: compensation 30 V. superiority 33 V.
overbalanced: inequality 28 Adj.
over-bear: influence 175 V.
overbearance: insolence 885 N.
overbearing: insolence 885 Adj.
overborne: failure 732 Adj. subjection 749 Adj.
overburden: redundancy 641 V. badness 649 V. fatigue 688 V.
overcast: darkness 421 V. darkness 421 Adj. bubble; cloud 353 Adj. dimness 422 Adj.
overcautious: caution 864 Adj.
overcharge: dearness 814 V. exaggeration 549 V. ornament 577 V. redundancy 641 V. dearness 814 N.
overcharged: redundancy 641 Adj.
overcoat: clothing 225 N.
overcolor: exaggeration 549 V.
overcome a difficulty: success 731 V.
overcome: motive 615 V. success 731 V. dejection 837 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj. drunkenness 959 Adj.
overconfidence: rashness 863 N.
overconfident: rashness 863 Adj.
over-credulous: credulity 486 Adj.
overcritical: fastidiousness 868 Adj.
overcurious: curiosity 455 Adj.
overdate: anachronism 115 V.
overdistension: expansion 194 N.
overdo: activity 682 V. affectation 855 V. redundancy 641 V.
overdone: affectation 855 Adj.
overdose: redundancy 641 N. redundancy 641 V.
overdraw: exaggeration 549 V. misrepresentation 555 V. prodigality 818 V.
overdrawn account: nonpayment 808 N.
overdue: anachronism 115 Adj.
overeager: greed 817a Adj.
overeat oneself: gluttony 957 N.
overestimate: misjudgment 481 V. overestimation 482 V. exaggeration 549 V. flattery 933 V.
overestimated: overestimation 482 Adj.
overestimation: misjudgment 481 N. overestimation 482 N. aggravation 835 N.
overfatigued: fatigue 688 Adj.
overfed: gluttony 957 Adj.
overfeed: redundancy 641 V.
overflow with gratitude: gratitude 916 V.
overflow: redundancy 641 N. river 348 V. river 348 N. redundancy 641 V.
overflowing: redundancy 641 Adj.
overgo: transcursion 303 V.
overgorge: gluttony 957 N.
overgorged: satiety 869 Adj. gluttony 957 Adj.
overgrown: greatness 31 Adj. size 192 Adj. expansion 194 Adj.
overgrowth: expansion 194 N.
overhang: height 206 V.
overhanging: height 206 Adj. pendency 214 Adj.
overhasty: irascibility 901 Adj.
overhaul: inquiry 461 V. disapprobation 932 V. numeration 85 V. attention 457 V.
overhead: height 206 Adv.
overhear: hearing 418 V. information 527 V.
overjoyed: pleasure 827 Adj.
overjump: transcursion 303 V.
overlaid: covering 223 Adj.
overlap: clothing 225 V. transcursion 303 V.
overlay with ornament: ornament 577 V.
overlay: covering 223 V. exaggeration 549 V. redundancy 641 V. activity 682 V. covering 223 N.
overleap: transcursion 303 V.
overliberal: prodigality 818 Adj.
overlie: covering 223 V.
overload: redundancy 641 V. hindrance 706 V.
overlook a distinction: indiscrimination 465a V.
overlook: inattention 458 V. neglect 460 V. direction 693 V. forgiveness 918 V. disrespect 929 V.
overlooker: director 694 N.
overlying: height 206 Adj.
overmaster: success 731 V.
overmatch: inequality 28 V. superiority 33 V. strength 159 V. success 731 V.
overmeasure: redundancy 641 N.
overmodest: modesty 881 Adj.
overmuch: redundancy 641 Adv. redundancy 641 Adj.
overnight mail: messenger 534 N.
overofficious: activity 682 Adj.
overornamented: vulgarity 851 Adj.
overpaid: liberality 816 Adj.
overpass: transcursion 303 V. superiority 33 V.
overpersuade: motive 615 V.
overplus: redundancy 641 N. remainder 40 N.
overpoise: counteraction 179 V.
overpower: success 731 V. excitation 824 V.
overpowering: strength 159 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
overpraise: flattery 933 V. overestimation 482 V. exaggeration 549 V.
overpriced: dearness 814 Adj.
overprize: overestimation 482 V.
overrate: overestimation 482 V.
overreach: cunning 702 V. success 731 V. deception 545 V. transcursion 303 V.
overreckon: overestimation 482 V.
overrefined: intuition 477 Adj.
overrefinement: intuition 477 N.
over-religious: asceticism 955 Adj.
override: authority 737 V. abrogation 756 V. success 731 V. hindrance 706 V. transcursion 303 V. superiority 33 V. severity 739 V.
over-ride: influence 175 V.
overrighteous: impiety 988 Adj.
overrule: authority 737 V. abrogation 756 V.
overruling: importance 642 Adj. government 737a Adj.
overrun: expansion 194 V. printing 591 V. redundancy 641 V. deterioration 659 Adj. presence 186 V.
overscrupulous: probity 939 Adj.
overseer: director 694 N.
oversensitive: overestimation 482 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj.
overset: depression 308 V. success 731 V. depression 308 N.
overshadow: darkness 421 V. repute 873 V. disrepute 874 V.
overshoot the mark: exaggeration 549 V. unskillfulness 699 V. redundancy 641 V. transcursion 303 V. activity 682 V.
oversight: inattention 458 N. neglect 460 N. error 495 N. direction 693 N. failure 732 N.
overskip: transcursion 303 V.
oversleep: inactivity 683 V.
overspent: fatigue 688 Adj.
overspread: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. covering 223 V.
overstate: exaggeration 549 V.
overstep: transcursion 303 V.
overstock: redundancy 641 V.
overstrain: overestimation 482 V. fatigue 688 V.
oversupply: redundancy 641 N.
overt act: action 680 N.
overt: manifestation 525 Adj.
overtake: arrival 292 V.
overtaken: drunkenness 959 Adj.
overtask: misuse 679 V. fatigue 688 V.
overtax: misuse 679 V. fatigue 688 V.
over-the-counter market: stock market 799a N.
overthrow: failure 732 N. destruction 162 N. destruction 162 V. depression 308 N. depression 308 V. confutation 479 V. success 731 V.
overthwart: opposition 708 Adv. opposition 708 V.
overtired: fatigue 688 Adj.
overtone: resonance 408 N.
overtop: height 206 V. summit 210 V.
over-top: superiority 33 V.
overture: music 415 N. offer 763 N. request 765 N. precursor 64 N.
overturn: destruction 162 V. inversion 218 N. depression 308 N. depression 308 V.
overvalue: overestimation 482 V.
overweening: redundancy 641 Adj. insolence 885 Adj. vanity 880 Adj. rashness 863 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
overweigh: superiority 33 V. overestimation 482 V.
overwhelm: excitation 824 V. destruction 162 V. redundancy 641 V.
overwhelmed: subjection 749 Adj. failure 732 Adj.
overwhelming: strength 159 Adj. excitation 824 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
overwise: vanity 880 Adj.
overwork: squander: misuse 679 V.
overwork: fatigue 688 V.
overwrought: exaggeration 549 Adj. excitation 824 Adj. affectation 855 Adj.
overzealous: excitability 825 Adj.
oviform: rotundity 249 Adj.
ovoid: rotundity 249 Adj.
ovule: circularity 247 N.
ovum: organization 357 N.
owe a grudge: hate 898 V.
owe to it oneself: duty 926 V.
owe: debt 806 V.
owing nothing: payment 807 Adj.
owing to: effect 154 Adj. attribution 155 Adj. attribution 155 Adv.
owing: debt 806 Adj.
owl: fool 501 N.
owl's light: dimness 422 N.
own correspondent: consignee 758 N. messenger 534 N.
own oneself in the wrong: penitence 950 V.
own up to: disclosure 529 V.
own: property 780 V. possession 777 V. assent 488 V. disclosure 529 V.
owner: possessor 779 N.
ownership: possession 777 N. property 780 N.
ox: animal 366 N. man 373 N.
oxford school: heterodoxy 984 N.
oxgoad: arms 727 N.
oxidation: organization 357 N. improvement 658 N. deterioration 659 N.
oxreim: connection 45 N.
oxygen: life 359 N.
oxygon: angularity 244 N.
oxygonal: angularity 244 Adj.
oxymoron: unintelligibility 519 N.
oyez!: publication 531 Int. attention 457 Int. hearing 418 Int.
oyster: food 298 N.