Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
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220. Exteriority -- N. exteriority † ; outside, exterior; surface, superficies; skin &c (covering) 223; superstratum † ; disk, disc; face, facet; extrados † .

221. Interiority -- N. interiority; inside, interior; interspace † , subsoil, substratum; intrados.

222. Centrality -- N. centrality, centricalness † , center; middle &c 68; focus &c 74.

223. Covering -- N. covering, cover; baldachin, baldachino † , baldaquin † ; canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri [Fr.] , umbrella, parasol, sunshade; veil (shade) 424; shield &c (defense) 717.

224. Lining -- N. lining, inner coating; coating &c (covering) 223; stalactite, stalagmite.

225. Clothing -- N. clothing, investment; covering &c 223; dress, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, guise, toilet, toilette, trim; habiliment; vesture, vestment; garment, garb, palliament † , apparel, wardrobe, wearing apparel, clothes, things; underclothes.

226. Divestment -- N. divestment; taking off &c v.. nudity; bareness &c adj.; undress; dishabille &c 225; the altogether; nudation † , denudation; decortication, depilation, excoriation, desquamation; molting; exfoliation; trichosis [Med.] .

227. Circumjacence -- N. circumjacence † , circumambience † ; environment, encompassment; atmosphere, medium, surroundings.

228. Interposition -- N. interposition, interjacence † , intercurrence † , intervenience † , interlocation † , interdigitation, interjection, interpolation, interlineation, interspersion, intercalation.

229. Circumscription -- N. circumscription, limitation, inclosure; confinement &c (restraint) 751; circumvallation † ; encincture; envelope &c 232.

230. Outline -- N. outline, circumference; perimeter, periphery, ambit, circuit, lines tournure † , contour, profile, silhouette; bounds; coast line.

231. Edge -- N. edge, verge, brink, brow, brim, margin, border, confine, skirt, rim, flange, side, mouth; jaws, chops, chaps, fauces; lip, muzzle.

232. Inclosure -- N. inclosure, envelope; case &c (receptacle) 191; wrapper; girdle &c 230.

233. Limit -- N. limit, boundary, bounds, confine, enclave, term, bourn, verge, curbstone † , but, pale, reservation; termination, terminus; stint, frontier, precinct, marches; backwoods.

234. Front -- N. front; fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, disc, frontage; facade, proscenium, facia [Lat.] , frontispiece; anteriority † ; obverse (of a medal or coin).

235. Rear -- N. rear, back, posteriority; rear rank, rear guard; background, hinterland.

236. Laterality -- N. laterality † ; side, flank, quarter, lee; hand; cheek, jowl, jole † , wing; profile; temple, parietes [Lat.] , loin, haunch, hip; beam.

237. Contraposition -- N. contraposition † , opposition; polarity; inversion &c 218; opposite side; reverse, inverse; counterpart; antipodes; opposite poles, North and South.

238. Dextrality -- N. dextrality † ; right, right hand; dexter, offside, starboard.

239. Sinistrality -- N. sinistrality † ; left, left hand, a gauche; sinister, nearside † , larboard, port.