Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
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s.s.c.: lawyer 968 N.
s'_egosiller: cry 411 V.
sabaoth: combatant 726 N.
sabbatarian: asceticism 955 N. impiety 988 N. rite 998 N.
sabbatarianism: impiety 988 N. heterodoxy 984 N. asceticism 955 N. rite 998 N.
sabbath breaker: impiety 988 N.
sabbath: repose 687 N. rite 998 N.
sabbatism: impiety 988 N. rite 998 N.
sabellianism: heterodoxy 984 N.
saber rattling: defiance 715 N.
saber: killing 361 V. arms 727 N.
sabian: heterodoxy 984 N.
sabianism: heterodoxy 984 N.
sable: blackness 431 V.
sablevested night: darkness 421 N.
sable-vested night: evening 126 Phr.
sabotage: destruction 162 N. unskillfulness 699 N.
sabr karo!: quiescence 265 Int.
sabreur: killing 361 N. combatant 726 N.
sabuline: pulverulence 330 Adj.
sabulous: pulverulence 330 Adj.
sac: receptacle 191 N.
sacchariferous: sweetness 396 Adj.
saccharin: sweetness 396 N.
saccharine: sweetness 396 Adj.
saccular: receptacle 191 Adj.
sacculated: receptacle 191 Adj.
saccule: receptacle 191 N.
sacerdotal: churchdom 995 Adj.
sacerdotalism: impiety 988 N. churchdom 995 N.
sachel: receptacle 191 N.
sachem: master 745 N.
sachet: fragrance 400 N.
sack coat: clothing 225 N.
sack: receptacle 191 N. abrogation 756 N. abrogation 756 V. acquisition 775 V. taking 789 V. stealing 791 N. stealing 791 V.
sackage: stealing 791 N.
sackbut: musical instruments 417 N.
sackcloth and ashes: lamentation 839 N. atonement 952 N. asceticism 955 N. rite 998 N.
sacrament: rite 998 N.
sacrarium: temple 1000 N.
sacred nine: musician 416 N.
sacred: piety 987 Adj. repute 873 Adj. deity 976 Adj. Judeo-christian revelation 985 sacrifice: -
sacrifice: giving 784 V. atonement 952 N. giving 784 N. husbandry 370 N. destruction 162 V. destruction 162 N. worship 990 N.
sacrificed: failure 732 Adj.
sacrifices: idolatry 991 N.
sacrilege: impiety 988 N.
sacrilegious: impiety 988 Adj.
sacrilegist: impiety 988 N.
sacring bell: indication 550 N.
sacristan: clergy 996 N.
sacristy: temple 1000 N.
sacrosanct: repute 873 Adj. dueness 924 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
sad disappointment: disappointment 509 N.
sad dog: bad man 949 N.
sad iron: smoothness 255 N.
sad times: adversity 735 N.
sad work: unskillfulness 699 N.
sad: painfulness 830 Adj. badness 649 Adj. gray 432 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
sadden: painfulness 830 V. dejection 837 V.
saddle cloth: covering 223 N.
saddle on: junction 43 V. addition 37 V.
saddle with: addition 37 V. location 184 V. hindrance 706 V. duty 926 V. accusation 938 V.
saddle: support 215 N.
saddlebags: receptacle 191 N.
saddled with: duty 926 Adj.
saddle-shaped: convexity 250 Adj.
sadducee: heterodoxy 984 N.
sadism: sexuality 374a N. vice 945 N. impurity 961 N.
sadist: bad man 949 N.
sadistic: vice 945 Adj.
sadly: dejection 837 Adv. greatness 31 Adv. affirmation 535 Adv.
sadness: dejection 837 N.
sado-masochism: sexuality 374a N.
safe and sound: health 654 Adj. preservation 670 Adj. safety 664 Adj.
safe bind safe find: caution 864 Phr.
safe: preservation 670 Adj. safety 664 Adj. receptacle 191 N. treasury 802 N.
safe-conduct: instrumentality 631 N. safety 664 N.
safe-deposit vault: store 636 N.
safeguard: refuge 666 N. defense 717 N. safety 664 N.
safekeeping: safety 664 N.
safe-keeping: preservation 670 N.
safety belt: refuge 666 N.
safety lamp: refuge 666 N.
safety razor: sharpness 253 N.
safety valve: sibilation 409 N. escape 671 N. safety 664 N. refuge 666 N.
safety: safety 664 N.
saffron: condiment 393 N. yellowness 436 N.
saffron-colored: yellowness 436 Adj.
sag: curvature 245 V.
saga: description 594 N.
sagacious: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. foresight 510 Adj.
sagacity: intelligence, wisdom 498 N. foresight 510 N.
sagamore: master 745 N.
sage maxim: maxim 496 N.
sage: sage 500 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. scholar 492 N. condiment 393 N.
saggittary: unconformity 83 N.
sagittate: sharpness 253 Adj.
sagittiform: sharpness 253 Adj.
sahara: unproductiveness 169 N.
sahib: man 373 N. nobility 875 N.
saick: ship 273 N.
said he: speech 582 Phr.
said: priority 116 Adj. precedence 62 Adj.
sail before the wind: prosperity 734 V.
sail in the same boat: cooperation 709 V.
sail near the wind: skill 698 V. improbity 940 V.
sail on the same tack: cooperation 709 V.
sail too near the wind: danger 665 V. rashness 863 V.
sail under false colors: falsehood 544 V.
sail: departure 293 V. ship 273 N. navigation 267 V. navigation 267 N.
sailer: ship 273 N.
sailfish: animal 366 N.
sailing vessel: ship 273 N.
sailing: navigation 267 Adj.
sailmaker: agent 690 N.
sailor: mariner 269 N.
saint elmo's fire: luminary 423 N.
saint monday: amusement 840 N.
saint simonianism: philanthropy 910 N.
saint: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N. piety 987 N. angel 977 N. good man 948 N. impiety 988 N.
saint-like: virtue 944 Adj. piety 987 Adj.
saintly: virtue 944 Adj. angel 977 Adj. piety 987 Adj.
saintship: piety 987 N.
sal ammoniac: pungency 392 N.
sal volatile: pungency 392 N.
salaam: depression 308 N. courtesy 894 N. respect 928 N.
salaams: courtesy 894 N.
salable: sale 796 Adj.
salacious: impurity 961 Adj.
salacity: impurity 961 N.
salad oil: oil 356 N.
salad: mixture 41 N.
salade: defense 717 N.
salamander: furnace 386 N.
salary: payment 807 N. reward 973 N.
sale: discount 813 N. sale 796 N.
salebrosity: roughness 256 N.
salebrous: roughness 256 Adj.
salesman: petitioner 767 N. merchant 797 N.
salient angle: angularity 244 N.
salient points: importance 642 N.
salient: convexity 250 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj. importance 642 Adj.
saline: saltiness 392a Adj.
saliva: lubrication 332 N. excretion 299 N.
salivation: excretion 299 N.
salle-a-manger: receptacle 191 N.
sallow: achromatism 429 Adj. yellowness 436 Adj.
sally forth: departure 293 V.
sally port: egress 295 N. defense 717 N.
sally: wit 842 N. departure 293 V. attack 716 N.
salmagundi: mixture 41 N.
salmis: food 298 N.
salmon-colored: redness 434 Adj.
salon: receptacle 191 N.
saloon: receptacle 191 N.
salt of the earth: good man 948 N. benefactor 912 N. goodness 648 N.
salt water: ocean 341 N.
salt: condiment 393 N. wit 842 N. importance 642 N. preservation 670 V. saltiness 392a Adj. pungency 392 V. mariner 269 N. money 800 N.
saltation: leap 309 N.
saltatoric: agitation 315 Adj.
saltatory: leap 309 Adj. agitation 315 Adj.
saltimbanco: deceiver 548 N.
saltimbanque: deceiver 548 N.
saltiness: saltiness 392a N.
saltpeter: pungency 392 N. saltiness 392a N.
salty as a herring: saltiness 392a Adj.
salty as brine: saltiness 392a Adj.
salty as lot's wife: saltiness 392a Adj.
salty: saltiness 392a Adj.
salubrious: salubrity 656 Adj.
salubrity: salubrity 656 N.
salutary: goodness 648 Adj. salubrity 656 Adj.
salutation: allocution 586 N.
salute: respect 928 N. endearment 902 V. endearment 902 N. congratulation 896 N. courtesy 894 V. courtesy 894 N. allocution 586 V. respect 928 V. celebration 883 N.
salutiferous: salubrity 656 Adj. remedy 662 Adj.
salvable: innocence 946 Adj.
salvage: acquisition 775 N. price 812 N. discount 813 N. reward 973 N.
salvation: deliverance 672 N. deity 976 N. preservation 670 N. piety 987 N.
salve: remedy 662 N. relief 834 V.
salver: receptacle 191 N.
salvo of artillery: celebration 883 N.
salvo: snap 406 N. vindication 937 N. celebration 883 N. qualification 469 N. unconformity 83 N. Pretext 617 N.
samael: satan 978 N.
samba: amusement 840 N.
sambar: animal 366 N.
sambo: blackness 431 N.
same: identity 13 N.
sameness: identity 13 N. similarity 17 N.
samiel: wind 349 N.
sampan: ship 273 N.
sample: conformity 82 N.
samson: strength 159 N.
sanable: restoration 660 Adj.
sanation: restoration 660 N.
sanative: salubrity 656 Adj. restoration 660 Adj. remedy 662 Adj.
sanativeness: restoration 660 N.
sanatorium: remedy 662 N.
sanatory: restoration 660 Adj. remedy 662 Adj. health 654 Adj.
sanctification: piety 987 N. deity 976 N.
sanctified: piety 987 Adj.
sanctify: dueness 924 V. deity 976 V. piety 987 V.
sanctimonious: impiety 988 Adj.
sanctimoniousness: impiety 988 N.
sanctimony: piety 987 N. impiety 988 N.
sanction: approbation 931 V. permission 760 N. permission 760 V. dueness 924 N. approbation 931 N.
sanctioned: dueness 924 Adj.
sanctitude: piety 987 N.
sanctity: piety 987 N.
sanctuary: refuge 666 N. temple 1000 N.
sanctum: receptacle 191 N.
sand bucket: insulation, fire extinction 388a N.
sand paper: smoothness 255 N.
sand storm: pulverulence 330 N.
sand the test: truth 494 V.
sand: pulverulence 330 N. resolution 604 N.
sandal: clothing 225 N.
sandbag: defense 717 N. arms 727 N. punishment 972 V.
sandbagger: thief 792 N.
sand-blind: blindness 442 Adj.
sandemanian: heterodoxy 984 N.
sander: smoothness 255 N.
sandiness: pulverulence 330 N.
sands of time: time 106 N.
sands: pitfall 667 N.
sandwich in: interposition 228 V.
sandwich-wise: interposition 228 Adv.
sandy foundation: pitfall 667 N.
sandy: pulverulence 330 Adj. yellowness 436 Adj.
sane: sanity 502 Adj.
sanely: sanity 502 Adv.
sangar: defense 717 N.
sangraal: rite 998 N.
sanguinary: killing 361 Adj.
sanguine expectation: belief 484 N. hope 858 N. expectation 507 N.
sanguine imagination: imagination 515 N.
sanguine: redness 434 Adj. hope 858 Adj.
sanguinolent: killing 361 Adj.
sanguisae: remedy 662 N.
sanhedrim: council 696 N. churchdom 995 N.
sanies: fluidity 333 N.
sanitarian: salubrity 656 N.
sanitarium: salubrity 656 N.
sanitary: health 654 Adj. salubrity 656 Adj.
sanitorium: salubrity 656 N.
sanity: health 654 N. sanity 502 N.
sans culotte: commonality 876 N. modesty 881 Adv. sociality 892 Adv.
sans: absence 187 Adv.
sanskrit: oldness 124 N.
sanskritish: scholar 492 N.
santon: seclusion, exclusion 893 N. clergy 996 N.
sanyasi: asceticism 955 N. clergy 996 N.
sap the foundations of: destruction 162 V. deterioration 659 Adj.
sap: destruction 162 V. concavity 252 V. fluidity 333 N. deterioration 659 Adj. attack 716 V. infant 129 N. intrinsicality 5 N.
sapid: taste 390 Adj.
sapidity: taste 390 N.
sapience: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
sapient: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
sapless: weakness 160 Adj. dryness 340 Adj.
saponaceous: unctuousness 355 Adj.
sapor: taste 390 N.
saporific: taste 390 Adj.
sapper and miner: combatant 726 N.
sapper: concavity 252 N. combatant 726 N.
sappers and miners: preparation 673 N.
sapphic: poetry 597 Adj.
sapphire: blueness 438 N. jewelry 847a N.
sapphism: impurity 961 N.
sapphist: libertine 962 N.
sappy: fluidity 333 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. youth 127 Adj.
saprogenic: uncleanness 653 Adj.
saprogenous: uncleanness 653 Adj.
sapromyiophyllous: corpse 362 Adj.
saraband: amusement 840 N.
sarcasm: disrespect 929 N. detraction 934 N. disapprobation 932 N.
sarcastic: ridicule 856 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj. disrespect 929 Adj. disapprobation 932 Adj. detraction 934 Adj.
sarcology: remedy 662 N.
sarcoma: convexity 250 N.
sarcophagus: interment 363 N.
sarculation: fewness 103 N.
sard: jewelry 847a N.
sardanaphalus: sensualist 954a N.
sardine: animal 366 N.
sardonic grin: disapprobation 932 N. rejoicing 838 N. ridicule 856 N.
sardonic laugh: disapprobation 932 N.
sardonic smile: ridicule 856 N.
sardonic: disapprobation 932 Adj. detraction 934 Adj.
sardonyx: jewelry 847a N.
sark: clothing 225 N.
sarmentum: part 51 N.
sartorial: clothing 225 Adj.
sash: circularity 247 N.
sassafras: remedy 662 N.
sastra: pseudo-revelation 986 N.
satan: satan 978 N.
satanic: vice 945 Adj. satan 978 Adj. malevolence 907 Adj.
satanism: satan 978 N.
satchel: receptacle 191 N.
sate: satiety 869 V.
satellite: world 318 N. servant 746 N. auxiliary 711 N. sequence 281 N. accompaniment 88 N. height 206 N.
satiate: pleasurableness 829 V. satiety 869 V.
satiated: satiety 869 Adj.
satiation: satiety 869 N.
satiety: incuriosity 456 N. sufficiency 639 N. weariness 841 N. satiety 869 N.
satin: smoothness 255 N. texture 329 N.
satiny: texture 329 Adj.
satire: disapprobation 932 N. ridicule 856 N.
satirical: disapprobation 932 Adj. detraction 934 Adj.
satirist: detractor 936 N.
satirize: ridicule 856 V. disapprobation 932 V.
satisfaction: atonement 952 N. reward 973 N. duty 926 N. satiety 869 N. content 831 N. payment 807 N. observance 772 N. contention 720 N. sufficiency 639 N. pleasure 827 N.
satisfactorily: good 618 Adv.
satisfactory: pleasurableness 829 Adj. content 831 Adj. goodness 648 Adj. sufficiency 639 Adj. belief 484 Adj. reward 973 Adj.
satisfied: belief 484 Adj. content 831 Adj.
satisfy a duty: duty 926 V.
satisfy all demands: payment 807 V.
satisfy an obligation: duty 926 V.
satisfy oneself: belief 484 V.
satisfy: satiety 869 V. belief 484 V. reward 973 V. pleasurableness 829 V. payment 807 V. observance 772 V. sufficiency 639 V. answer 462 V. consent 762 V. content 831 V.
satrap: master 745 N.
satsuma: sculpture 557 N.
saturate: satiety 869 V. completeness 52 V. moisture 339 V.
saturated: completeness 52 Adj. moisture 339 Adj.
saturation: completeness 52 N. redundancy 641 N. satiety 869 N.
saturity: completeness 52 N.
saturnalia: intemperance 954 N. amusement 840 N. disorder 59 N.
saturnian age: prosperity 734 N.
saturnian: pleasurableness 829 Adj. innocence 946 Adj.
saturnine: dejection 837 Adj.
satyr: libertine 962 N. demon 980 N. ugliness 846 N.
sauce: mixture 41 N. condiment 393 N. malediction 908 N. adjunct 39 N.
saucebox: insolence 885 N. blusterer 887 N. discourtesy 895 N.
saucepan: receptacle 191 N.
saucer eyes: vision 441 N.
saucer: receptacle 191 N.
sauciness: insolence 885 N.
saucy: insolence 885 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj.
sauerkraut: food 298 N.
sauna: furnace 386 N.
saunter: journey 266 N. journey 266 V. slowness 275 V.
saurian: animal 366 N.
savage as a bear: malevolence 907 Adj.
savage as a tiger: malevolence 907 Adj.
savage: courage 861 Adj. commonality 876 N. resentment 900 Adj. malevolence 907 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. violence 173 Adj. evil 913 N.
savagery: malevolence 907 N.
savanna: plain 344 N.
savant: knowledge 490 Adj. scholar 492 N.
save against a rainy day: economy 817 V.
save and except: nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv. unconformity 83 Adv.
save barring: unconformity 83 Adv.
save for a rainy day: economy 817 V.
save money: economy 817 V.
save one's bacon: escape 671 V. safety 664 V.
save one's skin: escape 671 V.
save the necessity: exemption 927a V.
save up: store 636 V.
save us!: aid 707 Int.
save: preservation 670 V. deliverance 672 V. store 636 V. exclusion 55 Adv. nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv. economy 817 V. deity 976 V.
save-all: economy 817 N.
saved: deliverance 672 Adj.
saving clause: qualification 469 N.
saving your grace: respect 928 Adv.
saving your presence: respect 928 Adv.
saving: economy 817 Adj.
savingness: economy 817 N.
savings account: money 800 N.
savings: store 636 N. economy 817 N.
savior: benefactor 912 N.
savor of the realty: property 780 V.
savor of: similarity 17 V.
savor: taste 390 N. taste 390 V.
savoriness: savoriness 394 N.
savorless: insipidity 391 Adj.
savory: savoriness 394 Adj. fragrance 400 Adj.
savvy: knowledge 490 V.
saw the air: indication 550 V.
saw: notch 257 N. maxim 496 N. disjunction 44 V.
sawbuck: money 800 N.
sawdust: pulverulence 330 N.
sax: musical instruments 417 N.
saxhorn: musical instruments 417 N.
saxon english: plainness 576 N.
saxon: plainness 576 Adj. elegance 578 Adj.
saxophone: musical instruments 417 N.
say a good word for: approbation 931 V.
say aside: soliloquy 589 V.
say aye to: assent 488 V.
say ditto: assent 488 V.
say good bye: departure 293 V.
say grace: worship 990 V.
say in defense: vindication 937 N.
say it must be done: compulsion 744 V.
say no: dissent 489 V.
say nothing: taciturnity 585 V.
say one's lesson: memory 505 V.
say one's prayers: worship 990 V.
say one's say: speech 582 V.
say over again: repetition 104 V.
say the grapes are sour: falsehood 544 V.
say the truth: disclosure 529 V.
say to oneself: soliloquy 589 V.
say what comes uppermost: impulse 612 V.
say yes to: assent 488 V.
say: speech 582 N. affirmation 535 V. regularity of recurrence 138 N. smallness 32 Adv. speech 582 V.
saying: affirmation 535 N. maxim 496 N.
sayonara: departure 293 N.
sbirro: jurisdiction 965 N.
scab: tergiversation 607 N.
scabbard: receptacle 191 N.
scabby: improbity 940 Adj.
scabies: disease 655 N.
scabrous: roughness 256 Adj.
scaffold: punishment 972 N. scourge 975 N. support 215 N. preparation 673 N.
scaffolding: preparation 673 N.
scagliola: deception 545 N.
scalawag: bad man 949 N.
scald: calefaction 384 V. poetry 597 N.
scale the heights: ascent 305 V.
scale the walls: attack 716 V.
scale: gravity 319 N. ascent 305 V. printing 591 N. measurement 466 N. continuity 69 N. part 51 N. layer 204 N. melody concord 413 N. length 200 N. littleness 193 N. term 71 N. covering 223 N.
scalene: distortion 243 Adj.
scales of justice: right 922 N.
scales: gravity 319 N.
scaliness: layer 204 N.
scallawag: bad man 949 N.
scallop: notch 257 V. convolution 248 N. convolution 248 V. notch 257 N.
scalp lock: roughness 256 N.
scalp: divestment 226 V.
scalpel: sharpness 253 N.
scalper: stock market 799a N.
scaly: layer 204 Adj. covering 223 Adj. roughness 256 Adj.
scamble: disjunction 44 V.
scamp: neglect 460 V. bad man 949 N.
scamped: deception 545 Adj.
scamper away from: avoidance 623 V.
scamper off: avoidance 623 V.
scamper: velocity 274 V.
scampish: vice 945 Adj.
scan: knowledge 490 V. representation 554 N. poetry 597 V. attention 457 V. vision 441 V. copy 21 N. inquiry 461 V.
scandal: vice 945 N. news 532 N. disrepute 874 N. detraction 934 N. accusation 938 N.
scandalize: disapprobation 932 V.
scandalized: disapprobation 932 Adj.
scandalmonger: news 532 N.
scandalous: disrepute 874 Adj. vice 945 Adj.
scandent: ascent 305 Adj.
scanning densitometer: optical instruments 445 N.
scant: smallness 32 Adj. insufficiency 640 Adj. narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. fewness 103 Adj.
scantiness: insufficiency 640 N.
scantling: prototype 22 N. smallness 32 N. size 192 N.
scanty: fewness 103 Adj. narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. smallness 32 Adj.
scape: escape 671 V. escape 671 N.
scapegoat: substitution 147 N. atonement 952 N.
scapegrace: rashness 863 N. bad man 949 N.
scaphoid: curvature 245 Adj.
scapin: knave 941 N. deceiver 548 N.
scapulary: canonicals 999 N.
scar: land 342 N. record 551 N. blemish 848 N.
scarab: spell 993 N.
scarabaeus: spell 993 N.
scaramouch: humorist 844 N.
scarce as hen's teeth: infrequency 137 Adj.
scarce: insufficiency 640 Adj. infrequency 137 Adj.
scarcely any chance: improbability 473 N.
scarcely any: fewness 103 Adj.
scarcely anything: unimportance 643 N.
scarcely audible: faintness 405 Adj.
scarcely ever: infrequency 137 Adv.
scarcely: smallness 32 Adv. infrequency 137 Adv.
scarcity: insufficiency 640 N.
scare: fear 860 N. fear 860 V.
scarecrow: ugliness 846 N. fear 860 N.
scarf: canonicals 999 N. clothing 225 N.
scarfskin: covering 223 N.
scarify: painfulness 830 V. notch 257 V.
scarlatina: disease 655 N.
scarlet fever: disease 655 N.
scarlet lady: heterodoxy 984 N.
scarlet: redness 434 N.
scarp: defense 717 N.
scarpines: punishment 972 N.
scath: deterioration 659 Adj. deterioration 659 N.
scathe: deterioration 659 Adj.
scathful: badness 649 Adj.
scathless: perfection 650 Adj. safety 664 Adj.
scatter brained: insanity 503 Adj.
scatter to the winds: abrogation 756 V. destruction 162 V. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V.
scatter: curvature 245 V. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. derangement 61 V. divergence 291 V.
scatter-brained: inattention 458 Adj.
scattered: fewness 103 Adj.
scattering: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 N.
scatterling: traveler 268 N.
scavenger: cleanness 652 N.
scene of action: arena 728 N.
scene painter: artist 559 N.
scene painting: painting 556 N.
scene: appearance 448 N. painting 556 N. drama 599 N. excitability 825 N.
scenery: appearance 448 N. drama 599 N.
scenic: drama 599 Adj.
scenography: painting 556 N.
scent from afar: foresight 510 V.
scent: uncertainty 475 V. record 551 N. indication 550 N. knowledge 490 N. unbelief doubt 485 V. fragrance 400 V. fragrance 400 N. odor 398 V. odor 398 N. discovery 480a V.
scentbag: fragrance 400 N.
scented: fragrance 400 Adj.
scentless: inodorousness 399 Adj.
scepter: scepter 747 N. indication 550 N.
sceptical: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
scepticism: unbelief doubt 485 N.
schematic: plan 626 N.
schematist: plan 626 N.
scheme: plan 626 N. plan 626 V. representation 554 N.
schemer: plan 626 N.
schemist: plan 626 N.
schenck beer: food 298 N.
scherif: master 745 N. nobility 875 N.
scherzando: music 415 Adv.
scherzo: music 415 Adv.
schesis: state 7 N.
schism: discord 713 N. heterodoxy 984 N. dissent 489 N.
schismatic: dissent 489 Adj. dissent 489 N. heterodoxy 984 Adj. heterodoxy 984 N.
schismaticalness: heterodoxy 984 N.
schismaticism: heterodoxy 984 N.
schismless: orthodoxy 983a Adj.
schistose: layer 204 Adj.
schistous: layer 204 Adj.
schizophrenia: insanity 503 N.
schlemiel: laughingstock 857 N.
schnorrer: poverty 804 N.
schnoz: convexity 250 N.
scholar: learner 541 N. knowledge 490 N. scholar 492 N.
scholarly: learning 539 Adj.
scholarship: knowledge 490 N. learning 539 N. language 560 N.
scholastic: teaching 537 Adj. theology 983 N. knowledge 490 Adj. learning 539 Adj. school 542 Adj.
scholiast: interpreter 524 N.
scholium: maxim 496 N. interpretation 522 N.
school book: school 542 N.
school days: youth 127 N.
school of art: school 542 N.
school: belief 484 N. painting 556 N. school 542 N. learner 541 N. knowledge 490 N. assemblage 72 N. teaching 537 V.
schoolboy: infant 129 N. learner 541 N. scholar 492 N.
schoolfellow: friend 890 N.
schooling: teaching 537 N.
schoolman: scholar 492 N. theology 983 N.
schoolmaster abroad: knowledge 490 N.
schoolmaster: teacher 540 N.
schoolmate: friend 890 N.
schoolmistress: teacher 540 N.
schoolroom: receptacle 191 N.
schooner: ship 273 N.
sciagraph: representation 554 N.
sciagraphy: darkness 421 N. representation 554 N. painting 556 N.
sciamachy: absurdity 497 N.
sciatica: physical pain 378 N.
science: knowledge 490 N. skill 698 N.
scientific literature: record 551 N.
scientific: truth 494 Adj. skill 698 Adj.
scientist: scholar 492 N. experiment 463 N. reasoning 476 N.
scimitar: arms 727 N.
scimitar-shaped: sharpness 253 Adj.
scintilla: smallness 32 N. light 420 N. luminary 423 N.
scintillant: light 420 Adj.
scintillate: light 420 V.
scintillation counter: measurement 466 N.
scintillation: heat 382 N. wit 842 N. light 420 N.
scintillator: luminary 423 N.
sciolism: ignorance 491 N.
sciolist: ignoramus 493 N.
sciomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
scion: posterity 167 N. part 51 N. infant 129 N.
scissile: disjunction 44 Adj.
scission: disjunction 44 N.
scissors and paste: choice 609 N.
scissors: sharpness 253 N.
scissure: interval 198 N.
sclerotics: contraction 195 N.
scobs: pulverulence 330 N.
scoff at: contempt 930 V. disapprobation 932 V.
scoff: ridicule 856 V. impiety 988 V. disrespect 929 N. disrespect 929 V.
scoffer: impiety 988 N.
scoffing: ridicule 856 N. disrespect 929 N. impiety 988 N.
scofflaw: bad man 949 N.
scold: irascibility 901 N. malediction 908 V. disapprobation 932 V.
scolding: disapprobation 932 N.
scolecoid: convolution 248 Adj.
scollop: notch 257 V. notch 257 N. convolution 248 V. convolution 248 N.
sconce: luminary 423 N. intellect 450 N. defense 717 N. penalty 974 V. summit 210 N.
scoop out: concavity 252 V.
scoop: concavity 252 V. perforator 262 N.
scope: space 180 N. meaning 516 N. degree 26 N. freedom 748 N.
scorch: velocity 274 V. calefaction 384 V.
scorcher: velocity 274 N.
scorching: violence 173 Adj.
score a success: success 731 V.
score: indication 550 V. accounts 811 N. debt 806 N. credit 805 N. success 731 N. indication 550 N. teaching 537 N. music 415 N. furrow 259 N. five, &c 98 N. numeration 85 V. list 86 N.
scores: multitude 102 N.
scoriae: calefaction 384 N. uncleanness 653 N.
scorification: calefaction 384 N.
scorify: calefaction 384 V.
scorn: contempt 930 V. ridicule 856 N. contempt 930 N.
scornful eye: contempt 930 N.
scornful: contempt 930 Adj.
scorpion: painfulness 830 N. evil 913 N.
scorse: barter 794 V. barter 794 N.
scot: inhabitant 188 N. reward 973 N.
scotch the snake: impotence 158 V. insufficiency 640 V.
scotch the wheel: hindrance 706 V.
scotch: inhabitant 188 Adj. notch 257 V. deterioration 659 Adj.
scotchman: cunning 702 N. inhabitant 188 N.
scotfree: cheapness 815 Adj.
scot-free: freedom 748 Adj. exemption 927a Adj.
scotograph: representation 554 N.
scotomy: dimsightedness 443 N.
scotticism: neologism 563 N.
scottish: inhabitant 188 Adj.
scoundrel: bad man 949 N.
scour the country: journey 266 V.
scour the plain: velocity 274 V.
scour: velocity 274 V. friction 331 V. cleanness 652 V.
scourge of the human race: evil 913 N.
scourge: scourge 975 N. punishment 972 V. painfulness 830 N. bane 663 N.
scourings: inutility 645 N.
scout: safety 664 N. contempt 930 V. disrespect 929 V. warning 668 N. rejection 610 V. messenger 534 N. experiment 463 N. front 234 N. servant 746 N.
scow: ship 273 N.
scowl: discourtesy 895 V. sullenness 901a V. sullenness 901a N. resentment 900 V. disapprobation 932 N. discourtesy 895 N. lamentation 839 V. lamentation 839 N. resentment 900 N. hate 898 V.
scowling: sullenness 901a Adj.
scrabble: writing 590 V. amusement 840 N. unmeaningness 517 V. unmeaningness 517 N.
scrag: smallness 32 N.
scraggy: littleness 193 Adj. roughness 256 Adj.
scramble for: taking 789 V.
scramble: difficulty 704 N. taking 789 N. contention 720 V. contention 720 N. haste 684 N. pursuit 622 N. disorder 59 N. ascent 305 V. haste 684 V.
scrambling: haste 684 Adj.
scranch: pulverulence 330 V.
scrannel: unimportance 643 Adj.
scrap book: compendium 596 N.
scrap: greatness 31 Adv.
scrape acquaintance with: friendship 888 V.
scrape together: acquisition 775 V. assemblage 72 V.
scrape up: acquisition 775 V.
scrape: failure 732 N. courtesy 894 N. engraving 558 V. friction 331 V. pulverulence 330 V. contraction 195 V. nonaddition, subtraction 38 V. difficulty 704 N. courtesy 894 V.
scrapie: disease 655 N.
scraping: friction 331 N.
scratch out: obliteration 552 V.
scratch the head: inquiry 461 V.
scratch: furrow 259 N. badness 649 V. evil 619 N. writing 590 V. painting 556 V. misrepresentation 555 N. friction 331 V. indication 550 N.
scrawl: writing 590 V.
screak: cry 411 V.
scream: cry 411 V. lamentation 839 N. lamentation 839 V. stridor 410 V.
screaming: ridiculousness 853 Adj.
screech owl: ululation 412 N.
screech: cry 411 V. ululation 412 V.
screed: smallness 32 N.
screen from observation: concealment 528 V.
screen from sight: concealment 528 V. blindness 442 V.
screen: concealment 528 N. defense 717 V. defense 717 N. refuge 666 N. safety 664 V. cleanness 652 N. drama 599 N. arrangement 60 N. experiment 463 N. dimsightedness 443 N. shade 424 N. airpipe 351 N. opening 260 N. sponge 252a N. concealment 528 V. ambush 530 N.
screw loose: imperfection 651 N. hindrance 706 N. discord 713 N. insanity 503 N.
screw up the eyes: dimsightedness 443 V.
screw up: junction 43 V. strength 159 V. preparation 673 V.
screw: parsimony 819 N. instrument 633 N. rotation 312 N. propulsion 284 N. navigation 267 N. junction 43 V. connection 45 N. parsimony 819 V.
screwdriver blade: sharpness 253 N.
screwdriver: instrument 633 N.
screwed: drunkenness 959 Adj.
screw-shaped: convolution 248 Adj.
scribbage: amusement 840 N.
scribble: writing 590 N. writing 590 V.
scribbler: book 593 N.
scribe: recorder 553 N. writing 590 N. clergy 996 N.
scrimmage: discord 713 N. contention 720 N.
scrimp: shortness 201 Adj. shortness 201 V. insufficiency 640 Adj. parsimony 819 N.
scrip: receptacle 191 N.
script: writing 590 N.
scriptural: Judeo-christian revelation 985 - orthodoxy 983a Adj.
scripture: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N. certainty 474 N.
scrivener: writing 590 N. lawyer 968 N.
scrofula: disease 655 N.
scroll: record 551 N.
scrub: friction 331 V. vegetable 367 N. cleanness 652 V. uncleanness 653 N. commonality 876 N.
scrubby: parsimony 819 Adj. improbity 940 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. commonality 876 Adj.
scrumptious: savoriness 394 Adj.
scruple: smallness 32 N. gravity 319 N. care 459 N. unbelief doubt 485 N. unbelief doubt 485 V. unwillingness 603 N. unwillingness 603 V. absence of motive 615a V. probity 939 N.
scrupulosity: probity 939 N. unwillingness 603 N. incredulity 487 N.
scrupulous: care 459 Adj. incredulity 487 Adj. truth 494 Adj. veracity 543 Adj. unwillingness 603 Adj. fastidiousness 868 Adj. probity 939 Adj.
scrupulousness: unwillingness 603 N. probity 939 N.
scrutinize: inquiry 461 V. attention 457 V.
scrutiny inspection: attention 457 N.
scrutiny: inquiry 461 N.
scrutoire: receptacle 191 N.
scud under bare poles: difficulty 704 V.
scud: navigation 267 V. bubble; cloud 353 N. velocity 274 V. river 348 N.
scuddle: velocity 274 V.
scuffle: contention 720 N.
scull: navigation 267 V. intellect 450 N.
scullery maid: servant 746 N.
scullery: receptacle 191 N.
scullion: servant 746 N.
sculptor: artist 559 N.
sculpture: sculpture 557 V. form 240 N. form 240 V. representation 554 N. sculpture 557 N.
sculptured: sculpture 557 Adj.
scum of the earth: bad man 949 N.
scum of the people: commonality 876 N.
scum: uncleanness 653 N. unimportance 643 N.
scupper: conduit 350 N.
scurf: uncleanness 653 N.
scurfiness: uncleanness 653 N.
scurfy: uncleanness 653 Adj.
scurrile: disrespect 929 Adj. detraction 934 Adj.
scurrility: malediction 908 N. disrespect 929 N. detraction 934 N.
scurrilous: detraction 934 Adj. ridicule 856 Adj. disrespect 929 Adj.
scurvy: vice 945 Adj. improbity 940 Adj. uncleanness 653 Adj. insufficiency 640 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj.
scutate: curvature 245 Adj.
scutcheon: indication 550 N. title 877 N.
scutiform: flatness 251 Adj.
scuttle along: haste 684 V.
scuttle: destruction 162 V. receptacle 191 N. velocity 274 V.
scutum: defense 717 N.
scyphiform: concavity 252 Adj.
scyphose: concavity 252 Adj.
scythe: sharpness 253 N. angularity 244 N. time 106 N.
sea change: conversion 144 N.
sea fight: contention 720 N.
sea green: greenness 435 Adj.
sea king: thief 792 N.
sea nymph: ocean 341 N.
sea of troubles: painfulness 830 N. difficulty 704 N. adversity 735 N.
sea of upturned faces: front 234 Phr.
sea serpent: unconformity 83 N.
sea slug: food 298 N.
sea song: poetry 597 N.
sea wall: hindrance 706 N.
sea: ocean 341 N. multitude 102 N.
seabank: land 342 N.
seabeach: land 342 N.
seaboard: land 342 N.
seacoast: land 342 N.
seafarer: mariner 269 N.
seafaring man: mariner 269 N.
seafaring: navigation 267 Adj.
seagirt: island 346 Adj.
seagoing: navigation 267 Adj. ocean 341 Adj.
seal of secrecy: concealment 528 N.
seal one's infamy: improbity 940 V.
seal the doom of: destruction 162 V.
seal the lips: taciturnity 585 V.
seal up eyelids: inactivity 683 V.
seal up the eyes: inactivity 683 V.
seal up: restraint 751 V. concealment 528 V.
seal: indication 550 N. security 771 V. marriage 903 V. compact 769 V. compact 769 N. completion 729 V. indication 550 V. evidence 467 V. evidence 467 N. closure 261 V. prototype 22 N. resolution 604 V. security 771 N.
sealed book: secret 533 N. ignorance 491 N. unintelligibility 519 N.
sealing wax: resin 356a N.
sealing: marriage 903 N.
seals: scepter 747 N.
seam: junction 43 N.
seamaid: Jupiter 979 N.
seaman: mariner 269 N.
seamanship: conduct 692 N. skill 698 N.
seamark: indication 550 N.
seamless: whole 50 Adj.
seamstress: agent 690 N.
seamy side: imperfection 651 N.
seance: council 696 N.
seapiece: painting 556 N.
seaport: refuge 666 N.
sear and yellow leaf: age 128 N.
sear: dryness 340 Adj. calefaction 384 V. insensibility 823 V.
search out: inquiry 461 V.
search: inquiry 461 N. inquiry 461 V.
searching inquiry: inquiry 461 N.
searching: severity 739 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
searchless: unintelligibility 519 Adj.
seared conscience: impenitence 951 N.
seared: impenitence 951 Adj.
seasickness: disease 655 N.
seaside: land 342 N.
season: habit 613 V. preparation 673 V. qualification 469 V. pungency 392 V. time 106 N. mixture 41 V. preservation 670 V. condiment 393 V.
seasonable: agreement 23 Adj. punctuality 132a Adj. occasion 134 Adj.
seasoned: pungency 392 Adj. habit 613 Adj.
seasoning: physical energy 171 N. habit 613 N. pungency 392 N. mixture 41 N. condiment 393 N.
seat belt: refuge 666 N.
seat of authority: government 737a N.
seat of government: government 737a N.
seat of thought: intellect 450 N.
seat of war: arena 728 N.
seat: situation 183 N. location 184 V. abode 189 N. support 215 N.
seawan: money 800 N.
seawant: money 800 N.
seaworthy: perfection 650 Adj. safety 664 Adj.
sebaceous: unctuousness 355 Adj.
secant: disjunction 44 Adj. crossing 219 Adj.
secede from: relinquishment 624 V.
secede: dissent 489 V. disobedience 742 V.
seceder: disobedience 742 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
secern: ejection 297 V.
secession: dissent 489 N. relinquishment 624 N. disobedience 742 N.
secessionist: disobedience 742 N.
seclude oneself: concealment 528 V.
secluded: concealment 528 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
seclusion: concealment 528 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 N. avoidance 623 N.
second childhood: age 128 N.
second childishness: age 128 N. imbecility folly 499 N.
second cousin: consanguinity 11 N.
second crop: productiveness 168 N. acquisition 775 N.
second daniel: sage 500 N.
second edition: copy 21 N. repetition 104 N.
second lieutenant: master 745 N.
second mortgage: lending 787 N.
second nature: habit 613 N.
second sight: sorcery 992 N. foresight 510 N.
second thoughts: improvement 658 N. sequel 65 N. thought 451 N.
second time around shop: mart 799 N.
second to none: superiority 33 Adj.
second youth: restoration 660 N.
second: aid 707 V. music 415 N. melody concord 413 N. instantaneity 113 N. duplication 90 Adj. period 108 N. cooperation 709 V.
secondariness: sequence 63 N.
secondary color: color 428 N.
secondary education: teaching 537 N.
secondary evidence: evidence 467 N.
secondary literature: record 551 N.
secondary: imperfection 651 Adj. inferiority 34 Adj. deputy 759 N.
second-best: imperfection 651 Adj.
seconder: auxiliary 711 N.
second-hand store: mart 799 N.
secondhand: imitation 19 Adj. oldness 124 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj. receiving 785 Adj.
secondly: duplication 90 Adv.
secondrate: inferiority 34 Adj.
second-rate: imperfection 651 Adj.
secrecy: concealment 528 N.
secret drawer: ambush 530 N.
secret motive: motive 615 N.
secret passage: method 627 N.
secret path: ambush 530 N.
secret place: ambush 530 N.
secret service: money 800 N.
secret writing: writing 590 N.
secret: secret 533 N. latency, implication 526 N. latency, implication 526 Adj. interpretation 522 N. concealment 528 Adj. secret 533 Adj. concealment 528 N.
secretaire: receptacle 191 N.
secretariat: jurisdiction 965 N.
secretary of state: director 694 N.
secretary of the treasury: treasurer 801 N. government 737a N.
secretary: consignee 758 N. director 694 N. auxiliary 711 N. receptacle 191 N. writing 590 N. recorder 553 N. servant 746 N.
secrete: ejection 297 V. concealment 528 V.
secretion: excretion 299 N.
secretive: concealment 528 Adj.
secretiveness: concealment 528 N.
secretly: latency, implication 526 Adv. concealment 528 Adv.
secretness: concealment 528 N.
sect: class 75 N.
sectarian: dissent 489 Adj. heterodoxy 984 N. heterodoxy 984 Adj. auxiliary 711 N. theology 983 Adj.
sectarianism: heterodoxy 984 N.
sectarism: heterodoxy 984 N.
sectarist: heterodoxy 984 N.
sectary: dissent 489 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
section chief: government 737a N.
section head: government 737a N.
section: disjunction 44 N. part 51 N. class 75 N. book 593 N. combatant 726 N.
sectional: part 51 Adj.
sector: part 51 N. circularity 247 N.
secular education: teaching 537 N.
secular: five, &c 98 Adj. regularity of recurrence 138 Adj. heterodoxy 984 Adj. laity 997 Adj.
secularism: heterodoxy 984 N.
secularist: laity 997 N.
secularization: laity 997 N.
secularize: laity 997 V.
secundines: sequence 63 N.
secure a point: success 731 V.
secure the love: love 897 V.
secure: promise 768 V. hope 858 Adj. earliness 132 V. retention 781 V. acquisition 775 V. restraint 751 V. safety 664 V. belief 484 Adj. junction 43 V. junction 43 Adj. safety 664 Adj.
secureness: hope 858 N.
securities exchange: stock market 799a N.
securities: securities 799b N. credit 805 N.
security card: indication 550 N.
security: security 771 N. safety 664 N. hope 858 N.
sedan chair: vehicle 272 N.
sedan: vehicle 272 N.
sedate: thought 451 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
sedative: moderation 174 Adj. inactivity 683 N. inactivity 683 Adj. remedy 662 N. moderation 174 N. remedy 662 Adj.
sedentary: quiescence 265 Adj.
sedge: vegetable 367 N.
sedile: temple 1000 N.
sediment: uncleanness 653 N.
sedimentary: remainder 40 Adj.
sedition: disobedience 742 N.
seditions: disobedience 742 Adj.
seduce: motive 615 V. love 897 V. impurity 961 V.
seducement: motive 615 N.
seducer: motive 615 N. libertine 962 N.
seducing: pleasurableness 829 Adj.
seduction: impurity 961 N. motive 615 N. pleasurableness 829 N. desire 865 N.
seductive: love 897 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj. motive 615 Adj.
seductor: motive 615 N.
sedulity: perseverance 604a N. activity 682 N.
sedulous: activity 682 Adj. desire 865 Adj.
see after: care 459 V.
see answer: response 587 N.
see at a glance: vision 441 V. intelligence, wisdom 498 V.
see daylight: intelligibility 518 V. discovery 480a V.
see double: dimsightedness 443 V. drunkenness 959 V.
see fair play: right 922 V.
see far into: intelligence, wisdom 498 V.
see fit: will 600 V. willingness 602 V.
see how it goes: experiment 463 Phr.
see how the cat jumps: foresight 510 V.
see how the land lies: experiment 463 V. foresight 510 V. caution 864 V.
see how the wind blows: foresight 510 V. experiment 463 V.
see in its true colors: discovery 480a V.
see justice done: right 922 V.
see land: hope 858 V.
see life: amusement 840 V.
see one righted: right 922 V.
see one's friends: sociality 892 V.
see one's way: knowledge 490 V. foresight 510 V. intelligibility 518 V. skill 698 V. facility 705 V.
see service: warfare 722 V.
see sights: curiosity 455 V. vision 441 V.
see spots on the sun: fastidiousness 868 V.
see the cloven foot: discovery 480a V.
see the light of day: visibility 446 V.
see the light: life 359 V. publication 531 V.
see through a millstone: intelligence, wisdom 498 V.
see through a prism: dimsightedness 443 V.
see through the press: printing 591 V.
see through: discovery 480a V. intelligence, wisdom 498 V.
see to: care 459 V. attention 457 V. direction 693 V.
see where the wind lies: skill 698 V.
see with half an eye: intelligence, wisdom 498 V. intelligibility 518 V.
see with one's own eyes: vision 441 V.
see!: attention 457 Int.
see: belief 484 V. vision 441 V. experiment 463 V. churchdom 995 N. knowledge 490 V. attention 457 V.
seed plot: agriculture 371 N. productiveness 168 N.
seed: smallness 32 N. cause 153 N. posterity 167 N. pulverulence 330 N.
seedling: infant 129 N.
seedtime of life: youth 127 N.
seedy: fatigue 688 Adj. poverty 804 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj. disease 655 Adj. weakness 160 Adj.
seeing that: circumstance 8 Adv. reasoning 476 Adv.
seeing: vision 441 Adj.
seek a clew: inquiry 461 V.
seek a clue: inquiry 461 V.
seek refuge: refuge 666 V.
seek safety: refuge 666 V. safety 664 V.
seek sorrow: dejection 837 N.
seek: offer 763 V. pursuit 622 V. inquiry 461 V. request 765 V.
seeker after truth: curiosity 455 N.
seeker: curiosity 455 N. petitioner 767 N.
seem: appearance 448 V.
seeming: appearance 448 Adj. appearance 448 N.
seemingly: appearance 448 Adv. probability 472 Adv.
seemless: ugliness 846 Adj. undueness 925 Adj.
seemliness: duty 926 N.
seemly: expedience 646 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. dueness 924 Adj.
seen through a mist: unintelligibility 519 Adj.
seer: madman 504 N. oracle 513 N. veteran 130 N. sorcerer 994 N.
seesaw: changeableness 149 Adv. oscillation 314 Adv. oscillation 314 N. irresolution 605 Adv.
seethe: excitation 824 V. heat 382 V. calefaction 384 V.
seething caldron: furnace 386 N.
seething: excitation 824 Adj.
segar: pungency 392 N.
segment: part 51 N. information 527 N.
segnitude: inactivity 683 N.
segnity: inactivity 683 N.
segregate: irrelation 10 Adj. disjunction 44 V. exclusion 55 V.
segregated: incoherence 47 Adj.
segregation: disjunction 44 N. exclusion 55 N.
seignior: master 745 N. nobility 875 N.
seigniorage: money 800 N.
seigniority: government 737a N. possession 777 N.
seigniory: government 737a N.
seignority: property 780 N.
seine net: inclosure 232 N.
seisin: possession 777 N. property 780 N.
seismometer: impulse 276 N.
seize an opportunity: time 106 V. occasion 134 V.
seize the day: activity 682 Phr.
seize the occasion: occasion 134 V.
seize the opportunity: activity 682 V.
seize the present hour: occasion 134 V.
seize: taking 789 V. stealing 791 V.
seized of: possession 777 Adj.
seized with: disease 655 Adj. feeling 821 Adj.
seizin: property 780 N. possession 777 N.
seizure: disease 655 N. taking 789 N. undueness 925 N.
sejunction: disjunction 44 N.
seldom: infrequency 137 Adv.
seldomness: infrequency 137 N.
select: goodness 648 Adj. speciality 79 V. choice 609 V.
selection: class 75 N. choice 609 N.
selectman: jurisdiction 965 N.
self called: misnomer 565 Adj.
self christened: misnomer 565 Adj.
self command: resolution 604 N.
self complacency: cheerfulness 836 N.
self conquest: resolution 604 N.
self control: resolution 604 N.
self deception: credulity 486 N.
self delusion: credulity 486 N.
self denial: resolution 604 N.
self government: resolution 604 N.
self possession: resolution 604 N.
self reliance: resolution 604 N.
self reliant: hope 858 Adj.
self restraint: resolution 604 N.
self styled: misnomer 565 Adj.
self: identity 13 Adj. identity 13 N. speciality 79 N.
self-abasement: humility 879 N.
self-abnegation: disinterestedness 942 N.
self-abuse: sexuality 374a N.
self-accusation: penitence 950 N.
self-accusing: penitence 950 Adj.
self-admiration: vanity 880 N.
self-admiring: vanity 880 Adj.
self-annulling: absurdity 497 Adj.
self-applauding: vanity 880 Adj.
self-applause: vanity 880 N.
self-approbation: vanity 880 N.
self-centered: selfishness 943 Adj.
self-command: inexcitability 826 N. caution 864 N.
self-complacency: vanity 880 N.
self-conceit: vanity 880 N.
self-condemnation: penitence 950 N.
self-confidence: vanity 880 N.
self-confident: vanity 880 Adj.
self-conscious: affectation 855 Adj.
self-consultation: thought 451 N.
self-contradictory: impossibility 471 Adj. absurdity 497 Adj.
selfcontrol: will 600 N.
self-control: inexcitability 826 N. temperance 953 N. disinterestedness 942 N. virtue 944 N.
self-convicted: penitence 950 Adj. condemnation 971 Adj.
self-conviction: belief 484 N.
self-deception: error 495 N.
self-decit: error 495 N.
self-defense: defense 717 N.
self-delusion: absurdity 497 N.
self-denial: disinterestedness 942 N. virtue 944 N. temperance 953 N. worship 990 N.
self-denying: disinterestedness 942 Adj.
self-destruct: cessation 142 V.
self-devoted: disinterestedness 942 Adj.
self-discipline: worship 990 N.
self-esteem: vanity 880 N.
self-evident: certainty 474 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj.
self-examination: worship 990 N.
self-existent: existence 1 Adj.
self-existing: existence 1 Adj.
self-flattering: vanity 880 Adj.
self-glorification: vanity 880 N.
self-glorious: vanity 880 Adj.
self-government: freedom 748 N.
self-gratification: sexuality 374a N.
self-gratulation: vanity 880 N.
self-help: skill 698 N.
self-humiliation: penitence 950 N.
self-immolation: disinterestedness 942 N. idolatry 991 N.
self-indulgence: intemperance 954 N. selfishness 943 N.
self-indulgent: selfishness 943 Adj. intemperance 954 Adj.
self-instruction: learning 539 N.
self-interest: selfishness 943 N.
self-interested: selfishness 943 Adj.
selfish: gluttony 957 Adj. selfishness 943 Adj.
selfishness: greed 817a N. vanity 880 N. selfishness 943 N.
self-knowledge: modesty 881 N.
self-laudation: vanity 880 N.
self-love: vanity 880 N. selfishness 943 N.
self-luminous: luminary 423 Adj.
selfness: identity 13 N.
self-opinionated: vanity 880 Adj.
self-opinioned: misjudgment 481 Adj.
self-possessed: caution 864 Adj. sanity 502 Adj. resolution 604 Adj.
self-possession: caution 864 N. inexcitability 826 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
self-praise: vanity 880 N.
self-preservation: defense 717 N.
self-reliance: courage 861 N.
self-reliant: courage 861 Adj.
self-reproach: penitence 950 N.
self-reproof: penitence 950 N.
self-respect: pride 878 N.
self-restraint: temperance 953 N. inexcitability 826 N.
self-sacrifice: disinterestedness 942 N.
self-sacrificing: disinterestedness 942 Adj.
selfsame: identity 13 Adj.
self-satisfied: vanity 880 Adj.
self-seeking: selfishness 943 Adj.
self-sufficiency: vanity 880 N.
self-sufficient: vanity 880 Adj.
self-taught: knowledge 490 Adj.
self-tormentor: dejection 837 N.
self-will: obstinacy 606 N.
self-willed: obstinacy 606 Adj.
self-worship: selfishness 943 N.
sell by auction: sale 796 V.
sell for: price 812 V.
sell off: sale 796 V.
sell one's life dearly: warfare 722 V. resistance 719 V.
sell oneself: improbity 940 V.
sell out: sale 796 V.
sell over the counter: sale 796 V.
sell short: stock market 799a V.
sell: untruth 546 N. deception 545 V. absurdity 497 N. sale 796 V.
seller: sale 796 N. merchant 797 N.
selliform: convexity 250 Adj.
selvedge: edge 231 N.
sem: optical instruments 445 N.
semaphore: indication 550 N.
sematic: warning 668 Adj.
semblance: similarity 17 N. imitation 19 N. copy 21 N. probability 472 N.
semeiology: indication 550 N. interpretation 522 N.
semeiotics: indication 550 N.
semen: cause 153 N.
semi-: bisection 91 Adj.
semibarbarian: evil 913 N.
semibarbaric: malevolence 907 Adj.
semibeautiful: ugliness 846 Adj.
semibreve: melody concord 413 N.
semicircle: circularity 247 N.
semicircular: curvature 245 Adj.
semicolon: indication 550 N. cessation 142 N.
semidiaphanous: semitransparency 427 Adj.
semifluid: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
semiliquid: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
semiliquidity: semiliquidity 352 N.
semilunar: curvature 245 Adj.
seminal: cause 153 Adj.
seminar: school 542 N. learner 541 N.
seminarian: learner 541 N.
seminary: school 542 N.
semination: preparation 673 N.
semiology: interpretation 522 N. indication 550 N.
semiopacity: semitransparency 427 N.
semiopacous: semitransparency 427 Adj.
semiopaque: semitransparency 427 Adj.
semiotics: interpretation 522 N. indication 550 N.
semipellucid: semitransparency 427 Adj.
semiquaver: melody concord 413 N.
semitone: melody concord 413 N.
semitransparency: semitransparency 427 N.
semitransparent: semitransparency 427 Adj.
sempervirent: newness 123 Adj. diuturnity 110 Adj.
sempervirid: diuturnity 110 Adj. newness 123 Adj.
sempiternal: perpetuity 112 Adj.
sempiternity: perpetuity 112 N.
sempstress: agent 690 N. clothing 225 N.
semstress: agent 690 N.
senary: five, &c 98 Adj.
senate house: tribunal 966 N.
senate: council 696 N. government 737a N.
senator: advice 695 N. council 696 N. government 737a N.
senatorial: council 696 Adj.
senatorship: direction 693 N.
send a letter to: correspondence 592 V.
send about one's business: ejection 297 V. abrogation 756 V.
send adrift: ejection 297 V.
send away: repulsion 289 V. ejection 297 V. abrogation 756 V.
send back: refusal 764 V.
send coals to newcastle: redundancy 641 V.
send for: command 741 V.
send forth: propulsion 284 V. publication 531 V.
send into orbit: height 206 V. propulsion 284 V.
send off: propulsion 284 V. repulsion 289 V. ejection 297 V. abrogation 756 V.
send on a fool's errand: deception 545 V.
send one's duty to: courtesy 894 V.
send out: ejection 297 V. commission 755 V.
send packing: abrogation 756 V. ejection 297 V.
send round the crier: publication 531 V.
send the hat round: request 765 V.
send to coventry: ejection 297 V. disrepute 874 V. seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
send to jericho: ejection 297 V.
send to prison: restraint 751 V.
send to school: teaching 537 V.
send to sleep: weariness 841 V.
send to the bottom: plunge 310 V.
send to the gas chamber: punishment 972 V.
send to the right about: refusal 764 V. ejection 297 V. rejection 610 V.
send up a pilot balloon: experiment 463 V.
send up a trial balloon: experiment 463 V.
send word: information 527 V.
send: transference 270 V. propulsion 284 V.
seneca oil: oil 356 N.
senesce: oldness 124 V. age 128 V.
senescence: age 128 N.
seneschal: master 745 N. servant 746 N. director 694 N.
seneschalship: government 737a N.
senile: oldness 124 Adj. age 128 Adj.
senility: oldness 124 N. age 128 N.
senior partner: friend 890 N.
senior soph: learner 541 N.
senior: learner 541 N. age 128 Adj. master 745 N.
seniority: oldness 124 N. age 128 N.
senor: title 877 N.
sensation drama: drama 599 N.
sensation: physical sensibility 375 N. feeling 821 N. wonder 870 N.
sensational: excitation 824 Adj. vigor 574 Adj.
sensationalism: excitation 824 N.
sense of disgrace: humility 879 N.
sense of duty: duty 926 N.
sense of humor: wit 842 N.
sense of obligation: gratitude 916 N.
sense of shame: disrepute 874 N. humility 879 N.
sense of smell: odor 398 N.
sense: meaning 516 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
senseless: physical insensibility 376 Adj. absurdity 497 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. unmeaningness 517 Adj.
senses: sanity 502 N. intellect 450 N.
sensibility: sensibility 822 N. physical sensibility 375 N.
sensible: materiality 316 Adj. physical sensibility 375 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj.
sensibleness: sensibility 822 N.
sensibly: sensibility 822 Adv.
sensitive: physical sensibility 375 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj.
sensitiveness: sensibility 822 N. physical sensibility 375 N.
sensorial: feeling 821 Adj.
sensorium: intellect 450 N.
sensory: feeling 821 Adj. intellect 450 N.
sensual pleasure: physical pleasure 377 N.
sensual: intemperance 954 Adj. sexuality 374a Adj. physical pleasure 377 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj.
sensualist: sensualist 954a N.
sensuality: sexuality 374a N. physical pleasure 377 N. intemperance 954 N.
sensuous pleasure: physical pleasure 377 N.
sensuous: physical sensibility 375 Adj. feeling 821 Adj.
sentence: condemnation 971 N. condemnation 971 V. phrase 566 N. maxim 496 N. judgment 480 V. judgment 480 N. affirmation 535 N.
sententious: conciseness 572 Adj. vigor 574 Adj. ornament 577 Adj.
sententiousness: vigor 574 N.
sentient: physical sensibility 375 Adj. feeling 821 Adj.
sentiment: idea 453 N.
sentimental: sensibility 822 Adj. sensibility 822 N. affectation 855 Adj.
sentimentalism: sensibility 822 N. affectation 855 N.
sentimentality: sensibility 822 N.
sentinel: keeper 753 N. warning 668 N. safety 664 N. spectator 444 N.
sentry,: warning 668 N.
sentry: safety 664 N. keeper 753 N.
separability: disjunction 44 N.
separable: disjunction 44 Adj.
separate maintenance: divorce 905 N.
separate: disjunction 44 Adj. divorce 905 V. apportionment 786 V. discrimination 465 V. bisection 91 V. disjunction 44 V. exclusion 55 V.
separately: disjunction 44 Adv.
separateness: disjunction 44 N.
separation: disjunction 44 N. exclusion 55 N. interval 198 N. divergence 291 N. divorce 905 N.
separatist: dissent 489 N. heterodoxy 984 N. disjunction 44 N.
separative: decomposition 49 Adj.
sepia: brown 433 N.
seposition: disjunction 44 N. exclusion 55 N.
sepoy: combatant 726 N.
sepsis: disease 655 N.
sept: consanguinity 11 N. paternity 166 N. class 75 N.
septentrional: contraposition 237 Adj.
septett: music 415 N.
septic: insalubrity 657 Adj.
septicity: disease 655 N.
septuagint: Judeo-christian revelation 985 N.
septum: interposition 228 N.
septuple: five, &c 98 Adj.
sepulcher: interment 363 N.
sepulchral: interment 363 Adj. resonance 408 Adj. stridor 410 Adj. aphony 581 Adj.
sepulture: interment 363 N.
sequacious: sequence 63 Adj. softness 324 Adj. tenacity 327 Adj.
sequaciousness: tenacity 327 N.
sequacity: softness 324 N. tenacity 327 N.
sequel: sequel 65 N. posteriority 117 N.
sequela: sequel 65 N.
sequence: sequence 281 N. sequence 63 N. posteriority 117 N.
sequent: sequence 63 Adj.
sequester: taking 789 V. penalty 974 V.
sequestered: seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
sequestrate: condemnation 971 V. penalty 974 V. taking 789 V.
sequestration: taking 789 N. penalty 974 N.
serac: cold 383 N.
seraglio: abode 189 N. impurity 961 N.
seraph: good man 948 N. angel 977 N.
seraphic: pleasurableness 829 Adj. piety 987 Adj. virtue 944 Adj. angel 977 Adj.
seraphim: angel 977 N.
seraphina: musical instruments 417 N.
seraskier: master 745 N.
serein: river 348 N. moisture 339 N.
serenade: endearment 902 V. courtesy 894 V. music 415 N.
serenading: endearment 902 N.
serene highness: title 877 N.
serene: transparency 425 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj. content 831 Adj.
serenity: inexcitability 826 N. content 831 N.
serf: commonality 876 N. servant 746 N.
serfdom: subjection 749 N.
sergeant major: master 745 N.
sergeant: master 745 N.
sergeant-at-law: lawyer 968 N.
serial: book 593 N. continuity 69 Adj. regularity of recurrence 138 Adj.
seriatim: order 58 Adv. continuity 69 Adv. speciality 79 Adv. slowness 275 Adv.
series: continuity 69 N. number 84 N. order 58 N.
serif: printing 591 N.
seriocomic: ridiculousness 853 Adj.
serious matter: dullness 843 V.
serious: greatness 31 Adj. resolution 604 Adj. importance 642 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
seriously: resolution 604 Adv. greatness 31 Adv. affirmation 535 Adv.
seriousness: importance 642 N.
sermon: teaching 537 N. speech 582 N. dissertation 595 N. rite 998 N.
sermonize: teaching 537 V. speech 582 V. rite 998 V.
sermonizer: loquacity 584 N.
seron: assemblage 72 N.
seroon: assemblage 72 N.
serosity: water 337 N. fluidity 333 N.
serotine: lateness 133 Adj.
serous: fluidity 333 Adj.
serpent: convolution 248 Adj. convolution 248 N. animal 366 N. sibilation 409 N. musical instruments 417 N. deceiver 548 N. evil 913 N. knave 941 N. bad man 949 N.
serpentine: convolution 248 Adj.
serrated: angularity 244 Adj. notch 257 Adj.
serried: density 321 Adj. assemblage 72 Adj.
serum: fluidity 333 N. water 337 N.
servant of all work: agent 690 N. servant 746 N.
servant: agent 690 N. auxiliary 711 N. servant 746 N. consignee 758 N.
serve a purpose: utility 644 V.
serve an apprenticeship: preparation 673 V. learning 539 V.
serve as a substitute: substitution 147 V.
serve faithfully: obedience 743 V.
serve one right: right 922 V. punishment 972 V. retaliation 718 V.
serve one's time: learning 539 V.
serve one's turn: utility 644 V.
serve out: punishment 972 V.
serve the office of: business 625 V.
serve with a writ: lawsuit 969 V.
serve: aid 707 V. subjection 749 V. servant 746 V. utility 644 V. business 625 V. warfare 722 V. obedience 743 V.
service: business 625 V. rite 998 N. worship 990 N. subjection 749 N. warfare 722 N. business 625 N. good 618 N. use 677 N. utility 644 N.
serviceable: utility 644 Adj. goodness 648 Adj.
servile copy: copy 21 N.
servile imitation: copy 21 N.
servile: servility 886 Adj. humility 879 Adj. flattery 933 Adj.
servility: servility 886 N.
servitor: servant 746 N.
servitorship: subjection 749 N.
servitude: subjection 749 N.
sesqui-: unity 87 Adv.
sesquipedal: ornament 577 Adj.
sesquipedalian: ornament 577 Adj. length 200 Adj.
sesquipedality: ornament 577 N.
sess: price 812 N.
session: council 696 N.
sessions: tribunal 966 N.
sestiad: five, &c 98 N.
set a copy: prototype 22 V.
set a good example: virtue 944 V.
set a price: price 812 V.
set a question at rest: judgment 480 V.
set a task: command 741 V.
set a trap for: ambush 530 V.
set a trap: deception 545 V.
set a value on: measurement 466 V.
set about: undertaking 676 V. beginning 66 V. pursuit 622 V.
set abroach: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. beginning 66 V.
set afloat: cause 153 V.
set against one another: comparison 464 V.
set against: opposition 708 V. discord 713 V. hate 898 Adj. resentment 900 Adj. hate 898 V.
set agoing: aid 707 V. propulsion 284 V.
set an example: virtue 944 V. motive 615 V. prototype 22 V.
set apart: store 636 V. disjunction 44 V. exclusion 55 V. choice 609 V.
set aside: neglect 460 V. dereliction of duty 927 V. relinquishment 782 V. nonobservance 773 V. refusal 764 V. abrogation 756 V. disuse 678 V. negation 536 V. displacement 185 V. rejection 610 V. inattention 458 V.
set astir: excitation 824 V.
set at defiance: defiance 715 V. disobedience 742 V.
set at ease: content 831 V. relief 834 V.
set at hazard: danger 665 V.
set at liberty: exemption 927a V. liberation 750 V.
set at naught: rejection 610 V. defiance 715 V. opposition 708 V. nonobservance 773 V. indifference 866 V. dereliction of duty 927 V. disrespect 929 V. contempt 930 V. underestimation 483 V. insensibility 823 V.
set at odds: discord 713 V.
set at rest: answer 462 V. compact 769 V. certainty 474 V. end 67 Adj. completion 729 V.
set authority at naught: disobedience 742 V.
set back: deterioration 659 Adj.
set before one: manifestation 525 V.
set before oneself: intention 620 V.
set before: information 527 V. choice 609 V.
set by the ears: hate 898 V. resentment 900 V.
set by: store 636 V.
set clear: liberation 750 V.
set down as: belief 484 V.
set down for hearing: lawsuit 969 V.
set down for: belief 484 V.
set down in writing: record 551 V.
set down to: attribution 155 V.
set down: humility 879 N. humility 879 V. record 551 V. disrespect 929 V. disapprobation 932 V. disapprobation 932 N.
set fast: difficulty 704 N. difficulty 704 Adj.
set fire to: calefaction 384 V.
set foot on dry land: land 342 V.
set foot on the soil: land 342 V.
set foot on: ingress 294 V.
set forth: manifestation 525 V. affirmation 535 V. description 594 V.
set forward: undertaking 676 V. departure 293 V. aid 707 V.
set free: disjunction 44 V. liberation 750 V. freedom 748 V.
set going: impulse 276 V.
set great store by: approbation 931 V.
set great store on: approbation 931 V.
set in motion: propulsion 284 V. motion 264 V. use 677 V.
set in order: preparation 673 V. arrangement 60 V.
set in towards: approach 286 V.
set in: river 348 V. beginning 66 V.
set news afloat: publication 531 V.
set no store by: contempt 930 V. underestimation 483 V.
set off at a score: velocity 274 V.
set off to advantage: improvement 658 V.
set off: ostentation 882 V. beauty 845 V. departure 293 V. compensation 30 V. violence 173 V.
set on a cast: chance 621 V.
set on a pedestal: elevation 307 V.
set on edge: roughness 256 V.
set on fire: excitation 824 V. calefaction 384 V.
set on foot: cause 153 V. beginning 66 V.
set on its legs: stability 150 V.
set on one's legs: aid 707 V. restoration 660 V. strength 159 V.
set on: motive 615 V. desire 865 Adj.
set one's affections on: love 897 V.
set one's back up: pride 878 V.
set one's brain to work: thought 451 V.
set one's cap at: endearment 902 V. love 897 V. desire 865 V.
set one's eyes upon: desire 865 V.
set one's face against: refusal 764 V. avoidance 623 V. disapprobation 932 V. opposition 708 V.
set one's hand and seal: evidence 467 V.
set one's heart at ease: content 831 V.
set one's heart at rest: content 831 V.
set one's heart upon: desire 865 V. resolution 604 V.
set one's horses together: friendship 888 V.
set one's house in order: preparation 673 V. atonement 952 V.
set one's mind at ease: content 831 V. inexcitability 826 V.
set one's mind at rest: content 831 V. inexcitability 826 V.
set one's mind upon: desire 865 V. resolution 604 V.
set one's teeth on edge: friction 331 V.
set one's teeth: resolution 604 V.
set one's wits to work: imagination 515 V. thought 451 V. plan 626 V.
set oneself against: opposition 708 V.
set out: journey 266 V. beginning 66 V. departure 293 V. beauty 845 V. ostentation 882 N. arrangement 60 V.
set over: commission 755 V.
set phrase: phrase 566 N.
set right: vindication 937 N. information 527 V. correction 527a V. disclosure 529 V. teaching 537 V. restoration 660 V.
set sail' put to sea: departure 293 V.
set sail: navigation 267 V.
set store by: importance 642 V.
set store upon: importance 642 V.
set straight: straightness 246 V. correction 527a V. restoration 660 V. pacification 723 V.
set terms: phrase 566 Adv.
set the ball in motion: beginning 66 V.
set the eyes on: vision 441 V.
set the fashion: precedence 62 V. influence 175 V. authority 737 V. fashion 852 V. motive 615 V.
set the law at defiance: illegality 964 N.
set the question at rest: demonstration 478 V.
set the seal on: completion 729 V.
set the table in a roar: amusement 840 V. wit 842 V.
set the teeth on edge: painfulness 830 V. stridor 410 V. sourness 397 V.
set the thames on fire: impossibility 471 V.
set to music: musician 416 V.
set to rights: restoration 660 V. arrangement 60 V.
set to sleep: weariness 841 V.
set to work: beginning 66 V. undertaking 676 V. use 677 V. command 741 V.
set to: contention 720 V. undertaking 676 V. beginning 66 V. warfare 722 V.
set together by the ears: discord 713 V.
set too high a value upon: overestimation 482 V.
set up shop: undertaking 676 V.
set up: aid 707 V. beginning 66 V. strength 159 V. production 161 V. verticality 212 V. restoration 660 V. cause 153 V. success 731 Adj. prosperity 734 Adj. elevation 307 V.
set upon: resolution 604 Adj. attack 716 V. desire 865 Adj.
set watch: care 459 V.
set: junction 43 Adj. junction 43 V. coherence 46 N. party 712 N. state 7 N. assemblage 72 N. class 75 N. stability 150 V. location 184 V. preparation 673 V. form 240 N. form 240 V. sharpness 253 Adj. sharpness 253 V. direction 278 N. descent 306 V. density 321 V. habit 613 Adj. command 741 V. tendency 176 N.
setaceous: roughness 256 Adj.
setarious: sharpness 253 Adj.
set-off: compensation 30 N. discount 813 N.
setose: roughness 256 Adj.
setous: roughness 256 Adj.
sett: lending 787 V. security 771 V.
settee: support 215 N.
setter: animal 366 N.
settle accounts with: payment 807 V.
settle accounts: accounts 811 V.
settle down: stability 150 V. moderation 174 V. location 184 V.
settle into: conversion 144 V.
settle matters: pacification 723 V.
settle preliminaries: preparation 673 V.
settle the question: demonstration 478 V.
settle to sleep: inactivity 683 V.
settle upon: giving 784 V.
settle with: payment 807 V.
settle: compact 769 V. killing 361 V. arrangement 60 V. stability 150 V. location 184 V. support 215 N. payment 807 V. descent 306 V. retention 781 V. judgment 480 V. will 600 V. choice 609 V. success 731 V. consent 762 V. quiescence 265 V.
settled belief: belief 484 N.
settled opinion: belief 484 N.
settled principle: maxim 496 N.
settled purpose: intention 620 N.
settled: stability 150 Adj. end 67 Adj.
settlement heeltap: uncleanness 653 N.
settlement: location 184 N. inhabitant 188 N. consent 762 N. compact 769 N. security 771 N. property 780 N. payment 807 N.
settler: inhabitant 188 N.
settlor: giving 784 N.
set-to: contention 720 N.
seven sacraments: rite 998 N.
seven: amusement 840 N. five, &c 98 N.
seventh heaven: pleasure 827 N.
seventh: five, &c 98 Adj.
seventy: five, &c 98 N.
sever: disjunction 44 V.
severable: junction 43 Adj.
several times: repetition 104 Adv.
several: speciality 79 Adj. plurality 100 Adj. plurality 100 N. multitude 102 Adj.
severalize: discrimination 465 V.
severally: disjunction 44 Adv. speciality 79 Adv.
severalty: disjunction 44 N.
severance: disjunction 44 N.
severe depression: insanity 503 N.
severe: physical energy 171 Adj. symmetry 242 Adj. truth 494 Adj. plainness 576 Adj. severity 739 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. simplicity 849 Adj. disapprobation 932 Adj.
severely: greatness 31 Adv. severity 739 Adv.
severity: plainness 576 N. severity 739 N. violence 173 N. physical energy 171 N. pitilessness 914a N.
sew: junction 43 V.
sewage: excretion 299 N. uncleanness 653 N.
sewed up: drunkenness 959 Adj.
sewer gas: bane 663 N.
sewer: conduit 350 N. uncleanness 653 N.
sewerage: cleanness 652 N. uncleanness 653 N.
sewing silk: filament 205 N.
sex drive: sexuality 374a N.
sex goddess: sexuality 374a N.
sex instinct: sexuality 374a N.
sex symbol: sexuality 374a N. drama 599 N.
sex: class 75 N. junction 43 N. sexuality 374a N.
sexagenarian: veteran 130 N.
sexagenary: quinquesection, &c 99 Adj.
sexagesimal: quinquesection, &c 99 Adj.
sexiness: sexuality 374a N.
sextant: angularity 244 N. circularity 247 N.
sextodecimo: book 593 N.
sexton: interment 363 N. clergy 996 N.
sextuple: five, &c 98 Adj.
sexual abnormality: sexuality 374a N.
sexual congress: junction 43 N.
sexual conjunction: junction 43 N.
sexual intercourse: sexuality 374a N. junction 43 N.
sexual union: sexuality 374a N.
sexual: sexuality 374a Adj.
sexuality: sexuality 374a N.
sexy: sexuality 374a Adj.
seyyid: master 745 N.
shabbiness: improbity 940 N.
shabby base: disrepute 874 Adj.
shabby genteel: vulgarity 851 Adj.
shabby: unimportance 643 Adj. improbity 940 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj. parsimony 819 Adj.
shabuoth: rite 998 N.
shack: abode 189 N.
shackle: restraint 751 V. prison 752 N. connection 45 N. hindrance 706 V.
shade of difference: difference 15 N.
shade: concealment 528 V. demon 980 N. painting 556 V. ambush 530 N. color 428 N. shade 424 N. darkness 421 V. darkness 421 N. corpse 362 N. smallness 32 N. degree 26 N. painting 556 N.
shades below: hell 982 N.
shades of death: death 360 N.
shades of evening: dimness 422 N.
shades: optical instruments 445 N.
shading off: degree 26 Adj.
shading: darkness 421 N.
shadow forth: representation 554 V. metaphor 521 V. prediction 511 V.
shadow of a shade: dimness 422 N.
shadow out: representation 554 V.
shadow: imagination 515 N. unsubstantiality 4 N. pursuit 622 V. shade 424 N. darkness 421 N. sequence 281 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N. accompaniment 88 N. smallness 32 N. copy 21 N. demon 980 N.
shadowed forth: dimness 422 Adj.
shadowness: imbecility folly 499 N.
shadowy: invisibility 447 Adj. inexistence 2 Adj. unsubstantiality 4 Adj.
shady: darkness 421 Adj. shade 424 Adj.
shaft: depth 208 N. support 215 N. opening 260 N. airpipe 351 N. instrument 633 N. arms 727 N.
shag: roughness 256 N.
shagged: roughness 256 Adj.
shaggy: roughness 256 Adj.
shagreen: covering 223 N.
shah: master 745 N.
shaitan: demon 980 N.
shake hands with: friendship 888 V.
shake hands: forgiveness 918 V. courtesy 894 V. pacification 723 V.
shake like an aspen leaf: agitation 315 V. fear 860 V.
shake off the yoke: liberation 750 V.
shake off: ejection 297 V.
shake one's belief: unbelief doubt 485 V.
shake one's faith: unbelief doubt 485 V.
shake one's sides: amusement 840 V.
shake the fist at: threat 909 V.
shake the fist: defiance 715 V.
shake the head at: disapprobation 932 V.
shake the head: dissent 489 V. negation 536 V. refusal 764 V.
shake to its center: agitation 315 V.
shake to its foundations: agitation 315 V.
shake to pieces: destruction 162 V.
shake up: agitation 315 V.
shake: materials 635 N. feeling 821 V. excitation 824 V. deterioration 659 Adj. dissuasion 616 V. musician 416 V. roll 407 V. cold 383 V. agitation 315 V. agitation 315 N. oscillation 314 V. oscillation 314 N. weakness 160 V. changeableness 149 V. fear 860 V.
shakedown: support 215 N. stealing 791 N.
shaken: weakness 160 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj.
shaker: heterodoxy 984 N.
shaking hands: courtesy 894 N.
shaking of hands: pacification 723 N.
shaking prairie: plain 344 N.
shaking: agitation 315 Adj. fear 860 N.
shako: clothing 225 N. defense 717 N.
shaky: danger 665 Adj. fear 860 Adj. weakness 160 Adj.
shallop: ship 273 N.
shallow minded: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
shallow pretext: Pretext 617 N.
shallow profundity: affectation 855 N.
shallow: smallness 32 Adj. shallowness 209 Adj. ignorance 491 Adj. ignoramus 493 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj.
shallowbrain: fool 501 N.
shallowness: shallowness 209 N.
shallow-pated: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
shallows: pitfall 667 N.
sham abraham: falsehood 544 V.
sham fight: contention 720 N.
sham: falsehood 544 V. deception 545 Adj. deception 545 N. untruth 546 N. falsehood 544 N.
shaman: remedy 662 N. sorcerer 994 N.
shamanism: sorcery 992 N.
shamble: slowness 275 V. agitation 315 V.
shambles: killing 361 N.
shambling: agitation 315 Adj.
shame!: disrepute 874 Int. disapprobation 932 Int.
shame: disrepute 874 N. disrepute 874 V. wrong 923 N. purity 960 N.
shamefaced: modesty 881 Adj.
shameful: vice 945 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj.
shameless: impurity 961 Adj. insolence 885 Adj. vice 945 Adj.
shamelessness: insolence 885 N.
shamrock: triality 92 N.
shandredhan: vehicle 272 N.
shanghai: deception 545 V.
shangri-la: pleasure 827 N.
shank: instrument 633 N. support 215 N. printing 591 N.
shanty: abode 189 N.
shape one's course: direction 278 V. action 680 V. conduct 692 V.
shape one's steps: pursuit 622 V.
shape out a course: plan 626 V.
shape: form 240 N. form 240 V. appearance 448 N.
shapeless: disorder 59 Adj. amorphism 241 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
shapeliness: symmetry 242 N.
shapely: symmetry 242 Adj. beauty 845 Adj.
share and share alike: participation 778 Adv. participation 778 V.
share in: participation 778 V. component 56 V.
share one's sorrow: condolence 915 V.
share: participation 778 V. apportionment 786 V. apportionment 786 N. part 51 N. securities 799b N.
shareholder: participation 778 N.
share-holder: stock market 799a N.
sharer: participation 778 N.
sharif: nobility 875 N.
shark: thief 792 N.
sharp appetite: desire 865 N.
sharp as a needle: cunning 702 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
sharp as a razor: sharpness 253 Adj.
sharp as a tack: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. cunning 702 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj.
sharp blade: proficient 700 N. activity 682 N.
sharp contest: contention 720 N.
sharp ear: hearing 418 N.
sharp edged: sharpness 253 Adj.
sharp eye: vision 441 N.
sharp fellow: proficient 700 N. activity 682 N.
sharp frost: cold 383 N.
sharp glance: vision 441 N.
sharp pain: physical pain 378 N.
sharp practice: cunning 702 N. severity 739 N. improbity 940 N.
sharp sight: vision 441 N.
sharp sighted: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
sharp witted: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
sharp: sharpness 253 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj. disapprobation 932 Adj. violence 173 Adj. physical sensibility 375 Adj. pungency 392 Adj. acridity 401a Adj. stridor 410 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. activity 682 Adj. skill 698 Adj. cunning 702 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. melody concord 413 N. physical energy 171 Adj.
sharpen one's tools: preparation 673 V.
sharpen the wits: teaching 537 V.
sharpen: violence 173 V. excitation 824 V. sharpness 253 V. physical energy 171 V. physical sensibility 375 V.
sharpened: sharpness 253 Adj.
sharpener: sharpness 253 N.
sharper: thief 792 N.
sharp-eyed: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
sharpness: sharpness 253 N. skill 698 N. stridor 410 N. pungency 392 N.
sharp-set: desire 865 Adj.
sharpshooter: propulsion 284 N. combatant 726 N.
sharpshooting: attack 716 N.
sharp-tooth'd unkindness: malevolence 907 Phr.
shastra: pseudo-revelation 986 N.
shatter brained: insanity 503 Adj.
shatter: disjunction 44 V. impotence 158 V. destruction 162 V.
shattered: impotence 158 Adj. weakness 160 Adj. fatigue 688 Adj.
shatterpated: insanity 503 Adj.
shattery: weakness 160 Adj.
shave: contraction 195 V. shortness 201 V. layer 204 V. smoothness 255 V. untruth 546 N.
shaving: smallness 32 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N. layer 204 N. filament 205 N.
shawl: clothing 225 N.
shay: vehicle 272 N.
she goat: woman 374 N.
she: woman 374 Adj. woman 374 N.
she-: woman 374 Adj.
sheaf: assemblage 72 N.
shear: shortness 201 V. taking 789 V. contraction 195 V.
shears: sharpness 253 N.
sheath: receptacle 191 N. covering 223 N. clothing 225 V.
sheathe the sword: pacification 723 V.
sheathe: moderation 174 V.
sheathing: covering 223 N.
shebang: abode 189 N.
shebeen: abode 189 N.
shed a luster on: repute 873 V.
shed a tear: lamentation 839 V.
shed blood: killing 361 V.
shed fresh light upon: interpretation 522 V.
shed ink: writing 590 V.
shed light upon: light 420 V. interpretation 522 V.
shed luster upon: light 420 V.
shed new light upon: interpretation 522 V.
shed tears: lamentation 839 V.
shed: ejection 297 V. giving 784 V. covering 223 N. abode 189 N. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V.
shedim: demon 980 N.
sheen: light 420 N. light 420 Adj.
sheeny: light 420 Adj.
sheep dog: animal 366 N.
sheep fold: inclosure 232 N.
sheep: animal 366 N.
sheepfold: husbandry 370 N.
sheepish: modesty 881 Adj.
sheep's eye: desire 865 N.
sheer away from: avoidance 623 V.
sheer off: avoidance 623 V. recession 287 V.
sheer: simpleness 42 Adj. smallness 32 Adj. completeness 52 Adj.
sheet anchor: means 632 N. refuge 666 N. hope 858 N.
sheet lightning: luminary 423 N.
sheet of fire: heat 382 N.
sheet of water: gulf, lake 343 N.
sheet work: printing 591 N.
sheet: covering 223 N. layer 204 N. book 593 N.
sheffield plate: covering 223 N.
sheik nizam: master 745 N.
sheik: master 745 N. clergy 996 N.
shelf: support 215 N. pitfall 667 N.
shell game: deception 545 N.
shell out: payment 807 V. expenditure 809 V.
shell: covering 223 N. interment 363 N. attack 716 V. arms 727 N.
shellfish: animal 366 N.
shelter: safety 664 V. refuge 666 N.
sheltie: carrier 271 N.
shelty: carrier 271 N.
shelve: disuse 678 V. location 184 V. neglect 460 V.
shelved: neglect 460 Adj.
shelving beach: obliquity 217 N.
shend: deterioration 659 Adj.
sheol: hell 982 N.
shepherd: husbandry 370 N. director 694 N. clergy 996 N.
shepherd's dog: animal 366 N.
sheriff: jurisdiction 965 N.
sherry: drunkenness 959 N.
shetland pony: carrier 271 N.
shiah: heterodoxy 984 N.
shibboleth: indication 550 N.
shield shaped: curvature 245 Adj.
shield: title 877 N. defense 717 V. defense 717 N. refuge 666 N. safety 664 N. covering 223 N. indication 550 N.
shielding: defense 717 N.
shift for oneself: freedom 748 V. conduct 692 V.
shift off: lateness 133 V.
shift one's ground: tergiversation 607 V.
shift one's place: motion 264 V.
shift one's quarters: motion 264 V.
shift the scene: change 140 V.
shift to and fro: changeableness 149 V.
shift: change 140 V. motion 264 V. deviation 279 V. transference 270 V. clothing 225 N. conversion 144 V. changeableness 149 V. cunning 702 N. plan 626 N. Pretext 617 N. untruth 546 N. substitution 147 N.
shifting sands: changeableness 149 N.
shifting trust: transfer 783 N.
shifting use: transfer 783 N.
shifting: conversion 144 N. transientness 111 Adj. motion 264 Adj. transference 270 N.
shiftless: nonpreparation 674 Adj. unskillfulness 699 Adj.
shikar: pursuit 622 N.
shikari: pursuit 622 N.
shillelah: arms 727 N.
shilling shocker relator: description 594 N.
shilling: money 800 N.
shilly-shally: irresolution 605 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj.
shimmer: light 420 N. light 420 V.
shin: ascent 305 V.
shindy: contention 720 N.
shine forth: repute 873 V.
shine in conversation: conversation 588 V.
shine like a diamond: jewelry 847a V.
shine upon: light 420 V. aid 707 V.
shine: light 420 V. beauty 845 V. repute 873 V.
shingle house: abode 189 N.
shingle: pulverulence 330 N. materials 635 N.
shining light: sage 500 N.
shining path: combatant 726 N.
shining: beauty 845 Adj. light 420 Adj.
shinney: amusement 840 N. ascent 305 V.
shinny: ascent 305 V. amusement 840 N.
shintiyan: clothing 225 N.
shiny: light 420 Adj.
ship biscuit: food 298 N.
ship of the line: ship 273 N. combatant 726 N.
ship: navigation 267 N. ship 273 N. transference 270 V. carrier 271 N.
shipload: greatness 31 N. contents 190 N.
shipman: mariner 269 N.
shipmate: friend 890 N.
shipment: contents 190 N. transference 270 N.
shippen: abode 189 N.
shipping: ship 273 N.
shipshape: order 58 Adj. conformity 82 Adj. skill 698 Adj.
ship-to-shore radio: hearing 418 N.
shipwreck: destruction 162 N. success 731 V. destruction 162 V.
shipwrecked: failure 732 Adj.
shire reeve: jurisdiction 965 N.
shirk: avoidance 623 V. disobedience 742 V.
shirker: avoidance 623 N.
shirt: clothing 225 N.
shit: excretion 299 N. uncleanness 653 N.
shiva: Jupiter 979 N.
shive: layer 204 N. smallness 32 N.
shiver in one's shoes: fear 860 V.
shiver: brittleness 328 V. fear 860 V. cold 383 V. filament 205 N. destruction 162 V. agitation 315 V. smallness 32 N. disjunction 44 V.
shivering: cold 383 Adj. cold 383 N.
shivery: brittleness 328 Adj. pulverulence 330 Adj.
shoal: multitude 102 N. shallowness 209 Adj. assemblage 72 N.
shoals: pitfall 667 N. shallowness 209 N.
shoaly: shallowness 209 Adj.
shock: assemblage 72 N. feeling 821 N. disapprobation 932 V. dislike 867 V. painfulness 830 V. pain 828 N. excitation 824 V. discord 713 N. inexpectation 508 N. agitation 315 N. impulse 276 N. violence 173 N. violence 173 V.
shocking: painfulness 830 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj. hate 898 Adj. fear 860 Adj. badness 649 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
shockingly: greatness 31 Adv.
shod: clothing 225 Adj.
shoddiness: worthlessness 812b N.
shoddy: inutility 645 N. worthlessness 812b Adj.
shoe polish: smoothness 255 N.
shoe store: mart 799 N.
shoe: support 215 N. clothing 225 N. hindrance 706 N.
shoemaker: clothing 225 N.
shofle: vehicle 272 N.
shog: violence 173 N.
shoo-in: politics 737b N.
shoot ahead of: transcursion 303 V.
shoot ahead: progression 282 V.
shoot at: attack 716 V.
shoot dead: killing 361 V.
shoot from the hip: misjudgment 481 V. intuition 477 V.
shoot out beams: light 420 V.
shoot up: ascent 305 V. convexity 250 V. increase 35 V.
shoot with a longbow: exaggeration 549 V.
shoot: physical pain 378 V. physical pain 378 N. killing 361 V. propulsion 284 V. expansion 194 V. posterity 167 N. punishment 972 V.
shooter: propulsion 284 N. arms 727 N.
shooting gallery: vice 945 N.
shooting pain: physical pain 378 N.
shooting star: world 318 N. luminary 423 N.
shooting: killing 361 N. physical pain 378 N. pursuit 622 N.
shooting-coat: clothing 225 N.
shop: workshop 691 N. purchase 795 V. mart 799 N.
shopkeeper: merchant 797 N.
shoplifter: thief 792 N.
shoplifting: stealing 791 N.
shopman: merchant 797 N.
shopmate: friend 890 N.
shopping street: mart 799 N.
shopping: barter 794 N. purchase 795 N.
shore up: support 215 V.
shore: defense 717 N. edge 231 N. land 342 N. support 215 N.
shoreless: space 180 Adj.
shorn lamb: pain 828 N.
shorn of its beams: dimness 422 Adj. disrepute 874 Adj.
shorn of one's glory: disrepute 874 Adj. humility 879 Adj.
shorn of: loss 776 Adj.
shorn: shortness 201 Adj.
short allowance: insufficiency 640 N.
short answer: discourtesy 895 N.
short by: shortness 201 Adj.
short commons: fasting 956 N. insufficiency 640 N.
short cut: nearness 197 N. mid-course 628 N. straightness 246 N. method 627 N.
short distance: nearness 197 N.
short measure: incompleteness 53 N.
short memory: oblivion 506 N.
short of breath: fatigue 688 Adj.
short of cash: poverty 804 Adj.
short of money: poverty 804 Adj.
short of wind: fatigue 688 Adj.
short of: shortcoming 304 Adj. insufficiency 640 Adj. smallness 32 Adv. inferiority 34 Adv. nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adv. incompleteness 53 Adj.
short rations: fasting 956 N.
short sea: river 348 N.
short seller: stock market 799a N.
short sight: vision 441 N. dimsightedness 443 N.
short step: nearness 197 N.
short witted: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
short: shortcoming 304 Adj. shortness 201 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. brittleness 328 Adj. conciseness 572 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj.
shortage: incompleteness 53 N.
short-breathed: fatigue 688 Adj.
shortcoming: shortcoming 304 N. insufficiency 640 N. noncompletion 730 N. incompleteness 53 N. inferiority 34 N. inequality 28 N. imperfection 651 N.
shorten sail: slowness 275 V.
shorten: nonincrease, decrease 36 V. contraction 195 V. shortness 201 V.
shortening: compendium 596 N. shortness 201 N.
shorthand: writing 590 N.
short-handed: imperfection 651 Adj.
shorthorn: animal 366 N.
short-lived: transientness 111 Adj.
shortly: earliness 132 Adv. shortness 201 Adv.
shortness of breath: fatigue 688 N.
shortness: shortness 201 N.
shorts: clothing 225 N.
shortsighted: misjudgment 481 Adj.
short-sighted: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
shortsightedness: imbecility folly 499 N.
short-wave radio: hearing 418 N.
short-winded: weakness 160 Adj. fatigue 688 Adj.
shot in the dark: supposition 514 N.
shot: warfare 722 N. reward 973 N. arms 727 N. remedy 662 N. supposition 514 N. variegation 440 Adj. propulsion 284 N. velocity 274 V. price 812 N.
shotfree: cheapness 815 Adj.
shotgun: arms 727 N.
shoulder a musket: warfare 722 V.
shoulder arms: preparation 673 V.
shoulder knot: ornament 847 N.
shoulder to shoulder: cooperation 709 Adv. party 712 Adv.
shoulder: support 215 V. printing 591 N. convexity 250 N. support 215 N. impulse 276 V.
shout of applause: approbation 931 N.
shout of laughter: amusement 840 N.
shout: loudness 404 V. cry 411 V. amusement 840 N. amusement 840 V.
shove: impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V. propulsion 284 N.
shovel away: ejection 297 V.
shovel hat: canonicals 999 N.
shovel out: ejection 297 V.
shovel: transference 270 V. receptacle 191 N. furnace 386 N. cleanness 652 N. vehicle 272 N.
shoveling: transference 270 N.
show a bold front: courage 861 V. defiance 715 V. resistance 719 V.
show a proper spirit: probity 939 V.
show cause: information 527 V.
show courtesy: courtesy 894 V. respect 928 V.
show fight: courage 861 V. defense 717 V. attack 716 V. defiance 715 V.
show in front: transcursion 303 V.
show insensibility: insensibility 823 V.
show its colors: disclosure 529 V.
show its face: eventuality 151 V. visibility 446 V. disclosure 529 V.
show manifest itself: visibility 446 V.
show of: probability 472 N.
show off one's paces: ostentation 882 V.
show off: boasting 884 V. ostentation 882 V.
show one one's error: correction 527a V.
show one's cards: disclosure 529 V.
show one's colors: indication 550 V. manifestation 525 V.
show one's face: presence 186 V. manifestation 525 V.
show one's hand: disclosure 529 V.
show one's teeth: resentment 900 V. defiance 715 V.
show one's weak point: confutation 479 V.
show pity: pity 914 V.
show the cloven foot: malevolence 907 V.
show the door to: ejection 297 V. discourtesy 895 V.
show the door: prohibition 761 V.
show the fallacy of: confutation 479 V.
show the way: direction 693 V.
show up: eventuality 151 V. accusation 938 V. disapprobation 932 V. disrepute 874 V. ridicule 856 V. manifestation 525 V. visibility 446 V.
show: manifestation 525 N. fashion 852 N. cowardice 862 V. manifestation 525 V. demonstration 478 V. appearance 448 N. visibility 446 V. appearance 448 V. attention 457 V. evidence 467 V. ostentation 882 N.
shower down upon: liberality 816 V. giving 784 V.
shower down: river 348 V. sufficiency 639 V.
shower: river 348 N. assemblage 72 N.
showery: river 348 Adj.
showgirl: amusement 840 N.
showing off: manifestation 525 N. ostentation 882 N.
showing: manifestation 525 N. evidence 467 Adj.
showman: amusement 840 N. interpreter 524 N.
showshoe: clothing 225 N.
showy: ostentation 882 Adj. color 428 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. ornament 847 Adj.
shrapnel: arms 727 N.
shred: greatness 31 Adv. filament 205 N.
shrew: irascibility 901 N. detractor 936 N.
shrewd: skill 698 Adj. cunning 702 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. knowledge 490 Adj.
shrewish: irascibility 901 Adj.
shriek: cry 411 V.
shrieve: jurisdiction 965 N.
shrift: disclosure 529 N. atonement 952 N.
shriftless: impenitence 951 Adj.
shrill: stridor 410 Adj. cry 411 V. loudness 404 Adj.
shrimp: littleness 193 N.
shrine: interment 363 N. temple 1000 N.
shrink back: avoidance 623 V.
shrink from: hate 898 V. dislike 867 V.
shrink: recession 287 V. fear 860 V. unwillingness 603 V. regression 283 V. contraction 195 V. nonincrease, decrease 36 V. sensibility 822 V.
shrinking: contraction 195 N. unwillingness 603 N. nonincrease, decrease 36 N.
shrive: atonement 952 V. rite 998 V.
shrivel: contraction 195 V. deterioration 659 Adj.
shriveled: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
shroud: concealment 528 V. safety 664 V. interment 363 N. defense 717 V.
shrouded in mystery: unintelligibility 519 Adj.
shrub: vegetable 367 N.
shrubbery: agriculture 371 N.
shrug one's shoulders: contempt 930 V.
shrug the shoulders at: dislike 867 V.
shrug the shoulders: dissent 489 V. disapprobation 932 V. submission 725 V. discontent 832 V.
shrug: indication 550 V. indication 550 N.
shrunk: littleness 193 Adj. contraction 195 Adj.
shudder at: hate 898 V. dislike 867 V.
shudder: fear 860 V. cold 383 V.
shuddering: dislike 867 N.
shuffle away from: avoidance 623 V.
shuffle off: avoidance 623 V.
shuffle on: journey 266 V.
shuffle the cards: preparation 673 V. chance 621 V. change 140 V. beginning 66 V.
shuffle: slowness 275 V. improbity 940 N. improbity 940 V. tergiversation 607 V. irresolution 605 V. untruth 546 N. agitation 315 V. changeableness 149 V. interchange 148 V. change 140 V. derangement 61 V. mixture 41 V. falsehood 544 V.
shuffler: deceiver 548 N.
shuffling: falsehood 544 N. improbity 940 N. agitation 315 N. derangement 61 N. interchange 148 N.
shun: avoidance 623 V. dislike 867 V.
shunt: recession 287 V. transference 270 V. deviation 279 V.
shunted: neglect 460 Adj.
shush!: taciturnity 585 Int.
shut in: restraint 751 V.
shut one's ears to: incredulity 487 V.
shut one's ears: deafness 419 V.
shut one's eyes to: inattention 458 V. permission 760 V. nonobservance 773 V. neglect 460 V. incredulity 487 V.
shut oneself up: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
shut out: exclusion 55 V. prohibition 761 V.
shut the door upon: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
shut the door: closure 261 V. prohibition 761 V.
shut the eyes to: blindness 442 V.
shut the eyes-: blindness 442 V.
shut the gates of mercy: pitilessness 914a V.
shut up shop: relinquishment 624 V. end 67 V. cessation 142 V. repose 687 V.
shut up!: silence 403 Int.
shut up: confutation 479 V. closure 261 V. restraint 751 V.
shut: closure 261 Adj.
shutter: shade 424 N.
shutting up: closure 261 N.
shuttle: navigation 267 N.
shuttlecock: irresolution 605 N.
shy as to: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
shy cock: cowardice 862 N.
shy of belief: incredulity 487 Adj.
shy of: dislike 867 Adj. caution 864 Adj. avoidance 623 Adj. unwillingness 603 Adj.
shy: fear 860 V. modesty 881 Adj. deviation 279 V. cowardice 862 V. avoidance 623 V. avoidance 623 Adj. propulsion 284 V. propulsion 284 N. regression 283 V. cowardice 862 Adj.
si vis amari ama: love 897 Phr.
siamese twins: duality 89 N.
sib: consanguinity 11 N.
siberia: cold 383 N.
siberian: cold 383 Adj.
sibilance: disapprobation 932 N. sibilation 409 N. disrespect 929 N.
sibilant: sibilation 409 Adj.
sibilation: sibilation 409 N. disrespect 929 N. disapprobation 932 N.
sibling: consanguinity 11 N.
sibyl: oracle 513 N. Jupiter 979 N.
sibylline leaves: oracle 513 N.
sibylline: prediction 511 Adj.
sic: truth 494 Adv. imitation 19 Adv.
siccity: dryness 340 N.
sick at heart: dejection 837 Adj.
sick of: satiety 869 Adj. weariness 841 Adj. dislike 867 Adj.
sick: disease 655 Adj.
sick-chamber: disease 655 N.
sicken: unsavoriness 395 V. disease 655 V. painfulness 830 V. weariness 841 V. dislike 867 V.
sickener: painfulness 830 N. dislike 867 N. redundancy 641 N. unsavoriness 395 N.
sickening: painfulness 830 Adj. unsavoriness 395 Adj.
sickle shaped: curvature 245 Adj.
sickle: angularity 244 N. sharpness 253 N.
sickly sweet: sweetness 396 Adj.
sickly: weakness 160 Adj. disease 655 Adj.
sickness: weariness 841 N. disease 655 N.
sickroom: disease 655 N.
side arms: arms 727 N.
side blow: cunning 702 N.
side by side: accompaniment 88 Adv. nearness 197 Adv. laterality 236 Adv. party 712 Adv.
side car: vehicle 272 N.
side drum: musical instruments 417 N.
side issue: adjunct 39 N.
side saddle: support 215 N.
side scene: drama 599 N.
side with: aid 707 V. cooperation 709 V. concord 714 V.
side: laterality 236 N. edge 231 N. consanguinity 11 N. party 712 N.
sideboard: receptacle 191 N.
sideling: deviation 279 Adv. laterality 236 Adj.
sidelong: laterality 236 Adj. laterality 236 Adv.
side-looking radar: measurement 466 N.
side-looking sonar: depth 208 N.
sideral: world 318 Adj.
sideration: impotence 158 N.
sidereal: world 318 Adj.
siderite: attraction 288 N.
sideromancy: prediction 511 Phr.
sidesman: clergy 996 N.
side-splitting: amusement 840 Adj.
sidestep: cunning 702 N. cunning 702 V.
sideswipe: impulse 276 V.
sidetrack: deviation 279 V.
sidewalk: method 627 N.
sideways: laterality 236 Adv.
sidewipe: impulse 276 N.
sidle: laterality 236 V. deviation 279 V.
sidling: deviation 279 N.
siege cap: defense 717 N.
siege train: arms 727 N.
siege: attack 716 N.
siesta: inactivity 683 N.
sieve: sponge 252a N. opening 260 N. arrangement 60 N. cleanness 652 N.
sift: simpleness 42 V. arrangement 60 V. inquiry 461 V. discrimination 465 V. cleanness 652 V.
sifting: inquiry 461 N. simpleness 42 N.
sigh for: desire 865 V.
sigh 'like a furnace': lamentation 839 V.
sigh: lamentation 839 N. lamentation 839 V.
sighing like furnace: endearment 902 Adj.
sight: multitude 102 N. prodigy 872 N. ugliness 846 N. appearance 448 N. vision 441 V. greatness 31 N. vision 441 N.
sightless: blindness 442 Adj. invisibility 447 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
sightly: beauty 845 Adj.
sight-seeing: vision 441 N.
sightseer: curiosity 455 N. spectator 444 N.
sigmoid: convolution 248 Adj.
sigmoidal: convolution 248 Adj.
sign a round robin: disapprobation 932 V.
sign and seal: evidence 467 V.
sign manual: writing 590 N. indication 550 N.
sign one's death warrant: killing 361 V.
sign painter: artist 559 N.
sign painting: misrepresentation 555 N.
sign the death warrant: condemnation 971 V.
sign: indication 550 V. prodigy 872 N. security 771 V. compact 769 V. record 551 V. indication 550 N. omen 512 N. evidence 467 V. writing 590 V.
signal of distress: alarm 669 N.
signal post: indication 550 N. warning 668 N.
signal: eventuality 151 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. indication 550 N. importance 642 Adj.
signalize: indication 550 V. repute 873 V. celebration 883 V.
signally: greatness 31 Adv.
signature: security 771 N. compact 769 N. printing 591 N. writing 590 N. record 551 N. evidence 467 N. indication 550 N.
signboard: indication 550 N.
signet: compact 769 N. scepter 747 N. indication 550 N.
significance: meaning 516 N. importance 642 N.
significant of: prediction 511 Adj.
significant: meaning 516 Adj. importance 642 Adj.
signification: meaning 516 N.
significative: meaning 516 Adj.
significatory: meaning 516 Adj.
signify nothing: unimportance 643 V.
signify: prediction 511 V. meaning 516 V. information 527 V. importance 642 V.
signior: nobility 875 N.
signor: title 877 N.
signpost: indication 550 N.
signs of the times: omen 512 N. warning 668 N.
signs of the zodiac: world 318 N.
sike: river 348 N.
silence!: silence 403 Int. taciturnity 585 Int.
silence: taciturnity 585 N. success 731 V. silence 403 N. impotence 158 V. quiescence 265 N. aphony 581 V. aphony 581 N. concealment 528 N. latency, implication 526 N. confutation 479 V. silence 403 V.
silencer: nonresonance 408a N.
silent as a post: taciturnity 585 Adj.
silent as a stone: taciturnity 585 Adj.
silent as the grave: silence 403 Adj. taciturnity 585 Adj.
silent: quiescence 265 Adj. taciturnity 585 Adj. silence 403 Adj. aphony 581 Adj.
silently: silence 403 Adv.
silhouette: outline 230 N. painting 556 N.
siliquose: receptacle 191 Adj.
siliquous: receptacle 191 Adj.
silk gown: lawyer 968 N.
silk: texture 329 N. smoothness 255 N.
silken repose: repose 687 N.
silken: smoothness 255 Adj.
silkiness: intemperance 954 N.
silky: smoothness 255 Adj. texture 329 Adj.
sill: support 215 N.
silliness: imbecility folly 499 N.
silly: insanity 503 Adj. falsehood 544 Adv. imbecility folly 499 Adj. credulity 486 Adj.
silt: uncleanness 653 N.
silurian: oldness 124 Adj.
silvan: vegetable 367 Adj.
silver anniversary: celebration 883 N.
silver certificate: money 800 N.
silver dollar: money 800 N.
silver jubilee: celebration 883 N.
silver lining: hope 858 N.
silver plate: covering 223 N.
silver standard: money 800 N.
silver wedding: celebration 883 N.
silver: money 800 N. gray 432 N. whiteness 430 V. gray 432 Adj.
silvered: gray 432 Adj.
silver-footed queen: world 318 N.
silver-toned: melody concord 413 Adj.
silvery: whiteness 430 Adj. gray 432 Adj. melody concord 413 Adj.
simagree: affectation 855 N.
similar: similarity 17 Adj.
similarity: relation 9 N. similarity 17 N. equality 27 N. class 75 N. parallelism 216 N.
simile: similarity 17 N. metaphor 521 N. comparison 464 N. supposition 514 N.
similitude: similarity 17 N. copy 21 N. comparison 464 N.
simious: imbecility folly 499 Adj.
simmer: excitation 824 V. calefaction 384 V. heat 382 V. agitation 315 V.
simmering: excitability 825 Adj.
simon stylites: seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
simon-pure: purity 960 Adj.
simony: illegality 964 N.
simoom: wind 349 N. heat 382 N.
simoon: wind 349 N.
simous: distortion 243 Adj.
simper: affectation 855 V. rejoicing 838 N. amusement 840 V.
simpering: affectation 855 Adj.
simple interpretation: interpretation 522 N.
simple meaning: meaning 516 N.
simple simon: dupe 547 N.
simple: smallness 32 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj. simplicity 849 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. credulity 486 Adj. simpleness 42 Adj. simpleness 42 Adv. plainness 576 Adj.
simple-hearted: veracity 543 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj.
simple-minded: artlessness 703 Adj.
simpleness: simpleness 42 N.
simples: remedy 662 N.
simpleton: fool 501 N.
simplicity: plainness 576 N. simplicity 849 N. artlessness 703 N. imbecility folly 499 N. ignorance 491 N. facility 705 N.
simplify: simpleness 42 V. intelligibility 518 V. simplicity 849 V.
simply: smallness 32 Adv. unity 87 Adv.
simulate: imitation 19 V. falsehood 544 V.
simulated: deception 545 Adj.
simulating: similarity 17 Adj.
simulation: imitation 19 N. falsehood 544 N.
simultaneity: synchronism 120 N.
simultaneous: synchronism 120 Adj.
simultaneously: synchronism 120 Adv.
simultaneousness: synchronism 120 N.
sin offering: atonement 952 N.
sin: dereliction of duty 927 N. vice 945 N. vice 945 V. guilt 947 N. impiety 988 N.
sinapism: remedy 662 N.
since the world was made: oldness 124 Adv.
since the year one: oldness 124 Adv.
since: posteriority 117 Adv. attribution 155 Adv. reasoning 476 Adv. circumstance 8 Adv.
sincere friendship: friendship 888 N.
sincere: feeling 821 Adj. simplicity 849 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj. veracity 543 Adj. falsehood 544 Adj.
sincerity: veracity 543 N. artlessness 703 N.
sine curve: curvature 245 N.
sine die: neverness 107 Adv. lateness 133 Adv.
sine prole: unproductiveness 169 Adj.
sine qua non: requirement 630 N. importance 642 N. conditions 770 N.
sinecure: inaction 681 N.
sinew: strength 159 N.
sinewless: impotence 158 Adj.
sinews of war: money 800 N.
sinewy: strength 159 Adj.
sinful: vice 945 Adj.
sinfully: vice 945 Adv.
sinfulness: guilt 947 N.
sing a second: musician 416 V.
sing in chorus: concord 714 V.
sing io triumphe: boasting 884 V.
sing out: cry 411 V.
sing praises to: approbation 931 V. repute 873 V.
sing praises: worship 990 V.
sing small: humility 879 V.
sing the praises of: approbation 931 V.
sing: poetry 597 V. disclosure 529 V. musician 416 V. rejoicing 838 V.
singe: calefaction 384 V.
singer: musician 416 N. amusement 840 N.
singing bird: animal 366 N.
single blessedness: celibacy 904 N.
single combat: contention 720 N.
single out: choice 609 V.
single quote: indication 550 N.
single stick: contention 720 N.
single: simpleness 42 Adj. celibacy 904 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. unity 87 Adj. money 800 N.
single-handed: hindrance 706 Adj. facility 705 Adv. unity 87 Adj.
single-hearted: artlessness 703 Adj.
single-minded: artlessness 703 Adj.
singleness of heart: artlessness 703 N. probity 939 N.
singleness of purpose: perseverance 604a N. artlessness 703 N.
singleness: celibacy 904 N.
singly: unity 87 Adv.
singsong: discord 414 Adj.
singular: unconformity 83 Adj. unity 87 Adj. speciality 79 Adj.
singularity: speciality 79 N. unconformity 83 N.
singularly: greatness 31 Adv.
sinister: vice 945 Adj. sinistrality 239 Adj. sinistrality 239 N. badness 649 Adj.
sinistral: sinistrality 239 Adj.
sinistrality: sinistrality 239 N.
sinistrally: sinistrality 239 Adv.
sinistrorsal: sinistrality 239 Adj.
sinistrorse: sinistrality 239 Adj.
sinistrous: sinistrality 239 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj.
sinistrously: sinistrality 239 Adv.
sink back: relapse 661 V.
sink in the mind: memory 505 V.
sink into oblivion: oblivion 506 V.
sink into the grave: death 360 V.
sink into the heart: excitation 824 V.
sink into the mind: excitation 824 V. thought 451 V.
sink money: expenditure 809 V.
sink of corruption: uncleanness 653 N.
sink of iniquity: vice 945 N.
sink or swim: perseverance 604a Adv. certainty 474 Adv.
sink: plunge 310 V. pain 828 V. adversity 735 V. failure 732 V. success 731 V. fatigue 688 V. uncleanness 653 N. neglect 460 V. depression 308 V. descent 306 V. destruction 162 V. dejection 837 V. concealment 528 V.
sinking fund: treasury 802 N.
sinless: innocence 946 Adj.
sinner: vice 945 N. bad man 949 N. impiety 988 N.
sinning: vice 945 Adj.
sinologist: scholar 492 N.
sinologue: scholar 492 N.
sinter: semiliquidity 352 V.
sintered: sponge 252a Adj.
sinuation: convolution 248 N.
sinuosity: curvature 245 N. convolution 248 N.
sinuous: convolution 248 Adj.
sinus: concavity 252 N.
sinusoid: curvature 245 Adj.
sip: smallness 32 N. food 298 N. food 298 V.
siphon: transference 270 V. conduit 350 N.
sippet: food 298 N.
sir benjamin backbite: detractor 936 N.
sir fretful plagiary: irascibility 901 N.
sir john barleycorn: food 298 N.
sir lucius o'trigger: blusterer 887 N.
sir oracle: certainty 474 N. blusterer 887 N. vanity 880 N.
sir pertinax macsycophant: flatterer 935 N.
sir roger de coverley: amusement 840 N.
sir: title 877 N. man 373 N.
sircar: master 745 N.
sirdar: master 745 N.
sire: paternity 166 N.
siren strains: music 415 N.
siren: sorcerer 994 N. demon 980 N. evil 913 N. warning 668 N. motive 615 N. ocean 341 N. musician 416 N.
sirene: musical instruments 417 N.
siriasis: insanity 503 N.
sirius: luminary 423 N.
sirkar: master 745 N.
sirocco: wind 349 N. heat 382 N.
sir-pertinax: servility 886 N.
sirrah!: bad man 949 Int.
siskin: animal 366 N.
sissy: woman 374 N.
sister: remedy 662 N. consanguinity 11 N. similarity 17 N.
sisterhood: consanguinity 11 N. party 712 N.
sisterly: benevolence 906 Adj.
sisters three: necessity 601 N.
sisyphean labor: difficulty 704 N.
sit down: depression 308 V. arrival 292 V. horizontality 213 V. location 184 V.
sit in judgment: judgment 480 V. jurisdiction 965 V. lawsuit 969 V.
sit on pins and needles: physical pain 378 V.
sit on thorns: physical pain 378 V. pain 828 V.
sit on: support 215 V.
sit up at night: lateness 133 V.
sit up: lateness 133 V. exertion 686 V.
sit upon thorns: fear 860 V.
sit: depression 308 V.
site defense: defense 717 N.
site: situation 183 N.
sith: circumstance 8 Adv. reasoning 476 Adv.
sitting room: receptacle 191 N.
sitting: preparation 673 N. council 696 N.
situate: situation 183 Adj. location 184 Adj. location 184 V.
situated: situation 183 Adj.
situation: business 625 N. business 625 V. location 184 N. chance 156 N. eventuality 151 N. circumstance 8 N. situation 183 N.
siva: Jupiter 979 N.
six: five, &c 98 N. amusement 840 N.
sixth: five, &c 98 Adj.
sixty: five, &c 98 N.
sizar: servant 746 N.
size up: judgment 480 V.
size: semiliquidity 352 N. size 192 N. space 180 N. arrangement 60 V. connection 45 N. quantity 25 N. greatness 31 N.
sizzle: sibilation 409 V.
sjambok: scourge 975 N.
skald: poetry 597 N.
skaldic: poetry 597 Adj.
skate: journey 266 V. vehicle 272 N.
skating rink: amusement 840 N.
skating: amusement 840 N.
skean dhu: arms 727 N.
skean: arms 727 N.
skedaddle: avoidance 623 V.
skeel: receptacle 191 N.
skeesicks: bad man 949 N.
skein: crossing 219 N.
skeleton greater part: whole 50 N.
skeleton in the closet: badness 649 N. painfulness 830 N.
skeleton.: remainder 40 N.
skeleton: plan 626 N. support 215 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N. corpse 362 N.
skeptic: irreligion 989 N. unbelief doubt 485 N. incredulity 487 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
skeptical as to: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
skeptical: irreligion 989 Adj. unbelief doubt 485 Adj. incredulity 487 Adj.
skepticism: unbelief doubt 485 N. incredulity 487 N. irreligion 989 N.
sketch: painting 556 N. plan 626 N. plan 626 V. representation 554 N. form 240 V. description 594 N. painting 556 V.
sketcher: artist 559 N.
sketchy: incompleteness 53 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj. noncompletion 730 Adj.
skewed: inequality 28 Adj.
skewer: connection 45 N.
ski: vehicle 272 N.
skiagraphy: painting 556 N.
skid: support 215 N. hindrance 706 N.
skiff: ship 273 N.
skill: skill 698 N.
skilled: skill 698 Adj.
skillet: receptacle 191 N.
skillful: facility 705 Adj. skill 698 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
skillfully: skill 698 Adv.
skillfulness: skill 698 N.
skim the surface: neglect 460 V.
skim: attention 457 V. neglect 460 V. velocity 274 V. navigation 267 V. journey 266 V. compendium 596 V.
skin a flint: impossibility 471 V. parsimony 819 V.
skin deep: shallowness 209 Adj.
skin flick: drama 599 N.
skin over: restoration 660 V.
skin: covering 223 N. divestment 226 V. disjunction 44 V. exteriority 220 N. thief 792 N.
skin-deep: exteriority 220 Adj.
skinflint: parsimony 819 N.
skinny: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. covering 223 Adj.
skip over: neglect 460 V.
skip: leap 309 V. neglect 460 V. rejoicing 838 V.
skipjack: prosperity 734 N. commonality 876 N.
skipper: mariner 269 N. master 745 N.
skippet: receptacle 191 N.
skippingly: discontinuity 70 Adv.
skirmish: contention 720 N. contention 720 V.
skirmisher: combatant 726 N.
skirt: adjunct 39 N. pendency 214 N. clothing 225 N. circumjacence 227 V. edge 231 N. laterality 236 V.
skirtdance: amusement 840 N.
skirting: laterality 236 Adj. edge 231 N. edge 231 Adj.
skirts: beginning 66 N.
skit: ridicule 856 N. detraction 934 N. libertine 962 N.
skittish: cowardice 862 Adj. modesty 881 Adj. excitability 825 Adj. caprice 608 Adj.
skittle sharper: thief 792 N.
skittles: amusement 840 N.
skulk: concealment 528 V. fear 860 V. cowardice 862 V.
skulking: concealment 528 Adj.
skull: intellect 450 N.
skullcap: clothing 225 N.
skunk: fetor 401 N.
skurry: haste 684 V.
sky lark: ascent 305 N.
sky light: opening 260 N.
sky rocket: ascent 305 N.
sky scraper: summit 210 N.
sky: air 338 N. necessity 601 N. world 318 N. summit 210 N.
skyaspiring: desire 865 Adj.
sky-blue: blueness 438 Adj.
sky-colored: blueness 438 Adj.
sky-dyed: blueness 438 Adj.
skye terrier: animal 366 N.
skylarking: amusement 840 N.
skyscraper: height 206 N.
slab: support 215 N. flatness 251 N. gulf, lake 343 N. semiliquidity 352 Adj. record 551 N. layer 204 N.
slabber: ejection 297 V. uncleanness 653 V.
slabby: semiliquidity 352 Adj.
slack quench: refrigeration 385 V.
slack: insufficiency 640 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. unwillingness 603 Adj. slowness 275 Adj. physical inertness 172 Adj. weakness 160 Adj. incoherence 47 Adj. laxity 738 Adj. insulation, fire extinction 388a V.
slacken one's pace: slowness 275 V.
slacken speed: slowness 275 V.
slacken: repose 687 V. slowness 275 V. moderation 174 V. incoherence 47 V. hindrance 706 V.
slackening: slowness 275 N.
slackness: laxity 738 N.
slade: concavity 252 N.
slag: calefaction 384 N. uncleanness 653 N.
slake one's appetite: intemperance 954 V.
slake one's thirst: intemperance 954 V.
slake: moderation 174 V. satiety 869 V. pleasurableness 829 V.
slam: ship 273 N. impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V. snap 406 V.
slammerkin: uncleanness 653 N.
slammock: uncleanness 653 N.
slammocky: uncleanness 653 Adj.
slander: detraction 934 N. detraction 934 V.
slanderer: detractor 936 N.
slanderous: detraction 934 Adj.
slang: vulgarity 851 N. neologism 563 N. inelegance 579 N.
slang-whanger: blusterer 887 N.
slant: extraneousness 57 N. obliquity 217 N.
slap in the face: resentment 900 N. punishment 972 N. disrespect 929 N. opposition 708 V.
slap on the face: disapprobation 932 N. attack 716 V.
slap the face: punishment 972 V.
slap the forehead: inquiry 461 V.
slap: punishment 972 N. disapprobation 932 N. impulse 276 V. punishment 972 V. impulse 276 N. instantaneity 113 Adv.
slap-bang: haste 684 Adv.
slapdash: haste 684 Adv. worthlessness 812b Adj.
slap-dash: instantaneity 113 Adv.
slash: disjunction 44 V.
slashes: indication 550 N.
slashing: vigor 574 Adj.
slate loose: insanity 503 N.
slate: writing 590 N. politics 737b N.
slate-colored: gray 432 Adj.
slates: covering 223 N.
slating: covering 223 N.
slattern: vulgarity 851 N. bungler 701 N. disorder 59 N. uncleanness 653 N.
slatternly: unskillfulness 699 Adj.
slaughter: killing 361 N. killing 361 V.
slaughterhouse: killing 361 N.
slaughtering: killing 361 N.
slaughterous: killing 361 Adj.
slave to no sect: heterodoxy 984 Phr.
slave trade: purchase 795 N.
slave: exertion 686 V. servant 746 N. servility 886 N.
slaver: ship 273 N. ejection 297 V. uncleanness 653 V. flattery 933 V.
slavery: exertion 686 N. servility 886 N. subjection 749 N.
slavic: generality 78 Adj.
slavish: servility 886 Adj.
slay: killing 361 V.
slayer: killing 361 N.
sleave: complexity 59a N.
sled: vehicle 272 N.
sledge hammer: impulse 276 N.
sledge: vehicle 272 N.
sleek: smoothness 255 Adj. beauty 845 Adj.
sleep around: sexuality 374a V.
sleep at one's post: inactivity 683 V.
sleep like a dormouse: inactivity 683 V.
sleep like a log: inactivity 683 V.
sleep like a top: inactivity 683 V.
sleep on a volcano: danger 665 V.
sleep on it: lateness 133 V.
sleep soundly: inactivity 683 V.
sleep together: sexuality 374a V.
sleep upon: thought 451 V.
sleep walker: traveler 268 N.
sleep with one's eye open: care 459 V.
sleep: repose 687 N. inactivity 683 N. inactivity 683 V. insensibility 823 N. physical insensibility 376 N. quiescence 265 N.
sleeper: support 215 N. vehicle 272 N.
sleepful: inactivity 683 Adj.
sleeping car: vehicle 272 N.
sleeping partner: inactivity 683 N.
sleeping pill: inactivity 683 N.
sleeping together: sexuality 374a N.
sleeping: quiescence 265 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj.
sleeplessness: activity 682 N.
sleepy: inactivity 683 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
sleet: cold 383 N.
sleeve: clothing 225 N. crossing 219 N.
sleeveless errand: unskillfulness 699 V. inutility 645 N.
sleeveless: imbecility folly 499 Adj. caprice 608 Adj.
sleigh: vehicle 272 N.
sleight of hand: skill 698 N.
sleight: skill 698 N.
slender as a thread: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
slender means: poverty 804 N.
slender: unimportance 643 Adj. smallness 32 Adj. narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
sleuth: information 527 N.
sleuth-hound: evil 913 N.
slice: disjunction 44 V. part 51 N. layer 204 N. layer 204 V.
slick: smoothness 255 Adj. skill 698 Adj.
slide back: relapse 661 V.
slide glass: optical instruments 445 N.
slide in: interposition 228 V.
slide into: conversion 144 V.
slide rule: numeration 85 N.
slide valve: stopper 263 N.
slide: journey 266 V. course 109 V. motion 264 V. descent 306 V. friction 331 V. optical instruments 445 N. smoothness 255 N.
sliding friction: friction 331 N.
sliding panel: deception 545 N.
sliding: amusement 840 N.
slight of hand: deception 545 N.
slight: underestimation 483 V. contempt 930 V. contempt 930 N. disrespect 929 V. disrespect 929 N. dereliction of duty 927 V. feebleness 575 Adj. neglect 460 V. smallness 32 Adj. shallowness 209 Adj. rarity 322 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj.
slightly: unimportance 643 Adv. smallness 32 Adv.
slight-made: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj.
slily: cunning 702 Adv.
slim: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
slime: semiliquidity 352 N. uncleanness 653 N.
slimy: uncleanness 653 Adj.
sling: pendency 214 V. propulsion 284 V. arms 727 N.
slink away: avoidance 623 V. disrepute 874 V.
slink: cowardice 862 N. concealment 528 V. cowardice 862 V.
slip away: avoidance 623 V. escape 671 V.
slip cable: avoidance 623 V.
slip in: ingress 294 V.
slip into: ingress 294 V.
slip memory: oblivion 506 V.
slip of the lip: error 495 N.
slip of the pen: solecism 568 N. error 495 N.
slip of the tongue: stammering 583 N. error 495 N. solecism 568 N.
slip on: clothing 225 V.
slip over: neglect 460 V.
slip the collar: liberation 750 V. escape 671 V.
slip through the fingers: escape 671 V.
slip through the hands: escape 671 V.
slip 'twixt cup and lip: disappointment 509 N. failure 732 N.
slip: failure 732 V. descent 306 V. guilt 947 N. vice 945 V. money 800 N. failure 732 N. workshop 691 N. clothing 225 N. descent 306 N. smallness 32 N. filament 205 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N. error 495 N. course 109 V.
slipper: clothing 225 N.
slipperiness: danger 665 N.
slippers: clothing 225 N.
slippery as a greased pig: smoothness 255 Phr.
slippery as an eel: cunning 702 Adj. tergiversation 607 Adj. smoothness 255 Adj.
slippery ground: pitfall 667 N.
slippery memory: oblivion 506 N.
slippery: improbity 940 Adj. facility 705 Adj. danger 665 Adj. uncertainty 475 Adj. unctuousness 355 Adj. transientness 111 Adj. smoothness 255 Adj.
slippy: danger 665 Adj.
slipshod: feebleness 575 Adj.
slipslop: solecism 568 N. feebleness 575 Adj. absurdity 497 N.
slipstick: numeration 85 N.
slit: disjunction 44 N. disjunction 44 V. interval 198 N. furrow 259 N.
sliver: smallness 32 N.
slobber: uncleanness 653 V. ejection 297 V. water 337 V.
sloe: blackness 431 N.
slogan: warfare 722 N.
sloop of war: combatant 726 N.
sloop: ship 273 N.
slop: ejection 297 V. water 337 V. uncleanness 653 N.
slope: obliquity 217 N. avoidance 623 V.
slopeness: obliquity 217 N.
sloppy: moisture 339 Adj. marsh 345 Adj.
slops: clothing 225 N.
slosh: uncleanness 653 N.
slot: opening 260 N.
sloth: physical inertness 172 N. inactivity 683 N.
slothful: inactivity 683 Adj.
slouch: inactivity 683 V. lowness 207 V. slowness 275 V.
slouching: ugliness 846 Adj.
slough of despond: adversity 735 N. pain 828 N. dejection 837 N. hopelessness 859 N.
slough: uncleanness 653 N. difficulty 704 N. marsh 345 N.
sloven: bungler 701 N. vehicle 272 N. uncleanness 653 N.
slovenliness: uncleanness 653 N. neglect 460 N.
slovenly: disorder 59 Adj. neglect 460 Adj. feebleness 575 Adj. uncleanness 653 Adj. unskillfulness 699 Adj. vulgarity 851 Adj.
slovenry: uncleanness 653 N.
slow back: slowness 275 N.
slow coach: inactivity 683 N. slowness 275 N. bungler 701 N.
slow goer: slowness 275 N.
slow march: slowness 275 N.
slow movement: music 415 N.
slow music: music 415 N.
slow paced: slowness 275 Adj.
slow time: slowness 275 N.
slow to: unwillingness 603 Adj.
slow: weariness 841 Adj. leisure 685 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. slowness 275 Adj. moderation 174 Adj. physical inertness 172 Adj. lateness 133 Adj. diuturnity 110 Adj. dullness 843 Adj.
slow-consuming age: age 128 Phr.
slowly: lateness 133 Adv. slowness 275 Adv.
slowness: unwillingness 603 N. diuturnity 110 N. slowness 275 N.
sloyd: teaching 537 N.
slubber: uncleanness 653 V.
slubberdegullion: commonality 876 N.
sludge: uncleanness 653 N.
slug: slowness 275 V. printing 591 N. inaction 681 V. inactivity 683 N. arms 727 N.
slugabed: inactivity 683 N.
sluggard: slowness 275 N. inactivity 683 N.
sluggardize: inactivity 683 V.
sluggish: physical inertness 172 Adj. slowness 275 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
sluggishness: inactivity 683 N.
sluice: conduit 350 N. river 348 N. egress 295 N. limit 233 N.
slum: uncleanness 653 N.
slumber: inactivity 683 N. inactivity 683 V.
slumberer: inactivity 683 N.
slumlord: possessor 779 N.
slummock: uncleanness 653 N.
slummocky: uncleanness 653 Adj.
slump: descent 306 V. descent 306 N.
slung shot: arms 727 N.
slur over: neglect 460 V. underestimation 483 V.
slur: disrepute 874 N. accusation 938 V. disrepute 874 V. neglect 460 V. vindication 937 N. accusation 938 N.
slush: marsh 345 N. semiliquidity 352 N. uncleanness 653 N.
slut: disorder 59 N. uncleanness 653 N. libertine 962 N.
sluttish: uncleanness 653 Adj.
sly boots: cunning 702 N.
sly: concealment 528 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
slyly: cunning 702 Adv.
slyness: concealment 528 N.
smack of: similarity 17 V.
smack the lips: rejoicing 838 V. savoriness 394 V. taste 390 V. physical pleasure 377 V.
smack: endearment 902 V. punishment 972 V. endearment 902 N. taste 390 V. taste 390 N. impulse 276 N. ship 273 N. smallness 32 N. mixture 41 N.
small arms: arms 727 N.
small beer: unimportance 643 N.
small bore: arms 727 N.
small calorie: heat 382 N.
small chance: improbability 473 N.
small change: money 800 N.
small clothes: clothing 225 N.
small coin: money 800 N.
small fry: unimportance 643 N. commonality 876 N. littleness 193 N.
small matter: unimportance 643 N.
small number: fewness 103 N.
small part: part 51 N.
small quantity: fewness 103 N. smallness 32 N.
small talk: loquacity 584 N. conversation 588 N.
small: littleness 193 Adj. smallness 32 Adj. inferiority 34 Adj.
smaller: contraction 195 Adj. inferiority 34 Adj.
smallest: inferiority 34 Adj.
smallness: unimportance 643 N. smallness 32 N. inferiority 34 N. littleness 193 N.
smalls: clothing 225 N.
smalt: blueness 438 N.
smart money: reward 973 N.
smart pace: velocity 274 N.
smart rate: velocity 274 N.
smart saying: wit 842 N.
smart set: fashion 852 N.
smart under: feeling 821 V.
smart: ornament 847 Adj. physical pain 378 N. wit 842 Adj. pain 828 V. pain 828 N. feeling 821 Adj. skill 698 Adj. physical pain 378 V. activity 682 Adj. beauty 845 Adj.
smartass: humorist 844 N.
smarten: ornament 847 V.
smartness: activity 682 N. wit 842 N.
smash: destruction 162 V. failure 732 N. destruction 162 N.
smashed: drunkenness 959 Adj.
smasher: thief 792 N.
smatch: taste 390 N. taste 390 V.
smatterer: ignoramus 493 N.
smattering: ignorance 491 N.
smear campaign: politics 737b N.
smear: uncleanness 653 V.
smell a rat: unbelief doubt 485 V. discovery 480a V.
smell of the lamp: ornament 577 V.
smell of the shop: vulgarity 851 V.
smell of: odor 398 V.
smell offensively: fetor 401 V.
smell powder: warfare 722 V.
smell strong of: odor 398 V.
smell strong: fetor 401 V.
smell sweet: fragrance 400 V.
smell: fetor 401 N. odor 398 V. odor 398 N. fetor 401 V.
smell-feast: servility 886 N.
smelling bottle: fragrance 400 N.
smelling of the lamp: preparation 673 Adj.
smelling salts: pungency 392 N.
smelling: odor 398 Adj. fetor 401 Adj.
smelt: calefaction 384 V. preparation 673 V.
smile at: ridicule 856 V.
smile of contempt: contempt 930 N.
smile upon: courtesy 894 V. aid 707 V. endearment 902 V.
smile: rejoicing 838 N. cheerfulness 836 V. amusement 840 V.
smiles of fortune: prosperity 734 N.
smiling: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
smirch: blackness 431 V. uncleanness 653 V.
smirk: rejoicing 838 N. amusement 840 V.
smite: badness 649 V. excitation 824 V. painfulness 830 V. punishment 972 V.
smith: agent 690 N.
smitten with: motive 615 Adj.
smitten: love 897 Adj.
smock frock: clothing 225 N.
smock: clothing 225 N.
smock-faced: cowardice 862 Adj.
smoke: uncleanness 653 N. uncleanness 653 V. unbelief doubt 485 V. discovery 480a V. acridity 401a N. pungency 392 N. heat 382 V. pulverulence 330 N. vaporization 336 V. disrespect 929 V. pungency 392 V.
smoker: sociality 892 N. drama 599 N.
smoker-party: sociality 892 N.
smokestack: airpipe 351 N. opening 260 N.
smokey: safety 664 N.
smoking hot: heat 382 Adj.
smoking room: receptacle 191 N.
smoking: heat 382 Adj.
smoky: uncleanness 653 Adj. turbidity 426a Adj. opacity 426 Adj.
smolder: heat 382 V. latency, implication 526 V. physical inertness 172 V.
smoldering: physical inertness 172 Adj. heat 382 Adj.
smooth as glass: horizontality 213 Adj. smoothness 255 Adj.
smooth as ice: smoothness 255 Adj.
smooth as oil: smoothness 255 Adj.
smooth as satin: texture 329 Adj.
smooth as silk: texture 329 Adj. smoothness 255 Phr.
smooth as velvet: smoothness 255 Adj.
smooth bore: arms 727 N.
smooth down: moderation 174 V.
smooth over: moderation 174 V.
smooth royal road: facility 705 N.
smooth sailing: facility 705 N.
smooth spoken: falsehood 544 Adj.
smooth the bed of death: aid 707 V. benevolence 906 V.
smooth the ground: facility 705 V.
smooth tongued: falsehood 544 Adj.
smooth water: facility 705 N.
smooth: uniformity 16 V. flattery 933 Adj. facility 705 V. facility 705 Adj. texture 329 Adj. smoothness 255 V. smoothness 255 Adj. horizontality 213 Adj. moderation 174 Adj. moderation 174 V.
smoothen: smoothness 255 V.
smooth-faced: falsehood 544 Adj.
smoothly: facility 705 Adv.
smoothness: lubrication 332 N. facility 705 N. flatness 251 N. smoothness 255 N.
smooth-tongued: flattery 933 Adj.
smother: killing 361 V. insulation, fire extinction 388a V. concealment 528 V. aphony 581 V. restraint 751 V.
smudge: uncleanness 653 N. uncleanness 653 V. blemish 848 N.
smug: affectation 855 Adj.
smuggle: stealing 791 V. illegality 964 N. interposition 228 V.
smuggler: thief 792 N.
smuggling: illegality 964 N.
smut: blackness 431 N. uncleanness 653 N. impurity 961 N.
smutch: blackness 431 V. uncleanness 653 V.
smutty: uncleanness 653 Adj. impurity 961 Adj.
snack: smallness 32 N. food 298 N.
snacks: participation 778 N.
snaffle: prison 752 N.
snag: hindrance 706 N. convexity 250 N. sharpness 253 N.
snaggy: sharpness 253 Adj.
snags and sawyers: hindrance 706 N.
snags: pitfall 667 N.
snail: slowness 275 N.
snail-like: slowness 275 Adj.
snake in the grass: badness 649 N. knave 941 N. pitfall 667 N. deceiver 548 N. latency, implication 526 N. evil 913 N. concealment 528 N.
snake oil: preservation 670 N.
snake: evil 913 N. sibilation 409 N. animal 366 N.
snake-like: convolution 248 Adj.
snakestone: convolution 248 N.
snaky: convolution 248 Adj.
snap at: taking 789 V. painfulness 830 V.
snap of the fingers: unimportance 643 N.
snap one up: disapprobation 932 V.
snap one's fingers at: contempt 930 V.
snap one's fingers: insolence 885 V.
snap the fingers at: defiance 715 V.
snap the thread: discontinuity 70 V.
snap up: taking 789 V.
snap: food 298 V. activity 682 N. time 106 N. brittleness 328 V. snap 406 N. snap 406 V. impulse 612 Adj. resentment 900 V. discourtesy 895 V. disjunction 44 V.
snapdragon: amusement 840 N.
snappish: irascibility 901 Adj.
snapshot: representation 554 V. representation 554 N.
snare: error 495 N. deception 545 N.
snarl: ululation 412 V. discord 713 N. discourtesy 895 V. resentment 900 V. threat 909 V.
snarling: discourtesy 895 Adj.
snatch a verdict: deception 545 V. cunning 702 V.
snatch at run down: pursuit 622 V.
snatch at: taking 789 V.
snatch from one's grasp: taking 789 V.
snatch: smallness 32 N. taking 789 V.
sneak away from: avoidance 623 V.
sneak off: avoidance 623 V.
sneak out of: avoidance 623 V.
sneak thief: thief 792 N.
sneak: servility 886 V. improbity 940 V. knave 941 N. cowardice 862 N. concealment 528 V. bad man 949 N. cowardice 862 V.
sneakers: clothing 225 N.
sneakiness: concealment 528 N.
sneaking suspicion: supposition 514 N.
sneaking: cowardice 862 Adj. servility 886 Adj. improbity 940 Adj.
sneer at: contempt 930 V. detraction 934 V. disapprobation 932 V.
sneer: contempt 930 N. disrespect 929 V. disrespect 929 N. disapprobation 932 N.
sneeze at: contempt 930 V.
sneeze: wind 349 V. sibilation 409 V.
sneezing: wind 349 N.
snick: smallness 32 N.
snicker: amusement 840 N. amusement 840 V.
snide: deception 545 Adj.
snider rifle: arms 727 N.
sniff: odor 398 V. discovery 480a V. wind 349 V.
sniffing valve: safety 664 N.
sniffle: wind 349 V.
snigger: amusement 840 N. amusement 840 V. ridicule 856 V. disrespect 929 V.
sniggle: deception 545 V.
snip: disjunction 44 V. clothing 225 N. smallness 32 N.
snipe: animal 366 N.
snippet: smallness 32 N.
snip-snap: discord 713 N.
snip-snap-snoren: amusement 840 N.
snitch: disclosure 529 N. disclosure 529 V.
snivel: lamentation 839 V.
sniveling: servility 886 Adj.
snob: vulgarity 851 N. commonality 876 N. servility 886 N.
snobbish: vulgarity 851 Adj. commonality 876 Adj.
snobbishness: flattery 933 N.
snood: clothing 225 N. circularity 247 N.
snooks: commonality 876 N.
snoopy: curiosity 455 Adj.
snooze: inactivity 683 N. inactivity 683 V.
snore one's best: inactivity 683 V.
snore: cry 411 V. inactivity 683 N.
snort: cry 411 V. ululation 412 V.
snout: convexity 250 N.
snow crystal: cold 383 N.
snow drift: cold 383 N.
snow tires: refuge 666 N.
snow: ship 273 N. cold 383 N. whiteness 430 N.
snowball: assemblage 72 N.
snowdrift: assemblage 72 N.
snowflake: cold 383 N.
snowplow: instrument 633 N.
snow-white: whiteness 430 Adj.
snowy: whiteness 430 Adj.
snub nosed: distortion 243 Adj.
snub: hindrance 706 V. disapprobation 932 V. insolence 885 V. disrepute 874 V. shortness 201 V. humility 879 V.
snuff out: insulation, fire extinction 388a V. darkness 421 V. destruction 162 V.
snuff up: reception 296 V. odor 398 V.
snuff: wind 349 V. odor 398 V. insulation, fire extinction 388a V. pungency 392 N.
snuff-colored: brown 433 Adj.
snuffle: wind 349 V. sibilation 409 V. stammering 583 V. impiety 988 V.
snuffy: uncleanness 653 Adj.
snug: content 831 Adj. physical pleasure 377 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. safety 664 Adj. closure 261 Adj. preparation 673 Adj.
snuggery: abode 189 N.
snugness: pleasure 827 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
so be it: assent 488 Adv. consent 762 Adv.
so far so good: approbation 931 Int. good 618 Phr.
so far: time 106 Adv.
so help me god: affirmation 535 Adv.
so let it be!: inaction 681 Int.
so let it be: assent 488 Adv.
so much the better: rejoicing 838 Int. content 831 Int.
so much the worse!: discontent 832 Int. aggravation 835 Int.
so to express oneself: metaphor 521 Adv.
so to say: metaphor 521 Adv.
so to speak: similarity 17 Adv. smallness 32 Adv. qualification 469 Adv. metaphor 521 Adv.
so: greatness 31 Adv. method 627 N. truth 494 Adj. similarity 17 Adj.
soak up: dryness 340 V.
soak: moisture 339 V. water 337 V. insertion 300 V. drunkenness 959 V.
soaker: drunkenness 959 N.
soaking wet: moisture 339 Adj.
soaking: moisture 339 Adj.
so-and-so: neologism 563 N.
soap box desk: school 542 N.
soap: lubrication 332 V. oil 356 N.
soapy: unctuousness 355 Adj. servility 886 Adj. flattery 933 Adj.
soar: navigation 267 V. transcursion 303 V. height 206 V. greatness 31 V. ascent 305 V.
soaring: height 206 Adj.
sob: lamentation 839 N. lamentation 839 V.
sober as a judge: dejection 837 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj. sobriety 958 Adj.
sober belief: belief 484 N.
sober down: humility 879 V. sanity 502 V. moderation 174 V.
sober minded: inexcitability 826 Adj.
sober opinion: belief 484 N.
sober reality: existence 1 N.
sober senses: sanity 502 N.
sober truth: truth 494 N. veracity 543 N.
sober: moderation 174 Adj. temperance 953 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj. sanity 502 V. sanity 502 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. moderation 174 V. sobriety 958 Adj.
sober-minded: sanity 502 Adj. humility 879 Adj.
soberness: temperance 953 N.
sobriety: moderation 174 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N. sanity 502 N. inexcitability 826 N. temperance 953 N. sobriety 958 N.
sobriquet: misnomer 565 N.
soc: jurisdiction 965 N.
socage: possession 777 N.
so-called: deception 545 Adj. misnomer 565 Adj.
soccer: amusement 840 N.
sociability: sociality 892 N.
sociable: vehicle 272 N. sociality 892 Adj.
sociableness: sociality 892 N.
social circle: sociality 892 N.
social democratic party: politics 737b N.
social evil: impurity 961 N.
social gathering: sociality 892 N.
social intercourse: sociality 892 N.
social reunion: sociality 892 N.
social science: philanthropy 910 N.
social: sociality 892 Adj. mankind 372 Adj.
socialism: government 737a N. politics 737b N. participation 778 N. philanthropy 910 N.
socialist party: politics 737b N.
socialist: philanthropy 910 N. participation 778 N.
socialists: party 712 N.
sociality: sociality 892 N.
society: mankind 372 N. party 712 N. fashion 852 N. sociality 892 N.
socinianism: heterodoxy 984 N.
sociology common weal: philanthropy 910 N.
sock: clothing 225 N. drama 599 N.
socket: concavity 252 N. luminary 423 N. receptacle 191 N.
socle: support 215 N.
socratic method: inquiry 461 N.
sod: plain 344 N.
soda pop: refreshment 689 N.
sodality: party 712 N. friendship 888 N.
sodden: moisture 339 Adj. calefaction 384 Adj.
sodomy: sexuality 374a N.
sofa: support 215 N.
soft as butter: softness 324 Adj.
soft as down: softness 324 Adj.
soft as peppermint: inexcitability 826 Adj.
soft as silk: softness 324 Adj.
soft hearted: sensibility 822 Adj. pity 914 Adj.
soft lenses: optical instruments 445 N.
soft music: music 415 N.
soft sawder: flattery 933 N. Pretext 617 N.
soft snap: inaction 681 N.
soft soap: flattery 933 N. oil 356 N.
soft thing: inaction 681 N.
soft tongue: courtesy 894 N.
soft words: courtesy 894 N.
soft!: silence 403 Int. cessation 142 Int.
soft: softness 324 Adj. cowardice 862 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj. lenity 740 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. credulity 486 Adj. melody concord 413 Adj. faintness 405 Adj. silence 403 Adj. moisture 339 Adj. smoothness 255 Adj. moderation 174 Adj. weakness 160 Adj. pity 914 Adj. marsh 345 Adj.
soft-buzzing slander: detraction 934 Phr.
softcore pornography: sexuality 374a N.
soften down: relief 834 V.
soften: moderation 174 V. softness 324 V. relief 834 V. pity 914 V. vindication 937 N.
softening of the brain: impotence 158 N.
softening: softness 324 N. relief 834 N. vindication 937 N.
softer sex: woman 374 N.
softling: weakness 160 N.
softness: sensibility 822 N. motive 615 N. softness 324 N.
soft-spoken: courtesy 894 Adj.
soggy: moisture 339 Adj.
soho!: attention 457 Int. allocution 586 Int. pursuit 622 Int.
soi-disant: vanity 880 Adj.
soil: region 181 N. land 342 N. uncleanness 653 N. uncleanness 653 V. ugliness 846 V.
soiled: uncleanness 653 Adj.
soiliness: uncleanness 653 N.
soilure: uncleanness 653 N.
soiree: sociality 892 N.
sojourn: presence 186 V. abode 189 N.
sojourner: inhabitant 188 N.
soke: government 737a N.
solace oneself with: pleasure 827 V.
solace: relief 834 N. amusement 840 N. amusement 840 V.
solar energy: power 157 N.
solar heat: furnace 386 N.
solar panels: power 157 N.
solar power: power 157 N.
solar system: world 318 N.
solar: world 318 Adj.
solatium: reward 973 N.
soldan: master 745 N.
solder: junction 43 V. connection 45 N. coherence 46 V.
soldering: coherence 46 N.
soldier of fortune: combatant 726 N.
soldier: combatant 726 N.
soldier-like: warfare 722 Adj.
soldierly: warfare 722 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
soldiership: warfare 722 N.
soldiery: combatant 726 N.
sole: unity 87 Adj. base 211 N. support 215 N.
solecism: intuition 477 N. solecism 568 N. inelegance 579 N.
solecistic: solecism 568 Adj.
solecistical: solecism 568 Adj.
solecize: solecism 568 V.
solemn averment: affirmation 535 N.
solemn avowal: affirmation 535 N.
solemn declaration: affirmation 535 N.
solemn mockery: ostentation 882 N.
solemn silence: silence 403 N.
solemn: dejection 837 Adj. repute 873 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj. piety 987 Adj. worship 990 Adj. importance 642 Adj. affirmation 535 Adj. silence 403 Adj.
solemnity: rite 998 N. ostentation 882 N. repute 873 N. importance 642 N. dejection 837 N.
solemnization: celebration 883 N.
solemnize: celebration 883 V.
sol-fa: musician 416 V.
solfeggio: music 415 N.
solicit the attention: attention 457 V.
solicit the mind: attention 457 V.
solicit the thoughts: attention 457 V.
solicit: request 765 V. desire 865 V.
solicitant: desire 865 N.
solicitation: motive 615 N. request 765 N.
solicitor: consignee 758 N. petitioner 767 N. lawyer 968 N.
solicitous: desire 865 Adj.
solicitude: desire 865 N. fear 860 N. care 459 N. pain 828 N.
solid body: density 321 N.
solid fueled rocket: fuel 388 N.
solid in galleys: printing 591 Adj.
solid knowledge: knowledge 490 N.
solid: knowledge 490 Adj. perseverance 604a Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. certainty 474 Adj. density 321 Adj. completeness 52 Adj. truth 494 Adj.
solidarity: completeness 52 N. party 712 N.
solidate: density 321 V.
solidation: density 321 N.
solidification: density 321 N. refrigeration 385 N.
solidified: density 321 Adj.
solidify: density 321 V.
solidity: density 321 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N. stability 150 N. completeness 52 N.
solidness: density 321 N.
solidungulate: animal 366 Adj.
soliloquize: speech 582 V. soliloquy 589 V.
soliloquizing: soliloquy 589 Adj.
soliloquy: soliloquy 589 N. speech 582 N.
soliped: animal 366 Adj.
solitaire: seclusion, exclusion 893 N. amusement 840 N.
solitariness: seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
solitary: unity 87 Adj. seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj.
solitude: unity 87 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 N.
solmization: musician 416 N.
solo: music 415 N.
solomon: sage 500 N.
solomon-like wisdom: intelligence, wisdom 498 N.
solon: sage 500 N.
solubility: fluidity 333 N.
soluble: fluidity 333 Adj. liquefaction 335 Adj.
solubleness: fluidity 333 N.
solution of continuity: discontinuity 70 N.
solution: interpretation 522 N. liquefaction 335 N. answer 462 N.
solve: interpretation 522 V. liquefaction 335 V. answer 462 V. discovery 480a V.
solved: latency, implication 526 Adj.
solvency: wealth 803 N.
solvent: decomposition 49 Adj. liquefaction 335 N. wealth 803 Adj.
somatic: materiality 316 Adj.
somatics: materiality 316 N.
somatism: materiality 316 N.
somatist: materiality 316 N. irreligion 989 N.
somatology: materiality 316 N.
somatoscopic: materiality 316 Adj.
somber: darkness 421 Adj. blackness 431 V. gray 432 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
sombrero: clothing 225 N.
sombrous: darkness 421 Adj.
some day: different time 119 Adv.
some forty or fifty: multitude 102 Adj.
some one of these days: different time 119 Adv.
some one: mankind 372 N.
some other time: different time 119 Adv.
some ten or a dozen: multitude 102 Adj.
some time ago: the past 122 Adv.
some time back: the past 122 Adv.
some time or other: different time 119 Adv.
some time since: the past 122 Adv.
some: plurality 100 Adj. smallness 32 Adv. quantity 25 Adj.
somebody: mankind 372 N. repute 873 N.
somehow or other: attribution 155 Adv. instrumentality 631 Adv. method 627 N.
somehow: attribution 155 Adv. instrumentality 631 Adv.
somersault: inversion 218 N.
somerset: inversion 218 N.
something else: difference 15 N.
something like that: qualification 469 Adv.
something like: similarity 17 Adj.
something or other: uncertainty 475 N.
something: substantiality 3 N. smallness 32 Adv. materiality 316 N.
sometimes: frequency 136 Adv.
somewhat: unimportance 643 Adv. smallness 32 Adv. qualification 469 Adv.
somewhere about: smallness 32 Adv.
somewhere: place 182 Adv.
somnambulism: journey 266 N. imagination 515 N.
somnambulist: traveler 268 N. imagination 515 N.
somnifacient: inactivity 683 Adj.
somniferous: inactivity 683 Adj. weariness 841 Adj.
somnific: inactivity 683 Adj.
somnolence: inactivity 683 N.
somnolent: inactivity 683 Adj.
somnus: inactivity 683 N.
son of the land: commonality 876 N.
son: posterity 167 N.
sonar: measurement 466 N. depth 208 N.
sonata: music 415 N.
song: music 415 N.
song-and-dance man: amusement 840 N.
songster: musician 416 N.
songstress: musician 416 N.
soniferous: sound 402 Adj.
sonnet: poetry 597 N.
sonneteer: poetry 597 N.
sonorific: sound 402 Adj.
sonorous: loudness 404 Adj. resonance 408 Adj. ornament 577 Adj. sound 402 Adj.
sonorousness: sound 402 N.
sons of belial: impiety 988 N.
sons of god: angel 977 N.
sons of men: impiety 988 N.
sonship: posterity 167 N.
soon: transientness 111 Adv. futurity 121 Adv. earliness 132 Adv.
sooner or later: different time 119 Adv. futurity 121 Adv.
sooner said than done: difficulty 704 Adj.
soot: calefaction 384 N. blackness 431 N. uncleanness 653 N.
sooth to say: veracity 543 Adv.
sooth: prediction 511 N.
soothe: moderation 174 V. relief 834 V. flattery 933 V.
soothing: relief 834 N. relief 834 Adj. faintness 405 Adj.
soothsay: prediction 511 V.
soothsayer: oracle 513 N. sorcerer 994 N.
soothsaying: prediction 511 N.
sooty: blackness 431 V. uncleanness 653 Adj.
sop for cerberus: motive 615 N.
sop: smallness 32 N. reward 973 N. motive 615 N. food 298 N. fool 501 N.
sophi: master 745 N.
sophism: intuition 477 N. absurdity 497 N.
sophist: scholar 492 N. deceiver 548 N.
sophister: scholar 492 N. learner 541 N.
sophistical: intuition 477 Adj. absurdity 497 Adj.
sophisticate: mixture 41 V. deterioration 659 Adj.
sophisticated: deception 545 Adj.
sophistication: mixture 41 N.
sophistry: imbecility folly 499 N. misteaching 538 N. intuition 477 N.
sophomore: learner 541 N.
soporiferous: inactivity 683 Adj.
soporific: inactivity 683 Adj. weariness 841 Adj.
soporous: inactivity 683 Adj.
soprano: stridor 410 N.
sorcerer: oracle 513 N. sorcerer 994 N.
sorcery: sorcery 992 N.
sordes: uncleanness 653 N.
sordet: musical instruments 417 N.
sordid: parsimony 819 Adj. greed 817a Adj.
sordine: musical instruments 417 N.
sore against one's grain: unwillingness 603 Adv.
sore against one's will: unwillingness 603 Adv.
sore against one's wishes: unwillingness 603 Adv.
sore place: sensibility 822 N.
sore point: sensibility 822 N.
sore subject: painfulness 830 N. resentment 900 N.
sore: physical pain 378 N. disease 655 N. pain 828 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj. discontent 832 Adj. resentment 900 Adj. physical pain 378 Adj.
sorely pressed: difficulty 704 Adj.
sorely: greatness 31 Adv.
soreness: physical pain 378 N. discontent 832 N. resentment 900 N.
sorghum: sweetness 396 N.
sorites: reasoning 476 N.
sororal: benevolence 906 Adj.
sorority: assemblage 72 N.
sorrel: redness 434 Adj.
sorrow: pain 828 N.
sorrowful: pain 828 Adj. lamentation 839 Adj.
sorrowing: pain 828 Adj. lamentation 839 Adj.
sorry sight: painfulness 830 N. dejection 837 N.
sorry: unimportance 643 Adj. pain 828 Adj. commonality 876 Adj.
sort of: similarity 17 Adj. qualification 469 Adv.
sort with: sociality 892 V.
sort: list 86 V. continuity 69 V. degree 26 N. arrangement 60 V. class 75 N.
sortable: agreement 23 Adj.
sortance: agreement 23 N.
sorter: arrangement 60 N.
sortes virgilianae: chance 156 N. sorcery 992 N. chance 621 N.
sortes: chance 156 N. chance 621 N.
sortie: attack 716 N.
sortilege: prediction 511 Phr. sorcery 992 N.
sortilegy: chance 621 N.
sorting: arrangement 60 N.
sortition: chance 621 N.
so-so: imperfection 651 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj. smallness 32 Adj.
sossle: uncleanness 653 N.
sot: fool 501 N. drunkenness 959 N. drunkenness 959 V.
soterial: deity 976 Adj.
sotnia: combatant 726 N.
sottish: imbecility folly 499 Adj. drunkenness 959 Adj.
sou: money 800 N.
soubrette: servant 746 N.
sough: conduit 350 N. uncleanness 653 N.
soul sick: dejection 837 Adj.
soul: intelligence, wisdom 498 N. intrinsicality 5 N. affections 820 N. mankind 372 N. life 359 N. intellect 450 N.
soulless: inactivity 683 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
soulmate: friend 890 N.
soul-stirring: feeling 821 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
soul-subduing: excitation 824 Adj.
sound a retreat: regression 283 V.
sound a trumpet: publication 531 V.
sound an alarm: alarm 669 V. fear 860 V. indication 550 V.
sound as a bell: health 654 Adj.
sound as a roach: health 654 Adj. perfection 650 Adj. strength 159 Adj.
sound as a top: inactivity 683 Adj.
sound asleep: inactivity 683 Adj.
sound dead: nonresonance 408a V.
sound mind: sanity 502 N.
sound of trumpet: alarm 669 N.
sound of wind and limb: health 654 Adj.
sound out: experiment 463 V.
sound reasoning: reasoning 476 N.
sound sleep: inactivity 683 N.
sound the alarm: warning 668 V. alarm 669 V.
sound the horn: musician 416 V.
sound the praises of: approbation 931 V.
sound the trumpets: indication 550 V.
sound: sanity 502 Adj. orthodoxy 983a Adj. gaseity 334 N. perfection 650 Adj. goodness 648 Adj. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. sound 402 N. depth 208 V. gulf, lake 343 N. hearing 418 N. inquiry 461 V. measurement 466 V. truth 494 Adj. health 654 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. conformity 82 Adj. depth 208 N. sound 402 V.
sounding board: resonance 408 N.
sounding line: depth 208 N.
sounding rod: depth 208 N.
sounding: sound 402 Adj.
sounding-board: musical instruments 417 N.
soundings: depth 208 N.
soundless: depth 208 Adj. silence 403 Adj.
sound-minded: sanity 502 Adj.
soundness of doctrine: orthodoxy 983a N.
soundness: orthodoxy 983a N. stability 150 N. sanity 502 N. health 654 N.
soup: food 298 N. semiliquidity 352 N.
soupcon: smallness 32 N. mixture 41 N.
souped-up car: vehicle 272 N.
sour as a crab: sullenness 901a Adj. discontent 832 Adj.
sour as a lemon: sourness 397 Phr.
sour as vinegar: sourness 397 Adj.
sour grapes: impossibility 471 N. Pretext 617 N.
sour the temper: painfulness 830 V.
sour: sullenness 901a Adj. aggravation 835 V. sourness 397 V. sourness 397 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj.
source of annoyance: painfulness 830 N. hate 898 N.
source of danger: danger 665 N.
source of irritation: painfulness 830 N.
source of pleasure: physical pleasure 377 N.
source: beginning 66 N. cause 153 N.
sourdet: musical instruments 417 N.
sourdine: musical instruments 417 N.
soured: discontent 832 Adj.
sourish: sourness 397 Adj.
sourness: bitterness 392b N. sourness 397 N.
souse: plunge 310 V. water 337 V.
south pole: attraction 288 N.
south: direction 278 N.
southern cross: world 318 N.
southern lights: luminary 423 N.
southern: contraposition 237 Adj.
souvenir: memory 505 N.
sovereign authority: government 737a N.
sovereign contempt: contempt 930 N.
sovereign remedy: remedy 662 N.
sovereign: strength 159 Adj. superiority 33 Adj. government 737a Adj. master 745 N.
sovereignty: government 737a N. deity 976 N.
soveriegn: government 737a N.
sow broadcast: prodigality 818 V.
sow dissension: discord 713 V. hate 898 V.
sow one's wild oats: amusement 840 V. improvement 658 V. intemperance 954 V. vice 945 V.
sow the sand: inutility 645 V.
sow the seed: preparation 673 V.
sow the seeds of: cause 153 V. teaching 537 V.
sow: agriculture 371 V. animal 366 N. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. woman 374 N.
sowing: preparation 673 N.
soybean oil: oil 356 N.
sozzle: uncleanness 653 N.
sozzly: uncleanness 653 Adj.
spa: remedy 662 N. abode 189 N.
space telescope: optical instruments 445 N.
space travel: navigation 267 N.
space: time 106 N. space 180 N. distance 196 N. melody concord 413 N.
spaced out: insanity 503 Adj.
spaceport: arrival 292 N. departure 293 N.
space-time: time 106 N.
spacious: space 180 Adj. size 192 Adj.
spackel: covering 223 N.
spaddle: vehicle 272 N.
spade husbandry: agriculture 371 N.
spade: vehicle 272 N.
spades: amusement 840 N.
spahee: combatant 726 N.
spahi: combatant 726 N.
spake the grisly terror: death 360 Phr.
span: distance 196 N. junction 43 V. length 200 N. measurement 466 V. nearness 197 N. time 106 N. connection 45 V. duality 89 N. transientness 111 N.
spangle: light 420 N. ornament 847 N. ornament 847 V.
spaniel: animal 366 N. servility 886 N.
spank: velocity 274 V. punishment 972 V.
spanker: size 192 N.
spanking pace: velocity 274 N.
spanking rate: velocity 274 N.
spanking: size 192 Adj.
span-new: newness 123 Adj.
spar: pendency 214 N. discord 713 V. contention 720 N. contention 720 V.
spare diet: fasting 956 N.
spare hours: leisure 685 N.
spare moments: leisure 685 N.
spare no efforts: exertion 686 V.
spare no expense: liberality 816 V.
spare no pains: exertion 686 V.
spare room: space 180 N.
spare time: occasion 134 N. leisure 685 N.
spare: store 636 Adj. giving 784 V. narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. avoidance 623 V. insufficiency 640 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj. disuse 678 V. inaction 681 V. relinquishment 782 V. temperance 953 V. exemption 927a V. economy 817 Adj. littleness 193 Adj.
sparge: vaporization 336 V.
spargefaction: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 N. water 337 N.
sparing of praise: disapprobation 932 Adj.
sparing of words: taciturnity 585 Adj.
sparing: smallness 32 Adj. temperance 953 Adj. parsimony 819 Adj. insufficiency 640 Adj. economy 817 Adj.
sparingly: economy 817 Adv.
spark: smallness 32 N. heat 382 N. light 420 N. luminary 423 N. humorist 844 N.
sparking: endearment 902 N.
sparkle: bubble; cloud 353 V. light 420 V.
sparkling: cheerfulness 836 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. excitation 824 Adj. vigor 574 Adj. light 420 N. bubble; cloud 353 Adj. wit 842 Adj.
sparring: contention 720 N.
sparse: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 Adj.
sparsim: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 Spartacus: -
spartacus: disobedience 742 N.
spartan: severity 739 Adj.
spasm: violence 173 N. agitation 315 N. physical pain 378 N. revolution 146 N.
spasmodic cholera: disease 655 N.
spasmodic: changeableness 149 Adj. violence 173 Adj. transientness 111 Adj. discontinuity 70 Adj. irregularity of recurrence 139 Adj.
spat: posterity 167 N. discord 713 N.
spathic: layer 204 Adj.
spathose: layer 204 Adj.
spatter: uncleanness 653 V.
spatterdash: clothing 225 N.
spatula: receptacle 191 N. vehicle 272 N.
spavined: disease 655 Adj.
spawn: posterity 167 N. uncleanness 653 N.
speak by the card: veracity 543 V. phrase 566 V.
speak daggers: disapprobation 932 V.
speak falsely: falsehood 544 V.
speak for itself: visibility 446 V. manifestation 525 V. intelligibility 518 V. evidence 467 V.
speak for: vindication 937 N.
speak highly of: approbation 931 V.
speak ill of: disapprobation 932 V.
speak in high terms of: approbation 931 V.
speak low: aphony 581 V.
speak of: publication 531 V. speech 582 V. meaning 516 V.
speak one fair: courtesy 894 V.
speak one's mind: veracity 543 V. speech 582 V. artlessness 703 V.
speak out: manifestation 525 V. disclosure 529 V. artlessness 703 V.
speak peace: content 831 V.
speak slightingly of: disrespect 929 V.
speak softly: aphony 581 V.
speak the truth: disclosure 529 V. veracity 543 V. probity 939 V.
speak thick: stammering 583 V.
speak through the nose: stammering 583 V.
speak to the winds: inutility 645 V.
speak to: allocution 586 V. speech 582 V.
speak up for: vindication 937 N.
speak up: loudness 404 V.
speak volumes: evidence 467 V. intelligibility 518 V. information 527 V.
speak well of: approbation 931 V.
speaker of the house: government 737a N.
speaker: interpreter 524 N. director 694 N. speech 582 N.
speaking generally: generality 78 Adv.
speaking likeness: representation 554 N.
speaking resemblance: similarity 17 N.
speaking trumpet: hearing 418 N.
speaking: speech 582 Adj.
spear bearer: combatant 726 N.
spear: opening 260 V. perforator 262 N. arms 727 N.
spearman: combatant 726 N.
special correspondent: consignee 758 N. news 532 N. messenger 534 N.
special pleader: lawyer 968 N.
special pleading: intuition 477 N. Pretext 617 N.
special providence: deity 976 N.
special train: vehicle 272 N.
special: speciality 79 Adj.
specialist: remedy 662 N. stock market 799a N.
specialite: speciality 79 N.
speciality: speciality 79 N.
specialize: speciality 79 V.
specially: speciality 79 Adv.
specialty: security 771 N.
specie: money 800 N.
species: class 75 N. appearance 448 N.
specific gravity: gravity 319 N. density 321 N.
specific: remedy 662 N. speciality 79 Adj.
specification: class 75 N. qualification 469 N. information 527 N. description 594 N.
specificness: speciality 79 N.
specify: speciality 79 V. information 527 V. nomenclature 564 V.
specimen: conformity 82 N.
specious: vindication 937 Adj. probability 472 Adj. intuition 477 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. flattery 933 Adj.
speciousness: intuition 477 N.
speck: blemish 848 N. smallness 32 N.
speckle: variegation 440 V. blemish 848 N. blemish 848 V.
speckled: variegation 440 Adj.
specs: optical instruments 445 N.
spectacle: ostentation 882 N. prodigy 872 N. appearance 448 N. drama 599 N.
spectacles: optical instruments 445 N.
spectacular: ostentation 882 Adj.
spectator: spectator 444 N.
specter of the brocken: dimsightedness 443 N.
specter: demon 980 N. ugliness 846 N. dimsightedness 443 N.
spectral: unsubstantiality 4 Adj. demon 980 Adj. inexistence 2 Adj.
spectrogram: representation 554 N.
spectrograph: color 428 N.
spectrometer: color 428 N. optical instruments 445 N.
spectrophotometer: measurement 466 N.
spectroscope: color 428 N. optical instruments 445 N.
spectroscopy: color 428 N.
spectrum analysis: color 428 N.
spectrum: color 428 N. variegation 440 N. dimsightedness 443 N.
speculate: essay 675 V. stock market 799a V. barter 794 V. vision 441 V. chance 621 V. thought 451 V. supposition 514 V.
speculation: chance 156 N. vision 441 N. thought 451 N. experiment 463 N. supposition 514 N. chance 621 N. essay 675 N. barter 794 N. stock market 799a N. amusement 840 N.
speculative: experiment 463 Adj. supposition 514 Adj. chance 621 Adj. thought 451 Adj.
speculator: stock market 799a N.
speculum: optical instruments 445 N.
sped: completion 729 Adj.
speech from the throne: advice 695 N.
speech: language 560 N. speech 582 N. allocution 586 N.
speechify: speech 582 V.
speechifying: speech 582 N.
speechless: aphony 581 Adj.
speechmaker: speech 582 N.
speed the parting guest: courtesy 894 V.
speed: success 731 N. intemperance 954 N. velocity 274 N. success 731 V. aid 707 V. haste 684 N. velocity 274 V. activity 682 V.
speedily: earliness 132 Adv.
speedometer: velocity 274 N.
speedway: method 627 N.
speedy: instantaneity 113 Adj. velocity 274 Adj.
spell for: desire 865 V.
spell out: interpretation 522 V.
spell: spell 993 N. necessity 601 N. motive 615 N. exertion 686 N. refreshment 689 N. learning 539 V. time 106 N. letter 561 V.
spellbound compulsory: necessity 601 Adj.
spellbound: motive 615 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
spelling: letter 561 N.
spence: store 636 N.
spencer: clothing 225 N.
spend freely: liberality 816 V.
spend one's time in: business 625 V.
spend time in: inactivity 683 V.
spend time: time 106 V.
spend: purchase 795 V. expenditure 809 V. waste 638 V. ejection 297 V. giving 784 V.
spendthrift: prodigality 818 N.
spent: weakness 160 Adj. fatigue 688 Adj.
sperm: cause 153 N.
spermaceti: oil 356 N.
spermary: organization 357 N.
spermatic: productiveness 168 Adj.
spermative: productiveness 168 V.
spermatozoon: organization 357 N.
spew forth: ejection 297 V.
spew: ejection 297 V.
sphacelate: break: deterioration 659 Adj.
sphacelation: disease 655 N.
sphacelus: disease 655 N.
sphere of influence: property 780 N.
sphere: rotundity 249 V. rotundity 249 N. business 625 N. circularity 247 N. degree 26 N. region 181 N. space 180 N. world 318 N.
spherical angle: angularity 244 N.
spherical: circularity 247 Adj. rotundity 249 Adj.
sphericity: rotundity 249 N.
spheroid: rotundity 249 N.
spheroidal: rotundity 249 Adj.
spheroidity: rotundity 249 N.
spherule: rotundity 249 N.
sphery: world 318 Adj.
sphinx: equivocalness 520 N. oracle 513 N. unconformity 83 N. secret 533 N.
spial: warning 668 N.
spice up: condiment 393 V.
spice: condiment 393 V. condiment 393 N. pungency 392 V. mixture 41 N. smallness 32 N.
spicilegium: compendium 596 N. assemblage 72 N.
spick and span: newness 123 Adj.
spicular: sharpness 253 Adj.
spiculate: sharpness 253 V.
spicule: sharpness 253 N.
spiculum: sharpness 253 N.
spicy: excitation 824 Adj. pungency 392 Adj. fragrance 400 Adj.
spider webs: preservation 670 N.
spider: receptacle 191 N. animal 366 N.
spieler: deceiver 548 N. thief 792 N.
spigot: stopper 263 N.
spike guns: hindrance 706 V. inutility 645 V.
spike the guns: impotence 158 V.
spike: stopper 263 N. sharpness 253 N. opening 260 V.
spikebit: perforator 262 N.
spiked: sharpness 253 Adj.
spiky: sharpness 253 Adj.
spill and pelt: disorder 59 N.
spill blood: warfare 722 V.
spill ink: writing 590 V.
spill the beans: information 527 V. disclosure 529 V.
spill: ejection 297 V. river 348 V. fuel 388 N. waste 638 V. stopper 263 N. filament 205 N. prodigality 818 V.
spin a long yarn: exaggeration 549 V. diffuseness 573 V.
spin like a teetotum: rotation 312 V.
spin like a top: rotation 312 V.
spin out: diffuseness 573 V. diuturnity 110 V. lateness 133 V. length 200 V. rotation 312 V.
spin: rejection 610 V. rotation 312 V.
spinal: centrality 222 Adj.
spindle shaped: sharpness 253 Adj.
spindle: rotation 312 N.
spindleshanks: narrowness, thinness 203 N.
spindrift: bubble; cloud 353 N.
spine: sharpness 253 N. courage 861 N.
spinel: jewelry 847a N.
spinelle: jewelry 847a N.
spinet: vegetable 367 N. musical instruments 417 N.
spinney: vegetable 367 N.
spinning: rotation 312 N.
spinosity: discourtesy 895 N. sullenness 901a N. unintelligibility 519 N. sharpness 253 N.
spinous: sharpness 253 Adj.
spin-out: rotation 312 N.
spinster: celibacy 904 N.
spinuliferous: sharpness 253 Adj.
spiny: sharpness 253 Adj.
spiracle: airpipe 351 N.
spiral: convolution 248 Adj. curvature 245 N. curvature 245 Adj. convolution 248 N.
spire: height 206 N. sharpness 253 N. ascent 305 V.
spiriferous: convolution 248 Adj.
spirit away: stealing 791 V.
spirit level: horizontality 213 N.
spirit of myrcia: fragrance 400 N.
spirit rapping: sorcery 992 N.
spirit up: motive 615 V. excitation 824 V.
spirit: intellect 450 N. affections 820 N. courage 861 N. demon 980 N. immateriality 317 N. intrinsicality 5 N. vigor 574 N. life 359 N. meaning 516 N. activity 682 N.
spirited: disinterestedness 942 Adj. courage 861 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj. vigor 574 Adj. activity 682 Adj. sensibility 822 Adj.
spiritful: cheerfulness 836 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
spiritless: insensibility 823 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. cowardice 862 Adj.
spiritoso: music 415 Adv.
spirits: cheerfulness 836 N. food 298 N.
spirit-stirring: excitation 824 Adj.
spiritual director: clergy 996 N.
spiritual existence: piety 987 N.
spiritual wife: libertine 962 N. marriage 903 N.
spiritual wifeism: marriage 903 N.
spiritual wifery: marriage 903 N.
spiritual: deity 976 Adj. piety 987 Adj. intellect 450 Adj. immateriality 317 Adj.
spiritualism: sorcery 992 N. immateriality 317 N. intellect 450 N.
spiritualist: immateriality 317 N.
spirituality: immateriality 317 N.
spiritualize: immateriality 317 V. reasoning 476 V.
spirituel: wit 842 Adj.
spiroid: convolution 248 Adj.
spirometer: measurement 466 N.
spirt: ejection 297 V. exertion 686 N. river 348 N. haste 684 N.
spirtle: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. river 348 V.
spissitude: density 321 N. semiliquidity 352 N.
spit: ejection 297 V. opening 260 V. sharpness 253 N. river 348 V.
spite: malevolence 907 N. envy 921 N.
spiteful: hate 898 Adj. malevolence 907 Adj.
spitfire: irascibility 901 N.
spittle: excretion 299 N.
spittoon: receptacle 191 N.
splanchnology: texture 329 N.
splash: river 348 N. river 348 V. uncleanness 653 V. ostentation 882 N. water 337 V.
splay footed: distortion 243 Adj.
spleen bitterness: hate 898 N.
spleen: sullenness 901a N. dejection 837 N. resentment 900 N.
spleenish: sullenness 901a Adj.
spleenless: benevolence 906 Adj.
spleenly: sullenness 901a Adj.
splendent: light 420 Adj.
splendid: light 420 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. repute 873 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj.
splendor: light 420 N. beauty 845 N. repute 873 N. ostentation 882 N.
splenetic: dejection 837 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj.
splice the main brace: drunkenness 959 V.
splice: junction 43 V. crossing 219 V. interposition 228 V. restoration 660 V.
spline curve: curvature 245 N.
spline function: curvature 245 N.
spline: curvature 245 N.
splint: support 215 N.
splinter: disjunction 44 V. filament 205 N. greatness 31 Adv. brittleness 328 V.
splintery: brittleness 328 Adj.
split hairs: discrimination 465 V. intuition 477 V.
split one's sides: amusement 840 V.
split the difference: compromise 774 V. mean 29 V.
split the ears: stridor 410 V. loudness 404 V.
split the head: stridor 410 V. loudness 404 V.
split upon a rock: failure 732 V.
split: disjunction 44 V. amusement 840 V. disjunction 44 N. bisection 91 V. brittleness 328 V. disclosure 529 V. discord 713 N. discord 713 V. failure 732 N.
splitting: brittleness 328 Adj.
splurge: ostentation 882 N.
splutter: physical energy 171 N. ejection 297 V. stammering 583 V. haste 684 N.
spoil one's trade: opposition 708 V.
spoil sport: hindrance 706 V.
spoil: stealing 791 V. booty 793 N. hindrance 706 V. deterioration 659 Adj. satiety 869 V. lenity 740 V.
spoiled child of fortune: prosperity 734 N.
spoiled child: satiety 869 N. favorite 899 N.
spoiler: thief 792 N.
spoiling: deterioration 659 Adj.
spoke: length 200 N. sharpness 253 N. hindrance 706 N.
spoken: speech 582 Adj.
spokesman: interpreter 524 N. speech 582 N.
spoliate: stealing 791 V.
spoliation: evil 619 N. stealing 791 N.
spondee: poetry 597 N.
sponge out: obliteration 552 V.
sponge: cleanness 652 V. servility 886 V. stealing 791 V. dryness 340 V. drunkenness 959 N. moisture 339 V. sponge 252a N. cleanness 652 N.
sponger: petitioner 767 N. servility 886 N.
sponginess: rarity 322 N.
sponging house: prison 752 N.
spongious: sponge 252a Adj.
spongy: sponge 252a Adj. rarity 322 Adj. softness 324 Adj.
sponsion: security 771 N.
sponsor: security 771 V. security 771 N. evidence 467 N.
sponsorship: security 771 N.
spontaneity: will 600 N.
spontaneous generation: production 161 N.
spontaneous: freedom 748 Adj. nonpreparation 674 Adj. impulse 612 Adj. willingness 602 Adj. will 600 Adj.
spontaneousness: will 600 N.
spontoon: arms 727 N.
spoof: deception 545 N. deception 545 V.
spook: demon 980 N.
spool: vehicle 272 N.
spoon: endearment 902 V. receptacle 191 N. instrument 633 N.
spoonful: quantity 25 N. smallness 32 N.
spoonmeat: food 298 N.
spoony: imbecility folly 499 Adj. endearment 902 Adj.
spoor: odor 398 N.
sporaceous: pulverulence 330 Adj.
sporadic: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 Adj.
spore: pulverulence 330 N.
sporogenous: production 161 Adj.
sporophorous: production 161 Adj.
sporous: pulverulence 330 Adj.
sport one's oak: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
sport: killing 361 N. ostentation 882 V. amusement 840 V. pursuit 622 N. amusement 840 N.
sporting dog: animal 366 N.
sporting goods store: mart 799 N.
sporting: killing 361 Adj. killing 361 N. pursuit 622 N. contention 720 N. endearment 902 N.
sportive: cheerfulness 836 Adj. amusement 840 Adj.
sports car: vehicle 272 N.
sports: amusement 840 N.
sportscaster: news 532 N.
sportsman: killing 361 N. pursuit 622 N. amusement 840 N.
sportula: giving 784 N.
sportulary: giving 784 Adj. receiving 785 N.
sportule: giving 784 N.
sporule: pulverulence 330 N.
spot points: equality 27 V.
spot: blemish 848 N. uncleanness 653 V. discovery 480a V. disrepute 874 N. situation 183 N. place 182 N. indication 550 V.
spotless: innocence 946 Adj. perfection 650 Adj. cleanness 652 Adj. beauty 845 Adj.
spots on the sun: blemish 848 N.
spotted: deterioration 659 Adj. variegation 440 Adj.
spottiness: variegation 440 N. blemish 848 N.
spotty: fewness 103 Adj. variegation 440 Adj.
spousal: marriage 903 Adj.
spousals: marriage 903 N.
spouse: accompaniment 88 N. marriage 903 N.
spouseless: celibacy 904 Adj.
spout: speech 582 V. drama 599 V. conduit 350 N. river 348 V. river 348 N. egress 295 V. egress 295 N. security 771 V.
sprag: instrument 633 N.
sprain: impotence 158 V. weakness 160 N. weakness 160 V.
sprawl: horizontality 213 V. descent 306 V. length 200 V.
spray: vaporization 336 N. river 348 N. river 348 V. bubble; cloud 353 N. vegetable 367 N. part 51 N.
spread a shade: darkness 421 V.
spread a shadow: darkness 421 V.
spread abroad: publication 531 V.
spread canvas: navigation 267 V.
spread gloom: darkness 421 V.
spread like wildfire: expansion 194 V. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. influence 175 V. violence 173 V. publication 531 V.
spread out: expansion 194 V.
spread sail: navigation 267 V.
spread the toils: deception 545 V.
spread to: distance 196 V.
spread: food 298 N. divergence 291 V. expansion 194 V. publication 531 V. increase 35 N. increase 35 V. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 N. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. space 180 N. expansion 194 N.
spree: amusement 840 N.
spretae injuria formae: ugliness 846 N.
sprig: part 51 N. arms 727 N.
sprightful: cheerfulness 836 Adj.
sprightly: cheerfulness 836 Adj. wit 842 Adj.
spring a leak: imperfection 651 V. deterioration 659 Adj.
spring a mine upon: inexpectation 508 V.
spring a mine: destruction 162 V. attack 716 V.
spring a project: plan 626 V.
spring back: elasticity 325 V. recoil 277 V.
spring balance: gravity 319 N.
spring forth: beginning 66 V.
spring gun: deception 545 N.
spring head: cause 153 N.
spring net: deception 545 N.
spring of life: adolescence 131 N.
spring tide: river 348 N. greatness 31 N. lowness 207 N. height 206 N. completeness 52 N.
spring to one's feet: elevation 307 V.
spring up like mushrooms: reproduction 163 V.
spring up: eventuality 151 V. visibility 446 V. beginning 66 V. expansion 194 V. ascent 305 V.
spring upon: taking 789 V.
spring: leap 309 V. strength 159 N. leap 309 N. departure 293 V. elasticity 325 N. morning 125 N. cause 153 N. store 636 N. instrument 633 N. river 348 N. velocity 274 V. recoil 277 N. elasticity 325 Adj.
springe: deception 545 V. deception 545 N.
springiness: elasticity 325 N.
springing back: recoil 277 N.
springle: deception 545 N.
spring-net: deception 545 N.
springs of action: motive 615 N.
springtide of life: youth 127 N.
sprinkle: mixture 41 V. variegation 440 V. rite 998 V. addition 37 V. water 337 V. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V.
sprinklers: insulation, fire extinction 388a N.
sprinkling: smallness 32 N. mixture 41 N.
sprit: posterity 167 N. support 215 N.
sprite: Jupiter 979 N. demon 980 N.
sprout from: effect 154 V.
sprout: posterity 167 N. expansion 194 V. increase 35 V.
spruce: cleanness 652 Adj. beauty 845 Adj.
sprue: uncleanness 653 N.
sprung: imperfection 651 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj.
spry: cheerfulness 836 Adj. activity 682 Adj.
spud: vehicle 272 N.
spume: bubble; cloud 353 N.
spun out: diuturnity 110 Adj. diffuseness 573 Adj.
spunk: courage 861 N.
spur: convexity 250 N. motive 615 V. sharpness 253 N. motive 615 N.
spurious: error 495 Adj. falsehood 544 Adj. deception 545 Adj. undueness 925 Adj.
spurn: indifference 866 V. contempt 930 N. contempt 930 V. refusal 764 V.
spurred: sharpness 253 Adj.
spurt: haste 684 N. exertion 686 N. impulse 612 N. river 348 V. river 348 N. ejection 297 V. velocity 274 N. transientness 111 N.
sputa: excretion 299 N.
sputter: discontinuity 70 V. ejection 297 V. river 348 V. stammering 583 V.
spy film: drama 599 N.
spy plane: warning 668 N. ship 273 N.
spy satellite: warning 668 N.
spy: spectator 444 N. warning 668 N. messenger 534 N. inquiry 461 V. vision 441 V. information 527 N.
spyglass: optical instruments 445 N.
spy-in-the-sky: height 206 N. warning 668 N.
squab: size 192 Adj. shortness 201 Adj. breadth, thickness 202 Adj. support 215 N.
squabble: discord 713 V. discord 713 N.
squabby: shortness 201 Adj.
squad: combatant 726 N. assemblage 72 N.
squadron: combatant 726 N.
squalid: uncleanness 653 Adj. ugliness 846 Adj.
squall: violence 173 N. wind 349 N. cry 411 V. discord 713 N.
squally: wind 349 Adj.
squalor: uncleanness 653 N. ugliness 846 N.
squamiferous: covering 223 Adj.
squamous: layer 204 Adj. covering 223 Adj.
squander: waste 638 V. prodigality 818 V.
squanderer: prodigality 818 N.
squandering: loss 776 N. prodigality 818 N.
square accounts with: payment 807 V.
square accounts: accounts 811 V.
square centimeters: space 180 N.
square dance: amusement 840 N.
square inches: space 180 N.
square meal: food 298 N.
square meters: space 180 N.
square miles: space 180 N.
square the circle: impossibility 471 V.
square toes: laughingstock 857 N.
square up: painting 556 V.
square with: agreement 23 V.
square yards: space 180 N.
square: verticality 212 N. probity 939 Adj. four 95 N. four 95 Adj. four 95 V. abode 189 N. angularity 244 Adj. angularity 244 N. contention 720 V. dueness 924 Adj. agreement 23 V. compensation 30 V. place 182 N.
squash: softness 324 V. sibilation 409 V. semiliquidity 352 V. impulse 276 N. destruction 162 V. semiliquidity 352 N. marsh 345 N.
squashy: marsh 345 Adj.
squat: shortness 201 Adj. depression 308 V. breadth, thickness 202 Adj. littleness 193 Adj. location 184 V. lowness 207 Adj.
squatter: inhabitant 188 N.
squaw: woman 374 N. marriage 903 N.
squawk: ululation 412 V.
squeak: ululation 412 V. cry 411 V.
squeal: disclosure 529 V. cry 411 V.
squealer: knave 941 N.
squeamish: unwillingness 603 Adj. disease 655 Adj. fastidiousness 868 Adj.
squeasy: fastidiousness 868 Adj.
squeezable: consent 762 Adj.
squeeze in: interposition 228 V.
squeeze out: giving 784 V. extraction 301 V. ejection 297 V.
squeeze the hand: courtesy 894 V.
squeeze: compulsion 744 V. density 321 V. contraction 195 V. courtesy 894 N.
squeezers: amusement 840 N.
squeezing: contraction 195 N. extraction 301 N.
squelch: destruction 162 V. resonance 408 N.
squib: snap 406 N. ridicule 856 N.
squiffy: drunkenness 959 Adj.
squint: vision 441 V. dimsightedness 443 N. dimsightedness 443 V.
squirarchy: nobility 875 N.
squire: nobility 875 N. aid 707 V. servant 746 N. servant 746 V.
squireen: nobility 875 N.
squirm: agitation 315 V.
squirrel: velocity 274 N.
squirt: ejection 297 V. river 348 N.
st. anthony's fire: health 654 N.
st. elmo's fire: prodigy 872 N.
st. elmo's light: prodigy 872 N.
st. gile's greek: neologism 563 N.
st. luke's summer: evening 126 N.
st. martin's summer: evening 126 N.
st. swithin's day: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
st. vitus's dance: agitation 315 N. disease 655 N.
stab: badness 649 V. deterioration 659 Adj. opening 260 V. killing 361 V.
stabiliment: stability 150 N.
stabilitate: stability 150 V.
stability: permanence 141 N. stability 150 N.
stable companion: friend 890 N.
stable equilibrium: stability 150 N.
stable: stability 150 Adj. permanence 141 Adj. abode 189 N.
stablish: stability 150 V.
staccato: music 415 Adv.
stack the deck: deception 545 V.
stack z's: inactivity 683 V.
stack: assemblage 72 N. store 636 N. store 636 V.
stacked deck: deception 545 N.
staddle: infant 129 N. support 215 N.
stadholder: master 745 N.
staff of life: food 298 N. life 359 N.
staff of office: scepter 747 N.
staff officer: master 745 N.
staff: scepter 747 N. servant 746 N. melody concord 413 N. arms 727 N. support 215 N. party 712 N. council 696 N. indication 550 N. master 745 N. hope 858 N.
stag dance: amusement 840 N.
stag hound: animal 366 N.
stag party: sociality 892 N.
stag the market: barter 794 V.
stag: nonpayment 808 N. animal 366 N. man 373 N.
stage business: drama 599 N.
stage coach: vehicle 272 N.
stage direction: precept 697 N.
stage effect: ostentation 882 N.
stage manager: drama 599 N.
stage play: drama 599 N.
stage player: drama 599 N.
stage trick: ostentation 882 N.
stage wagon: vehicle 272 N.
stage whisper: voice 580 N.
stage: degree 26 N. drama 599 N. time 106 N. term 71 N. vehicle 272 N. situation 183 N. layer 204 N. support 215 N.
stager: drama 599 N. agent 690 N.
stagery: drama 599 N.
stagflation: money 800 N.
stagger belief: wonder 870 V.
stagger one's belief: unbelief doubt 485 V.
stagger one's faith: unbelief doubt 485 V.
stagger: excitation 824 V. wonder 870 V. dissuasion 616 V. inexpectation 508 V. unbelief doubt 485 V. agitation 315 V. slowness 275 V. oscillation 314 V.
staggering: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
staggers: agitation 315 N.
stagirite: taste 850 N.
stagnancy: quiescence 265 N.
stagnant: quiescence 265 Adj.
stagnate: quiescence 265 V.
stagnation: quiescence 265 N.
stagy: affectation 855 Adj. drama 599 Adj.
staid: dejection 837 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj.
staidness: inexcitability 826 N.
stain paper: writing 590 V.
stain: blemish 848 N. disrepute 874 N. deterioration 659 Adj. uncleanness 653 V. color 428 V. color 428 N. disrepute 874 V.
stainless: cleanness 652 Adj. probity 939 Adj. innocence 946 Adj.
stair: method 627 N.
staircase: method 627 N.
stairway: method 627 N.
stake: payment 807 N. connection 45 N. scourge 975 N. property 780 N. security 771 N. danger 665 V. chance 621 V. chance 621 N.
stalactite: lining 224 N.
stalagmite: lining 224 N.
stale news: news 532 N.
stale story: news 532 N.
stale: oldness 124 Adj. insipidity 391 Adj. deterioration 659 Adj.
stalemate: success 731 V. failure 732 N.
stalk abroad: generality 78 V. pride 878 V.
stalk: journey 266 N. journey 266 V.
stalking horse: ambush 530 N. politics 737b N.
stalking-horse: precursor 64 N. Pretext 617 N.
stall: receptacle 191 N. support 215 N. mart 799 N. churchdom 995 N. temple 1000 N. abode 189 N.
stallion: man 373 N. carrier 271 N.
stalls: drama 599 N.
stalwart: strength 159 Adj. size 192 Adj.
stamina: strength 159 N. perseverance 604a N.
stammell blood red: redness 434 Adj.
stammer: stammering 583 V.
stammering: stammering 583 Adj. stammering 583 N.
stamp in the memory: memory 505 V.
stamp out: insulation, fire extinction 388a V. refrigeration 385 V. destruction 162 V.
stamp predicament: class 75 N.
stamp the foot: resentment 900 V.
stamp with rage: resentment 900 V.
stamp: completion 729 V. security 771 V. engraving 558 N. indication 550 V. indication 550 N. form 240 V. form 240 N. prototype 22 N. state 7 N. security 771 N.
stampede: fear 860 N.
stamping ground: abode 189 N.
stanch: restoration 660 V. health 654 Adj. river 348 V. perseverance 604a Adj.
stanchion: support 215 N.
stanchless: excitability 825 Adj.
stand a chance: liability 177 V. chance 621 V. possibility 470 V.
stand a good chance: probability 472 V.
stand against: courage 861 V.
stand aghast: wonder 870 V. fear 860 V. disappointment 509 V.
stand agog: wonder 870 V.
stand akimbo: defiance 715 V.
stand aloof: caution 864 V. avoidance 623 V. refusal 764 V. distance 196 V. inaction 681 V.
stand aside: recession 287 V.
stand at 'attention': expectation 507 V.
stand at ease: inattention 458 Int.
stand at the head: beginning 66 V.
stand away: distance 196 V.
stand by: defense 717 V. aid 707 V. nearness 197 V.
stand clear of: distance 196 V.
stand committed: prisoner 754 V.
stand condemned: condemnation 971 V.
stand corrected: disapprobation 932 V.
stand easy!: inattention 458 Int.
stand erect: verticality 212 V.
stand fair for: probability 472 V.
stand fast: permanence 141 V.
stand firm: stability 150 V. resistance 719 V. resolution 604 V.
stand first: beginning 66 V.
stand for office: politics 737b V.
stand for: offer 763 V. beginning 66 V. indication 550 V. deputy 759 V. commission 755 V.
stand forth: visibility 446 V.
stand in a white sheet: atonement 952 V.
stand in awe of: fear 860 V.
stand in front: front 234 V.
stand in need of: requirement 630 V.
stand in one's own light: unskillfulness 699 V.
stand in the background: seclusion, exclusion 893 V.
stand in the gap: defense 717 V.
stand in the place of: commission 755 V.
stand in the shoes of: deputy 759 V. commission 755 V.
stand in the stead of: deputy 759 V. commission 755 V.
stand in the way of: hindrance 706 V.
stand like a post: quiescence 265 V.
stand neuter: indifference 866 V.
stand no nonsense: resolution 604 V.
stand of arms: arms 727 N.
stand off: avoidance 623 V. distance 196 V. recession 287 V.
stand on a volcano: danger 665 V.
stand on ceremony: conformity 82 V.
stand on end: verticality 212 V.
stand on one's hind legs: resentment 900 V.
stand on one's legs: freedom 748 V.
stand on one's rights: freedom 748 V.
stand on the defensive: defense 717 V.
stand on tiptoe: height 206 V.
stand on: support 215 V.
stand one in: price 812 V.
stand one's ground: preservation 670 V. defense 717 V. resistance 719 V.
stand out: convexity 250 V. visibility 446 V. obstinacy 606 V. resistance 719 V.
stand over: lateness 133 V.
stand still: permanence 141 V. quiescence 265 N. quiescence 265 V.
stand the brunt of: resistance 719 V.
stand the brunt: defense 717 V.
stand the proof: goodness 648 V.
stand the test: goodness 648 V.
stand to one's engagement: observance 772 V.
stand to reason: certainty 474 V. right 922 V. demonstration 478 V. manifestation 525 V.
stand under an obligation: duty 926 V.
stand up against: resistance 719 V.
stand up fight: contention 720 N.
stand up for: vindication 937 N. approbation 931 V.
stand up: elevation 307 V. verticality 212 V.
stand upon ceremony: respect 928 V.
stand upon: pride 878 V.
stand upright: verticality 212 V.
stand: support 215 N. seclusion, exclusion 893 V. existence 1 V. term 71 N. diuturnity 110 V. presence 186 V. quiescence 265 V. intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. difficulty 704 N. resistance 719 N. resistance 719 V. politics 737b N. mart 799 N. feeling 821 V. inexcitability 826 V. permanence 141 V.
standard bearer: combatant 726 N.
standard: measurement 466 N. indication 550 N. perfection 650 N. perfection 650 Adj. prototype 22 N. frequency 136 N. goodness 648 Adj. conformity 82 N. normality 80 N. degree 26 N.
standardize: normality 80 V. measurement 466 V.
stand-down: pacification 723 N.
standfire: courage 861 V.
standing army: combatant 726 N.
standing dish: conformity 82 N. permanence 141 N.
standing jest: wit 842 N.
standing joke: wit 842 N.
standing order: habit 613 N. legality 963 N. conformity 82 N.
standing rigging: connection 45 N.
standing still: quiescence 265 N. quiescence 265 Adj.
standing up: verticality 212 Adj.
standing water: gulf, lake 343 N.
standing: degree 26 N. situation 183 N. permanence 141 N. circumstance 8 N. term 71 N. repute 873 N. diuturnity 110 N.
standoff: equality 27 N.
standpoint: situation 183 N.
standstill: difficulty 704 N.
stannary court: tribunal 966 N.
stanza: poetry 597 N.
staple commodity: merchandise 798 N.
staple: mart 799 N. barter 794 Adj. materials 635 N. texture 329 N. pendency 214 N. connection 45 N. whole 50 N.
star chamber: tribunal 966 N.
star gazer: world 318 N. oracle 513 N.
star gazing: world 318 N.
star it: drama 599 V. repute 873 V. ostentation 882 V.
star of fashion: fashion 852 N.
star of hope: hope 858 N.
star of stage and screen: drama 599 N.
star spectroscope: optical instruments 445 N.
star: title 877 N. necessity 601 N. drama 599 N. luminary 423 N. nobility 875 N. repute 873 N. ornament 847 N.
starboard: dextrality 238 N.
starch: affectation 855 Adj. pride 878 Adj. semiliquidity 352 N. hardness 323 Adj.
starched stateliness: ostentation 882 N.
starched: ostentation 882 Adj. hardness 323 Adj.
stare daggers: threat 909 V.
stare decisis: continuance in action 143 V.
stare one in the face: destiny 152 V. manifestation 525 V.
stare out of countenance: humility 879 V. insolence 885 V. discourtesy 895 V.
stare: curiosity 455 V. arena 728 N. vision 441 V. vision 441 N. wonder 870 V.
staring: visibility 446 Adj.
stark naked: divestment 226 Adj.
stark raving mad: insanity 503 Adj.
stark raving naked: divestment 226 Adj.
stark staring mad: insanity 503 Adj.
stark staring: greatness 31 Adj. manifestation 525 Adj.
stark: smallness 32 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. hardness 323 Adj. completeness 52 Adv.
stark-blind: blindness 442 Adj.
starlight: light 420 N. dimness 422 N.
starlike: sharpness 253 Adj.
starry cope: world 318 N.
starry heaven: world 318 N.
starry host: world 318 N.
starry: world 318 Adj.
stars and stripes: indication 550 N.
stars: necessity 601 N. world 318 N.
start a doubt: unbelief doubt 485 V.
start afresh: beginning 66 V.
start game: pursuit 622 V.
start off: departure 293 V.
start the question: inquiry 461 V.
start up: convexity 250 V. ascent 305 V. visibility 446 V.
start: beginning 66 V. offer 763 V. wonder 870 V. fear 860 V. deterioration 659 Adj. supposition 514 V. inexpectation 508 V. inexpectation 508 N. leap 309 V. departure 293 V. departure 293 N. propulsion 284 V. impulse 276 V. revolution 146 N. beginning 66 N. eventuality 151 V.
starting friction: friction 331 N.
starting hole: Pretext 617 N.
starting point: beginning 66 N. departure 293 N. reasoning 476 N.
starting post: departure 293 N.
startle the echoes: loudness 404 V.
startle: wonder 870 V. fear 860 V. excitation 824 V. inexpectation 508 V. unbelief doubt 485 V.
startling: inexpectation 508 Adj.
startlish: excitability 825 Adj.
starvation: insufficiency 640 N. fasting 956 N.
starve: fasting 956 V. cold 383 V. refrigeration 385 V. poverty 804 V. parsimony 819 V.
starved: insufficiency 640 Adj. fasting 956 Adj. narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. cold 383 Adj.
starveling: narrowness, thinness 203 Adj. poverty 804 N.
starving: insufficiency 640 Adj.
state cabinet member: government 737a N.
state chamber: council 696 N.
state of affairs: eventuality 151 N.
state of excitement: feeling 821 N. excitability 825 N.
state of facts: description 594 N. lawsuit 969 N.
state of nature: nonpreparation 674 N.
state of siege: warfare 722 N.
state paper: record 551 N.
state park: amusement 840 N.
state room: receptacle 191 N.
state senator: government 737a N.
state socialism: politics 737b N.
state: school 542 N. property 780 N. government 737a Adj. government 737a N. affirmation 535 V. information 527 V. mankind 372 N. speciality 79 N. state 7 N. ostentation 882 N.
state-aided school: school 542 N.
statecraft: direction 693 N.
stated time: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
stateliness: repute 873 N. ostentation 882 N.
stately: repute 873 Adj. pride 878 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj.
statement: information 527 N. affirmation 535 N. description 594 N.
statemonger: director 694 N.
stateroom: receptacle 191 N.
state's evidence: evidence 467 N.
states-general: council 696 N.
statesman: director 694 N.
statesman-like: skill 698 Adj.
statesmanship: conduct 692 N. direction 693 N.
static cling: attraction 288 N.
static electricity: attraction 288 N.
static: attraction 288 N.
statics: strength 159 N. gravity 319 N.
station house: prison 752 N.
station wagon: vehicle 272 N.
station: situation 183 N. location 184 V. journey 266 N. prison 752 N. repute 873 N. term 71 N. degree 26 N. place 182 N.
stationary: permanence 141 Adj. quiescence 265 Adj.
stationer: mart 799 N.
stationer's: mart 799 N.
stationery: writing 590 N.
statism: politics 737b N.
statist: director 694 N.
statistical analysis: experiment 463 N.
statistical: numeration 85 Adj. chance 156 Adj.
statistician: numeration 85 N.
statistics: accounts 811 N. numeration 85 N. list 86 N. chance 156 N. record 551 N.
stator: attraction 288 N.
statuary: sculpture 557 N. artist 559 N.
statue: representation 554 N. sculpture 557 N.
statue-like repose: quiescence 265 N.
statuette: representation 554 N.
stature: height 206 N.
status quo ante bellum: reversion 145 N.
status quo: permanence 141 N. the past 122 N.
status: repute 873 N. situation 183 N. circumstance 8 N. term 71 N.
statutable: legality 963 Adj.
statute law: legality 963 N.
statute: precept 697 N. legality 963 N.
statutory: legality 963 Adj.
statuvolence heaviness: inactivity 683 N.
statuvolent: inactivity 683 Adj.
statuvolic: inactivity 683 Adj.
staunch belief: belief 484 N.
staunch friendship: friendship 888 N.
staunch opinion: belief 484 N.
staunch: health 654 Adj. restoration 660 V. perseverance 604a Adj. probity 939 Adj.
stave in: concavity 252 V. opening 260 V.
stave off: lateness 133 V. hindrance 706 V.
stave: melody concord 413 N. music 415 N. contention 720 V.
stay at home: quiescence 265 V.
stay away: distance 196 V. absence 187 V.
stay of execution: lateness 133 N.
stay one's hand: relinquishment 624 V. repose 687 V. cessation 142 V.
stay the course: stability 150 V.
stay!: quiescence 265 Int.
stay: hindrance 706 N. hindrance 706 V. quiescence 265 V. support 215 N. presence 186 V. cessation 142 V. permanence 141 V. existence 1 V. lateness 133 V. repose 687 N.
stay-at-home: seclusion, exclusion 893 Adj. quiescence 265 Adj.
stayed: inexcitability 826 Adj. dejection 837 Adj.
stays: clothing 225 N.
stead: utility 644 N.
steadfast belief: belief 484 N.
steadfast opinion: belief 484 N.
steadfast: stability 150 Adj. attention 457 Adj. perseverance 604a Adj.
steadiness: regularity of recurrence 138 N. perseverance 604a N.
steady as time: perseverance 604a Adj.
steady: perseverance 604a Adj. frequency 136 Adj. caution 864 Adj. stability 150 Adj. regularity of recurrence 138 Adj. resolution 604 Adj.
steal a gain upon: transcursion 303 V.
steal a march upon: priority 116 V. cunning 702 V. deception 545 V. transcursion 303 V. earliness 132 V.
steal a march: precession 280 V. activity 682 V.
steal along: slowness 275 V. concealment 528 V.
steal by: concealment 528 V.
steal into: concealment 528 V.
steal on the ear: faintness 405 V.
steal out of: concealment 528 V.
steal upon one: inexpectation 508 V.
steal: taking 789 V. stealing 791 V.
stealing: acquisition 775 N. stealing 791 N.
stealth: concealment 528 N.
stealthily: concealment 528 Adv.
stealthiness: concealment 528 N.
stealthy: caution 864 Adj. concealment 528 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
steam bath: furnace 386 N.
steam heat: furnace 386 N.
steam radiator: sibilation 409 N.
steam release valve: sibilation 409 N.
steam roller: smoothness 255 N.
steam: vaporization 336 V. gaseity 334 N. navigation 267 V. sibilation 409 N. bubble; cloud 353 N.
steamboat: ship 273 N.
steamer: vehicle 272 N. ship 273 N.
steaming: vaporization 336 N.
steamroller: vehicle 272 N.
steamship: ship 273 N.
steamshovel: vehicle 272 N.
steamy: heat 382 Adj.
stearin: oil 356 N.
steel against: resolution 604 Adj.
steel away: avoidance 623 V.
steel engraving: engraving 558 N.
steel oneself: resolution 604 V.
steel the heart: impenitence 951 V.
steel: hardness 323 N. arms 727 N. sharpness 253 N. strength 159 V. strength 159 N. insensibility 823 V.
steeled against: insensibility 823 Adj.
steelplate: engraving 558 N.
steelyard: gravity 319 N.
steep: water 337 V.
steeped in iniquity: vice 945 Adj.
steeple chase: contention 720 N. velocity 274 N. pursuit 622 N.
steeple: height 206 N. sharpness 253 N.
steeps: height 206 N.
steer clear of: deviation 279 V. avoidance 623 V.
steer for: direction 278 V. straightness 246 V.
steer one's course: direction 278 V. conduct 692 V.
steer towards: direction 278 V.
steer: direction 693 V. man 373 N. animal 366 N.
steerage: direction 693 N.
steering steerage: direction 278 N.
steermate: director 694 N.
steersman: mariner 269 N. director 694 N.
steganographic: latency, implication 526 Adj.
steganography: unintelligibility 519 N. concealment 528 N.
stellar: world 318 Adj.
stellated: sharpness 253 Adj.
stelliform: sharpness 253 Adj.
stelography: writing 590 N.
stem the current: opposition 708 V. success 731 V.
stem the flood: opposition 708 V.
stem the tide: resistance 719 V. opposition 708 V. cessation 142 V. success 731 V.
stem the torrent: resistance 719 V. success 731 V. cessation 142 V.
stem: cause 153 N. opposition 708 V. vegetable 367 N. paternity 166 N. front 234 N.
stench: fetor 401 N.
stencil: painting 556 V.
stenographer: writing 590 N.
stenography: writing 590 N.
stentor: loudness 404 N. cry 411 N.
stentorian: cry 411 Adj. loudness 404 Adj.
stentorophonic: loudness 404 Adj.
step aside: deviation 279 V.
step by step: degree 26 Adv. order 58 Adv. continuity 69 Adv. slowness 275 Adv.
step in: mediation 724 V.
step into a fortune: acquisition 775 V.
step into the shoes of: acquisition 775 V. posteriority 117 V. sequence 63 V.
step lively!: activity 682 Int.
step of time: course 109 N.
step on: support 215 V.
step out: death 360 V.
step short: slowness 275 V.
step: plan 626 N. journey 266 V. motion 264 N. term 71 N. support 215 N. action 680 N.
steppe: plain 344 N.
steppingstone: refuge 666 N. method 627 N.
stepping-stone: connection 45 N. instrumentality 631 N. preparation 673 N.
steps: method 627 N.
stercoraceous: uncleanness 653 Adj.
stereognosis: sensations of touch 380 N.
stereognostic: sensations of touch 380 Adj.
stereometry: measurement 466 N.
stereopticon: optical instruments 445 N.
stereoscope: optical instruments 445 N.
stereoscopic: visibility 446 Adj.
stereotype: indication 550 V. engraving 558 N. printing 591 N.
stereotyped: stability 150 Adj. habit 613 Adj.
sterile: absence 187 Adj. unproductiveness 169 Adj.
sterility: unproductiveness 169 N.
sterilize: impotence 158 V. unproductiveness 169 V. preservation 670 V.
sterling coin: money 800 N.
sterling: virtue 944 Adj. truth 494 Adj. money 800 Adj.
stern necessity: necessity 601 N.
stern truth: truth 494 N.
stern: rear 235 N. severity 739 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj.
sternmost: rear 235 Adv.
sternness: discourtesy 895 N.
sternutation: wind 349 N. sibilation 409 N.
sternutative: sibilation 409 Adj. wind 349 N.
sternutatory: wind 349 N.
sternway: navigation 267 N.
stertorous: sound 402 Adj. voice 580 Adj.
stet: permanence 141 V. stability 150 Int.
stethograph: measurement 466 N.
stethoscope: hearing 418 N. remedy 662 N.
stevedore: carrier 271 N. preparation 673 N.
stew: excitability 825 N. impurity 961 N. feeling 821 N. difficulty 704 N. calefaction 384 V. heat 382 V. food 298 N. pain 828 N.
steward: mariner 269 N. director 694 N. treasurer 801 N.
stewardess: mariner 269 N.
stewardship: conduct 692 N. direction 693 N.
stew-pan: furnace 386 N.
stichomancy: prediction 511 Phr.
stick at nothing: resolution 604 V. activity 682 V. rashness 863 V.
stick at: unbelief doubt 485 V. unwillingness 603 V. difficulty 704 V.
stick close: coherence 46 V.
stick fast: difficulty 704 V. quiescence 265 V. stability 150 V.
stick in one's gizzard: resentment 900 V. painfulness 830 V.
stick in one's throat: painfulness 830 V. taciturnity 585 V.
stick in the mud: failure 732 V. difficulty 704 V. shortcoming 304 V.
stick in the throat: aphony 581 V. dislike 867 V.
stick in: insertion 300 V.
stick law: punishment 972 N.
stick like a leech: coherence 46 V.
stick like wax: coherence 46 V.
stick out: convexity 250 V.
stick to its course: continuance in action 143 V.
stick to one's guns: courage 861 V.
stick to one's text: perseverance 604a V.
stick to the beaten track: conformity 82 V.
stick to the course: stability 150 V.
stick to the reservation: limit 233 Phr.
stick to work: perseverance 604a V.
stick to: perseverance 604a V. exertion 686 V.
stick up for: vindication 937 N. approbation 931 V. aid 707 V.
stick up: verticality 212 V. stealing 791 V. elevation 307 V. convexity 250 V.
stick: scourge 975 N. bungler 701 N. coherence 46 V. fool 501 N. tenacity 327 V. quiescence 265 V. opening 260 V. support 215 N. cessation 142 V. arms 727 N.
stickiness: semiliquidity 352 N. tenacity 327 N. coherence 46 N.
sticking: coherence 46 N.
stickle for: contention 720 V. barter 794 V.
stickle: unwillingness 603 V. obstinacy 606 V. barter 794 V.
stickler: severity 739 N. obstinacy 606 N.
sticky: coherence 46 Adj. semiliquidity 352 Adj.
stiff as a poker: hardness 323 Adj.
stiff as as board: hardness 323 Adj.
stiff as buckram: hardness 323 Adj.
stiff as starch: hardness 323 Adj.
stiff breeze: wind 349 N.
stiff hearted: obstinacy 606 Adj.
stiff necked: obstinacy 606 Adj.
stiff: ugliness 846 Adj. hardness 323 Adj. affectation 855 Adj. pride 878 Adj. weariness 841 N. restraint 751 Adj. severity 739 Adj. inelegance 579 Adj. ostentation 882 Adj.
stiff-backed: obstinacy 606 Adj.
stiffen: hardness 323 V.
stiff-necked: pride 878 Adj.
stiffness: stability 150 N. inelegance 579 N. affectation 855 N.
stifle: silence 403 V. concealment 528 V. killing 361 V.
stifled: faintness 405 Adj.
stifling: heat 382 Adj.
stigma: disrepute 874 N.
stigmatize: disrepute 874 V. disapprobation 932 V. accusation 938 V.
stile: method 627 N. hindrance 706 N.
stiletto: perforator 262 N. arms 727 N.
still as a mouse: quiescence 265 Adj.
still as a post: quiescence 265 Adj.
still as a statue: quiescence 265 Adj.
still as death: quiescence 265 Adj.
still hunt: concealment 528 V.
still less: evidence 467 Adv.
still life: painting 556 N. materiality 316 N.
still more: superiority 33 Adv. evidence 467 Adv.
still small voice within: duty 926 N.
still small voice: faintness 405 N.
still: calefaction 384 N. silence 403 V. furnace 386 N. vaporization 336 N. quiescence 265 Adj. moderation 174 V. moderation 174 Adj. compensation 30 Adv. silence 403 Adj.
stillatitious: river 348 Adj.
stillborn: failure 732 Adj. death 360 Adj.
still-hunt: pursuit 622 N.
stillicidous: river 348 Adj.
stillicidum: river 348 N.
stillness: quiescence 265 N. silence 403 N.
stillroom: store 636 N.
stilly: silence 403 Adj.
stilted: elevation 307 Adj. boasting 884 Adj. affectation 855 Adj. ornament 577 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj.
stilts: support 215 N.
stimulant: remedy 662 N.
stimulate: motive 615 V. excitation 824 V. physical energy 171 V. violence 173 V. pleasurableness 829 V.
stimulation: excitation 824 N.
stimulus: motive 615 N.
stimulus-response loop: absence of Intellect 450a N.
sting on the raw: resentment 900 V.
sting to the quick: resentment 900 V. painfulness 830 V.
sting: sensations of touch 380 V. resentment 900 V. painfulness 830 V. painfulness 830 N. bane 663 N. physical pain 378 V. physical pain 378 N. excitation 824 V.
stinginess: parsimony 819 N.
stinging: pungency 392 Adj. painfulness 830 Adj.
stingo: food 298 N.
stings of conscience: penitence 950 N.
stingy: insufficiency 640 Adj. parsimony 819 Adj.
stink in the nostrils: fetor 401 V. hate 898 V. painfulness 830 V. dislike 867 V.
stink like a polecat: fetor 401 V.
stink: uncleanness 653 V. fetor 401 V. fetor 401 N.
stinking: fetor 401 Adj.
stinkpot: fetor 401 N.
stint: insufficiency 640 N. insufficiency 640 V. parsimony 819 V. limit 233 N. degree 26 N. parsimony 819 N.
stinted: insufficiency 640 Adj.
stintless: sufficiency 639 Adj.
stipend: reward 973 N.
stipendiary: subjection 749 Adj. receiving 785 N.
stipiform: variegation 440 Adj.
stipple engraving: engraving 558 N.
stipple: engraving 558 V. variegation 440 V. painting 556 V.
stipulate for: contention 720 V.
stipulate: compact 769 V. conditions 770 V.
stipulation: conditions 770 N. compact 769 N. promise 768 N. qualification 469 N.
stir a question: reasoning 476 V.
stir about: activity 682 V.
stir one's stumps: activity 682 V. velocity 274 V. journey 266 V.
stir the blood: excitation 824 V. resentment 900 V.
stir the embers: reproduction 163 V. excitation 824 V.
stir the feelings: excitation 824 V.
stir the fire: calefaction 384 V.
stir the question: inquiry 461 V.
stir up bile: resentment 900 V.
stir up dissension: discord 713 V.
stir up: violence 173 V. mixture 41 V. excitation 824 V.
stir your stumps!: activity 682 Int.
stir: agitation 315 V. excitation 824 V. activity 682 N. motion 264 V. agitation 315 N. physical energy 171 N. motion 264 N. activity 682 V.
stirps: paternity 166 N. consanguinity 11 N. cause 153 N.
stirring news: news 532 N.
stirring: activity 682 Adj. importance 642 Adj. eventuality 151 Adj.
stirrup cup: departure 293 N.
stirrup: support 215 N.
stitch of work: exertion 686 N.
stitch: junction 43 N. junction 43 V. physical pain 378 N. action 680 N.
stive: calefaction 384 V.
stiver: money 800 N.
stoat: fetor 401 N.
stoccado: defense 717 N.
stock and stone: insensibility 823 N.
stock car: vehicle 272 N.
stock certificate: securities 799b N.
stock dealer: stock market 799a N.
stock exchange: stock market 799a N.
stock in trade: merchandise 798 N. property 780 N. store 636 N. means 632 N.
stock index: stock market 799a N.
stock market: stock market 799a N.
stock ticker: stock market 799a N.
stock with: provision 637 V.
stock: paternity 166 N. consanguinity 11 N. quantity 25 N. clothing 225 N. cause 153 N. money 800 N. merchandise 798 N. property 780 N. provision 637 V. store 636 N. materials 635 N. habit 613 Adj. fool 501 N. quiescence 265 Adj. greatness 31 N.
stockade fence: prison 752 N.
stockade: defense 717 N.
stockbroker: stock market 799a N.
stockholder of record: stock market 799a N.
stockholder: stock market 799a N.
stocking: clothing 225 N.
stockjobbing: barter 794 N.
stocks and stones: materiality 316 N.
stocks: prison 752 N. securities 799b N. treasury 802 N. scourge 975 N.
stocky: shortness 201 Adj.
stogy: pungency 392 N. clothing 225 N.
stoical: inexcitability 826 Adj. disinterestedness 942 Adj.
stoicism: insensibility 823 N. inexcitability 826 N. disinterestedness 942 N. temperance 953 N.
stoker: traveler 268 N.
stole: canonicals 999 N.
stolen away: escape 671 Adj.
stolen goods: booty 793 N.
stolen: stealing 791 Adj.
stolid: smallness 32 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. dullness 843 Adj.
stolidity: imbecility folly 499 N.
stomach ache: physical pain 378 N.
stomach: inexcitability 826 V. taste 390 N. receptacle 191 N. desire 865 N.
stomacher: clothing 225 N.
stone deaf: deafness 419 Adj.
stone wall: prison 752 N.
stone: density 321 N. attack 716 V. punishment 972 V. arms 727 N. materials 635 N. engraving 558 N. interment 363 N. hardness 323 N. gravity 319 N. killing 361 V.
stone-blind: blindness 442 Adj.
stone-colored: gray 432 Adj.
stoned: insensibility 823 Adj.
stone's throw: nearness 197 N.
stoneware: calefaction 384 N.
stony: hardness 323 Adj.
stony-hearted: revenge 919 Adj. malevolence 907 Adj.
stooge: auxiliary 711 N.
stook: assemblage 72 N.
stool of repentance: penitence 950 N.
stool pigeon: disclosure 529 N. deceiver 548 N.
stool: support 215 N.
stools: excretion 299 N.
stoop to conquer: skill 698 V. humility 879 V. cunning 702 V.
stoop: servility 886 V. depression 308 V. descent 306 V. receptacle 191 N. humility 879 V. improbity 940 V.
stop a gap: restoration 660 V.
stop and start: discontinuity 70 V.
stop at nothing: resolution 604 V.
stop one hole in a sieve: parsimony 819 V.
stop one's breath: fear 860 V.
stop one's ears: deafness 419 V.
stop one's mouth: aphony 581 V.
stop payment: nonpayment 808 V.
stop short of: shortcoming 304 V.
stop short: quiescence 265 V. cessation 142 V. shortcoming 304 V.
stop the breath: killing 361 V.
stop the mouth: confutation 479 V.
stop the sound: nonresonance 408a V.
stop the way: hindrance 706 V.
stop to consider: unbelief doubt 485 V.
stop up: closure 261 V.
stop!: inaction 681 Int. quiescence 265 Int. cessation 142 Int. prohibition 761 Int.
stop: end 67 V. hindrance 706 N. inaction 681 V. cessation 142 N. cessation 142 V. closure 261 V. quiescence 265 V. silence 403 V. relinquishment 624 V. hindrance 706 V.
stopcock: stopper 263 N.
stope: receptacle 191 N.
stopgap: substitution 147 N.
stop-gap: stopper 263 N.
stoppage: cessation 142 N. hindrance 706 N.
stopper: closure 261 N. stopper 263 N. hindrance 706 N.
stopping: stopper 263 N. cessation 142 N.
stopple: stopper 263 N.
stopwatch: measurement 466 N. chronometry 114 N.
storage: store 636 N.
store coupon: discount 813 N.
store in the memory: memory 505 V.
store of knowledge: knowledge 490 N.
store ship: combatant 726 N.
store the memory with: memory 505 V.
store treasure: store 636 V.
store: store 636 N. store 636 V. mart 799 N. provision 637 V.
storecloset: store 636 N.
stored: store 636 Adj.
storehouse: store 636 N.
storeroom: receptacle 191 N. store 636 N.
storeship: ship 273 N.
storied: description 594 Adj.
storing: store 636 N.
storm blown over: safety 664 N.
storm brewing: danger 665 N.
storm in a teacup: overestimation 482 N. exaggeration 549 N.
storm: agitation 315 N. resentment 900 V. resentment 900 N. attack 716 V. wind 349 N. violence 173 V. violence 173 N. revolution 146 N. assemblage 72 N. attack 716 N.
storming: attack 716 N.
stormy petrel: warning 668 N.
stormy: violence 173 Adj. wind 349 Adj.
storthing: council 696 N.
story: excitability 825 N. description 594 N. receptacle 191 N. layer 204 N. untruth 546 N.
story-teller: deceiver 548 N.
stot: animal 366 N. man 373 N.
stound: wonder 870 N.
stoup: receptacle 191 N. temple 1000 N.
stour: disorder 59 N.
stout: strength 159 Adj. size 192 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
stout-hearted: courage 861 Adj.
stoutness: strength 159 N.
stove in: concavity 252 Adj.
stove: furnace 386 N.
stow away: store 636 V.
stow: location 184 V. contraction 195 V. store 636 V.
stowage: location 184 N. space 180 N.
stowaway: concealment 528 N.
strabism: dimsightedness 443 N.
strabismus: dimsightedness 443 N.
straddle: support 215 Adv. journey 266 V. tergiversation 607 V. stock market 799a V.
straggle: journey 266 V. deviation 279 V.
straggler: traveler 268 N.
straggling: disjunction 44 Adj. disorder 59 Adj.
straight as an arrow: straightness 246 Adj. direction 278 Adv.
straight course: mid-course 628 N.
straight descent: posterity 167 N.
straight jacket: prison 752 N.
straight line: straightness 246 N.
straight path: mid-course 628 N.
straight poker: amusement 840 N.
straight razor: sharpness 253 N.
straight sailing: facility 705 N.
straight shoot: direction 278 N.
straight: direction 278 Adj. earliness 132 Adv. mid-course 628 Adj. mid-course 628 N. straightness 246 Adj. verticality 212 Adj. amusement 840 N.
straighten out: compromise 774 V.
straighten: straightness 246 V.
straightforth: earliness 132 Adv.
straightforward: probity 939 Adj. direction 278 Adj. veracity 543 Adj. artlessness 703 Adj.
straightness: straightness 246 N.
straightway: earliness 132 Adv.
strain a point: undueness 925 V. nonobservance 773 V. transcursion 303 V.
strain every nerve: exertion 686 V.
strain in one's arms: endearment 902 V.
strain one's eyes: vision 441 V.
strain one's invention: imagination 515 V.
strain over a point: exaggeration 549 V.
strain the lungs: cry 411 V.
strain the meaning: misinterpretation 523 V.
strain the sense: misinterpretation 523 V.
strain the throat: cry 411 V.
strain the voice: cry 411 V.
strain: weakness 160 V. cleanness 652 V. fatigue 688 V. exertion 686 N. agency 170 N. consanguinity 11 N. continuity 69 N. poetry 597 N. agency 170 V. violence 173 N. violence 173 V. egress 295 V. voice 580 N. sound 402 N. music 415 N. overestimation 482 V. weakness 160 N. exaggeration 549 N. exaggeration 549 V. style 569 N. transcursion 303 V.
strained: exertion 686 Adj.
strait handed: parsimony 819 Adj.
strait jacket: prison 752 N.
strait: gulf, lake 343 N. difficulty 704 N. interval 198 N.
straitened: difficulty 704 Adj. poverty 804 Adj.
strait-jacket: prison 752 N.
straitlaced: fastidiousness 868 Adj.
strait-laced: severity 739 Adj. restraint 751 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
straits: poverty 804 N.
strait-waistcoat: prison 752 N.
stramash: contention 720 N.
strand: filament 205 N. land 342 N.
stranded: difficulty 704 Adj. failure 732 Adj. pain 828 Adj. stability 150 Adj.
strange bedfellows: discord 713 N.
strange to say: wonder 870 Adv.
strange: wonder 870 Adj. ridiculousness 853 Adj. improbability 473 Adj. irrelation 10 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj.
strangely: greatness 31 Adv.
stranger: extraneousness 57 N.
strangle: impotence 158 V. contraction 195 V. killing 361 V.
strangulated: contraction 195 Adj.
strangulation: contraction 195 N. killing 361 N.
strap: junction 43 V. connection 45 N. punishment 972 V. scourge 975 N.
straphanger: traveler 268 N.
strappado: punishment 972 N.
strapper: size 192 N.
strapping pace: velocity 274 N.
strapping rate: velocity 274 N.
strapping: strength 159 Adj. size 192 Adj.
strapwork: ornament 847 N.
strata: layer 204 N.
stratagem: cunning 702 N. deception 545 N. plan 626 N.
strategic: plan 626 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
strategical: plan 626 Adj. conduct 692 Adj. warfare 722 Adj.
strategics: conduct 692 N.
strategist: plan 626 N. director 694 N. proficient 700 N.
strategy: conduct 692 N. warfare 722 N.
strath: concavity 252 N.
strathspey: amusement 840 N.
stratification: layer 204 N. texture 329 N.
stratified: layer 204 Adj.
stratiform: layer 204 Adj.
stratocracy: government 737a N.
stratum: layer 204 N. horizontality 213 N.
stratus: bubble; cloud 353 N.
straw boss: director 694 N.
straw to show the wind: experiment 463 N.
straw: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V. levity 320 N. unimportance 643 N.
straw-bail: deception 545 N.
straw-colored: yellowness 436 Adj.
stray: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 Adj. unconformity 83 Adj. deviation 279 Adj. deviation 279 V.
streak: length 200 N. narrowness, thinness 203 N. furrow 259 N. light 420 N. variegation 440 V. indication 550 N.
streaked: crossing 219 Adj.
stream of things: eventuality 151 N.
stream of time: course 109 N.
stream: assemblage 72 V. motion 264 V. sufficiency 639 V. motion 264 N. light 420 N. wind 349 V. wind 349 N. river 348 V. river 348 N. stream 347 N.
streamer: indication 550 N.
streaming: incoherence 47 Adj. nonassemblage, dispersion 73 Adj.
streamlet: river 348 N.
streamy: river 348 Adj.
street: method 627 N. region 181 N. abode 189 N.
streetwalker: libertine 962 N.
strength of mind: resolution 604 N.
strength of will: resolution 604 N.
strength: quantity 25 N. power 157 N. strength 159 N. physical energy 171 N. tenacity 327 N. degree 26 N. greatness 31 N. animality 364 N.
strengthen: strength 159 V. increase 35 V. power 157 V.
strengthening: strength 159 N.
strengthless: weakness 160 Adj.
strenuous: exertion 686 Adj. perseverance 604a Adj. activity 682 Adj.
strephon and chloe: endearment 902 N.
stress of weather: wind 349 N.
stress: requirement 630 N. importance 642 N. exertion 686 N. difficulty 704 N. voice 580 N.
stretch a hand: aid 707 V.
stretch a long arm: exertion 686 V.
stretch a point: undueness 925 V. transcursion 303 V. severity 739 V. nonobservance 773 V. unconformity 83 V. exemption 927a V. permission 760 V. exaggeration 549 V.
stretch away to: distance 196 V.
stretch forth one's hand: action 680 V. taking 789 V.
stretch of fancy: exaggeration 549 N.
stretch out: length 200 V. lateness 133 V.
stretch the meaning: misinterpretation 523 V.
stretch the sense: misinterpretation 523 V.
stretch to: distance 196 V. length 200 V.
stretch: space 180 N. undueness 925 N. exaggeration 549 V. exaggeration 549 N. expansion 194 V. length 200 V. elasticity 325 V. exertion 686 N.
stretchable: elasticity 325 Adj.
stretcher: support 215 N. vehicle 272 N.
stretching to: distance 196 Adj.
strew: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V.
striae: furrow 259 N. variegation 440 N.
striated: furrow 259 Adj. variegation 440 Adj.
strick: orthodoxy 983a Adj.
stricken in years: age 128 Adj.
stricken: pain 828 Adj.
strict inquiry: inquiry 461 N.
strict interpretation: interpretation 522 N.
strict search: inquiry 461 N.
strict settlement: property 780 N.
strict: fastidiousness 868 Adj. severity 739 Adj. truth 494 Adj. conformity 82 Adj. probity 939 Adj.
strictly speaking: truth 494 Adv. interpretation 522 Adv.
strictness: severity 739 N. orthodoxy 983a N.
stricture: narrowness, thinness 203 N. hindrance 706 N. disapprobation 932 N.
stride: journey 266 V. distance 196 N. motion 264 N.
stridor: stridor 410 N.
stridulous: stridor 410 Adj.
strife: discord 713 N. contention 720 N.
strigae: variegation 440 N.
strigose: variegation 440 Adj.
strike a balance: mean 29 V. equality 27 V. payment 807 V.
strike a bargain: compact 769 V. barter 794 V.
strike a blow: action 680 V.
strike a deal: acquittal 970 V.
strike a light: light 420 V. calefaction 384 V.
strike all of a heap: excitation 824 V. fear 860 V.
strike an awe into: fear 860 V.
strike at the root of: attack 716 V. destruction 162 V.
strike at: impulse 276 V. attack 716 V.
strike colors: submission 725 V.
strike dumb: aphony 581 V. wonder 870 V. humility 879 V.
strike hard: ship 273 N. impulse 276 V.
strike home: physical energy 171 V. attack 716 V.
strike in with: cooperation 709 V. assent 488 V. imitation 19 V.
strike it rich: wealth 803 V.
strike off the roll: ejection 297 V. abrogation 756 V. punishment 972 V.
strike off: exclusion 55 V.
strike on the raw: resentment 900 V.
strike one: thought 451 V.
strike one's flag: submission 725 V.
strike out something new: imagination 515 V. revolution 146 V.
strike out: plan 626 V. obliteration 552 V. destruction 162 V. exclusion 55 V.
strike root in: influence 175 V.
strike root: location 184 V.
strike roots: stability 150 V.
strike sail: slowness 275 V.
strike tents: departure 293 V.
strike terror: fear 860 V.
strike the attention: attention 457 V.
strike the death knell of: killing 361 V.
strike the eye: attention 457 V.
strike the first blow: attack 716 V.
strike the lyre: musician 416 V.
strike the mind: attention 457 V.
strike the thoughts: attention 457 V.
strike up: musician 416 V.
strike with awe: wonder 870 V.
strike with wonder: wonder 870 V.
strike: agency 170 V. attack 716 V. wonder 870 V. excitation 824 V. punishment 972 V. disobedience 742 V. disobedience 742 N. resistance 719 V. resistance 719 N. impulse 276 V.
striking likeness: representation 554 N.
striking resemblance: similarity 17 N.
striking: manifestation 525 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
strikingly: greatness 31 Adv.
string together: continuity 69 V. arrangement 60 V.
string: continuity 69 N. qualification 469 N. melody concord 413 V. connection 45 N. junction 43 V. filament 205 N.
string-band: musical instruments 417 N.
stringency: severity 739 N.
stringent: duty 926 Adj. physical energy 171 Adj. authority 737 Adj. severity 739 Adj. compulsion 744 Adj.
strings attached: qualification 469 N.
stringy: tenacity 327 Adj. filament 205 Adj.
striolate: variegation 440 Adj.
strip mine: concavity 252 N.
strip: narrowness, thinness 203 N. filament 205 N. divestment 226 V. taking 789 V. stealing 791 V.
stripe: indication 550 N. variegation 440 V. length 200 N. punishment 972 N.
stripling: infant 129 N.
stripped: poverty 804 Adj.
strive against: resistance 719 V.
strive to some purpose: success 731 V.
strive: contention 720 V. exertion 686 V. essay 675 V.
strobe: velocity 274 N.
stroke of death: death 360 N.
stroke of policy: action 680 N. plan 626 N.
stroke of the pen: writing 590 N.
stroke of time: instantaneity 113 N.
stroke of work: exertion 686 N.
stroke the wrong way: roughness 256 V.
stroke: success 731 N. painfulness 830 N. action 680 N. disease 655 N. plan 626 N. evil 619 N. impulse 276 N. indication 550 N.
stroll: journey 266 N. journey 266 V. amusement 840 N.
strolling player: drama 599 N.
strong accent: voice 580 N.
strong and great, a hero: courage 861 Phr.
strong argument: reasoning 476 N.
strong as a horse: strength 159 Adj.
strong as a lion: strength 159 Adj.
strong as an ox: strength 159 Adj.
strong as brandy: strength 159 Adj.
strong box: treasury 802 N.
strong hand: severity 739 N.
strong hold: treasury 802 N.
strong language: malediction 908 N. vigor 574 N.
strong point: reasoning 476 N.
strong room: treasury 802 N.
strong taste: pungency 392 N.
strong with: knowledge 490 Adj.
strong!: wonder 870 Int.
strong: tenacity 327 Adj. fetor 401 Adj. taste 390 Adj. pungency 392 Adj. physical energy 171 Adj. strength 159 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. feeling 821 Adj.
strong-headed: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj.
stronghold: prison 752 N. defense 717 N.
strongly: strength 159 Adv. physical energy 171 Adv.
strong-minded: intelligence, wisdom 498 Adj. resolution 604 Adj. courage 861 Adj.
strong-scented: odor 398 Adj.
strong-smelling: fetor 401 Adj.
strong-willed: resolution 604 Adj.
strop: sharpness 253 V. sharpness 253 N.
strophe: poetry 597 N.
strow: nonassemblage, dispersion 73 V.
struck all of a heap: feeling 821 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
struck down: failure 732 Adj.
struck with: love 897 Adj.
structural botany: botany 369 N.
structural: state 7 Adj. texture 329 Adj.
structure: production 161 N. form 240 N. texture 329 N. organization 357 N.
struggle: difficulty 704 V. contention 720 N. exertion 686 N. essay 675 N. contention 720 V.
strum: musician 416 V.
struma: disease 655 N.
strumpet: libertine 962 N.
strut: pride 878 V. ostentation 882 N. journey 266 V. boasting 884 V.
strychnine: bane 663 N.
stubbed: shortness 201 Adj.
stubble: remainder 40 N. inutility 645 N.
stubborn fact: existence 1 N.
stubborn: obstinacy 606 Adj. difficulty 704 Adj. hardness 323 Adj. strength 159 Adj. tenacity 327 Adj. resistance 719 Adj.
stubbornness: tenacity 327 N.
stubby: shortness 201 Adj.
stucco: covering 223 V. connection 45 N. covering 223 N.
stuck fast: difficulty 704 Adj. stability 150 Adj.
stuck: stability 150 Adj.
stud poker: amusement 840 N.
stud: pendency 214 N. convexity 250 N. carrier 271 N. sexuality 374a N.
studded: variegation 440 Adj. sharpness 253 Adj. multitude 102 Adj.
student: learner 541 N.
studied: predetermination 611 Adj.
studio: receptacle 191 N. painting 556 N. workshop 691 N.
studious: thought 451 Adj. learning 539 Adj.
studiously: intention 620 Adv.
study to: intention 620 V.
study: attention 457 N. intention 620 N. dissertation 595 N. painting 556 N. learning 539 V. learning 539 N. thought 451 V. thought 451 N. receptacle 191 N. copy 21 N. inquiry 461 V. inquiry 461 N.
stuff and nonsense: unsubstantiality 4 N. unimportance 643 Int. unmeaningness 517 N.
stuff in: insertion 300 V.
stuff the memory with: memory 505 V.
stuff up: deception 545 V. closure 261 V.
stuff!: unimportance 643 Int.
stuff: unimportance 643 N. lining 224 V. substantiality 3 N. gluttony 957 N. expansion 194 V. materiality 316 N. texture 329 N. absurdity 497 N. unmeaningness 517 N. deception 545 V. materials 635 N.
stuffing: lining 224 N. stopper 263 N. contents 190 N.
stuffy: density 321 Adj. heat 382 Adj.
stultified: failure 732 Adj.
stultify oneself: imbecility folly 499 V. unskillfulness 699 V.
stultify: counteraction 179 V.
stultiloquence: absurdity 497 N.
stultiloquy: absurdity 497 N.
stumble on light upon: chance 156 V.
stumble upon: discovery 480a V.
stumble: failure 732 N. unskillfulness 699 V. error 495 V. error 495 N. agitation 315 V. descent 306 V. descent 306 N. failure 732 V.
stumbling block: difficulty 704 N.
stumbling-block: hindrance 706 N.
stumbling-stone: hindrance 706 N.
stump along: slowness 275 V.
stump orator: speech 582 N.
stump: speech 582 V. politics 737b V. painting 556 N. journey 266 V. remainder 40 N. part 51 N.
stumpy: shortness 201 Adj. distortion 243 Adj.
stun: wonder 870 V. physical insensibility 376 V. loudness 404 V. deafness 419 V. inexpectation 508 V. insensibility 823 V. excitation 824 V.
stundism: heterodoxy 984 N.
stundist: heterodoxy 984 N.
stung to the quick: excitation 824 Adj.
stunned: deafness 419 Adj.
stunt: shortness 201 V.
stunted: littleness 193 Adj. contraction 195 Adj.
stupa: interment 363 N.
stupe: relief 834 V.
stupefaction: inexcitability 826 N. wonder 870 N. insensibility 823 N.
stupefied: insensibility 823 Adj.
stupefy: physical insensibility 376 V. insensibility 823 V. wonder 870 V.
stupendous: greatness 31 Adj. size 192 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
stupendously: greatness 31 Adv.
stupid: dullness 843 Adj. misjudgment 481 Adj. credulity 486 Adj. imbecility folly 499 Adj. unskillfulness 699 Adj. weariness 841 Adj.
stupidity: dullness 843 N. imbecility folly 499 N. unskillfulness 699 N.
stupor: inactivity 683 N. insensibility 823 N. wonder 870 N.
stupration: impurity 961 N.
sturdy beggar: thief 792 N. petitioner 767 N.
sturdy: strength 159 Adj. perseverance 604a Adj.
sturgeon: food 298 N.
stutter: stammering 583 V.
sty: abode 189 N. uncleanness 653 N.
stygian creek: hell 982 N.
stygian darkness: darkness 421 N.
stygian shore: death 360 N.
stygian: vice 945 Adj. hell 982 Adj.
style: engraving 558 N. beauty 845 N. writing 590 N. style 569 N. fashion 852 N. phrase 566 N. nomenclature 564 N. painting 556 N. chronometry 114 N. state 7 N. nomenclature 564 V.
stylet: perforator 262 N. arms 727 N.
stylish: fashion 852 Adj.
stylite: clergy 996 N.
stylus: hearing 418 N.
styptic: sourness 397 Adj.
styx: hell 982 N.
suan-pan: numeration 85 N.
suant: facility 705 Adj.
suasible: willingness 602 Adj.
suasion: motive 615 N.
suasive: motive 615 Adj.
suasory: motive 615 Adj.
suavity: courtesy 894 N.
sub jove: exteriority 220 Adv.
sub: inferiority 34 Adj.
subacid: sourness 397 Adj.
subaction: pulverulence 330 N.
subahdar: master 745 N.
subalpine: height 206 Adj.
subaltern: master 745 N. servant 746 N. combatant 726 N. inferiority 34 Adj. commonality 876 Adj.
subaqueous: depth 208 Adj.
subarborescent: symmetry 242 Adj.
subastral: world 318 Adj.
subation: excretion 299 N.
subatomic: smallness 32 Adj. littleness 193 Adj.
subaudition: information 527 N.
subclavate: convexity 250 Adj.
subcommittee: council 696 N.
subconscious: intellect 450 Adj.
subcontrary: contraposition 237 Adj.
subcutaneous: interiority 221 Adj.
subdean: clergy 996 N.
subdepartment: class 75 N.
subdichotomy: bisection 91 N.
subdititious: substitution 147 Adj.
subdivide: disjunction 44 V.
subdivision: disjunction 44 N. part 51 N. combatant 726 N.
subdolous: cunning 702 Adj.
subdominant: melody concord 413 N.
subdual: success 731 N.
subduct: nonaddition, subtraction 38 V.
subduction: nonaddition, subtraction 38 N. taking 789 N.
subdue: success 731 V. moderation 174 V.
subdued: inexcitability 826 Adj.
subeditor: book 593 N.
suberose: levity 320 Adj.
suberous: levity 320 Adj.
subitaneous: instantaneity 113 Adj.
subito: instantaneity 113 Adv.
subjacent: lowness 207 Adj.
subject matter: topic 454 N. meaning 516 N.
subject of controversy: inquiry 461 N.
subject of dispute: discord 713 N.
subject of inquiry: inquiry 461 N.
subject of thought: topic 454 N.
subject to examination: inquiry 461 V.
subject to interrogation: inquiry 461 V.
subject to trial: experiment 463 V.
subject to: qualification 469 Adv. uncertainty 475 Adj.
subject: subjection 749 Adj. servant 746 N. meaning 516 N. experiment 463 N. topic 454 N. liability 177 Adj. subjection 749 V.
subjected: subjection 749 Adj.
subjection: obedience 743 N. subjection 749 N. necessity 601 N.
subjective: intrinsicality 5 Adj. immateriality 317 Adj. intellect 450 Adj.
subjectiveness: intrinsicality 5 N.
subjoin: addition 37 V.
subjugate: restraint 751 V. subjection 749 V. success 731 V.
subjugation of feeling: inexcitability 826 N.
subjugation: success 731 N. failure 732 N. subjection 749 N. excitation 824 N.
subjunctive: addition 37 Adj.
sublapsarian: heterodoxy 984 N.
sublation: nonaddition, subtraction 38 N.
sublevation: elevation 307 N.
sublieutenant: master 745 N.
sublimate: elevation 307 V.
sublimated: levity 320 Adj.
sublimation: elevation 307 N.
sublime porte: master 745 N.
sublime: vaporization 336 V. disinterestedness 942 Adj. repute 873 Adj. greatness 31 Adj. beauty 845 Adj. vigor 574 Adj.
sublimification: beauty 845 N.
subliminal consciousness: intellect 450 N.
subliminal: intellect 450 Adj.
sublimination: vaporization 336 N.
sublimity: height 206 N. disinterestedness 942 N. repute 873 N. vigor 574 N. beauty 845 N.
sublineation: indication 550 N.
sublunary: world 318 Adj.
submarine: combatant 726 N. depth 208 Adj. ship 273 N.
submediant: melody concord 413 N.
submerge: destruction 162 V. plunge 310 V. water 337 V.
submerged: depth 208 Adj.
submergence: insertion 300 N.
submerse: plunge 310 V.
submersible: ship 273 N.
submersion: depth 208 N. insertion 300 N.
subminister to: aid 707 V.
subministration: aid 707 N.
submission: humility 879 N. submission 725 N. obedience 743 N. subjection 749 N. inexcitability 826 N. hopelessness 859 N.
submissive: facility 705 Adj. obedience 743 Adj. inexcitability 826 Adj. humility 879 Adj. submission 725 Adj.
submissiveness: obedience 743 N.
submissness: obedience 743 N.
submit to arbitration: compromise 774 V.
submit to the proof: experiment 463 V.
submit to the test: experiment 463 V.
submit with a good grace: humility 879 V. submission 725 V. inexcitability 826 V.
submit: humility 879 V. inexcitability 826 V. subjection 749 V. supposition 514 V. obedience 743 V. submission 725 V. hopelessness 859 V.
submonish: advice 695 V.
submonition: advice 695 N.
submultiple: number 84 N.
subordinacy: inferiority 34 N.
subordinancy: sequence 63 N.
subordinate: inferiority 34 Adj. unimportance 643 Adj. subjection 749 Adj.
subordination: order 58 N. subjection 749 N.
suborn: motive 615 V. purchase 795 V.
subpanation: rite 998 N.
subplot: plan 626 N.
subpoena: lawsuit 969 N. command 741 N. command 741 V.
subreption: falsehood 544 N. acquisition 775 N.
subscribe to: assent 488 V. aid 707 V.
subscribe: compact 769 V. giving 784 V. expenditure 809 V.
subscription: giving 784 N.
subsequence: posteriority 117 N.
subsequent age: futurity 121 N.
subsequent ages: futurity 121 N.
subsequent days: futurity 121 N.
subsequent hours: futurity 121 N.
subsequent life: futurity 121 N.
subsequent time: futurity 121 N.
subsequent years: futurity 121 N.
subsequent: posteriority 117 Adj. sequence 63 Adj. sequence 281 Adj.
subsequently: posteriority 117 Adv. sequence 63 Adv.
subserve: aid 707 V. instrumentality 631 V. utility 644 V.
subservience: tendency 176 N. instrumentality 631 N. utility 644 N.
subserviency: instrumentality 631 N. servility 886 N.
subservient: use 677 Adj. aid 707 Adj. instrumentality 631 Adj. tendency 176 Adj. utility 644 Adj.
subset: class 75 N.
subside: nonincrease, decrease 36 V.
subsidence: nonincrease, decrease 36 N. descent 306 N.
subsidiary: tendency 176 Adj. servant 746 N. utility 644 Adj. aid 707 Adj.
subsidize: expenditure 809 V.
subsidy: giving 784 N. expenditure 809 N.
subsist: life 359 V. existence 1 V. permanence 141 V.
subsistence: food 298 N. existence 1 N.
subsoil: interiority 221 N. land 342 N.
subsonic aircraft: ship 273 N.
substance: materiality 316 N. wealth 803 N. importance 642 N. texture 329 N. interiority 221 N. quantity 25 N. substantiality 3 N. meaning 516 N.
substandard language: neologism 563 N.
substantial meal: food 298 N.
substantial meaning: meaning 516 N.
substantial: truth 494 Adj. existence 1 Adj. substantiality 3 Adj. materiality 316 Adj. density 321 Adj.
substantiality: substantiality 3 N. materiality 316 N.
substantially true: truth 494 Adj.
substantially: substantiality 3 Adv. intrinsicality 5 Adv. whole 50 Adv.
substantialness: substantiality 3 N. materiality 316 N.
substantiate: dueness 924 V. evidence 467 V. demonstration 478 V. truth 494 V.
substantiated: truth 494 Adj.
substantive: substantiality 3 Adj. existence 1 Adj.
substitute: substitution 147 N. substitution 147 V. substitute 634 N. deputy 759 N. transfer 783 V.
substituted: substitution 147 Adj.
substitution: substitution 147 N. transfer 783 N.
substrata: layer 204 N.
substratum: support 215 N. materiality 316 N. base 211 N. layer 204 N. substantiality 3 N. interiority 221 N.
substructure: base 211 N.
subsultorily: agitation 315 Adv.
subsultory: agitation 315 Adj.
subsultus: agitation 315 N.
subtend: contraposition 237 V.
subterfuge: cunning 702 N. Pretext 617 N. intuition 477 N. untruth 546 N.
subterranean: depth 208 Adj.
subterraneous: depth 208 Adj.
subterrene: depth 208 Adj.
subtile: levity 320 Adj. rarity 322 Adj. texture 329 Adj.
subtility: rarity 322 N.
subtilization: rarity 322 N.
subtilize: rarity 322 V. intuition 477 V.
subtilty: rarity 322 N.
subtle distinction: difference 15 N.
subtle point: difficulty 704 N.
subtle reasoning: reasoning 476 N.
subtle: smallness 32 Adj. cunning 702 Adj.
subtlety: rarity 322 N. intuition 477 N. intelligence, wisdom 498 N. cunning 702 N.
subtract: nonincrease, decrease 36 V. numeration 85 V. nonaddition, subtraction 38 V.
subtracted: nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adj.
subtraction: nonincrease, decrease 36 N. nonaddition, subtraction 38 N. numeration 85 N. taking 789 N.
subtractive: nonaddition, subtraction 38 Adj.
subtrahend: nonaddition, subtraction 38 N. number 84 N.
subtype: class 75 N.
subulate: sharpness 253 Adj.
suburb: abode 189 N.
suburban mall: mart 799 N.
suburban: abode 189 Adj. circumjacence 227 Adj.
suburbs: circumjacence 227 N. nearness 197 N.
subvention: support 215 N. provision 637 N. aid 707 N. giving 784 N.
subversion: destruction 162 N. inversion 218 N. revolution 146 N. depression 308 N.
subversive: destruction 162 Adj.
subvert: destruction 162 V. inversion 218 V. depression 308 V. counter evidence 468 V.
subway map: journey 266 N.
subway: journey 266 N.
succedaneum: substitution 147 N.
succeed to: acquisition 775 V.
succeed: sequence 63 V. posteriority 117 V. success 731 V. transfer 783 V.
succeeding: success 731 Adj. sequence 63 Adj. posteriority 117 Adj. sequence 281 Adj.
success story: success 731 N.
success: success 731 N. prosperity 734 N.
successful: success 731 Adj.
successfully: success 731 Adv.
successfulness: success 731 N.
succession of ideas: thought 451 N.
succession of thought: thought 451 N.
succession of time: course 109 N.
succession: transfer 783 N. posteriority 117 N. repetition 104 N. sequence 63 N. continuity 69 N.
successive: continuity 69 Adj.
successiveness: sequence 63 N.
successless: failure 732 Adj.
successlessness: failure 732 N.
successor: sequel 65 N. posteriority 117 N.
succinct: conciseness 572 Adj.
succor: aid 707 V. aid 707 N.
succors: aid 707 N.
succuba: demon 980 N.
succubus: demon 980 N.
succulent: food 298 Adj. fluidity 333 Adj. semiliquidity 352 Adj.
succumb: fatigue 688 V. submission 725 V. failure 732 V.
succussion: agitation 315 N.
such a one: mankind 372 N.
such as: similarity 17 Adj.
such being the case: circumstance 8 Adv. state 7 Adv.
such joy ambition finds: desire 865 Phr.
such like: similarity 17 Adj.
suck in: reception 296 V.
suck like a leech: taking 789 V.
suck the blood of: taking 789 V.
suck the brains of: inquiry 461 V.
suck up to: flattery 933 V.
suck up: food 298 V. servility 886 V.
suck: ejection 297 V. food 298 V.
sucker: opening 260 N. dupe 547 N. servility 886 N.
sucking: reception 296 N.
suckle: aid 707 V.
suckling: infant 129 N.
suckup: flatterer 935 N.
suction: reception 296 N.
sudarium: spell 993 N.
sudary: cleanness 652 N.
sudatory: furnace 386 N.
sudden burst: inexpectation 508 N.
sudden change: revolution 146 N.
sudden death: death 360 N.
sudden thought: impulse 612 N.
sudden: transientness 111 Adj. instantaneity 113 Adj. earliness 132 Adj. inexpectation 508 Adj.
suddenly: inexpectation 508 Adv. instantaneity 113 Adv. earliness 132 Adv.
suddenness: earliness 132 N. transientness 111 N. instantaneity 113 N.
sudorific: heat 382 Adj.
suds: bubble; cloud 353 N.
sue: request 765 V. lawsuit 969 V.
suerte: apportionment 786 N.
suet: oil 356 N.
suffer an eclipse: disappearance 449 V. concealment 528 V.
suffer for: punishment 972 V.
suffer pain: physical pain 378 V. pain 828 V.
suffer punishment: punishment 972 V.
suffer: inexcitability 826 V. pain 828 V. punishment 972 V. permission 760 V. disease 655 V. physical pain 378 V. eventuality 151 V. feeling 821 V.
sufferance: pain 828 N. inexcitability 826 N. feeling 821 N. physical pain 378 N. permission 760 N.
sufferer: pain 828 N.
suffering: pain 828 N. physical pain 378 N. feeling 821 N. pain 828 Adj.
suffice: sufficiency 639 V.
sufficiency: completeness 52 N. sufficiency 639 N.
sufficient: sufficiency 639 Adj.
sufficiently: sufficiency 639 Adv.
suffix: adjunct 39 N. sequence 63 V. sequel 65 N. letter 561 N.
sufflation: wind 349 N.
suffocate: killing 361 V. redundancy 641 V.
suffocating: heat 382 Adj. fetor 401 Adj.
suffocation: death 360 N. killing 361 N.
suffragan: clergy 996 N.
suffrage: politics 737b N.
suffragette: woman 374 N.
suffragist: woman 374 N.
suffrance: physical pain 378 N.
suffuse: mixture 41 V.
suffusion: feeling 821 N. humility 879 N.
sufi: heterodoxy 984 N. clergy 996 N.
sufiism: heterodoxy 984 N.
sugar beets: sweetness 396 N.
sugar bowl: receptacle 191 N.
sugar cane: sweetness 396 N.
sugar loaf: sharpness 253 N. convexity 250 N.
sugar: favorite 899 N. sweetness 396 N.
sugar-candy: sweetness 396 N.
sugar-coat the pill: pleasurableness 829 V.
sugar-plum: sweetness 396 N.
suggest a doubt: unbelief doubt 485 V.
suggest itself: imagination 515 V. supposition 514 V. thought 451 V.
suggest the question: inquiry 461 V.
suggest: advice 695 V. information 527 V. memory 505 V. supposition 514 V.
suggestio falsi: falsehood 544 N.
suggestion: advice 695 N. memory 505 N. supposition 514 N. meaning 516 N. information 527 N. plan 626 N.
suggestive: description 594 Adj. meaning 516 Adj. supposition 514 Adj. memory 505 Adv.
suicidal: destruction 162 Adj. killing 361 Adj.
suicide: killing 361 N.
suigenetic: reproduction 163 Adj.
suit in law: lawsuit 969 N.
suit the occasion: occasion 134 V. expedience 646 V.
suit the season: expedience 646 V.
suit the time: expedience 646 V.
suit: expedience 646 V. request 765 N. endearment 902 N. lawsuit 969 N. class 75 N. continuity 69 N. agreement 23 V. clothing 225 N.
suitable season: occasion 134 N.
suitable time: occasion 134 N.
suitable: agreement 23 Adj. occasion 134 Adj. expedience 646 Adj.
suite of rooms: receptacle 191 N.
suite: sequel 65 N. continuity 69 N. servant 746 N.
suiting: agreement 23 Adj.
suitor: lawsuit 969 N. petitioner 767 N. love 897 N.
sulcated: furrow 259 Adj.
sulcus: furrow 259 N.
sulk: dejection 837 V. discourtesy 895 V. sullenness 901a V.
sulks: resentment 900 N. sullenness 901a N.
sulky: vehicle 272 N. sullenness 901a Adj. irascibility 901 Adj. resentment 900 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. obstinacy 606 Adj. discontent 832 Adj.
sullen: sullenness 901a Adj. obstinacy 606 Adj. malevolence 907 Adj. dejection 837 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj.
sullenness: sullenness 901a N.
sully: uncleanness 653 V.
sulphur: fuel 388 N.
sulphur-colored: yellowness 436 Adj.
sultan: master 745 N.
sultana: master 745 N.
sultry: moisture 339 Adj. heat 382 Adj.
sum and substance: compendium 596 N. importance 642 N. meaning 516 N.
sum total: money 800 N. whole 50 N.
sum up: numeration 85 V. description 594 V. compendium 596 V.
sum: quantity 25 N. whole 50 N. number 84 N. numeration 85 V. money 800 N.
sumless: infinity 105 Adj.
summarily: earliness 132 Adv. conciseness 572 Adv.
summarize: compendium 596 V.
summary of facts: description 594 N.
summary: shortness 201 Adj. illegality 964 Adj. earliness 132 Adj. transientness 111 Adj. compendium 596 N. conciseness 572 Adj.
summation: numeration 85 N.
summer heat: heat 382 N.
summer lightning: luminary 423 N.
summer: heat 382 N. support 215 N. morning 125 N.
summerhouse: receptacle 191 N.
summerset: inversion 218 N.
summit conference: summit 210 N.
summit: summit 210 N. perfection 650 N.
summity: summit 210 N.
summon up courage: courage 861 V.
summon up: excitation 824 V. memory 505 V.
summon: lawsuit 969 V. command 741 V.
summons: command 741 N. lawsuit 969 N. lawsuit 969 V.
sumo: contention 720 N.
sump: marsh 345 N. uncleanness 653 N.
sumpter horse: carrier 271 N.
sumpter mule: carrier 271 N.
sumptuary: money 800 Adj. expenditure 809 Adj.
sumptuous: ostentation 882 Adj.
sun dog: luminary 423 N.
sun oneself: calefaction 384 V.
sun painting: painting 556 N.
sun: repute 873 N. heat 382 N. world 318 N. luminary 423 N.
sunbathe: calefaction 384 V.
sunbeam: light 420 N.
sun-burnt: brown 433 Adj.
sunday: regularity of recurrence 138 N.
sunder: disjunction 44 V.
sundial: chronometry 114 N.
sundown: evening 126 N.
sundowner: commonality 876 N.
sundry: multitude 102 Adj.
sunglass: optical instruments 445 N.
sunglasses: optical instruments 445 N.
sunk fence: defense 717 N.
sunk in iniquity: vice 945 Adj.
sunk in oblivion: oblivion 506 Adj.
sunk: dejection 837 Adj. depth 208 Adj.
sunken rocks: pitfall 667 N.
sunless: darkness 421 Adj.
sunlight: light 420 N.
sunni: heterodoxy 984 N.
sunny side: pleasurableness 829 N.
sunny: heat 382 Adj. light 420 Adj. cheerfulness 836 Adj.
sunrise: morning 125 N.
sunset: evening 126 N.
sunshade: covering 223 N. shade 424 N.
sunshine of the breast: cheerfulness 836 N.
sunshine of the mind: cheerfulness 836 N.
sunshine: light 420 N. prosperity 734 N. pleasure 827 N.
sunstone: jewelry 847a N.
sunstroke: calefaction 384 N. insanity 503 N.
sunup: morning 125 N.
suo marte: skill 698 Adv. exertion 686 Adv.
sup full of horrors: pain 828 V.
sup: food 298 V. smallness 32 N. food 298 N.
super now account: money 800 N.
super: drama 599 N.
superable: possibility 470 Adj.
superabound: redundancy 641 V. sufficiency 639 V.
superabundance: redundancy 641 N.
superabundant: redundancy 641 Adj.
superadd: increase 35 V. addition 37 V.
superaddition: addition 37 N.
superaltation: repute 873 N.
superannuated: age 128 Adj.
superannuation: age 128 N.
superb: beauty 845 Adj.
supercargo: director 694 N.
supercherie: deception 545 N.
supercilious: contempt 930 Adj. pride 878 Adj. insolence 885 Adj. disrespect 929 Adj.
superciliousness: disrespect 929 N.
superdense matter: density 321 N.
superego: duty 926 N.
supereminence: goodness 648 N. repute 873 N.
supereminent: repute 873 Adj.
supererogation: inutility 645 N.
supererogatory: redundancy 641 Adj.
superexcellence: perfection 650 N.
super-excellence: goodness 648 N.
superexcellent: goodness 648 Adj.
superfetation: addition 37 N. productiveness 168 N.
superficial conceptions: misjudgment 481 N.
superficial extent: space 180 N. breadth, thickness 202 N.
superficial ideas: misjudgment 481 N.
superficial notions: misjudgment 481 N.
superficial views: misjudgment 481 N.
superficial: misjudgment 481 Adj. shallowness 209 Adj. exteriority 220 Adj. ignorance 491 Adj.
superficies: exteriority 220 N.
superfine: goodness 648 Adj.
superfluence: redundancy 641 N.
superfluitant: ascent 305 Adj.
superfluity: remainder 40 N. redundancy 641 N.
superfluous: remainder 40 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj. inutility 645 Adj.
superhuman: perfection 650 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
superimpose: covering 223 V.
superimposed: covering 223 Adj. height 206 Adj.
superimposition: covering 223 N.
superincumbent: height 206 Adj. gravity 319 Adj.
superinduce: change 140 V. cause 153 V. production 161 V.
superintend: direction 693 V.
superintendence: direction 693 N.
superintendent: director 694 N.
superior: superiority 33 Adj. importance 642 Adj. goodness 648 Adj. director 694 N. repute 873 Adj.
superiority of size: expansion 194 N.
superiority: importance 642 N. goodness 648 N. superiority 33 N. inequality 28 N. precedence 62 N.
superjunction: addition 37 N.
superlative: superiority 33 Adj.
superlatively: goodness 648 Adj. greatness 31 Adv. superiority 33 Adv.
superman: strength 159 N.
supermarket: mart 799 N.
supernal: summit 210 Adj. heaven 981 Adj.
supernatant: height 206 Adj. ascent 305 Adj.
supernatural aid: aid 707 N.
supernatural: demon 980 Adj. deity 976 Adj.
supernumerary: drama 599 N. store 636 Adj. redundancy 641 Adj. adjunct 39 N.
superphysical: intellect 450 Adj.
superplus: remainder 40 N.
superpose: addition 37 V. covering 223 V.
superposition: covering 223 N. addition 37 N.
supersaturate: redundancy 641 V.
supersaturated: redundancy 641 Adj.
superscription: indication 550 N. writing 590 N.
supersede: substitution 147 V. disuse 678 V. relinquishment 782 V.
supersensible regions: world 318 N.
supersensible: immateriality 317 Adj.
supersonic aircraft: ship 273 N.
superstar: drama 599 N. nobility 875 N.
superstition: intuition 477 N. credulity 486 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
superstitious: credulity 486 Adj. heterodoxy 984 Adj.
superstratum: exteriority 220 N.
superstructure: completion 729 N.
supertonic: melody concord 413 N.
supervacaneous: redundancy 641 Adj.
supervene: eventuality 151 V. addition 37 V. posteriority 117 V.
supervention: posteriority 117 N.
supervise: conduct 692 V. direction 693 V.
supervision: direction 693 N.
supervisor: director 694 N.
supination: horizontality 213 N.
supine: horizontality 213 Adj. inversion 218 Adj. neglect 460 Adj. inactivity 683 Adj. insensibility 823 Adj.
supineness: insensibility 823 N. neglect 460 N. inattention 458 N. indifference 866 N.
suppeditate: provision 637 V.
supper: food 298 N.
supplant: substitution 147 V.
supplanting: substitution 147 N.
supple as a glove: servility 886 Adj.
supple: softness 324 Adj. servility 886 Adj.
supplement: addition 37 N. adjunct 39 N. completeness 52 N.
supplemental: addition 37 Adj. completeness 52 Adj.
supplementary: addition 37 Adj. completeness 52 Adj.
suppletory: addition 37 Adj.
suppliant: request 765 Adj. petitioner 767 N.
supplicant: desire 865 N. request 765 Adj. petitioner 767 N.
supplicate: request 765 V. pity 914 V. worship 990 V.
supplication: request 765 N. worship 990 N.
supplicatory: request 765 Adj.
supplies: materials 635 N. aid 707 N. money 800 N.
supply aid: aid 707 V.
supply consolation: condolence 915 V.
supply deficiencies: completeness 52 V.
supply foundations: support 215 V.
supply support: support 215 V.
supply the place of: substitution 147 V.
supply: provision 637 N. store 636 N. giving 784 V. provision 637 V.
support life: life 359 V.
support: aid 707 N. vindication 937 N. inexcitability 826 V. aid 707 V. preservation 670 V. preservation 670 N. instrument 633 N. evidence 467 V. evidence 467 N. carrier 271 N. support 215 V. support 215 N. agency 170 V. refuge 666 N. feeling 821 V.
supportance: feeling 821 N. inexcitability 826 N.
supported: support 215 Adj.
supporter: support 215 N. politics 737b N.
supporters: indication 550 N.
supporting actor: drama 599 N.
supporting cast: drama 599 N.
supporting: support 215 Adj.
supposable: supposition 514 Adj.
suppose: supposition 514 V.
supposing: qualification 469 Adv. supposition 514 Adj.
supposition: supposition 514 N.
suppositional: supposition 514 Adj.
suppositious: supposition 514 Adj.
supposititious: inexistence 2 Adj. undueness 925 Adj. untruth 546 Adj. deception 545 Adj. counter evidence 468 Adj. supposition 514 Adj.
suppositive: supposition 514 Adj.
suppository: remedy 662 N.
suppress: aphony 581 V. concealment 528 V. destruction 162 V. restraint 751 V.
suppression of truth: concealment 528 N. falsehood 544 N.
suppression: destruction 162 N. concealment 528 N. restraint 751 N.
suppuration: uncleanness 653 N.
supputation: numeration 85 N.
suppute: numeration 85 V.
supralapsarian: heterodoxy 984 N.
supramundane: probity 939 Adj.
supremacy: superiority 33 N. government 737a N.
supreme court: government 737a N.
supreme good: good 618 N.
supreme principle: intellect 450 N.
supreme: superiority 33 Adj. authority 737 Adj. summit 210 Adj.
supremely: superiority 33 Adv.
surbate: deterioration 659 Adj.
surbated: fatigue 688 Adj.
surcease: cessation 142 V.
surcharge and falsify: accounts 811 V.
surcharge: redundancy 641 V.
surcingle: connection 45 N.
surcoat: clothing 225 N.
surd: number 84 N. deafness 419 Adj. number 84 Adj.
surdity: deafness 419 N.
sure as a gun: certainty 474 Adj.
sure as death and taxes: certainty 474 Adj.
sure as fate: certainty 474 Adj.
sure enough: certainty 474 Adv. belief 484 Adv.
sure: certainty 474 Adj. safety 664 Adj. certainty 474 Adv. belief 484 Adj.
sure-footed: care 459 Adj. skill 698 Adj. caution 864 Adj.
surely you jest!: wit 842 Phr.
surely!: wonder 870 Int.
surety: certainty 474 N. safety 664 N. security 771 N.
surf: river 348 N. bubble; cloud 353 N.
surface car: vehicle 272 N.
surface texture: texture 329 N.
surface: texture 329 N. exteriority 220 N.
surfeit: satiety 869 V. redundancy 641 N. satiety 869 N.
surge: river 348 N. rotation 312 N. assemblage 72 V. ascent 305 V.
surgeon: remedy 662 N.
surgery: remedy 662 N.
surgical operation: remedy 662 N.
surly as a bear: discourtesy 895 Adj.
surly: malevolence 907 Adj. discourtesy 895 Adj. sullenness 901a Adj.
surmise: belief 484 N. belief 484 V. supposition 514 N. supposition 514 V.
surmount a difficulty: success 731 V.
surmount: height 206 V. transcursion 303 V. ascent 305 V.
surmountable: possibility 470 Adj.
surname: nomenclature 564 N.
surpass: repute 873 V. success 731 V. expansion 194 V. superiority 33 V. transcursion 303 V.
surpassing: superiority 33 Adv. transcursion 303 Adj.
surplice: canonicals 999 N.
surplus store: mart 799 N.
surplus: redundancy 641 N. remainder 40 N. superiority 33 N.
surplusage: redundancy 641 N. remainder 40 N.
surprise party: sociality 892 N.
surprise: inexpectation 508 N. inexpectation 508 V. cunning 702 V. wonder 870 N. wonder 870 V.
surprised: wonder 870 Adj. inexpectation 508 Adj.
surprising: inexpectation 508 Adj. wonder 870 Adj.
surprisingly: greatness 31 Adv. inexpectation 508 Adv.
surrebutter: answer 462 N. lawsuit 969 N.
surrejoinder: answer 462 N. lawsuit 969 N.
surrender at discretion: submission 725 V.
surrender one's life: death 360 V.
surrender: submission 725 V. relinquishment 782 N. relinquishment 782 V. hopelessness 859 N. hopelessness 859 V. submission 725 N.
surrendering: submission 725 Adj.
surreptitious: concealment 528 Adj. deception 545 Adj. untruth 546 Adj.
surrogacy: commission 755 N.
surrogate: deputy 759 N.
surround: circumscription 229 V. circumjacence 227 V.
surrounded by breakers: difficulty 704 Adj.
surrounded by quicksands: difficulty 704 Adj.
surrounded by shoals: difficulty 704 Adj.
surrounding: circumjacence 227 Adj.
surroundings: circumjacence 227 N. circumstance 8 N. situation 183 N. location 184 N.
surveillance: direction 693 N. care 459 N.
survene: eventuality 151 V.
survey: measurement 466 V. choice 609 N. measurement 466 N. experiment 463 N. vision 441 V. vision 441 N.
surveying: measurement 466 N.
surveyor: director 694 N.
survival: remainder 40 N. diuturnity 110 N.
survivance: remainder 40 N. diuturnity 110 N.
survive: permanence 141 V. restoration 660 V. remainder 40 V. diuturnity 110 V.
surviving: remainder 40 Adj.
susan b: money 800 N.
susceptibility: motive 615 N. sensibility 822 N. liability 177 N. tendency 176 N. power 157 N. irascibility 901 N.
susceptible: sensibility 822 Adj. irascibility 901 Adj.
susceptibleness: sensibility 822 N.
susceptive: sensibility 822 Adj.
susceptivity: liability 177 N. sensibility 822 N.
suscipiency: receiving 785 N.
suscipient: receiving 785 Adj.
suscitate: cause 153 V. production 161 V. violence 173 V.
suscitation: excitation 824 N.
suspect: unbelief doubt 485 Adj. unbelief doubt 485 V. supposition 514 V.
suspected: accusation 938 Adj.
suspectless: belief 484 Adj.
suspend: cessation 142 V. pendency 214 V. lateness 133 V.
suspended animation: insensibility 823 N.
suspended: pendency 214 Adj.
suspenders: connection 45 N.
suspense: irresolution 605 N. expectation 507 N. uncertainty 475 N. cessation 142 N.
suspension of arms: pacification 723 N.
suspension of hostilities: pacification 723 N.
suspension: cessation 142 N. pendency 214 N. melody concord 413 N.
suspicion: unbelief doubt 485 N. jealousy 920 N. fear 860 N. supposition 514 N. incredulity 487 N. knowledge 490 N.
suspicions: unbelief doubt 485 V.
suspicious of: unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
suspicious: incredulity 487 Adj. unbelief doubt 485 Adj.
suspiciousness: incredulity 487 N.
suspiration: lamentation 839 N.
sustain: preservation 670 V. aid 707 V. support 215 V. agency 170 V. strength 159 V. continuance in action 143 V. feeling 821 V.
sustained note: melody concord 413 N.
sustained: continuance in action 143 Adj.
sustaining power: agency 170 N.
sustenance: food 298 N.
sustentation: food 298 N. aid 707 N. support 215 N.
sustention: food 298 N.
susteritation: preservation 670 N.
susurrant: faintness 405 Adj.
susurrate: faintness 405 V.
susurration: faintness 405 N.
susurrous: faintness 405 Adj.
sutler: provision 637 N. merchant 797 N.
suttee: disinterestedness 942 N. idolatry 991 N. killing 361 N.
suture: junction 43 N.
suzerain: master 745 N.
suzerainty: government 737a N.
swab: dryness 340 V. bungler 701 N. cleanness 652 N. cleanness 652 V.
swad: size 192 N.
swaddle: clothing 225 V. restraint 751 V.
swaddling cloth: clothing 225 N.
swag bellied: expansion 194 Adj.
swag: pendency 214 V. booty 793 N. oscillation 314 V. descent 306 V. obliquity 217 N. moderation 174 V. curvature 245 V.
swagger: insolence 885 N. insolence 885 V. pride 878 V. boasting 884 V.
swaggerer: blusterer 887 N.
swaggering: insolence 885 Adj. insolence 885 N.
swagman: traveler 268 N.
swain: man 373 N. commonality 876 N. love 897 N.
swallow the bait: willingness 602 V. dupe 547 V.
swallow the leek: tergiversation 607 V. submission 725 V.
swallow the pill: submission 725 V.
swallow up: use 677 V. taking 789 V. waste 638 V. destruction 162 V.
swallow: reception 296 V. food 298 V. credulity 486 V. belief 484 V. inexcitability 826 V.
swamp boat: ship 273 N.
swamp: marsh 345 N. success 731 V. destruction 162 V.
swamped: failure 732 Adj.
swampy: moisture 339 Adj. marsh 345 Adj.
swan: animal 366 N.
swap: ship 273 N. barter 794 V. interchange 148 V. impulse 276 N. impulse 276 V.
sward: plain 344 N.
swarm like bees: multitude 102 V.
swarm like locusts: multitude 102 V.
swarm with: multitude 102 V.
swarm: sufficiency 639 V. multitude 102 V. multitude 102 N. assemblage 72 V. assemblage 72 N. redundancy 641 V.
swarming: assemblage 72 Adj.
swart: blackness 431 V.
swarthy: blackness 431 V.
swartliness: blackness 431 N.
swash: river 348 V. river 348 N. water 337 V.
swashbuckler fire eater: combatant 726 N.
swashbuckler: blusterer 887 N.
swashy: moisture 339 Adj.
swastika: spell 993 N.
swathe: clothing 225 V. restraint 751 V. junction 43 V.
sway the scepter: government 737a N.
sway to and fro: changeableness 149 V.
sway: influence 175 N. curvature 245 V. agitation 315 V. motive 615 V. government 737a N. power 157 N.
sweal: deterioration 659 Adj.
swear a witness: promise 768 V.
swear an affidavit: affirmation 535 V.
swear at: malediction 908 V.
swear by: belief 484 V. affirmation 535 V.
swear false: falsehood 544 V.
swear in: commission 755 V.
swear like a trooper: malediction 908 V.
swear off: temperance 953 V.
swear till all's blue: affirmation 535 V.
swear: impiety 988 V. malediction 908 V. insolence 885 V. promise 768 V. affirmation 535 V.
swearing: affirmation 535 N.
swearing-in: commission 755 N.
sweat of one's brow: exertion 686 N.
sweat: egress 295 V. fatigue 688 N. excretion 299 N. exertion 686 V. heat 382 V.
sweater vest: clothing 225 N.
sweater: clothing 225 N.
sweating: egress 295 N.
swedenborgian: heterodoxy 984 N.
sweep along: motion 264 V.
sweep away: destruction 162 V. ejection 297 V. relinquishment 782 V. abrogation 756 V.
sweep of time: course 109 N.
sweep off: ejection 297 V.
sweep out: cleanness 652 V. ejection 297 V.
sweep the chords: musician 416 V.
sweep to the winds: relinquishment 782 V.
sweep: space 180 N. uncleanness 653 N. cleanness 652 V. cleanness 652 N. deviation 279 N. velocity 274 V. curvature 245 V. stealing 791 V. curvature 245 N.
sweeping organic change: revolution 146 N.
sweeping: generality 78 Adj. whole 50 Adj. completeness 52 Adj.
sweepings: inutility 645 N. uncleanness 653 N.
sweepstakes: acquisition 775 N. receipt 810 N.
sweet as a nut: cleanness 652 Adj. sweetness 396 Adj.
sweet as honey: sweetness 396 Adj.
sweet as sugar: sweetness 396 Adj.
sweet forgetfulness: cheerfulness 836 N.
sweet revenge: revenge 919 N.
sweet shop: mart 799 N.
sweet smell: fragrance 400 N.
sweet tooth: desire 865 N.
sweet upon: love 897 Adj.
sweet wine: sweetness 396 N.
sweet words: courtesy 894 N.
sweet: melody concord 413 Adj. sweetness 396 Adj. love 897 Adj. pleasurableness 829 Adj. cleanness 652 Adj. color 428 Adj.
sweeten: sweetness 396 V. pleasurableness 829 V.
sweetened: sweetness 396 Adj.
sweetener: sweetness 396 N.
sweetheart: favorite 899 N. love 897 N.
sweetie: favorite 899 N.
sweetmeat: sweetness 396 N.
sweet'n low: sweetness 396 N.
sweetness and light: pleasurableness 829 Phr.
sweetness: sweetness 396 N.
sweets to the sweet: sweetness 396 Phr.
sweets: pleasurableness 829 N. sweetness 396 N. food 298 N.
sweet-scented: fragrance 400 Adj.
sweet-smelling: fragrance 400 Adj.
swell mob: thief 792 N.
swell out: diffuseness 573 V.
swell over: convexity 250 V.
swell the ranks of: addition 37 V.
swell with rage: resentment 900 V.
swell: insolence 885 V. expansion 194 V. approbation 931 V. fop 854 N. feeling 821 V. loudness 404 V. loudness 404 N. convexity 250 N. expansion 194 N. river 348 N. nobility 875 N.
swelling: expansion 194 N. convexity 250 N. ornament 577 Adj. feeling 821 Adj. excitation 824 Adj.
swelter: heat 382 V.
sweltered: heat 382 Adj.
sweltering: heat 382 Adj.
swerve: variation 20a V. change 140 V. deviation 279 V. unwillingness 603 V. tergiversation 607 V.
swerving: deviation 279 N.
swift as an arrow: velocity 274 Adj.
swift pace: velocity 274 N.
swift rate: velocity 274 N.
swift: instantaneity 113 Adj. velocity 274 Adj.
swiftly: velocity 274 Adv.
swiftness: velocity 274 N.
swig: drunkenness 959 V. food 298 V.
swill: food 298 N. food 298 V. intemperance 954 V. drunkenness 959 V.
swim against the stream: difficulty 704 V.
swim in: physical pleasure 377 V. sufficiency 639 V.
swim with the current: conformity 82 V.
swim with the stream: inactivity 683 V. facility 705 V. assent 488 V. concord 714 V. conformity 82 V.
swim with the tide: conformity 82 V. prosperity 734 V.
swim: levity 320 V. ascent 305 V. navigation 267 V.
swimming belt: refuge 666 N.
swimming bladder: gaseity 334 N.
swimming: dimsightedness 443 N. navigation 267 N. insanity 503 N.
swimmingly: facility 705 Adv. success 731 Adv. prosperity 734 Adv.
swindle: nonpayment 808 V. deception 545 N. deception 545 V. stealing 791 V.
swindler: thief 792 N. deceiver 548 N.
swine of epicurus: sensualist 954a N.
swine: animal 366 N.
swineherd: servant 746 N.
swing: pendency 214 V. punishment 972 V. amusement 840 N. freedom 748 N. oscillation 314 N. space 180 N. agency 170 N. oscillation 314 V.
swinge: punishment 972 V.
swinging: greatness 31 Adj.
swinish multitude: commonality 876 N.
swinish: gluttony 957 Adj. intemperance 954 Adj.
swink: exertion 686 N.
swish: sibilation 409 V.
swiss watch: chronometry 114 N.
switch off the lights: darkness 421 V.
switch off: cessation 142 V.
switch: scourge 975 N. punishment 972 V.
swivel eye: dimsightedness 443 N.
swivel: arms 727 N. rotation 312 N.
swollen: expansion 194 Adj. pride 878 Adj.
swoon: fatigue 688 N. fatigue 688 V. impotence 158 V.
swoop down upon: taking 789 V.
swoop to: taking 789 V.
swoop: descent 306 V. taking 789 N.
swoosh: velocity 274 V.
swop: barter 794 V.
sword in hand: preparation 673 Adj. warfare 722 Adj.
sword of damocles: pitfall 667 N.
sword: sharpness 253 N. arms 727 N.
sword-bayonet: arms 727 N.
sword-shaped: sharpness 253 Adj.
swordsman: combatant 726 N.
sword-stick: arms 727 N.
sybarite: sensualist 954a N.
sybaritical: intemperance 954 Adj.
sybaritism: intemperance 954 N.
syce: traveler 268 N.
sycophancy: servility 886 N. flattery 933 N.
sycophant: flatterer 935 N. knave 941 N. servility 886 N.
sycophantic: flattery 933 Adj. servility 886 Adj.
syenite blue: blueness 438 N.
syllabic: letter 561 Adj.
syllabicate: grammar 567 V.
syllabication: grammar 567 N.
syllable: letter 561 N.
syllabus: compendium 596 N.
syllogism: reasoning 476 N.
sylph: Jupiter 979 N.
sylphic: Jupiter 979 Adj.
sylphid: Jupiter 979 N.
sylph-like: Jupiter 979 Adj.
sylvan: vegetable 367 Adj.
symbol: indication 550 N. number 84 N.
symbolic: indication 550 Adj.
symbolically: indication 550 Adv.
symbolism: indication 550 N.
symbolization: indication 550 N.
symbolize: indication 550 V. representation 554 V.
symmetric: conformity 82 Adj.
symmetrical: beauty 845 Adj. symmetry 242 Adj. equality 27 Adj. order 58 Adj.
symmetry: equality 27 N. order 58 N. centrality 222 N. symmetry 242 N. beauty 845 N.
sympathetic vibrations: resonance 408 N.
sympathetic: friendship 888 Adj. love 897 Adj. benevolence 906 Adj. pity 914 Adj.
sympathize express pity: condolence 915 V.
sympathize with: love 897 V. benevolence 906 V. concord 714 V. friendship 888 V.
sympathize: pity 914 V.
sympathizer: friend 890 N. benevolence 906 N. pity 914 N.
sympathizing: benevolence 906 Adj.
sympathy: concord 714 N. condolence 915 N. pity 914 N. benevolence 906 N. love 897 N. friendship 888 N. affections 820 N. feeling 821 N.
symphonious: melody concord 413 Adj.
symphonize: melody concord 413 V.
symphonizing: melody concord 413 Adj.
symphony: precursor 64 N. music 415 N. concord 714 N.
symphysis: junction 43 N.
symposium: amusement 840 N.
symptom: indication 550 N.
symptomatic: indication 550 Adj.
symptomatology: interpretation 522 N.
synagogue: temple 1000 N.
synchronal: synchronism 120 Adj.
synchronic: synchronism 120 Adj.
synchronical: synchronism 120 Adj.
synchronism: synchronism 120 N.
synchronistical: synchronism 120 Adj.
synchronize watches: chronometry 114 V.
synchronize: accompaniment 88 V. synchronism 120 V.
synchronous: synchronism 120 Adj.
synchysis: inversion 218 N.
syncopation: melody concord 413 N.
syncope: conciseness 572 N. fatigue 688 N. melody concord 413 N. impotence 158 N.
syncretic: derangement 61 Adj.
syncretism: disagreement 24 N. heterodoxy 984 N.
syncretistic: derangement 61 Adj.
syndic: master 745 N. judge 967 N.
syndicate: council 696 N. party 712 N.
synecdoche: metaphor 521 N.
synergetic: cooperation 709 Adj.
synergistic: cooperation 709 Adj.
synergistically: cooperation 709 Adv.
synergize: cooperation 709 V.
synergy: concurrence 178 N. cooperation 709 N. influence 175 N.
syngenic: intrinsicality 5 Adj.
synod: council 696 N. churchdom 995 N.
synonym: meaning 516 N. interpretation 522 N.
synonymous: interpretation 522 Adj. meaning 516 Adj. equality 27 Adj.
synopsis: list 86 N. compendium 596 N. arrangement 60 N.
synoptic: compendium 596 Adj.
synovia: lubrication 332 N.
syntagma: arrangement 60 N.
syntax: grammar 567 N.
syntaxis: arrangement 60 N.
syntectic: disease 655 Adj.
syntectical: disease 655 Adj.
syntexis: disease 655 N.
synthesis gas: fuel 388 N.
synthesis: reasoning 476 N. combination 48 N. contrariety 14 Phr.
synthetic gas: fuel 388 N.
synthetic jewels: deception 545 N.
synthetic rubber: elasticity 325 N.
synthetic ruby: jewelry 847a N.
synthetic: deception 545 Adj.
syringe: receptacle 191 N. water 337 V. river 348 N.
syrt: pitfall 667 N.
syrtis: pitfall 667 N.
syrup: sweetness 396 N.
system of cornaro: temperance 953 N.
system of knowledge: knowledge 490 N.
system of opinions: belief 484 N.
system of pythagoras: temperance 953 N.
system: frequency 136 N. order 58 N. plan 626 N.
systematic botany: botany 369 N.
systematic: order 58 Adj. arrangement 60 Adj.
systematically: order 58 Adv.
systematize: order 58 V. arrangement 60 V. plan 626 V.
systole: contraction 195 N.
syzygy: contiguity 199 N.