Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

This HTML version by Andrew Ritz, Langtech.
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244. Angularity -- N. angularity, angularness † ; aduncity † ; angle, cusp, bend; fold &c 258; notch &c 257; fork, bifurcation.

245. Curvature -- N. curvature, curvity † , curvation † ; incurvature † , incurvity † ; incurvation † ; bend; flexure, flexion, flection † ; conflexure † ; crook, hook, bought, bending; deflection, deflexion † ; inflection, inflexion † ; concameration † ; arcuation † , devexity † , turn, deviation, detour, sweep; curl, curling; bough; recurvity † , recurvation † ; sinuosity &c 248.

246. Straightness -- N. straightness, rectilinearity † , directness; inflexibility &c (stiffness) 323; straight line, right line, direct line; short cut.

247. [Simple circularity.] Circularity -- N. circularity, roundness; rotundity &c 249.

248. [Complex curvature.] Convolution -- N. winding &c v.; convolution, involution, circumvolution; wave, undulation, tortuosity, anfractuosity † ; sinuosity, sinuation † ; meandering, circuit, circumbendibus † , twist, twirl, windings and turnings, ambages † ; torsion; inosculation † ; reticulation &c (crossing) 219; rivulation † ; roughness &c 256.

249. Rotundity -- N. rotundity; roundness &c adj.; cylindricity † ; sphericity, spheroidity † ; globosity † .